fix password reset link.
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller /
2 package SGN::Controller::Barcode;
4 use Moose;
5 use GD;
7 use DateTime;
8 use File::Slurp;
9 use Barcode::Code128;
10 use GD::Barcode::QRcode;
11 use Tie::UrlEncoder;
12 use PDF::LabelPage;
13 use Math::Base36 ':all';
14 use CXGN::QRcode;
15 use Data::Dumper;
17 our %urlencode;
19 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
21 sub index : Path('/barcode') Args(0) {
22 my $self =shift;
23 my $c = shift;
25 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
26 # get projects
27 my @rows = $schema->resultset('Project::Project')->all();
28 my @projects = ();
29 foreach my $row (@rows) {
30 push @projects, [ $row->project_id, $row->name, $row->description ];
32 $c->stash->{projects} = \@projects;
33 @rows = $schema->resultset('NaturalDiversity::NdGeolocation')->all();
34 my @locations = ();
35 foreach my $row (@rows) {
36 push @locations, [ $row->nd_geolocation_id,$row->description ];
39 # get tool description info
41 my @tools_def = read_file($c->path_to("../cassava/documents/barcode/tools.def"));
43 print STDERR join "\n", @tools_def;
45 $c->stash->{tools_def} = \@tools_def;
46 $c->stash->{locations} = \@locations;
47 $c->stash->{template} = '/barcode/index.mas';
51 =head2 barcode_image
53 URL: mapped to URL /barcode/image
54 Params: code : the code to represent in the barcode
55 text : human readable text
56 size : either small, large
57 top : pixels from the top
58 Desc: creates the barcode image, sets the content type to
59 image/png and returns the barcode image to the browser
60 Ret:
61 Side Effects:
62 Example:
64 =cut
66 sub barcode_image : Path('/barcode/image') Args(0) {
67 my $self = shift;
68 my $c = shift;
70 my $code = $c->req->param("code");
71 my $text = $c->req->param("text");
72 my $size = $c->req->param("size");
73 my $top = $c->req->param("top");
75 my $barcode = $self->barcode($code, $text, $size, $top);
77 $c->res->headers->content_type('image/png');
79 $c->res->body($barcode->png());
83 sub barcode_tempfile_jpg : Path('/barcode/tempfile') Args(4) {
84 my $self = shift;
85 my $c = shift;
87 my $code = shift;
88 my $text = shift;
89 my $size = shift;
90 my $top = shift;
92 my $barcode = $self->barcode($code,
93 $text,
94 $size,
95 $top,
98 $c->tempfiles_subdir('barcode');
99 my ($file, $uri) = $c->tempfile( TEMPLATE => [ 'barcode', 'bc-XXXXX'], SUFFIX=>'.jpg');
101 open(my $F, ">", $file) || die "Can't open file $file $@";
102 print $F $barcode->jpeg();
103 close($F);
105 return $file;
108 sub barcode_qrcode_jpg : Path('/barcode/tempfile') Args(2){
109 my $self = shift;
110 my $c = shift;
111 my $stock_id = shift;
112 my $stock_name = shift;
113 my $field_info = shift;
114 my $fieldbook_enabled = shift // "";
115 my $stock_type = shift;
116 print "STOCK TYPE!!!: $stock_type\n";
117 my $text;
118 if ($fieldbook_enabled eq "enable_fieldbook_2d_barcode"){
119 $text = $stock_name;
121 elsif ($stock_type eq 'crossing') {
122 #$text = $stock_id;
123 $text = "stock name: ".$stock_name. "\n plot_id: ".$stock_id. "\n".$field_info;
125 else {
126 $text = "stock name: ".$stock_name. "\n stock id: ". $stock_id. "\n".$field_info;
131 $c->tempfiles_subdir('barcode');
132 my ($file_location, $uri) = $c->tempfile( TEMPLATE => [ 'barcode', 'bc-XXXXX'], SUFFIX=>'.jpg');
134 my $barcode_generator = CXGN::QRcode->new( text => $text );
135 my $barcode_file = $barcode_generator->get_barcode_file($file_location);
137 close($barcode_file);
138 return $barcode_file;
141 sub phenotyping_qrcode_jpg : Path('/barcode/tempfile') Args(2){
142 my $self = shift;
143 my $c = shift;
144 my $stock_id = shift;
145 my $stock_name = shift;
146 my $field_info = shift;
147 my $base_url = $c->config->{main_production_site_url};
148 my $text = "$base_url/breeders/plot_phenotyping?stock_id=$stock_id";
149 if ($field_info eq "trial"){
150 $text = "TrailID:".$stock_id."\n TrialName:".$stock_name;
153 $c->tempfiles_subdir('barcode');
154 my ($file_location, $uri) = $c->tempfile( TEMPLATE => [ 'barcode', 'bc-XXXXX'], SUFFIX=>'.jpg');
156 my $barcode_generator = CXGN::QRcode->new( text => $text );
157 my $barcode_file = $barcode_generator->get_barcode_file($file_location);
159 return $barcode_file;
162 sub trial_qrcode_jpg : Path('/barcode/trial') Args(2){
163 my $self = shift;
164 my $c = shift;
165 my $trial_id = shift;
166 my $format = shift;
167 my $base_url = $c->config->{main_production_site_url};
168 my $text = "$base_url/breeders/trial_phenotyping?trial_id=$trial_id";
169 if ($format eq "stock_qrcode"){
170 $text = $trial_id;
173 $c->tempfiles_subdir('barcode');
174 my ($file_location, $uri) = $c->tempfile( TEMPLATE => [ 'barcode', 'bc-XXXXX'], SUFFIX=>'.jpg');
176 my $barcode_generator = CXGN::QRcode->new( text => $text );
177 my $barcode_file = $barcode_generator->get_barcode_file($file_location);
179 $c->res->headers->content_type('image/jpg');
180 $c->res->body($barcode_file);
183 =head2 barcode
185 Usage: $self->barcode($code, $text, $size, 30);
186 Desc: generates a barcode (GD image)
187 Ret: a GD::Image object
188 Args: $code, $text, $size, upper margin
189 Side Effects: none
190 Example:
192 =cut
194 sub barcode {
195 my $self = shift;
196 my $code = shift;
197 my $text = shift;
198 my $size = shift;
199 my $top = shift;
201 my $scale = 2;
202 if ($size eq "small") { $scale = 1; }
203 if ($size eq "huge") { $scale = 5; }
204 my $barcode_object = Barcode::Code128->new();
205 $barcode_object->barcode($code);
206 $barcode_object->font('large');
207 $barcode_object->border(2);
208 $barcode_object->scale($scale);
209 $barcode_object->top_margin($top);
210 #$barcode_object->show_text($show_text);
211 $barcode_object->font_align("center");
212 my $barcode = $barcode_object ->gd_image();
213 my $text_width = gdLargeFont->width()*length($text);
214 $barcode->string(gdLargeFont,int(($barcode->width()-$text_width)/2),10,$text, $barcode->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0));
215 return $barcode;
218 #deprecated
219 sub code128_png :Path('/barcode/code128png') :Args(2) {
220 my $self = shift;
221 my $c = shift;
222 my $identifier = shift;
223 my $text = shift;
225 $text =~ s/\+/ /g;
226 $identifier =~ s/\+/ /g;
228 my $barcode_object = Barcode::Code128->new();
229 $barcode_object->barcode($identifier);
230 $barcode_object->font('large');
231 $barcode_object->border(2);
232 $barcode_object->top_margin(30);
233 $barcode_object->font_align("center");
234 my $barcode = $barcode_object ->gd_image();
235 my $text_width = gdLargeFont->width()*length($text);
236 $barcode->string(gdLargeFont,int(($barcode->width()-$text_width)/2),10,$text, $barcode->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0));
237 $c->res->headers->content_type('image/png');
239 $c->res->body($barcode->png());
242 # a barcode element for a continuous barcode
244 sub barcode_element : Path('/barcode/element/') :Args(2) {
245 my $self = shift;
246 my $c = shift;
247 my $text = shift;
248 my $height = shift;
250 my $size = $c->req->param("size");
252 my $scale = 1;
253 if ($size eq "large") {
254 $scale = 2;
257 my $barcode_object = Barcode::Code128->new();
258 $barcode_object->barcode($text);
259 $barcode_object->height(100);
260 $barcode_object->scale($scale);
261 #$barcode_object->width(200);
262 $barcode_object->font('large');
263 $barcode_object->border(0);
264 $barcode_object->top_margin(0);
265 my $barcode = $barcode_object ->gd_image();
267 my $barcode_slice = GD::Image->new($barcode->width, $height);
268 my $white = $barcode_slice->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
269 $barcode_slice->filledRectangle(0, 0, $barcode->width, $height, $white);
271 print STDERR "Creating barcode with width ".($barcode->width)." and height $height\n";
272 $barcode_slice->copy($barcode, 0, 0, 0, 0, $barcode->width, $height);
274 $c->res->headers->content_type('image/png');
276 $c->res->body($barcode_slice->png());
279 sub qrcode_png :Path('/barcode/qrcodepng') :Args(2) {
280 my $self = shift;
281 my $c = shift;
282 my $link = shift;
283 my $text = shift;
285 $text =~ s/\+/ /g;
286 $link =~ s/\+/ /g;
288 my $bc = GD::Barcode::QRcode->new($link, { Ecc => 'L', Version=>2, ModuleSize => 2 });
289 my $image = $bc->plot();
291 $c->res->headers->content_type('image/png');
292 $c->res->body($image->png());
295 sub barcode_tool :Path('/barcode/tool') Args(3) {
296 my $self = shift;
297 my $c = shift;
298 my $cvterm = shift;
299 my $tool_version = shift;
300 my $values = shift;
302 my ($db, $accession) = split ":", $cvterm;
304 print STDERR "Searching $cvterm, DB $db...\n";
305 my ($db_row) = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema')->resultset('General::Db')->search( { name => $db } );
307 print STDERR $db_row->db_id;
308 print STDERR "DB_ID for $db: $\n";
311 my $dbxref_rs = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema')->resultset('General::Dbxref')->search_rs( { accession=>$accession, db_id=>$db_row->db_id } );
313 my $cvterm_rs = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema')->resultset('Cv::Cvterm')->search( { dbxref_id => $dbxref_rs->first->dbxref_id });
315 my $cvterm_id = $cvterm_rs->first()->cvterm_id();
316 my $cvterm_synonym_rs = ""; #$c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema')->resultset('Cv::Cvtermsynonym')->search->( { cvterm_id=>$cvterm_id });
318 $c->stash->{cvterm} = $cvterm;
319 $c->stash->{cvterm_name} = $cvterm_rs->first()->name();
320 $c->stash->{cvterm_definition} = $cvterm_rs->first()->definition();
321 $c->stash->{cvterm_values} = $values;
322 $c->stash->{tool_version} = $tool_version;
323 $c->stash->{template} = '/barcode/tool/tool.mas';
324 # $c->stash->{cvterm_synonym} = $cvterm_synonym_rs->synonym();
325 $c->forward('View::Mason');
329 sub barcode_multitool :Path('/barcode/multitool') Args(0) {
331 my $self =shift;
332 my $c = shift;
334 $c->stash->{operator} = $c->req->param('operator');
335 $c->stash->{date} = $c->req->param('date');
336 $c->stash->{project} = $c->req->param('project');
337 $c->stash->{location} = $c->req->param('location');
339 my @cvterms = $c->req->param('cvterms');
341 my $cvterm_data = [];
343 foreach my $cvterm (@cvterms) {
345 my ($db, $accession) = split ":", $cvterm;
347 print STDERR "Searching $cvterm, DB $db...\n";
348 my ($db_row) = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema')->resultset('General::Db')->search( { name => $db } );
350 print STDERR $db_row->db_id;
351 print STDERR "DB_ID for $db: $\n";
354 my $dbxref_rs = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema')->resultset('General::Dbxref')->search_rs( { accession=>$accession, db_id=>$db_row->db_id } );
356 my $cvterm_rs = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema')->resultset('Cv::Cvterm')->search( { dbxref_id => $dbxref_rs->first->dbxref_id });
358 my $cvterm_id = $cvterm_rs->first()->cvterm_id();
359 my $cvterm_synonym_rs = ""; #$c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema')->resultset('Cv::Cvtermsynonym')->search->( { cvterm_id=>$cvterm_id });
361 push @$cvterm_data, { cvterm => $cvterm,
362 cvterm_name => $cvterm_rs->first()->name(),
363 cvterm_definition => $cvterm_rs->first->definition,
368 $c->stash->{cvterms} = $cvterm_data;
370 $c->stash->{template} = '/barcode/tool/multi_tool.mas';
375 sub continuous_scale : Path('/barcode/continuous_scale') Args(0) {
376 my $self = shift;
377 my $c = shift;
378 my $start = $c->req->param("start");
379 my $end = $c->req->param("end");
380 my $step = $c->req->param("step");
381 my $height = $c->req->param("height");
383 my @barcodes = ();
385 # barcodes all have to have the same with - use with of end value
386 my $text_width = length($end);
388 for(my $i = $start; $i <= $end; $i += $step) {
389 my $text = $urlencode{sprintf "%".$text_width."d", $i};
390 print STDERR "TEXT: $text\n";
391 push @barcodes, qq { <img src="/barcode/element/$i/$height" align="right" /> };
395 $c->res->body("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">". (join "\n", (map { "<tr><td>$_</td></tr>"} @barcodes)). "</table>");
400 sub continuous_scale_form : Path('/barcode/continuous_scale/input') :Args(0) {
401 my $self = shift;
402 my $c = shift;
404 my $form = <<HTML;
405 <h1>Create continuous barcode</h1>
407 <form action="/barcode/continuous_scale">
408 Start value <input name="start" /><br />
409 End value <input name="end" /><br />
410 Step size <input name="step" /><br />
411 Increment (pixels) <input name="height" />
413 <input type="submit" />
414 </form>
416 HTML
418 $c->res->body($form);
422 sub generate_barcode : Path('/barcode/generate') Args(0) {
423 my $self = shift;
424 my $c = shift;
426 my $text = $c->req->param("text");
427 my $size = $c->req->param("size");
429 $c->stash->{code} = $text;
430 $c->stash->{size} = $size;
432 $c->stash->{template} = "/barcode/tool/generate.mas";
436 sub metadata_barcodes : Path('/barcode/metadata') Args(0) {
437 my $self = shift;
438 my $c = shift;
442 $c->stash->{operator} = $c->req->param("operator");
443 $c->stash->{date} = $c->req->param("date");
444 $c->stash->{size} = $c->req->param("size");
445 $c->stash->{project} = $c->req->param("project");
446 $c->stash->{location} = $c->req->param("location");
448 $c->stash->{template} = '/barcode/tool/metadata.mas';
451 sub new_barcode_tool : Path('/barcode/tool/') Args(1) {
452 my $self = shift;
453 my $c = shift;
455 my $term = shift;
457 $c->stash->{template} = '/barcode/tool/'.$term.'.mas';
460 sub cross_tool : Path('/barcode/tool/cross') {
461 my $self = shift;
462 my $c = shift;
464 $c->stash->{template} = '/barcode/tool/cross.mas';
467 sub dna_tool : Path('/barcode/tool/dna/') {
468 my $self =shift;
469 my $c = shift;
470 $c->stash->{template} = '/barcode/tool/dna.mas';
473 sub generate_unique_barcode_labels : Path('/barcode/unique') Args(0) {
474 my $self = shift;
475 my $c = shift;
477 if (! $c->user()) {
478 $c->stash->{template} = 'generic_message.mas';
479 $c->stash->{message} = 'You must be logged in to use the unique barcode tool.';
480 return;
483 my $label_pages = $c->req->param("label_pages");
484 my $label_rows = $c->req->param("label_rows") || 10;
485 my $label_cols = $c->req->param("label_cols") || 1;
486 my $page_format = $c->req->param("page_format") || "letter";
487 my $top_margin_mm = $c->req->param("top_margin");
488 my $left_margin_mm = $c->req->param("left_margin");
489 my $bottom_margin_mm = $c->req->param("bottom_margin");
490 my $right_margin_mm = $c->req->param("right_margin");
492 # convert mm into pixels
494 my ($top_margin, $left_margin, $bottom_margin, $right_margin) = map { int($_ * 2.846) } ($top_margin_mm,
495 $left_margin_mm,
496 $bottom_margin_mm,
497 $right_margin_mm);
498 my $total_labels = $label_pages * $label_cols * $label_rows;
501 my $dir = $c->tempfiles_subdir('pdfs');
502 my ($FH, $filename) = $c->tempfile(TEMPLATE=>"pdfs/pdf-XXXXX", SUFFIX=>".pdf", UNLINK=>0);
503 print STDERR "FILENAME: $filename \n\n\n";
504 my $pdf = PDF::Create->new(filename=>$c->path_to($filename),
505 Author=>$c->config->{project_name},
506 Title=>'Labels',
507 CreationDate => [ localtime ],
508 Version=>1.2,
511 if (!$page_format) { $page_format = "Letter"; }
513 print STDERR "PAGE FORMAT IS: $page_format. LABEL ROWS: $label_rows, COLS: $label_cols. TOTAL LABELS: $total_labels\n";
515 my @pages = ();
516 push @pages, PDF::LabelPage->new( { top_margin=>$top_margin, bottom_margin=>$bottom_margin, left_margin=>$left_margin, right_margin=>$right_margin, pdf=>$pdf, cols => $label_cols, rows => $label_rows });
518 foreach my $label_count (1..$total_labels) {
519 my $label_code = $self->generate_label_code($c);
521 print STDERR "LABEL CODE: $label_code\n";
523 # generate barcode
525 my $tempfile = $c->forward('/barcode/barcode_tempfile_jpg', [ $label_code, $label_code , 'large', 20 ]);
526 my $image = $pdf->image($tempfile);
527 print STDERR "IMAGE: ".Data::Dumper::Dumper($image);
529 # note: pdf coord system zero is lower left corner
532 if ($pages[-1]->need_more_labels()) {
533 print STDERR "ADDING LABEL...\n";
534 $pages[-1]->add_label($image);
537 else {
538 print STDERR "CREATING NEW PAGE...\n";
540 push @pages, PDF::LabelPage->new({ top_margin=>$top_margin, bottom_margin=>$bottom_margin, left_margin=>$left_margin, right_margin=>$right_margin, pdf=>$pdf, cols => $label_cols, rows => $label_rows });
542 $pages[-1]->add_label($image);
547 foreach my $p (@pages) {
548 $p->render();
551 $pdf->close();
553 #$c->stash->{not_found} = \@not_found;
554 #$c->stash->{found} = \@found;
555 $c->stash->{file} = $filename;
556 $c->stash->{filetype} = 'PDF';
557 $c->stash->{template} = '/barcode/unique_barcode_download.mas';
562 sub generate_label_code {
563 my $self = shift;
564 my $c = shift;
566 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh();
568 my $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT nextval('phenome.unique_barcode_label_id_seq')");
569 $h->execute();
570 my ($next_val) = $h->fetchrow_array();
572 print STDERR "nextval is $next_val\n";
574 my $encoded = Math::Base36::encode_base36($next_val, 7);
576 return $encoded;