3 population.t - tests for cgi-bin/phenome/population*
7 Tests for cgi-bin/phenome/population/*
17 use Test::WWW::Mechanize;
20 use SGN::Test qw/validate_urls/;
22 my $base_url = $ENV{SGN_TEST_SERVER};
23 my $url = "/phenome/population_indls.pl?population_id=12&cvterm_id=47515";
25 my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize->new;
26 $mech->get("$base_url/$url");
27 if ($mech->content =~ m/temp dir .* not (found|writable)|Failed to obtain lock|failed to submit cluster job/) {
28 plan skip_all => "Skipping QTL Analysis page due to incomplete configuration";
31 validate_urls({ "QTL Analysis Page" => $url });