2 #### most commonly altered config variables ####
4 #is this a production server?
7 #default database connection info
8 dbhost db.sgn.cornell.edu
13 vigs_tool_blast_datasets 148 149 196 69
19 # who is the web server user for chowning and emailing. need to set
20 # these manually under Apache mod_perl for example, because the server
21 # runs under a different user than when it starts.
23 www_group __GROUPNAME__
25 # when true, server removes its tempfiles when the app is started
26 clear_tempfiles_on_restart 1
28 r_qtl_temp_path /static/documents/tempfiles/solqtl/__USERNAME__
29 ##### other config variables #####
33 dbsearchpath annotation
37 dbsearchpath pheno_population
40 dbsearchpath tomato_gff
41 dbsearchpath biosource
43 dbsearchpath sgn_people
45 <DatabaseConnection sgn_test>
46 #password set_this_please
47 dsn dbi:Pg:host=localhost;dbname=cxgn
51 search_path annotation
55 search_path pheno_population
58 search_path tomato_gff
61 search_path sgn_people
64 ### Cview configuration parameters
66 cview_default_map_id 9
69 ## captcha keys for the production site
70 captcha_private_key 6Lc__9YSAAAAANcTczARhRnZRkKmzWjnhipyqI6f
71 captcha_public_key 6Lc__9YSAAAAAH2ODL2FlR8jKa2Ms9i9d_0ziBWr
73 contact_form_human_question 2+3
74 contact_form_human_answer 5
76 ### backcompat variables for the various static content types
77 # relative URL and absolute path for static datasets
78 static_datasets_url /data
79 static_datasets_path /export/prod/public
81 # relative URL and absoluate path for static site content
82 static_content_url /static_content
83 static_content_path /export/prod/public/sgn_static_content
84 homepage_files_dir /export/prod/public/sgn_static_content/homepage
86 # this needs to be here rather than in the CGI controller itself to
87 # work around a bug in all but the most recent
88 # Catalyst::Controller::CGIBin
90 cgi_dir __path_to(cgi-bin)__
93 <Controller::Genomes::Tomato>
94 bac_publish_subdir tomato_genome/bacs
95 </Controller::Genomes::Tomato>
98 disposition host-header # application-wide
99 uri_class URI::SmartURI # by default
103 <View::Email::ErrorEmail>
105 content_type text/plain
106 to sgn-bugs@solgenomics.net
107 from sgn-bugs@solgenomics.net
110 dump_skip_class Catalyst Catalyst::Stats DBIx::Class::Schema DBIx::Class::ResultSet DBIx::Class::Row HTML::Mason::Interp
111 </View::Email::ErrorEmail>
113 # should we send emails, if we are a production server? this can be
114 # used to turn off emails if we are being bombarded.
115 admin_email sgn-feedback@solgenomics.net
116 feedback_email sgn-feedback@solgenomics.net
117 bugs_email sgn-bugs@solgenomics.net
118 email sgn-feedback@solgenomics.net
119 tokn_email scp78@cornell.edu
122 # URL of the canonical, main production site
123 main_production_site_url http://solgenomics.net
125 #is there a system message text file somewhere we should be displaying?
126 system_message_file __HOME__/system_message.txt
127 # defaults to /tmp/<user>/SGN-site
134 # where to run cluster jobs - nothing means "batch" queue
138 # where to run cluster jobs
139 web_cluster_queue batch
142 #is this a mirror of SGN, or the real thing?
145 # how to find cosii_files for markerinfo.pl
146 cosii_files /export/cosii2
148 # log files, ABSOLUTE PATHS
149 error_log /var/log/sgn-site/error.log
150 access_log /var/log/sgn-site/access.log
151 rewrite_log /var/log/sgn-site/rewrite.log
152 blast_log /export/prod/tmp/blast/blast.log
155 hmmsearch_location hmmsearch
156 intron_finder_database /export/prod/public/intron_finder_database
158 trace_path /export/prod/public/chromatograms
159 image_dir /images/image_files
160 image_path /export/prod/public/images
161 tempfiles_subdir /static/documents/tempfiles
162 submit_dir /data/shared/submit-uploads
163 programs_subdir /programs
164 documents_subdir /documents
166 support_data_subdir /support_data
168 #stock tempfiles (for downloading phenotype and genotype raw data)
169 stock_tempfiles /static/documents/tempfiles/stock
171 #currently our cookies encrypt stuff, so this is just a random string to use to do that
172 cookie_encryption_key bo9yie2JeeVee6ouAhch9aomeesieJ3iShae8aa8
174 # where the genefamily info is stored
175 genefamily_dir /export/prod/private/genomes/genefamily/
177 # the right ontology db name for the trait search
178 trait_ontology_db_name SP
179 onto_root_namespaces GO (Gene Ontology), PO (Plant Ontology), SO (Sequence Ontology), PATO (Phenotype and Trait Ontology), SP (Solanaceae Ontology)
182 <feature SGN::Feature::FeaturePages>
185 <feature SGN::Feature::LocusPages>
189 # default GBrowse2 configuration, for a Debian gbrowse2 installation
190 <feature SGN::Feature::GBrowse2>
192 perl_inc /usr/local/share/website/gbrowse/lib/perl5
193 tmp_dir /usr/local/share/website/tmp/gbrowse
195 static_url /gbrowse/static
197 cgi_bin /usr/lib/cgi-bin/gbrowse
198 static_dir /usr/local/share/website/gbrowse/htdocs
201 # default ITAG config
202 <feature SGN::Feature::ITAG>
204 pipeline_base /export/shared/tomato_genome/itagpipeline/itag
205 releases_base /export/prod/private/genomes/solanum_lycopersicum/annotation
208 cview_db_backend cxgn
210 #how to find blast stuff
212 blast_db_path /export/prod/blast/databases/current
214 vigs_tool_blast_datasets 148 149 196 69
216 #bin directory used by cluster nodes
217 cluster_shared_bindir /export/prod/bin
219 #the shared temp directory used by cluster nodes
220 cluster_shared_tempdir /export/prod/tmp
221 gbs_temp_data /export/prod/public
224 #how verbose we want the warnings to be in the apache error log
227 # Insitu file locations
228 insitu_fullsize_dir /export/prod/public/images/insitu/processed
229 insitu_fullsize_url /export/images/insitu/processed
230 insitu_display_dir /export/prod/public/images/insitu/display
231 insitu_display_url /export/images/insitu/display
232 insitu_input_dir /export/prod/public/images/insitu/incoming
234 #path to our production_ftp site
235 ftpsite_root /export/prod/public
236 ftpsite_url ftp://ftp.solgenomics.net
237 #path to the pucebaboon temperature sensor file:
238 pucebaboon_file /export/prod/public/digitemp.out
240 #path for archving uploaded files
241 archive_path /export/prod/sgn_archive
243 #site overall identifier prefix used for site specific data
244 #such as stocks, unignes (yet to be implemented) and other datatypes
245 #for example, uploading barcode phenotyping data will not work without this key (see L<CXGN::Stock::StockBarcode> )
246 identifier_prefix SGN