fix password reset link.
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller / AJAX /
2 package SGN::Controller::AJAX::Blast;
4 use Moose;
6 use Bio::SeqIO;
7 use Config::Any;
8 use Data::Dumper;
9 use Storable qw | nstore retrieve |;
10 use Try::Tiny;
11 use Tie::UrlEncoder; our %urlencode;
12 use File::Temp qw | tempfile |;
13 use File::Basename qw | basename |;
14 use File::Copy qw | copy |;
15 use File::Spec qw | catfile |;
16 use File::Slurp qw | read_file write_file |;
17 use File::NFSLock qw | uncache |;
18 use CXGN::Tools::Run;
19 use CXGN::Page::UserPrefs;
20 use CXGN::Tools::List qw/distinct evens/;
21 use CXGN::Blast::Parse;
22 use CXGN::Blast::SeqQuery;
24 use JSON::Any;
25 my $json = JSON::Any->new;
27 use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
29 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::REST'; };
31 __PACKAGE__->config(
32 default => 'application/json',
33 stash_key => 'rest',
34 map => { 'application/json' => 'JSON', 'text/html' => 'JSON' },
37 sub run : Path('/tools/blast/run') Args(0) {
38 my $self = shift;
39 my $c = shift;
41 my $params = $c->req->params();
42 my $input_query = CXGN::Blast::SeqQuery->new();
43 my $valid = $input_query->validate($c, $params->{input_options}, $params->{sequence});
45 if ($valid ne "OK") {
46 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Your input contains illegal characters. Please verify your input." };
47 return;
50 $params->{sequence} = $input_query->process($c, $params->{input_options}, $params->{sequence});
52 if ($params->{input_options} eq 'autodetect') {
53 my $detected_type = $input_query->autodetect_seq_type($c, $params->{input_options}, $params->{sequence});
55 # print STDERR "SGN BLAST detected your sequence is: $detected_type\n";
57 # create a hash with the valid options =1 and check and if result 0 return error
58 my %blast_seq_db_program = (
59 nucleotide => {
60 nucleotide => {
61 blastn => 1,
62 tblastx => 1,
64 protein => {
65 blastx => 1,
68 protein => {
69 protein => {
70 blastp => 1,
72 nucleotide => {
73 tblastn => 1,
78 if (!$blast_seq_db_program{$detected_type}{$params->{db_type}}{$params->{program}}) {
79 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "the program ".$params->{program}." can not be used with a ".$detected_type." sequence (autodetected) and a ".$params->{db_type}." database.\n\nPlease, use different options and disable the autodetection of the query type if it is wrong." };
80 return;
84 my $seq_count = 1;
85 my $blast_tmp_output = $c->config->{cluster_shared_tempdir}."/blast";
86 mkdir $blast_tmp_output if ! -d $blast_tmp_output;
87 if ($params->{sequence} =~ /\>/) {
88 $seq_count= $params->{sequence} =~ tr/\>/\>/;
91 print STDERR "SEQ COUNT = $seq_count\n";
92 my ($seq_fh, $seqfile) = tempfile(
93 "blast_XXXXXX",
94 DIR=> $blast_tmp_output,
97 my $jobid = basename($seqfile);
99 print STDERR "JOB ID CREATED: $jobid\n";
101 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("SGN::Schema");
103 my %arg_handlers =
106 sequence =>
107 sub {
108 my $sequence = $params->{sequence};
109 if( $sequence ) {
110 $sequence =~ s/^\s+|\s+$|\n\s*\n//g; #< trim out leading and trailing whitespace and blank lines
111 # if ($sequence !~ /^\s*>/) {
112 # $sequence = ">WEB-USER-SEQUENCE (Unknown)\n$sequence";
114 # $sequence .= "\n"; #< add a final newline
116 print STDERR "Opening file for sequence ($seqfile)... ";
117 open(my $FH, ">", $seqfile) || die "Can't open file for query ($seqfile)\n";
118 print $FH $sequence if $sequence;
119 close($FH);
121 # print STDERR "Done.\n";
123 # if(my $file_upload = $page->get_upload) {
124 # if ( my $fh = $file_upload->fh ) {
125 # print $seq_fh $_ while <$fh>;
129 print STDERR "Parsing with bioperl... ";
130 my $i = Bio::SeqIO->new(
131 -format => 'fasta',
132 -file => $seqfile,
135 try {
136 while ( my $s = $i->next_seq ) {
137 $s->length or $c->throw(
138 message => 'Sequence '.encode_entities('"'.$s->id.'"').' is empty, this is not allowed by BLAST.',
139 is_error => 0,
142 } catch {
143 print STDERR $@;
144 die $_ if ref; #< throw it onward if it's an exception
145 my $full_error = $_;
146 if( /MSG:([^\n]+)/ ) {
147 $_ = $1;
149 s/at \/[\-\w \/\.]+ line \d+.+//; # remove anything resembling backtraces
150 $c->throw( message => $_,
151 is_error => 0,
152 developer_message => $full_error,
156 $seq_count >= 1 or $c->throw( message => 'no sequence submitted, cannot run BLAST',
157 is_error => 0,
158 developer_message => Data::Dumper::Dumper({
159 '$seq_count' => $seq_count,
160 '$seq_filename' => $seqfile,
164 return -i => $seqfile;
168 matrix =>
169 sub {
170 my $m = $params->{matrix};
171 $m =~ /^(BLOSUM|PAM)\d+$/
172 or $c->throw( is_error => 0, message => "invalid matrix '$m'" );
173 return -M => $m;
177 expect =>
178 sub {
179 $params->{evalue} =~ s/[^\d\.e\-\+]//gi; #can only be these characters
180 return -e => $params->{evalue} ? $params->{evalue} : 1;
183 maxhits =>
184 sub {
185 my $h = $params->{maxhits} || 20;
186 $h =~ s/\D//g; #only digits allowed
187 return -b => $h;
190 hits_list =>
191 sub {
192 my $h = $params->{maxhits} || 20;
193 $h =~ s/\D//g; #only digits allowed
194 return -v => $h;
197 filterq =>
198 sub {
199 return -F => $params->{filterq} ? 'T' : 'F';
202 # outformat =>
203 # sub {
204 # $params->{outformat} =~ s/\D//g; #only digits allowed
205 # return -m => $params->{outformat};
206 # },
208 database =>
210 sub {
211 my $bdb = $schema->resultset("BlastDb")->find($params->{database} )
212 or die "could not find bdb with file_base '$params->{database}'";
214 my $basename = File::Spec->catfile($c->config->{blast_db_path},$bdb->file_base());
215 #returns '/data/shared/blast/databases/genbank/nr'
216 #remember the ID of the blast db the user just blasted with
218 return -d => $basename;
221 program =>
222 sub {
223 $params->{program} =~ s/[^a-z]//g; #only lower-case letters
224 return -p => $params->{program};
231 # build our command with our arg handlers
233 my @command = ('blastall');
234 foreach my $k (keys %arg_handlers) {
236 print STDERR "evaluating $k...";
237 my @x = $arg_handlers{$k}->();
238 print STDERR "component:
239 ", (join ",", @x)."\n";
240 @command = (@command, @x);
243 # To get the proper format for gi sequences ( case)
244 push(@command, '-I');
245 push(@command, 'T');
247 print STDERR "COMMAND: ".join(" ", @command);
248 print STDERR "\n";
250 # save our prefs
251 # $prefs->save;
253 # now run the blast
257 my $job;
258 eval {
259 $job = CXGN::Tools::Run->run_cluster(
260 @command,
262 temp_base => $blast_tmp_output,
263 queue => $c->config->{'web_cluster_queue'},
264 working_dir => $blast_tmp_output,
266 # temp_base => $c->config->{'cluster_shared_tempdir'},
267 # queue => $c->config->{'web_cluster_queue'},
268 # working_dir => $c->config->{'cluster_shared_tempdir'},
270 # don't block and wait if the cluster looks full
271 max_cluster_jobs => 1_000_000_000,
275 print STDERR "Saving job state to $seqfile.job for id ".$job->job_id()."\n";
277 $job->do_not_cleanup(1);
279 nstore( $job, $seqfile.".job" ) or die 'could not serialize job object';
285 if ($@) {
286 print STDERR "An error occurred! $@\n";
287 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $@ };
289 else {
290 # write data in blast.log
291 my $blast_log_path = $c->config->{blast_log};
292 my $blast_log_fh;
293 if (-e $blast_log_path) {
294 open($blast_log_fh, ">>", $blast_log_path) || print STDERR "cannot create $blast_log_path\n";
295 } else {
296 open($blast_log_fh, ">", $blast_log_path) || print STDERR "cannot open $blast_log_path\n";
297 print $blast_log_fh "Seq_num\tDB_id\tProgram\teval\tMaxHits\tMatrix\tDate\n";
299 print $blast_log_fh "$seq_count\t".$params->{database}."\t".$params->{program}."\t".$params->{evalue}."\t".$params->{maxhits}."\t".$params->{matrix}."\t".localtime()."\n";
302 print STDERR "Passing jobid code ".(basename($jobid))."\n";
303 $c->stash->{rest} = { jobid => basename($jobid),
304 seq_count => $seq_count,
310 sub check : Path('/tools/blast/check') Args(1) {
311 my $self = shift;
312 my $c = shift;
313 my $jobid = shift;
315 # my $t0 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
317 my $blast_tmp_output = $c->get_conf('cluster_shared_tempdir')."/blast";
319 #my $jobid =~ s/\.\.//g; # prevent hacks
320 my $job = retrieve($blast_tmp_output."/".$jobid.".job");
321 if ( $job->alive ){
322 # my $t1 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
324 sleep(1);
325 $c->stash->{rest} = { status => 'running', };
327 # my $t2 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
329 # my $t1_t2 = tv_interval $t1, $t2;
330 # print STDERR "Job alive: $t1_t2\n";
332 return;
334 else {
336 # my $t3 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
338 # the job has finished
339 # copy the cluster temp file back into "apache space"
341 my $result_file = $self->jobid_to_file($c, $jobid.".out");
343 my $job_out_file = $job->out_file();
344 for( 1..10 ) {
345 uncache($job_out_file);
346 last if -f $job_out_file;
347 sleep 1;
348 # my $t4 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
349 # my $t3_t4 = tv_interval $t3, $t4;
350 # print STDERR "Job not alive loop: $t3_t4\n";
353 # my $t5 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
355 -f $job_out_file or die "job output file ($job_out_file) doesn't exist";
356 -r $job_out_file or die "job output file ($job_out_file) not readable";
358 # my $t6 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
360 # You may wish to provide a different output file to send back
361 # rather than STDOUT from the job. Use the out_file_override
362 # parameter if this is the case.
363 #my $out_file = $out_file_override || $job->out_file();
364 # system("ls $blast_tmp_output 2>&1 >/dev/null");
366 # my $t7 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
368 # system("ls $c->{config}->{cluster_shared_tempdir} 2>&1 >/dev/null");
369 copy($job_out_file, $result_file) or die "Can't copy result file '$job_out_file' to $result_file ($!)";
371 # my $t8 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
373 #clean up the job tempfiles
374 $job->cleanup();
376 # my $t9 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
378 #also delete the job file
380 # my $t10 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
382 # my $t5_t6 = tv_interval $t5, $t6;
383 # my $t6_t7 = tv_interval $t6, $t7;
384 # my $t7_t8 = tv_interval $t7, $t8;
385 # my $t8_t9 = tv_interval $t8, $t9;
386 # my $t9_t10 = tv_interval $t9, $t10;
388 # my $t3_t10 = tv_interval $t3, $t10;
389 # my $t0_t10 = tv_interval $t0, $t10;
391 # print STDERR "check 5-6 interval: $t5_t6\n";
392 # print STDERR "check 6-7 interval: $t6_t7\n";
393 # print STDERR "check 7-8 interval: $t7_t8\n";
394 # print STDERR "check 8-9 interval: $t8_t9\n";
395 # print STDERR "check 9-10 interval: $t9_t10\n";
397 # print STDERR "Job not alive (else): $t3_t10\n";
398 # print STDERR "CHECK SUB TIME: $t0_t10\n";
401 $c->stash->{rest} = { status => "complete" };
405 # fetch some html/js required for displaying the parse report
406 # sub get_prereqs : Path('/tools/blast/prereqs') Args(1) {
407 # my $self = shift;
408 # my $c = shift;
409 # my $jobid = shift;
411 # my $format=$c->req->param('format');
412 # my $parser = CXGN::Blast::Parse->new();
413 # my $prereqs = $parser->prereqs($format);
414 # $c->stash->{rest} = { prereqs => $prereqs };
417 sub get_result : Path('/tools/blast/result') Args(1) {
418 my $self = shift;
419 my $c = shift;
420 my $jobid = shift;
422 # my $t0 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
424 my $format = $c->req->param('format');
425 my $db_id = $c->req->param('db_id');
427 my $result_file = $self->jobid_to_file($c, $jobid.".out");
428 my $blast_tmp_output = $c->get_conf('cluster_shared_tempdir')."/blast";
430 # system("ls $blast_tmp_output 2>&1 >/dev/null");
431 # system("ls ".($c->config->{cluster_shared_tempdir})." 2>&1 >/dev/null");
433 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("SGN::Schema");
434 my $db = $schema->resultset("BlastDb")->find($db_id);
435 if (!$db) { die "Can't find database with id $db_id"; }
436 my $parser = CXGN::Blast::Parse->new();
437 my $parsed_data = $parser->parse($c, $format, $result_file, $db);
439 # my $t1 = [gettimeofday]; #-------------------------- TIME CHECK
440 # my $t0_t1 = tv_interval $t0, $t1;
441 # print STDERR "GET RESULT SUB TIME: $t0_t1\n";
443 $c->stash->{rest} = $parsed_data; # { blast_report => '<pre>'.(join("\n", read_file($parsed_file))).'</pre>', };
449 sub render_canvas_graph : Path('/tools/blast/render_graph') Args(1) {
450 my $self = shift;
451 my $c = shift;
452 my $jobid = shift;
453 my $db_id = $c->req->param('db_id');
455 my $file = $self->jobid_to_file($c, $jobid.".out");
456 my $blast_tmp_output = $c->get_conf('cluster_shared_tempdir')."/blast";
458 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("SGN::Schema");
459 my $bdb = $schema->resultset("BlastDb")->find($db_id);
460 if (!$bdb) { die "Can't find database with id $db_id"; }
463 my $jbrowse_path = $c->config->{jbrowse_path};;
464 # my $db_id = $bdb->blast_db_id();
465 my $jbr_src = $bdb->jbrowse_src();
467 my $query = "";
468 my $subject = "";
469 my $id = 0.0;
470 my $aln = 0;
471 my $qstart = 0;
472 my $qend = 0;
473 my $sstart = 0;
474 my $send = 0;
475 my $evalue = 0.0;
476 my $score = 0;
477 my $desc = "";
479 my $one_hsp = 0;
480 my $start_aln = 0;
481 my $append_desc = 0;
482 my $query_line_on = 0;
483 my $query_length = 0;
485 my @res_html;
486 my @aln_html;
487 push(@aln_html, "<br><pre>");
489 # variables for the canvas graph
490 my @json_array;
492 open (my $blast_fh, "<", $file);
494 push(@res_html, "<table id=\"blast_table\" class=\"table\">");
495 push(@res_html, "<tr><th>SubjectId</th><th>id%</th><th>Aln</th><th>evalue</th><th>Score</th><th>Description</th></tr>");
497 while (my $line = <$blast_fh>) {
498 chomp($line);
500 if ($line =~ /Query\=\s*(\S+)/) {
501 $query = $1;
502 unshift(@res_html, "<center><h3>".$query." vs ".$bdb->title()."</h3></center>");
503 $query_line_on = 1;
506 if ($query_line_on && $line =~ /\((\d+)\s+letters/) {
507 $query_length = $1;
510 if ($append_desc) {
511 if ($line =~ /\w+/) {
512 my $new_desc_line = $line;
513 $new_desc_line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
514 $desc .= $new_desc_line;
516 else {
517 $append_desc = 0;
521 if ($line =~ /^>/) {
522 $start_aln = 1;
523 $append_desc = 1;
525 if ($subject) {
526 my $jbrowse_url = _build_jbrowse_url($jbr_src,$subject,$sstart,$send,$jbrowse_path);
527 ($sstart,$send) = _check_coordinates($sstart,$send);
529 push(@res_html, "<tr><td><a id=\"$subject\" class=\"blast_match_ident\" href=\"/tools/blast/$db_id;id=$subject;hilite_coords=$sstart-$send\" onclick=\"return resolve_blast_ident( '$subject', '$jbrowse_url', '/tools/blast/$db_id;id=$subject;hilite_coords=$sstart-$send', null )\">$subject</a></td><td>$id</td><td>$aln</td><td>$evalue</td><td>$score</td><td>$desc</td></tr>");
531 if (length($desc) > 150) {
532 $desc = substr($desc,0,150)." ...";
535 my %description_hash;
537 $description_hash{"name"} = $subject;
538 $description_hash{"id_percent"} = $id;
539 $description_hash{"score"} = $score;
540 $description_hash{"description"} = $desc;
541 $description_hash{"qstart"} = $qstart;
542 $description_hash{"qend"} = $qend;
543 push(@json_array, \%description_hash);
546 $subject = "";
547 $id = 0.0;
548 $aln = 0;
549 $qstart = 0;
550 $qend = 0;
551 $sstart = 0;
552 $send = 0;
553 $evalue = 0.0;
554 $score = 0;
555 $desc = "";
556 $one_hsp = 0;
558 if ($line =~ /^>(\S+)\s*(.*)/) {
559 $subject = $1;
560 $desc = $2;
562 # print STDERR "subject: $subject\n";
567 if ($line =~ /Score\s*=/ && $one_hsp == 1) {
568 my $jbrowse_url = _build_jbrowse_url($jbr_src,$subject,$sstart,$send,$jbrowse_path);
569 ($sstart,$send) = _check_coordinates($sstart,$send);
571 push(@res_html, "<tr><td><a id=\"$subject\" class=\"blast_match_ident\" href=\"/tools/blast/$db_id;id=$subject;hilite_coords=$sstart-$send\" onclick=\"return resolve_blast_ident( '$subject', '$jbrowse_url', '/tools/blast/$db_id;id=$subject;hilite_coords=$sstart-$send', null )\">$subject</a></td><td>$id</td><td>$aln</td><td>$evalue</td><td>$score</td><td>$desc</td></tr>");
573 if (length($desc) > 150) {
574 $desc = substr($desc,0,150)." ...";
577 my %description_hash;
579 $description_hash{"name"} = $subject;
580 $description_hash{"id_percent"} = $id;
581 $description_hash{"score"} = $score;
582 $description_hash{"description"} = $desc;
583 $description_hash{"qstart"} = $qstart;
584 $description_hash{"qend"} = $qend;
585 push(@json_array, \%description_hash);
587 $id = 0.0;
588 $aln = 0;
589 $qstart = 0;
590 $qend = 0;
591 $sstart = 0;
592 $send = 0;
593 $evalue = 0.0;
594 $score = 0;
597 if ($line =~ /Score\s*=\s*([\d\.]+)/) {
598 $score = $1;
599 $one_hsp = 1;
600 $append_desc = 0;
604 if ($line =~ /Expect\s*=\s*([\d\.\-e]+)/) {
605 $evalue = $1;
608 if ($line =~ /Identities\s*=\s*(\d+)\/(\d+)/) {
609 my $aln_matched = $1;
610 my $aln_total = $2;
611 $aln = "$aln_matched/$aln_total";
612 $id = sprintf("%.2f", $aln_matched*100/$aln_total);
615 if (($line =~ /^Query:\s+(\d+)/) && ($qstart == 0)) {
616 $qstart = $1;
618 if (($line =~ /^Sbjct:\s+(\d+)/) && ($sstart == 0)) {
619 $sstart = $1;
622 if (($line =~ /^Query:/) && ($line =~ /(\d+)\s*$/)) {
623 $qend = $1;
625 if (($line =~ /^Sbjct:/) && ($line =~ /(\d+)\s*$/)) {
626 $send = $1;
629 if ($start_aln) {
630 push(@aln_html, $line);
634 } # while_end
637 my $jbrowse_url = _build_jbrowse_url($jbr_src,$subject,$sstart,$send,$jbrowse_path);
638 ($sstart,$send) = _check_coordinates($sstart,$send);
640 push(@res_html, "<tr><td><a id=\"$subject\" class=\"blast_match_ident\" href=\"/tools/blast/$db_id;id=$subject;hilite_coords=$sstart-$send\" onclick=\"return resolve_blast_ident( '$subject', '$jbrowse_url', '/tools/blast/$db_id;id=$subject;hilite_coords=$sstart-$send', null )\">$subject</a></td><td>$id</td><td>$aln</td><td>$evalue</td><td>$score</td><td>$desc</td></tr>");
641 push(@res_html, "</table>");
645 if (length($desc) > 150) {
646 $desc = substr($desc,0,150)." ...";
649 my %description_hash;
651 $description_hash{"name"} = $subject;
652 $description_hash{"id_percent"} = $id;
653 $description_hash{"score"} = $score;
654 $description_hash{"description"} = $desc;
655 $description_hash{"qstart"} = $qstart;
656 $description_hash{"qend"} = $qend;
657 push(@json_array, \%description_hash);
662 my $prereqs = <<EOJS;
664 <div class="modal fade" id="xref_menu_popup" role="dialog">
665 <div class="modal-dialog">
667 <!-- Modal content-->
668 <div class="modal-content">
669 <div class="modal-header">
670 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button>
671 <h4 id="match_name" class="modal-title">Match Information</h4>
672 </div>
673 <div class="modal-body">
674 <dl>
675 <dd>
676 <div style="margin: 0.5em 0"><a class="match_details" href="" target="_blank">View matched sequence</a></div>
677 <div id="jbrowse_div" style="display:none"><a id="jbrowse_link" href="" target="_blank">View in genome context</a></div>
678 </dd>
679 <dd class="subject_sequence_xrefs">
680 </dd>
681 </dl>
682 </div>
683 </div>
685 </div>
686 </div>
689 <script>
690 function resolve_blast_ident( id, jbrowse_url, match_detail_url, identifier_url ) {
692 var popup = jQuery( "#xref_menu_popup" );
694 jQuery('#match_name').html( id );
696 popup.find('a.match_details').attr( 'href', match_detail_url );
697 popup.find('#jbrowse_link').attr( 'href', jbrowse_url );
699 if (jbrowse_url) {
700 popup.find('#jbrowse_div').css( 'display', 'inline' );
703 // look up xrefs for overall subject sequence
704 var subj = popup.find('.subject_sequence_xrefs');
706 subj.html( '<img src="/img/throbber.gif" /> searching ...' );
707 subj.load( '/api/v1/feature_xrefs?q='+id );
709 popup.modal("show");
711 return false;
713 </script>
715 EOJS
718 push(@aln_html, "</pre></div><br>");
719 my $blast_table = join('', @res_html);
720 my $aln_text = join('<br>', @aln_html);
723 $c->stash->{rest} = {
724 sgn_html => $blast_table."<br>".$aln_text,
725 desc_array => \@json_array,
726 sequence_length => $query_length,
727 prereqs => $prereqs
735 sub _build_jbrowse_url {
736 my $jbr_src = shift;
737 my $subject = shift;
738 my $sstart = shift;
739 my $send = shift;
740 my $jbrowse_path = shift;
742 my $jbrowse_url = "";
744 if ($jbr_src) {
745 if ($jbr_src =~ /(.+)_gene/) {
746 $jbrowse_url = $jbrowse_path."/".$1."&loc=".$subject."&tracks=DNA,gene_models";
748 elsif ($jbr_src =~ /(.+)_genome/) {
749 $jbrowse_url = $jbrowse_path."/".$1."&loc=".$subject."%3A".$sstart."..".$send."&tracks=DNA,gene_models";
753 return $jbrowse_url;
756 sub _check_coordinates {
757 my $tmp_start = shift;
758 my $tmp_end = shift;
760 my $final_start = $tmp_start;
761 my $final_end = $tmp_end;
763 if ($tmp_start > $tmp_end) {
764 $final_start = $tmp_end;
765 $final_end = $tmp_start;
768 return ($final_start, $final_end);
787 sub jobid_to_file {
788 my $self = shift;
789 my $c = shift;
790 my $jobid = shift;
791 return File::Spec->catfile($c->config->{basepath}, $c->tempfiles_subdir('blast'), "$jobid");
795 sub search_gene_ids {
796 my $ids_array = shift;
797 my $blastdb_path = shift;
798 my @ids = @{$ids_array};
799 my @output_seqs;
801 my $fs = Bio::BLAST::Database->open(full_file_basename => "$blastdb_path",);
803 foreach my $input_string (@ids) {
805 if ($fs->get_sequence($input_string)) {
806 my $seq_obj = $fs->get_sequence($input_string);
807 my $seq = $seq_obj->seq();
808 my $id = $seq_obj->id();
809 my $desc = $seq_obj->desc();
810 my $new_seq = "";
812 for (my $i=0; $i<length($seq); $i=$i+60) {
813 $new_seq = $new_seq.substr($seq,$i,60)."<br>";
816 push(@output_seqs, ">$id $desc<br>$new_seq");
819 return join('', @output_seqs);
822 sub search_desc : Path('/tools/blast/desc_search/') Args(0) {
823 my $self = shift;
824 my $c = shift;
826 my @ids;
827 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("SGN::Schema");
828 my $params = $c->req->params();
829 my $input_string = $params->{blast_desc};
830 my $db_id = $params->{database};
832 my $bdb = $schema->resultset("BlastDb")->find($db_id) || die "could not find bdb with file_base $db_id";
833 my $blastdb_path = File::Spec->catfile($c->config->{blast_db_path}, $bdb->file_base());
835 my $grepcmd = "grep -i \"$input_string\" $blastdb_path \| sed 's/>//' \| cut -d ' ' -f 1";
836 my $output_seq = `$grepcmd`;
837 my $output_seqs;
839 if ($output_seq) {
840 @ids = split(/\n/, $output_seq);
841 $output_seqs = search_gene_ids(\@ids,$blastdb_path);
843 else {
844 $output_seqs = "There were not results for your search\n";
846 $c->stash->{rest} = {output_seq => "$output_seqs"};