modified autogenerated name method
[sgn.git] / cgi-bin / bulk /
2 =head1 NAME
4 /bulk/
8 This perl script is used on the bulk download page. It structures the tabs on
9 the main download page and determines the mode of each tab, as well as what
10 information fields are available in each mode. It does this by accepting the
11 mode parameter and displaying its corresponding input form. Legal values for
12 mode are clone_search, array_search, unigene_search, bac_search,
13 bac_end_search, unigene_convert and ftp. Other values have undefined results but will
14 probably default to clone_search.It also accepts a debug parameter, which when
15 set to 1 will add a 'print debug info' checkbox to the input forms. This
16 parameter will be used by to display debug information.
18 =cut
20 use Modern::Perl;
21 use CXGN::Page;
22 use CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers
23 qw/page_title_html modesel simple_selectbox_html/;
24 use CXGN::DB::Connection;
26 our $page = CXGN::Page->new( "Bulk download",
27 "Lukas Mueller, Caroline Nyenke, Rob Buels" );
28 my $db = CXGN::DB::Connection->new();
30 my ( $mode, $debug ) =
31 $page->get_arguments(qw/mode debug/); #determine mode and whether debug is on
33 $page->header( "Bulk download", 'Bulk download' )
34 ; #print page header and text below
35 print <<EOH;
36 <div style="margin-bottom: 1em">Download Unigene or BAC information using a list of identifiers, or complete datasets with FTP.</div>
37 EOH
39 # create tab categories
40 my @mode_funcs = (
41 \&clone_search, \&array_search, \&unigene_search, \&bac_search,
42 \&bac_end_search, \&ftp_site, \&unigene_convert,
45 # define urls of modes
46 my @mode_links = (
47 [ '?mode=clone_search', 'Clone&nbsp;name<br />(SGN-C)' ],
48 [ '?mode=microarray', 'Array&nbsp;spot&nbsp;ID<br />(SGN-S)' ],
49 [ '?mode=unigene', 'Unigene&nbsp;ID<br />(SGN-U)' ],
50 [ '?mode=bac', 'BACs' ],
51 [ '?mode=bac_end', 'BAC&nbsp;ends' ],
52 [ '?mode=ftp', 'Full&nbsp;datasets<br />(FTP)' ],
53 [ '?mode=unigene_convert', 'Unigene ID Converter<br />(SGN-U)' ],
54 [ '/bulk/feature', 'Features' ],
55 [ '/bulk/gene', 'Genes' ],
58 ### figure out which mode we're in ###
59 my $modenum =
60 $mode =~ /clone_search/i ? 0
61 : $mode =~ /array/i ? 1
62 : $mode =~ /unigene_convert/i ? 6
63 : $mode =~ /unigene/i ? 2
64 : $mode =~ /bac_end/i ? 4
65 : $mode =~ /bac/i ? 3
66 : $mode =~ /ftp/i ? 5
67 : $mode =~ /feature/i ? 7
68 : 0; #clone search is default
70 ### print out the mode selection buttons at the top of the page ###
71 ### prints out all @mode_links buttons, highlighting the current selected one###
72 print modesel( \@mode_links, $modenum );
73 print qq|<div class="indentedcontent">\n|;
75 ### call the appropriate function from the $mode_funcs list to print###
76 ### out the download form, passing the $page object ###
77 $mode_funcs[$modenum]( $page, $db, $debug );
79 print <<EOH;
80 </div>
81 <i><b>Note:</b> The SGN bulk download is limited to 10,000 identifiers per request. If you need more, please either split your query into multiple parts, download a full dataset from the FTP site, or <a href="mailto:sgn-feedback\">email us</a> and we will be happy to generate a custom dataset for you.</i>
82 EOH
83 $page->footer();
85 ###end of webpage###
87 =head2 DEBUG
89 Desc: sub DEBUG
90 Args: string;
91 Ret : n/a
93 Print debug information fed to it by when set to 1. (see also
94 debug() in
96 =cut
98 #one parameter: a string to print, or not, as desired
99 sub DEBUG {
100 print shift(@_);
103 sub ug_build_selectbox {
104 my ( $db, $filter_sub ) = @_;
105 my %builds;
106 my $sth = $db->prepare(
107 q|SELECT ub.unigene_build_id,
108 ub.organism_group_id,
109 ub.build_nr,
110 g.group_id,
111 g.comment
112 FROM sgn.unigene_build as ub, sgn.groups as g
113 WHERE ub.organism_group_id=g.group_id
114 AND g.type=1
115 AND ub.status='C'
118 $sth->execute();
119 while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
120 if ($filter_sub) {
121 next unless $filter_sub->(@row);
124 my ( $unigene_build_id, $organism_group_id, $build_nr, $group_id,
125 $species )
126 = @row;
127 $species =~ s/(\S)[a-z]+\s([a-z]+)/uc($1).'. '.$2/ei
128 ; #< abbreviate the species names
129 $builds{$unigene_build_id} = "$species (build $build_nr)";
132 return simple_selectbox_html(
133 name => 'build_id',
134 label => 'Only include unigene build:',
135 choices => [
136 [ all => 'include all' ],
137 ( map [ $_, $builds{$_} ], keys %builds ),
143 =head2 clone_search
145 Desc: sub clone_search
146 Args: n/a
147 Ret : clone tab format
149 Defines the format of the clone tab using html, perl and perl dbi. Speicfies
150 information fields available for searching clones. Also, this and all other
151 tabs print the debug checkbox when debug parameter is set to one.
153 =cut
155 sub clone_search {
157 # displays the clone search input form
159 my ( $page, $db, $debug ) = @_;
161 my $content = "";
162 my $ug_build_select = ug_build_selectbox($db);
163 print <<HTML;
164 <form name="bulkform" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
166 <br />
167 <table summary="" cellpadding="10" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="320">
169 $ug_build_select
170 <br />
172 Enter a list of identifiers or upload a file containing identifers, one per line:<br />
173 <table summary="" width="100%"><tr><td>
174 <textarea name="ids" rows="5" cols="20"></textarea>
175 </td>
176 <td>
177 <i>Example:</i> #example box
178 <pre style="border: 1px solid gray; width: 10em; height: 5em">
179 cLEB-1-A2
180 cLEB-1-A3
181 cLEB-1-A4
182 </pre>
183 </td></tr></table>
185 <br />
186 <br />
187 And/or upload list file: <br /><input type="file" name="file" />
188 <br />
189 <br />
191 HTML
193 print qq|</td><td valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="320">\n|;
194 output_list(); #print out checkboxes
196 print <<HTML;
198 </td></tr></table>
200 HTML
202 if ( $debug eq "1" ) {
203 print
204 qq|<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="debug" /> print debug statements<br /><br />\n|;
207 print <<HTML;
209 <input type="hidden" name="idType" value="clone" />
210 <input type="reset" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
211 <input type="submit" value="Submit" /><br />
212 </form>
214 HTML
218 =head2 array_search
220 Desc: sub array_search
221 Args: n/a
222 Ret : array tab format
224 Defines the format of the array tab using html, perl and perl dbi. Specifies
225 information fields available for searching microarrays. Prints the debug
226 checkbox when debug parameter is set to one.
228 =cut
230 sub array_search {
233 # displays the array search input form
235 my ( $page, $db, $debug ) = @_;
237 my $content = "";
239 $page = CXGN::Page->new( "Bulk download", "Lukas Mueller" );
241 my $ug_select = ug_build_selectbox(
242 $db,
243 sub {
244 ( $_[4] =~ /lycopersicon|tomato/i && $_[4] !~ /demethylated/i )
246 : 0;
249 print <<HTML;
251 <form name="bulkform" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
252 <br />
253 <table summary="" cellpadding="10" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="320">
255 $ug_select
256 <br /><br />
257 <br />
258 Enter a list of identifiers or upload a file containing one identifier:<br />
259 <table summary="" width="100%"><tr><td>
260 <textarea name="ids" rows="5" cols="20"></textarea>
261 </td>
262 <td>
263 <i>Example:</i>
264 <pre style="border: 1px solid gray; width: 10em; height: 5em">
265 1-1-
266 1-1-
267 1-1-
268 </pre>
269 </td></tr></table>
270 <br />
271 <br />
272 And/or upload list file: <br /><input type="file" name="file" />
273 <br />
274 <br />
276 </td><td valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="320">
278 HTML
280 output_list();
282 print "</td></tr></table>\n";
284 if ( $debug eq "1" ) {
285 print
286 qq|<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="debug" /> print debug statements<br /><br />\n|;
289 print <<HTML
291 <input type="hidden" name="idType" value="microarray" />
292 <input type="reset" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
293 <input type="submit" value="Submit" /><br />
294 </form>
296 HTML
302 =head2 unigene_search
304 Desc: sub unigene_search
305 Args: n/a
306 Ret : unigene tab format
308 Defines the format of the unigene tab using html, perl and perl dbi. Speicfies
309 information fields available for searching unigenes. Prints the debug
310 checkbox when debug parameter is set to one.
312 =cut
314 sub unigene_search {
317 # displays the unigene input form
319 # Note: the unigene input form does not display the drop down of unigene builds, because a unigene ID is by definition mapped to a
320 # given build.
322 # This form supports to different types of unigene queries: getting information pertaining to unigenes themselves (annotations and seq)
323 # and unigene membership information. The two queries are distinguished by the unigene_mode radio control. Some adjustments have to
324 # be made in the program when distinguishing the two modes.
326 my ( $page, $db, $debug ) = @_;
328 my $content = "";
329 my $ug_select = ug_build_selectbox($db);
331 print <<HTML;
333 <form name="bulkform" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
335 <br />
336 <table summary="" cellpadding="10" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="320">
338 HTML
340 print <<HTML1
342 <br />
343 Enter a list of identifiers or upload a file containing one identifer separated by whitespace (returns, spaces or tabs):<br />
346 <table summary="" width="100%" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>
347 <textarea name="ids" rows="5" cols="20"></textarea>
348 </td>
349 <td>
350 <i>Example:</i>
351 <pre style="border: 1px solid gray; width: 10em; height: 5em">
352 SGN-U268057
353 SGN-U562661
354 SGN-U196026
355 </pre>
356 </td></tr></table>
357 <br />
358 <br />
360 And/or upload list file: <br /><input type="file" name="file" />
361 <br />
362 <br />
364 </td><td valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="320">
366 <input type="checkbox" name="convert_to_current" checked="checked" /><label for="convert_to_current"><a class="stealth" title="Check this box to convert each unigene in the list to its equivalent in the most current corresponding unigene build(s), if available"><img src="/documents/img/new.gif" />convert unigene list to current build</a></label>
368 <hr />
370 <input type="radio" name="unigene_mode" value="unigene_info" checked="checked" /> <b>Download unigene information</b>:<br />
371 <!-- SGN_U for Unigene Info -->
372 <div style="padding-left: 1em">
373 <input type="checkbox" name="SGN_U_U" checked="checked" /> unigene id (SGN-U)<br />
374 <input type="checkbox" name="automatic_annotation" checked="checked" /> automatic (BLAST) annotation<br />
375 <input type="checkbox" name="best_genbank_match" checked="checked" /> best genbank match<br />
376 <input type="checkbox" name="best_arabidopsis_match" checked="checked" /> best arabidopsis match<br />
377 <input type="checkbox" name="associated_loci" checked="checked" /> associated loci<br />
378 <input type="checkbox" name = "uni_seq" checked="checked" onclick="check_fasta_option()"/> sequence<br />
379 <div style="padding-left: 1em">
380 <input type="radio" name="seq_mode" value="unigene_seq" checked="checked" /> unigene nucleotide sequence<br />
381 <input type="radio" name="seq_mode" value="estscan_seq" /> estscan predicted proteins<br />
382 <input type="radio" name="seq_mode" value="longest6frame_seq" /> longest ORF from 6-frame translation<br />
383 <input type="radio" name="seq_mode" value="preferred_protein_seq" /> preferred sequence<br />
384 </div>
385 </div>
387 <input type="radio" name="unigene_mode" value="member_info" /> <b>Download member information</b>:
388 <div style="padding-left: 1em">
389 <input type="checkbox" name="clone_name" checked="checked" /> clone name<br />
390 <input type="checkbox" name="SGN_C" checked="checked" /> clone id (SGN-C)<br />
391 <input type="checkbox" name="SGN_T" checked="checked" /> sequence read id (SGN-T)<br />
392 <input type="checkbox" name="SGN_E" checked="checked" /> est id (SGN-E)<br />
393 <input type="checkbox" name="build_nr" checked="checked" /> unigene build number<br />
394 <!-- SGN_U for Member Info -->
395 <input type="checkbox" name="SGN_U_M" checked="checked" /> unigene id (SGN-U)<br />
396 <input type="checkbox" name="chipname" checked="checked" /> chipname<br />
397 <input type="checkbox" name="SGN_S" checked="checked" /> microarray spot id (SGN-S)<br />
398 <input type="checkbox" name="TUS" checked="checked" /> TUS number<br />
399 <input type="checkbox" name="manual_annotation" /> manual annotation<br />
400 <input type="checkbox" name="est_seq" checked="checked" /> EST sequence<br />
401 </div>
402 </td></tr></table>
404 HTML1
408 if ( $debug eq "1" ) {
409 print
410 qq|<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name=debug /> print debug statements<br /><br />\n|;
413 print <<HTML2
415 <input type=hidden name="idType" value="unigene" />
416 <input type="reset" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
417 <input type="submit" value="Submit" /><br />
418 </form>
420 HTML2
426 =head2 unigene_convert
428 Desc: sub unigene_convert
429 Args: n/a
430 Ret : unigene tab format
432 Defines the format of the unigene conversion tab using html, perl and perl dbi. Speicfies
433 information fields available for searching unigenes. Prints the debug
434 checkbox when debug parameter is set to one.
436 =cut
438 sub unigene_convert {
441 # displays the unigene converter input form
443 # Note: the unigene input form does not display the drop down of unigene builds, because a unigene ID is by definition mapped to a
444 # given build.
446 my ( $page, $db, $debug ) = @_;
448 my $content = "";
450 print <<HTML;
452 <form name="bulkform" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
454 <br />
455 <table summary="" cellpadding="10" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="320">
457 HTML
458 print <<HTML1
460 <br />
461 Enter a list of identifiers or upload a file containing one identifer separated by whitespace (returns, spaces or tabs):<br />
464 <table summary="" width="100%" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>
465 <textarea name="ids" rows="5" cols="50"></textarea>
466 </td>
467 <td>
468 <i>Example:</i>
469 <pre style="border: 1px solid grey; width: 20em; height: 5em">
470 SGN-U268057
471 SGN-U562661
472 SGN-U196026
473 </pre>
474 </td></tr></table>
475 <br />
476 <br />
478 And/or upload list file: <br /><input type="file" name="file" />
479 <br />
480 <br />
482 </td></tr></table>
484 HTML1
488 if ( $debug eq "1" ) {
489 print
490 qq|<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="debug" /> print debug statements<br /><br />\n|;
493 print <<HTML2
495 <input type=hidden name="idType" value="unigene_convert" />
496 <input type="reset" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
497 <input type="submit" value="Convert" /><br />
498 </form>
500 HTML2
505 #deprecated
506 sub output_type {
507 print <<OUTPUT_TYPE;
509 Output type:<br />
510 <input type="radio" name="outputType" value="html" checked="checked" /> HTML<br />
511 <input type="radio" name="outputType" value="text" /> text<br />
512 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="fasta" /> Fasta<br />
513 <br />
519 #method used by clone_name and microarray searches to display checkboxes
520 sub output_list {
521 print <<OUTPUT_LIST;
523 <b>Please select the information you would like for each identifier:</b><br />
524 <input type="checkbox" name="clone_name" checked="checked" /> clone name<br />
525 <input type="checkbox" name="SGN_C" checked="checked" /> clone id (SGN-C)<br />
526 <input type="checkbox" name="SGN_T" checked="checked" /> sequence read id (SGN-T)<br />
527 <input type="checkbox" name="SGN_E" checked="checked" /> est id (SGN-E)<br />
528 <input type="checkbox" name="build_nr" checked="checked" /> unigene build nr<br />
529 <input type="checkbox" name="SGN_U" checked="checked" /> unigene id (SGN-U)<br />
530 <input type="checkbox" name="chipname" checked="checked" /> chipname<br />
531 <input type="checkbox" name="SGN_S" checked="checked" /> microarray spot id (SGN-S)<br />
532 <input type="checkbox" name="TUS" checked="checked" /> TUS number (used to order clones)<br />
533 <input type="checkbox" name="manual_annotation" /> manual annotation<br />
534 <input type="checkbox" name="automatic_annotation" /> automatic (BLAST) annotation<br />
535 <input type="checkbox" name="sequence" onclick="check_fasta_option()" /> sequence<br />
536 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="seq_type" value="est_seq" checked="checked" /> EST sequence<br />
537 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="seq_type" value="unigene_seq" /> Unigene sequence<br />
543 =head2 bac_search
545 Desc: sub bac_search
546 Args: n/a
547 Ret : BAC tab format
549 Defines the format of the BAC tab using html & perl. Speicfies
550 information fields available for searching BACs. Prints the debug
551 checkbox when debug parameter is set to one.
553 =cut
555 # new bac_search
556 sub bac_search {
558 # displays the bac search input form
560 my ( $page, $db, $debug ) = @_;
562 my $content = "";
564 print <<HTML;
566 <form name="bulkform" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
568 <br />
569 <table summary="" cellpadding="10" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="320">
572 <br />
573 Enter a list of identifiers or upload a file containing identifers separated by whitespace (returns, spaces or tabs):<br />
574 <table summary="" width="100%"><tr><td>
575 <textarea name="ids" rows="5" cols="20"></textarea>
576 </td>
577 <td>
578 <i>Example:</i>
579 <pre style="border: 1px solid gray; width: 10em; height: 5em">
580 LE_HBa0033F11
581 SL_MboI0001A07
582 SL_EcoRI0022A07
584 </pre>
585 </td></tr></table>
586 <br />
587 <br />
588 And/or upload list file: <br /><input type="file" name="file" />
589 <br />
590 <br />
592 </td><td valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="320">\n
593 <b>Download BAC information:</b> <br />
594 <div style="margin: 1em; white-space: nowrap">
595 <input type="checkbox" name="arizona_clone_name" checked="checked" /> Arizona-style clone name (LE_HBa0001A01) <br />
596 <input type="checkbox" name="cornell_clone_name" checked="checked" /> Old Cornell-style clone name (P001A01)<br />
597 <input type="checkbox" name="chr_clone_name" checked="checked" /> Clone name with chromosome (C01HBa0001A01)<br />
598 <input type="checkbox" name="clone_type" checked="checked" /> clone type <br />
599 <input type="checkbox" name="org_name" checked="checked" /> organism name <br />
600 <input type="checkbox" name="accession_name" checked="checked" /> accession name <br />
601 <input type="checkbox" name="library_name" checked="checked" /> library name <br />
602 <input type="checkbox" name="estimated_length" checked="checked" /> estimated length <br />
603 <input type="checkbox" name="genbank_accession" checked="checked" /> genbank accession<br />
604 <!-- <input type="checkbox" name="overgo_matches" checked="checked" DISABLED /> overgo matches<br /> -->
605 </div>
607 </td></tr></table>
608 HTML
610 if ( $debug eq "1" ) {
611 print
612 qq|<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="debug" /> print debug statements<br /><br />\n|;
615 print <<HTML;
617 <input type="hidden" name="idType" value="bac" />
618 <input type="reset" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
619 <input type="submit" value="Submit"><br />
620 </form>
622 HTML
626 =head2 bac_end_search
628 Desc: sub bac_end_search
629 Args: n/a
630 Ret : BAC end tab format
632 Defines the format of the BAC end=head2 bac_end_search tab using html & perl.
633 Specifies information fields available for searching BAC ends. Prints the debug
634 checkbox when debug parameter is set to one.
636 =cut
638 # new bac_end
639 sub bac_end_search {
641 # displays the bac search input form
643 my ( $page, $db, $debug ) = @_;
645 my $content = "";
647 print <<HTML;
649 <form name="bulkform" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
651 <br />
652 <table summary="" cellpadding="10" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="370">
655 <br />
656 Enter a list of identifiers or upload a file containing identifers separated by whitespace (returns, spaces or tabs):<br />
657 <table summary="" width="100%"><tr><td>
658 <textarea name="ids" rows="5" cols="25"></textarea>
659 </td>
660 <td>
661 <i>Example:</i>
662 <pre style="border: 1px solid gray; width: 15em; height: 5em">
663 LE_HBa0011C24_SP6_121022
664 SL_MboI0033A13_SP6_294865
665 SL_EcoRI0022A07_T7_229350
667 </pre>
668 </td></tr></table>
669 <br />
670 <br />
671 And/or upload list file: <br /><input type="file" name="file" />
672 <br />
673 <br />
675 </td><td valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="280">\n
677 <b>Download BAC end information:</b><br />
678 <div style="margin-left: 1em; white-space: nowrap">
679 <input type="checkbox" name="bac_id" checked= "checked" /> bac end identifier <br />
680 <input type="checkbox" name="clone_type" checked="checked" /> clone type <br />
681 <input type="checkbox" name="org_name" checked="checked" /> organism name <br />
682 <input type="checkbox" name="accession_name" checked="checked" /> accession name <br />
683 <input type="checkbox" name="library_name" checked="checked" /> library name <br />
684 <input type="checkbox" name="estimated_length" checked="checked" /> estimated length <br />
685 <input type="checkbox" name="genbank_accession" checked="checked" /> genbank accession<br />
686 <!-- <input type="checkbox" name="overgo_matches" checked="checked" DISABLED /> overgo matches <br /> --> <br />
687 <b>Choose format and type:</b><br />
688 <input type="checkbox" name="bac_end_sequence" checked="checked" /> bac end sequence <br />
689 <input type="checkbox" name="qual_value_seq" checked="checked" /> quality value <br />
690 <div style="margin-left: 1em">
691 <input type="radio" name="bac_seq_type" value="raw_seq" />raw sequence and/or quality<br />
692 <input type="radio" name="bac_seq_type" value="trim_seq" checked="checked" />trimmed seq. and/or quality<br />
693 </div>
694 </div>
697 </td></tr></table>
698 HTML
700 if ( $debug eq "1" ) {
701 print
702 qq|<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="debug" /> print debug statements<br /><br />\n|;
705 print <<HTML;
707 <input type="hidden" name="idType" value="bac_end" />
708 <input type="reset" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
709 <input type="submit" value="Submit"><br />
710 </form>
712 HTML
716 =head2 ftp_site
718 Desc: sub ftp_site
719 Args: n/a
720 Ret : ftp tab format
722 Defines the format of the ftp tab using html & perl. Specifies
723 links for downloading ftp information.
725 =cut
727 sub ftp_site {
728 my $page = shift;
730 print <<HTML;
731 <h3 style="margin-bottom: 0.3em">SGN FTP site</h3>
732 <div style="margin: 0 1em 0 1em">Download complete datasets.</div><br />
734 <div style="margin: 0; padding: 1em; border: 1px solid #ccccff">
735 <a class="folderlink" href="">ftp top level</a>
737 <ul style="margin: 1em 0 0 0; list-style: none">
739 HTML
741 my %ftplinks = (
742 'unigene_builds' =>
743 'Sequence, quality, and membership information for all SGN unigene builds',
744 'est_sequences' =>
745 'Sequence and quality files for all SGN ESTs, organized by library',
746 'maps_and_markers' =>
747 'Marker sequences and marker position lists for all SGN maps',
748 'physical_mapping' =>
749 'Raw data files for Tomato HindIII BAC library FPC and overgo analyses',
750 'blast_annotations' =>
751 'Highest-ranked hits vs. Genbank NR and Arabidopsis for all SGN unigenes.',
752 'manual_annotations' =>
753 'Manual annotations for a number of SGN unigenes',
754 'user_requests' =>
755 'Custom-generated datasets for individual users (mail special requests to <a href="">sgn-feedback</a>)',
756 'tomato_genome' =>
757 'Tomato genomic data, including BAC end and full BAC sequences',
758 'COSII' => 'COSII marker data'
761 foreach my $dir ( sort keys %ftplinks ) {
762 my $desc = $ftplinks{$dir};
763 print <<HTML;
764 <li><a class="folderlink" href="$dir"> $dir</a>
765 <div class="folderdesc">$desc</div>
766 </li>
767 HTML
770 print <<HTML;
771 </ul>
772 </div>
774 <br />
775 <i>Note:</i> The SGN FTP site can also be accessed directly through <a href=""></a> using a browser or ftp program.
776 HTML
780 =head1 BUGS
782 None known.
784 =head1 AUTHORS
786 Lukas Mueller, Caroline Nyenke, Alexander Naydich and Matthew Crumb
788 =head1 SEE ALSO
790 /bulk/
791 /bulk/
793 =cut