fix run_model call so that it works with non-default options as well.
[sgn.git] / mason / tools / sequence_metadata / api_sequence_metadata.mas
2 <& /util/import_javascript.mas, classes => [ 'jquery' ],  &>
4 <p>Sequence Metadata queries can be made using a public API (Application Programming Interface).  Below are the available 
5 endpoints related to sequence metadata that can be used to query the database using HTTP requests.</p>
7 <br />
9 <h3>Sequence Metadata Query</h3>
10 <p class='sequence_metadata_description'>Perform a query of the stored sequence metadata for a specific parent feature (i.e., chromosome) using any combination of additional filter criteria, provided as query parameters.  The feature must be provided, either by the feature ID or by the feature and species names.  If either the start or end positions are given, the name of the reference genome for those positions must be provided.</p>
11 <code class='sequence_metadata_method'>GET</code>&nbsp;
12 <code class='sequence_metadata_path'><span class='sequence_metadata_host'></span>/ajax/sequence_metadata/query</code>
13 <br /><br />
14 <p><strong>Query Parameters:</strong></p>
15 <table class='table table-striped sequence_metadata_query_params'>
16     <thead>
17         <tr>
18             <th>Name</th>
19             <th>Description</th>
20             <th>Example</th>
21         </tr>
22     </thead>
23     <tbody>
24         <tr>
25             <td>feature_id<br /><strong>REQUIRED</strong><br />if&nbsp;<code>feature_name</code> and&nbsp;<code>species_name</code> are not provided</td>
26             <td>ID of the parent feature (i.e., chromosome) associated with the sequence metadata</td>
27             <td><code>2881383</code></td>
28         </tr>
29         <tr>
30             <td>feature_name<br /><strong>REQUIRED</strong><br />with&nbsp;<code>species_name</code> if&nbsp;<code>feature_id</code> is not provided</td>
31             <td>Name of the parent feature (i.e., chromosome) associated with the sequence metadata</td>
32             <td><code>1A</code></td>
33         </tr>
34         <tr>
35             <td>species_name<br /><strong>REQUIRED</strong><br />with&nbsp;<code>feature_name</code> if&nbsp;<code>feature_id</code> is not provided</td>
36             <td>Name of the species associated with the provided feature name</td>
37             <td><code>Triticum aestivum</code></td>
38         </tr>
39         <tr>
40             <td>start</td>
41             <td>start position of the query range<br /><strong>default:</strong> 0</td>
42             <td><code>1000000</code></td>
43         </tr>
44         <tr>
45             <td>end</td>
46             <td>end position of the query range<br /><strong>default:</strong> max of specified feature</td>
47             <td><code>2000000</code></td>
48         </tr>
49         <tr>
50             <td>reference_genome<br /><strong>REQUIRED</strong><br />if&nbsp;either&nbsp;<code>start</code> or&nbsp;<code>end</code> positions are provided</td>
51             <td>Name of the reference genome used for the start and/or end positions</td>
52             <td><code>RefSeq_v1</code></td>
53         </tr>
54         <tr>
55             <td>type_id</td>
56             <td>cvterm_id(s) of sequence metadata type(s) (comma separated list of multiple type_ids)<br /><strong>default:</strong> any</td>
57             <td><code>86273</code><br /><code>86273,86275</code></td>
58         </tr>
59         <tr>
60             <td>nd_protocol_id</td>
61             <td>nd_protocol_id(s) of sequence metadata protocol(s) (comma separated list of multiple nd_protocol_ids)<br /><strong>default:</strong> any</td>
62             <td><code>204</code><br /><code>204,207</code></td>
63         </tr>
64         <tr>
65             <td>attribute</td>
66             <td>
67                 Filter results using the value of an attribute (score or any of the defined secondary attributes) from a specific protocol.  
68                 The query parameter value includes the attribute(s) and their properties (attribute name, protocol id, comparison type, comparison value - separated by a '|') 
69                 (multiple attribute filters separated by a ',')<br />
70                 <strong>format:</strong> {attribute name}|{nd_protocol_id}|{comparison}|{value}<br />
71                 <strong>comparison:</strong> 'eq' (equal), 'con' (contains), 'lt' (less than), 'lte' (less than or equal), 'gt' (greater than), 'gte' (greater than or equal)<br />
72                 <strong>default:</strong> none
73             </td>
74             <td><code>score|207|gt|0</code><br /><code>score|207|gt|0,Trait|204|con|grain+yield</code></td>
75         </tr>
76         <tr>
77             <td>format</td>
78             <td>
79                 The output format of the response<br />
80                 <strong>format:</strong> 'JSON' (breedbase JSON format), 'GA4GH' (Global Alliance for Genomics &amp; Health JSON format), 'gff' (gff3 format)<br />
81                 <strong>default:</strong> JSON
82             </td>
83             <td><code>JSON</code><br /><code>GA4GH</code><br /><code>gff</code></td>
84         </tr>
85     </tbody>
86 </table>
87 <br />
88 <p><strong>Response:</strong></p>
89 <p>An example response for each format:</p>
90 <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
91   <li class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#sequence_metadata_response_json">JSON</a></li>
92   <li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#sequence_metadata_response_ga4gh">GA4GH</a></li>
93   <li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#sequence_metadata_response_gff">gff</a></li>
94 </ul>
96 <div class="tab-content">
97   <div id="sequence_metadata_response_json" class="tab-pane fade in active">
98     <pre class='sequence_metadata_response'>
100   "results": [
101     {
102       "start": 1207522,
103       "score": "0.0454952857260828",
104       "nd_protocol_id": 204,
105       "featureprop_json_id": 1253,
106       "type_id": 86274,
107       "feature_name": "chr1A",
108       "attributes": {
109         "qvalue": "0.0454952857260828",
110         "pvalue": "0.00080725065468678",
111         "zvalue": "3.350296620481",
112         "ID": "RAC875_c20883_801",
113         "Population": "TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon",
114         "Locus": "TraesCS1A02G002300",
115         "Variable": "CO_321:0001138",
116         "Trait": "SDS sedimentation"
117       },
118       "type_name": "GWAS Results",
119       "end": 1207522,
120       "nd_protocol_name": "T3 Automated GWAS",
121       "feature_id": 2881383
122     },
123     {
124       "type_name": "GWAS Results",
125       "end": 1211006,
126       "feature_name": "chr1A",
127       "attributes": {
128         "ID": "GENE-0014_317",
129         "zvalue": "3.350296620481",
130         "pvalue": "0.00080725065468678",
131         "qvalue": "0.0454952857260828",
132         "Trait": "SDS sedimentation",
133         "Variable": "CO_321:0001138",
134         "Locus": "TraesCS1A02G002300",
135         "Population": "TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon"
136       },
137       "nd_protocol_id": 204,
138       "featureprop_json_id": 1253,
139       "type_id": 86274,
140       "start": 1211006,
141       "score": "0.0454952857260828",
142       "feature_id": 2881383,
143       "nd_protocol_name": "T3 Automated GWAS"
144     },
145     {
146       "attributes": {
147         "Population": "TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon",
148         "Locus": "TraesCS1A02G002300",
149         "Variable": "CO_321:0001138",
150         "Trait": "SDS sedimentation",
151         "qvalue": "0.0454952857260828",
152         "pvalue": "0.00080725065468678",
153         "zvalue": "3.350296620481",
154         "ID": "GENE-0014_262"
155       },
156       "feature_name": "chr1A",
157       "type_name": "GWAS Results",
158       "end": 1211057,
159       "start": 1211057,
160       "score": "0.0454952857260828",
161       "nd_protocol_id": 204,
162       "featureprop_json_id": 1253,
163       "type_id": 86274,
164       "nd_protocol_name": "T3 Automated GWAS",
165       "feature_id": 2881383
166     },
167     {
168       "nd_protocol_name": "T3 Automated GWAS",
169       "feature_id": 2881383,
170       "feature_name": "chr1A",
171       "attributes": {
172         "Trait": "SDS sedimentation",
173         "Locus": "TraesCS1A02G002500",
174         "Population": "TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon",
175         "Variable": "CO_321:0001138",
176         "ID": "RAC875_c95364_59",
177         "qvalue": "0.0454952857260828",
178         "pvalue": "0.00080725065468678",
179         "zvalue": "3.350296620481"
180       },
181       "end": 1234797,
182       "type_name": "GWAS Results",
183       "score": "0.0454952857260828",
184       "start": 1234797,
185       "type_id": 86274,
186       "featureprop_json_id": 1253,
187       "nd_protocol_id": 204
188     },
189     {
190       "nd_protocol_name": "T3 Automated GWAS",
191       "feature_id": 2881383,
192       "score": "0.0394888300035745",
193       "start": 1342766,
194       "type_id": 86274,
195       "featureprop_json_id": 1253,
196       "nd_protocol_id": 204,
197       "feature_name": "chr1A",
198       "attributes": {
199         "pvalue": "0.000513039677027759",
200         "zvalue": "3.4738542266235",
201         "qvalue": "0.0394888300035745",
202         "ID": "Kukri_c2408_857",
203         "Variable": "CO_321:0001138",
204         "Population": "TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon",
205         "Locus": "TraesCS1A02G002700",
206         "Trait": "SDS sedimentation"
207       },
208       "end": 1342766,
209       "type_name": "GWAS Results"
210     }
211   ]
213     </pre>
214   </div>
215   <div id="sequence_metadata_response_ga4gh" class="tab-pane fade">
216     <pre class='sequence_metadata_response'>
218   "features": [
219     {
220       "attributes": {
221         "qvalue": [
222           "0.0454952857260828"
223         ],
224         "pvalue": [
225           "0.00080725065468678"
226         ],
227         "zvalue": [
228           "3.350296620481"
229         ],
230         "ID": [
231           "RAC875_c20883_801"
232         ],
233         "Locus": [
234           "TraesCS1A02G002300"
235         ],
236         "Population": [
237           "TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon"
238         ],
239         "Variable": [
240           "CO_321:0001138"
241         ],
242         "bb_metadata": {
243           "nd_protocol_name": [
244             "T3 Automated GWAS"
245           ],
246           "type_name": [
247             "GWAS Results"
248           ],
249           "nd_protocol_id": [
250             204
251           ],
252           "type_id": [
253             86274
254           ]
255         },
256         "Trait": [
257           "SDS sedimentation"
258         ],
259         "score": [
260           "0.0454952857260828"
261         ]
262       },
263       "parent_id": 2881383,
264       "end": 1207522,
265       "feature_set_id": 204,
266       "reference_name": "chr1A",
267       "start": 1207522,
268       "id": "1253.0"
269     },
270     {
271       "feature_set_id": 204,
272       "start": 1211006,
273       "id": "1253.1",
274       "reference_name": "chr1A",
275       "parent_id": 2881383,
276       "end": 1211006,
277       "attributes": {
278         "bb_metadata": {
279           "nd_protocol_name": [
280             "T3 Automated GWAS"
281           ],
282           "type_name": [
283             "GWAS Results"
284           ],
285           "nd_protocol_id": [
286             204
287           ],
288           "type_id": [
289             86274
290           ]
291         },
292         "score": [
293           "0.0454952857260828"
294         ],
295         "Trait": [
296           "SDS sedimentation"
297         ],
298         "Population": [
299           "TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon"
300         ],
301         "Locus": [
302           "TraesCS1A02G002300"
303         ],
304         "Variable": [
305           "CO_321:0001138"
306         ],
307         "ID": [
308           "GENE-0014_317"
309         ],
310         "qvalue": [
311           "0.0454952857260828"
312         ],
313         "zvalue": [
314           "3.350296620481"
315         ],
316         "pvalue": [
317           "0.00080725065468678"
318         ]
319       }
320     },
321     {
322       "feature_set_id": 204,
323       "start": 1211057,
324       "reference_name": "chr1A",
325       "id": "1253.2",
326       "parent_id": 2881383,
327       "end": 1211057,
328       "attributes": {
329         "Population": [
330           "TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon"
331         ],
332         "Locus": [
333           "TraesCS1A02G002300"
334         ],
335         "Variable": [
336           "CO_321:0001138"
337         ],
338         "bb_metadata": {
339           "nd_protocol_name": [
340             "T3 Automated GWAS"
341           ],
342           "type_name": [
343             "GWAS Results"
344           ],
345           "type_id": [
346             86274
347           ],
348           "nd_protocol_id": [
349             204
350           ]
351         },
352         "score": [
353           "0.0454952857260828"
354         ],
355         "Trait": [
356           "SDS sedimentation"
357         ],
358         "qvalue": [
359           "0.0454952857260828"
360         ],
361         "pvalue": [
362           "0.00080725065468678"
363         ],
364         "zvalue": [
365           "3.350296620481"
366         ],
367         "ID": [
368           "GENE-0014_262"
369         ]
370       }
371     },
372     {
373       "feature_set_id": 204,
374       "start": 1234797,
375       "reference_name": "chr1A",
376       "id": "1253.3",
377       "end": 1234797,
378       "parent_id": 2881383,
379       "attributes": {
380         "score": [
381           "0.0454952857260828"
382         ],
383         "Trait": [
384           "SDS sedimentation"
385         ],
386         "bb_metadata": {
387           "type_name": [
388             "GWAS Results"
389           ],
390           "nd_protocol_name": [
391             "T3 Automated GWAS"
392           ],
393           "nd_protocol_id": [
394             204
395           ],
396           "type_id": [
397             86274
398           ]
399         },
400         "Variable": [
401           "CO_321:0001138"
402         ],
403         "Population": [
404           "TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon"
405         ],
406         "Locus": [
407           "TraesCS1A02G002500"
408         ],
409         "ID": [
410           "RAC875_c95364_59"
411         ],
412         "zvalue": [
413           "3.350296620481"
414         ],
415         "pvalue": [
416           "0.00080725065468678"
417         ],
418         "qvalue": [
419           "0.0454952857260828"
420         ]
421       }
422     },
423     {
424       "feature_set_id": 204,
425       "start": 1342766,
426       "reference_name": "chr1A",
427       "id": "1253.4",
428       "attributes": {
429         "Locus": [
430           "TraesCS1A02G002700"
431         ],
432         "Population": [
433           "TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon"
434         ],
435         "Variable": [
436           "CO_321:0001138"
437         ],
438         "bb_metadata": {
439           "nd_protocol_name": [
440             "T3 Automated GWAS"
441           ],
442           "type_name": [
443             "GWAS Results"
444           ],
445           "type_id": [
446             86274
447           ],
448           "nd_protocol_id": [
449             204
450           ]
451         },
452         "Trait": [
453           "SDS sedimentation"
454         ],
455         "score": [
456           "0.0394888300035745"
457         ],
458         "qvalue": [
459           "0.0394888300035745"
460         ],
461         "zvalue": [
462           "3.4738542266235"
463         ],
464         "pvalue": [
465           "0.000513039677027759"
466         ],
467         "ID": [
468           "Kukri_c2408_857"
469         ]
470       },
471       "parent_id": 2881383,
472       "end": 1342766
473     }
474   ]
476     </pre>
477   </div>
478   <div id="sequence_metadata_response_gff" class="tab-pane fade">
479     <pre class='sequence_metadata_response'>
480 chr1A   .       .       1207522 1207522 0.0454952857260828      .       .       Trait="SDS sedimentation";Variable=CO_321:0001138;Population="TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon";Locus=TraesCS1A02G002300;ID=RAC875_c20883_801;pvalue=0.00080725065468678;zvalue=3.350296620481;qvalue=0.0454952857260828
481 chr1A   .       .       1211006 1211006 0.0454952857260828      .       .       ID=GENE-0014_317;pvalue=0.00080725065468678;zvalue=3.350296620481;qvalue=0.0454952857260828;Trait="SDS sedimentation";Variable=CO_321:0001138;Locus=TraesCS1A02G002300;Population="TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon"
482 chr1A   .       .       1211057 1211057 0.0454952857260828      .       .       Population="TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon";Locus=TraesCS1A02G002300;Variable=CO_321:0001138;Trait="SDS sedimentation";qvalue=0.0454952857260828;zvalue=3.350296620481;pvalue=0.00080725065468678;ID=GENE-0014_262
483 chr1A   .       .       1234797 1234797 0.0454952857260828      .       .       ID=RAC875_c95364_59;pvalue=0.00080725065468678;zvalue=3.350296620481;qvalue=0.0454952857260828;Trait="SDS sedimentation";Variable=CO_321:0001138;Population="TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon";Locus=TraesCS1A02G002500
484 chr1A   .       .       1342766 1342766 0.0394888300035745      .       .       ID=Kukri_c2408_857;qvalue=0.0394888300035745;pvalue=0.000513039677027759;zvalue=3.4738542266235;Trait="SDS sedimentation";Population="TCAP90K_SpringAM_panel x SW-AMPanel_2012_Saskatoon";Locus=TraesCS1A02G002700;Variable=CO_321:0001138
485     </pre>
486   </div>
487 </div>
489 <br /><br /><br />
491 <h3>Get Features</h3>
492 <p class='sequence_metadata_description'>Get all of the parent features (i.e., chromosomes) associated with loaded sequence metadata</p>
493 <code class='sequence_metadata_method'>GET</code>&nbsp;
494 <code class='sequence_metadata_path'><span class='sequence_metadata_host'></span>/ajax/sequence_metadata/features</code>
495 <br /><br />
496 <p><strong>Response:</strong></p>
497 <p>An example response in JSON format:</p>
498 <pre class='sequence_metadata_response'>
500   "features": [
501     {
502       "feature_name": "chr1A",
503       "organism_id": 109397,
504       "feature_id": 2881383,
505       "type_name": "chromosome",
506       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
507       "type_id": 75732
508     },
509     {
510       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
511       "type_id": 75732,
512       "feature_id": 2881384,
513       "type_name": "chromosome",
514       "feature_name": "chr1B",
515       "organism_id": 109397
516     },
517     {
518       "feature_name": "chr1D",
519       "organism_id": 109397,
520       "feature_id": 2881385,
521       "type_name": "chromosome",
522       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
523       "type_id": 75732
524     },
525     {
526       "type_id": 75732,
527       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
528       "type_name": "chromosome",
529       "feature_id": 2881386,
530       "organism_id": 109397,
531       "feature_name": "chr2A"
532     },
533     {
534       "type_name": "chromosome",
535       "feature_id": 2881387,
536       "organism_id": 109397,
537       "feature_name": "chr2B",
538       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
539       "type_id": 75732
540     },
541     {
542       "organism_id": 109397,
543       "feature_name": "chr2D",
544       "type_name": "chromosome",
545       "feature_id": 2881388,
546       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
547       "type_id": 75732
548     },
549     {
550       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
551       "type_id": 75732,
552       "feature_name": "chr3A",
553       "organism_id": 109397,
554       "feature_id": 2881389,
555       "type_name": "chromosome"
556     },
557     {
558       "type_name": "chromosome",
559       "feature_id": 2881390,
560       "organism_id": 109397,
561       "feature_name": "chr3B",
562       "type_id": 75732,
563       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum"
564     },
565     {
566       "type_id": 75732,
567       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
568       "feature_name": "chr3D",
569       "organism_id": 109397,
570       "feature_id": 2881391,
571       "type_name": "chromosome"
572     },
573     {
574       "feature_name": "chr4A",
575       "organism_id": 109397,
576       "feature_id": 2881392,
577       "type_name": "chromosome",
578       "type_id": 75732,
579       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum"
580     },
581     {
582       "feature_name": "chr4B",
583       "organism_id": 109397,
584       "feature_id": 2881393,
585       "type_name": "chromosome",
586       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
587       "type_id": 75732
588     },
589     {
590       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
591       "type_id": 75732,
592       "organism_id": 109397,
593       "feature_name": "chr4D",
594       "type_name": "chromosome",
595       "feature_id": 2881394
596     },
597     {
598       "feature_name": "chr5A",
599       "organism_id": 109397,
600       "feature_id": 2881395,
601       "type_name": "chromosome",
602       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
603       "type_id": 75732
604     },
605     {
606       "feature_id": 2881396,
607       "type_name": "chromosome",
608       "feature_name": "chr5B",
609       "organism_id": 109397,
610       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
611       "type_id": 75732
612     },
613     {
614       "organism_id": 109397,
615       "feature_name": "chr5D",
616       "type_name": "chromosome",
617       "feature_id": 2881397,
618       "type_id": 75732,
619       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum"
620     },
621     {
622       "type_id": 75732,
623       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
624       "feature_id": 2881398,
625       "type_name": "chromosome",
626       "feature_name": "chr6A",
627       "organism_id": 109397
628     },
629     {
630       "organism_id": 109397,
631       "feature_name": "chr6B",
632       "type_name": "chromosome",
633       "feature_id": 2881399,
634       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
635       "type_id": 75732
636     },
637     {
638       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
639       "type_id": 75732,
640       "organism_id": 109397,
641       "feature_name": "chr6D",
642       "type_name": "chromosome",
643       "feature_id": 2881400
644     },
645     {
646       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
647       "type_id": 75732,
648       "feature_id": 2881401,
649       "type_name": "chromosome",
650       "feature_name": "chr7A",
651       "organism_id": 109397
652     },
653     {
654       "type_id": 75732,
655       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
656       "organism_id": 109397,
657       "feature_name": "chr7B",
658       "type_name": "chromosome",
659       "feature_id": 2881402
660     },
661     {
662       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
663       "type_id": 75732,
664       "organism_id": 109397,
665       "feature_name": "chr7D",
666       "type_name": "chromosome",
667       "feature_id": 2881403
668     },
669     {
670       "organism_id": 109397,
671       "feature_name": "chrUn",
672       "type_name": "chromosome",
673       "feature_id": 2881426,
674       "type_id": 75732,
675       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum"
676     },
677     {
678       "feature_id": 2881427,
679       "type_name": "chromosome",
680       "feature_name": "UNK",
681       "organism_id": 109397,
682       "organism_name": "Triticum aestivum",
683       "type_id": 75732
684     }
685   ]
687 </pre>
689 <br /><br /><br />
691 <h3>Get Data Types</h3>
692 <p class='sequence_metadata_description'>Get all of the sequence metadata data types supported by the database</p>
693 <code class='sequence_metadata_method'>GET</code>&nbsp;
694 <code class='sequence_metadata_path'><span class='sequence_metadata_host'></span>/ajax/sequence_metadata/types</code>
695 <br /><br />
696 <p><strong>Response:</strong></p>
697 <p>An example response in JSON format:</p>
698 <pre class='sequence_metadata_response'>
700   "types": [
701     {
702       "type_name": "Gene Annotation",
703       "type_id": 86273,
704       "type_definition": "Provides sequence features (gene, mRNA, UTR, exon, CDS) and annotations based on alignments of biological evidence."
705     },
706     {
707       "type_name": "GWAS Results",
708       "type_id": 86274,
709       "type_definition": "Report of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) indentified by running rrBLUP analysis on phenotype trials and genotype trials within the T3 database."
710     },
711     {
712       "type_id": 86275,
713       "type_definition": "Report of chromatine accessibility score. The report can be used to prioritize genomic variants and explain phenotypes. (",
714       "type_name": "MNase"
715     }
716   ]
718 </pre>
720 <br /><br /><br />
722 <h3>Get Protocols</h3>
723 <p class='sequence_metadata_description'>Get all of the existing sequence metadata protocols</p>
724 <code class='sequence_metadata_method'>GET</code>&nbsp;
725 <code class='sequence_metadata_path'><span class='sequence_metadata_host'></span>/ajax/sequence_metadata/protocols</code>
726 <br /><br />
727 <p><strong>Response:</strong></p>
728 <p>An example response in JSON format:</p>
729 <pre class='sequence_metadata_response'>
731   "protocols": [
732     {
733       "nd_protocol_id": 204,
734       "nd_protocol_description": "Description of T3 Automated GWAS",
735       "nd_protocol_properties": {
736         "reference_genome": "RefSeq_v1",
737         "score_description": "none",
738         "sequence_metadata_type": "GWAS Results",
739         "attribute_descriptions": {
740           "ID": "unique region identifier",
741           "pvalue": "significance level",
742           "zvalue": "number of standard deviations (used for meta analysis)",
743           "qvalue": "pvalue adjusted for false discovery rate",
744           "Trait": "Trait name",
745           "Variable": "Trait ontology variable identifier",
746           "Population": ".",
747           "Locus": "Ensembl Gene ID"
748         },
749         "sequence_metadata_type_id": "86274"
750       },
751       "nd_protocol_name": "T3 Automated GWAS"
752     },
753     {
754       "nd_protocol_name": "Variant Effect Predictor",
755       "nd_protocol_description": "VEP Description",
756       "nd_protocol_id": 205,
757       "nd_protocol_properties": {
758         "sequence_metadata_type": "Gene Annotation",
759         "score_description": "none",
760         "reference_genome": "RefSeq_v1",
761         "sequence_metadata_type_id": "86273",
762         "attribute_descriptions": {
763           "Consequence": ".",
764           "Name": ".",
765           "ID": ".",
766           "Impact": "."
767         }
768       }
769     },
770     {
771       "nd_protocol_description": "IWGSC Assembly Description",
772       "nd_protocol_id": 206,
773       "nd_protocol_properties": {
774         "sequence_metadata_type_id": "86273",
775         "attribute_descriptions": {
776           "logic_name": "source of the gene annotation",
777           "description": "annotation of feature, can describe function",
778           "Parent": "parent of the feature, used to group exons into transcripts and transcripts into genes",
779           "rank": ".",
780           "ensemble_phase": ".",
781           "Name": "display name for feature",
782           "Alias": "a secondary name for the feature",
783           "biotype": "type of feature",
784           "exon_id": "unique identifier for exon",
785           "gene_id": "another form of the ID for a feature",
786           "constitutive": "exon that are not spliced out",
787           "ID": "unique identifier for feature (gene)",
788           "transcript_id": "a splice variant of a gene",
789           "ensemble_end_phase": ".",
790           "protein_id": "unique identifier for protein"
791         },
792         "sequence_metadata_type": "Gene Annotation",
793         "score_description": "none",
794         "reference_genome": "RefSeq_v1"
795       },
796       "nd_protocol_name": "IWGSC Assembly"
797     },
798     {
799       "nd_protocol_description": "MNase Open Chromatin description",
800       "nd_protocol_id": 207,
801       "nd_protocol_properties": {
802         "sequence_metadata_type_id": "86275",
803         "attribute_descriptions": {
804           "ID": "unique region identifier"
805         },
806         "sequence_metadata_type": "MNase",
807         "score_description": "open chromatin score",
808         "reference_genome": "RefSeq_v1"
809       },
810       "nd_protocol_name": "MNase Open Chromatin"
811     }
812   ]
814 </pre>
817 <br /><br /><br />
820     <strong>Error:</strong> If an error is encountered processing the request, the response will return a JSON object with an <code>error</code> property containing an error message:<br />
821     <code>{"error":"The requested query is too large to perform at once. Try filtering the data by including fewer data types/protocols and/or a smaller sequence range."}</code>
826 <script type="text/javascript">
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833      */
834     function set_host() {
835         let host = window.location.protocol + '//' +;
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837     }
838 </script>
841 <style>
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