seedlot upload with accession synonyms. seedlot upload works to update existing seedlots
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller /
2 package SGN::Controller::Seedlot;
4 use Moose;
6 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
8 use CXGN::Stock::Seedlot;
9 use Data::Dumper;
11 sub seedlots :Path('/breeders/seedlots') :Args(0) {
12 my $self = shift;
13 my $c = shift;
15 $c->stash->{timestamp} = localtime();
16 $c->stash->{template} = '/breeders_toolbox/seedlots.mas';
20 sub seedlot_detail :Path('/breeders/seedlot') Args(1) {
21 my $self = shift;
22 my $c = shift;
23 my $seedlot_id = shift;
24 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", "sgn_chado");
25 my $phenome_schema = $c->dbic_schema("CXGN::Phenome::Schema");
26 my $people_schema = $c->dbic_schema("CXGN::People::Schema");
28 my $sl = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->new(
29 schema => $schema,
30 phenome_schema => $phenome_schema,
31 seedlot_id => $seedlot_id
33 my @content_accession_names;
34 my @content_cross_names;
35 my $accessions = $sl->accession();
36 my $accessions_html = '';
37 if ($accessions){
38 $accessions_html .= '<a href="/stock/'.$accessions->[0].'/view">'.$accessions->[1].'</a> (accession)';
39 push @content_accession_names, $accessions->[1];
41 my $crosses = $sl->cross();
42 my $crosses_html = '';
43 if ($crosses){
44 $crosses_html .= '<a href="/cross/'.$crosses->[0].'">'.$crosses->[1].'</a> (cross)';
45 push @content_cross_names, $crosses->[1];
47 my $populations = $sl->populations();
48 my $populations_html = '';
49 foreach (@$populations){
50 $populations_html .= '<a href="/stock/'.$_->[0].'/view">'.$_->[1].'</a> ';
52 my $owners = $sl->owners;
53 my $owners_string = '';
54 foreach (@$owners){
55 my $p = $people_schema->resultset("SpPerson")->find({sp_person_id=>$_});
56 $owners_string .= '<a href="/solpeople/'.$p->sp_person_id.'">'.$p->username.'</a>';
58 $c->stash->{seedlot_id} = $seedlot_id;
59 $c->stash->{uniquename} = $sl->uniquename();
60 $c->stash->{organization_name} = $sl->organization_name();
61 $c->stash->{box_name} = $sl->box_name();
62 $c->stash->{population_name} = $populations_html;
63 $c->stash->{content_html} = $accessions_html ? $accessions_html : $crosses_html;
64 $c->stash->{content_accession_name} = $content_accession_names[0];
65 $c->stash->{content_cross_name} = $content_cross_names[0];
66 $c->stash->{current_count} = $sl->get_current_count_property();
67 $c->stash->{current_weight} = $sl->get_current_weight_property();
68 $c->stash->{owners_string} = $owners_string;
69 $c->stash->{timestamp} = localtime();
70 $c->stash->{template} = '/breeders_toolbox/seedlot_details.mas';