1 package SGN
5 SGN::Controller::Stock - Catalyst controller for pages dealing with stocks (e.g. accession, poopulation, etc.)
10 use namespace
11 use YAML
::Any qw
13 use URI
15 use CXGN
16 use SGN
::Stock qw
/stock_link stock_organisms stock_types/;
20 isa
=> 'DBIx::Class::Schema',
24 has
'default_page_size' => (
30 BEGIN { extends
'Catalyst::Controller' }
31 with
34 my ($self,$c,$key,$value) = @_;
35 $c->throw( is_client_error
=> 1, public_message
=> "$value is not a valid value for $key" )
36 if ($key =~ m/_id$/ and $value !~ m/\d+/);
39 sub search
('/stock/search') Args
(0) {
40 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
41 $self->schema( $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema','sgn_chado') );
43 my $results = $c->req->param('search_submitted') ?
$self->_make_stock_search_rs($c) : undef;
44 my $form = HTML
($c->path_to(qw{forms stock stock_search
47 template
=> '/stock/search.mas',
50 form_opts
=> { stock_types
=> stock_types
($self->schema), organisms
=> stock_organisms
($self->schema)} ,
52 sp_person_autocomplete_uri
=> $c->uri_for( '/ajax/people/autocomplete' ),
53 trait_autocomplete_uri
=> $c->uri_for('/ajax/stock/trait_autocomplete'),
54 pagination_link_maker
=> sub {
55 return uri
( query
=> { %{$c->req->params} , page
=> shift } );
61 # assembles a DBIC resultset for the search based on the submitted
63 sub _make_stock_search_rs
64 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
66 my $rs = $self->schema->resultset('Stock::Stock');
68 if( my $name = $c->req->param('stock_name') ) {
69 # trim and regularize whitespace
70 $name =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
75 'lower(me.name)' => { like
=> '%'.lc( $name ).'%' } ,
76 'lower(uniquename)' => { like
=> '%'.lc( $name ).'%' },
78 'lower(type.name)' => { like
=>'%synonym%' },
79 'lower(value)' => { like
=>'%'.lc( $name ).'%' },
83 { join => { 'stockprops' => 'type' } ,
84 columns
=> [ qw
/stock_id uniquename type_id organism_id / ],
89 if( my $type = $c->req->param('stock_type') ) {
90 $self->_validate_pair($c,'type_id',$type);
91 $rs = $rs->search({ 'me.type_id' => $type });
93 if( my $organism = $c->req->param('organism') ) {
94 $self->_validate_pair( $c, 'organism_id', $organism );
95 $rs = $rs->search({ 'organism_id' => $organism });
97 if ( my $editor = $c->req->param('person') ) {
98 $self->_validate_pair( $c, 'person') ;
99 my ($first_name, $last_name) = split ',' , $editor ;
100 $first_name =~ s/\s//g;
101 $last_name =~ s/\s//g;
103 my $query = "SELECT sp_person_id FROM sgn_people.sp_person
104 WHERE first_name = ? AND last_name = ?";
105 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($query);
106 $sth->execute($first_name, $last_name);
107 my ($sp_person_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array ;
110 'type.name' => 'sp_person_id',
111 'stockprops.value' => $sp_person_id, } ,
112 { join => { stockprops
=>['type'] } },
113 ) ; # if no person_id, rs should be empty
114 } else { $rs = $rs->search( { name
=> '' } , ); }
116 if ( my $trait = $c->req->param('trait') ) {
117 $rs = $rs->search( { 'observable.name' => $trait },
118 { join => { nd_experiment_stocks
=> { nd_experiment
=> {'nd_experiment_phenotypes' => {'phenotype' => 'observable' }}}},
119 columns
=> [ qw
/stock_id uniquename type_id organism_id / ],
123 if ( my $min = $c->req->param('min_limit') ) {
124 $rs = $rs->search( { 'cast(phenotype.value as numeric) ' => { '>=' => $min } },
125 { join => { nd_experiment_stocks
=> { nd_experiment
=> {'nd_experiment_phenotypes' => 'phenotype' }}},
126 columns
=> [ qw
/stock_id uniquename type_id organism_id / ],
130 if ( my $max = $c->req->param('max_limit') ) {
131 $rs = $rs->search( { 'cast(phenotype.value as numeric) ' => { '<=' => $max } },
132 { join => { nd_experiment_stocks
=> { nd_experiment
=> {'nd_experiment_phenotypes' => 'phenotype' }}},
133 columns
=> [ qw
/stock_id uniquename type_id organism_id / ],
137 # this is for direct annotations in stock_cvterm
138 if ( my $ontology = $c->req->param('ontology') ) {
140 if ( my $has_image = $c->req->param('has_image') ) {
142 if ( my $has_locus = $c->req->param('has_locus') ) {
144 # page number and page size, and order by name
145 $rs = $rs->search( undef, {
146 page
=> $c->req->param('page') || 1,
147 rows
=> $c->req->param('page_size') || $self->default_page_size,
148 order_by
=> 'uniquename',
154 # sub view_id :Path('/stock/view/id') :Args(1) {
155 # my ( $self, $c , $stock_id) = @_;
157 # $self->schema( $c->dbic_schema( 'Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado' ) );
158 # $self->_view_stock($c, 'view', $stock_id);
162 sub new_stock
('get_stock') : PathPart
('new') :Args
(0) {
163 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
165 template
=> '/stock/index.mas',
170 stock
=> $c->stash->{stock
171 schema
=> $self->schema,
177 sub view_stock
('get_stock') :PathPart
('view') :Args
(0) {
178 my ( $self, $c, $action) = @_;
179 my $logged_user = $c->user;
180 my $person_id = $logged_user->get_object->get_sp_person_id if $logged_user;
181 my $curator = $logged_user->check_roles('curator') if $logged_user;
182 my $submitter = $logged_user->check_roles('submitter') if $logged_user;
183 my $sequencer = $logged_user->check_roles('sequencer') if $logged_user;
185 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
189 ###Check if a stock page can be printed###
191 my $stock = $c->stash->{stock
192 my $stock_id = $stock ?
$stock->get_stock_id : undef ;
194 # print message if stock_id is not valid
195 unless ( ( $stock_id =~ m
/^\d+$/ ) || ($action eq 'new' && !$stock_id) ) {
196 $c->throw_404( "No stock/accession exists for identifier $stock_id" );
198 if ( !$stock->get_object_row || ($action ne 'new' && !$stock_id) ) {
199 $c->throw_404( "No stock/accession exists for identifier $stock_id" );
202 # print message if the stock is obsolete
203 my $obsolete = $stock->get_is_obsolete();
204 if ( $obsolete && !$curator ) {
205 $c->throw(is_client_error
=> 0,
206 title
=> 'Obsolete stock',
207 message
=> "Stock $stock_id is obsolete!",
208 developer_message
=> 'only curators can see obsolete stock',
209 notify
=> 0, #< does not send an error email
212 # print message if stock_id does not exist
213 if ( !$stock && $action ne 'new' && $action ne 'store' ) {
214 $c->throw_404('No stock exists for this identifier');
218 my $props = $self->_stockprops($stock);
220 my $owner_ids = $props->{sp_person_id
} || [] ;
221 if ( $stock && ($curator || $person_id && ( grep /^$person_id$/, @
$owner_ids ) ) ) {
224 my $dbxrefs = $self->_dbxrefs($stock);
225 my $pubs = $self->_stock_pubs($stock);
227 my $cview_tmp_dir = $c->tempfiles_subdir('cview');
230 template
=> '/stock/index.mas',
234 stock_id
=> $stock_id ,
236 submitter
=> $submitter,
237 sequencer
=> $sequencer,
238 person_id
=> $person_id,
240 schema
=> $self->schema,
242 is_owner
=> $is_owner,
245 owners
=> $owner_ids,
247 members_phenotypes
=> $c->stash->{members_phenotypes
248 direct_phenotypes
=> $c->stash->{direct_phenotypes
249 has_qtl_data
=> $c->stash->{has_qtl_data
250 cview_tmp_dir
=> $cview_tmp_dir,
251 cview_basepath
=> $c->get_conf('basepath'),
253 locus_add_uri
=> $c->uri_for( '/ajax/stock/associate_locus' ),
254 cvterm_add_uri
=> $c->uri_for( '/ajax/stock/associate_ontology')
259 my ($self,$stock) = @_;
262 my $stockprops = $stock->get_object_row()->search_related("stockprops");
265 while ( my $prop = $stockprops->next ) {
266 push @
{ $properties->{$prop->type->name} } , $prop->value ;
273 my ($self,$stock) = @_;
275 my $stock_dbxrefs = $stock->get_object_row()->search_related("stock_dbxrefs");
278 while ( my $sdbxref = $stock_dbxrefs->next ) {
279 my $url = $sdbxref->dbxref->db->urlprefix . $sdbxref->dbxref->db->url;
281 my $accession = $sdbxref->dbxref->accession;
282 $url = $url ?
qq |<a href
= "$url/$accession">$accession</a
>| : $accession ;
283 push @
{ $dbxrefs->{$sdbxref->dbxref->db->name} } , $sdbxref->dbxref;
288 sub _stock_nd_experiments
289 my ($self, $stock) = @_;
291 my $nd_experiments = $stock->get_object_row->nd_experiment_stocks->search_related('nd_experiment');
292 return $nd_experiments;
295 # this sub gets all phenotypes measured directly on this stock and stores
296 # it in a hashref of keys = project name , values = list of BCS::Phenotype::Phenotype objects
297 sub _stock_project_phenotypes
298 my ($self, $stock) = @_;
299 my $nd_experiments = $self->_stock_nd_experiments($stock);
302 while (my $exp = $nd_experiments->next) {
303 my $geolocation = $exp->nd_geolocation;
304 # there should be one project linked to the experiment ?
305 my $project = $exp->nd_experiment_projects->search_related('project')->first;
306 my @ph = $exp->nd_experiment_phenotypes->search_related('phenotype')->all;
308 push(@
{$phenotypes{$project->description}}, @ph);
313 # this sub gets all phenotypes measured on all subjects of this stock.
314 # Subjects are in stock_relationship
315 sub _stock_members_phenotypes
316 my ($self, $stock) = @_;
318 my $has_members_genotypes;
319 my $objects = $stock->get_object_row->stock_relationship_objects ;
320 # now we have rs of stock_relationship objects. We need to find the phenotypes of their related subjects
321 while (my $object = $objects->next ) {
323 my $subject = $object->subject;
324 my $subject_stock = CXGN
->new($self->schema, $subject->stock_id);
325 my $subject_phenotype_ref = $self->_stock_project_phenotypes($subject_stock);
326 $has_members_genotypes = 1 if $self->_stock_genotypes($subject_stock);
327 my %subject_phenotypes = %$subject_phenotype_ref;
328 foreach my $key (keys %subject_phenotypes) {
329 push(@
{$phenotypes{$key} } , @
{$subject_phenotypes{$key} } );
332 return \
%phenotypes, $has_members_genotypes;
336 my ($self,$stock) = @_;
338 my $stock_dbxrefs = $stock->get_object_row()->search_related("stock_dbxrefs");
339 # hash of arrays. Keys are db names , values are lists of StockDbxref objects
341 while ( my $sdbxref = $stock_dbxrefs->next ) {
342 push @
{ $sdbxrefs->{$sdbxref->dbxref->db->name} } , $sdbxref;
348 my ($self,$stock) = @_;
350 my $stock_cvterms = $stock->get_object_row()->search_related("stock_cvterms");
351 # hash of arrays. Keys are db names , values are lists of StockCvterm objects
353 while ( my $scvterm = $stock_cvterms->next ) {
354 push @
{ $scvterms->{$scvterm->cvterm->dbxref->db->name} } , $scvterm;
359 # each stock may be linked with publications, each publication may have several dbxrefs
361 my ($self, $stock) = @_;
362 my $stock_pubs = $stock->get_object_row()->search_related("stock_pubs");
364 while (my $spub = $stock_pubs->next ) {
365 my $pub = $spub->pub;
366 my $pub_dbxrefs = $pub->pub_dbxrefs;
367 while (my $pub_dbxref = $pub_dbxrefs->next ) {
368 $pubs->{$pub_dbxref->dbxref->db->name . ":" . $pub_dbxref->dbxref->accession } = $pub ;
374 sub _stock_genotypes
375 my ($self, $stock) = @_;
376 my $dbh = $stock->get_schema->storage->dbh;
377 my $q = "SELECT genotype_id FROM phenome.genotype WHERE stock_id = ?";
378 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($q);
379 $sth->execute($stock->get_stock_id);
381 while (my ($genotype_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
382 push @genotypes, $genotype_id;
388 sub get_stock
('/') :PathPart
('stock') :CaptureArgs
(1) {
389 my ($self, $c, $stock_id) = @_;
391 $self->schema( $c->dbic_schema( 'Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado' ) );
392 $c->stash->{stock
} = CXGN
->new($self->schema, $stock_id);
394 #add the stockprops to the stash. Props are a hashref of lists.
395 # keys are the cvterm name (prop type) and values are the prop values.
396 my $stock = $c->stash->{stock
397 my $properties = $stock ?
$self->_stockprops($stock) : undef ;
398 $c->stash->{stockprops
} = $properties;
400 #add the stock_dbxrefs to the stash. Dbxrefs are hashref of lists.
401 # keys are db-names , values are lists of Bio::Chado::Schema::General::Dbxref objects
402 my $dbxrefs = $stock ?
$self->_stock_dbxrefs($stock) : undef ;
403 $c->stash->{stock_dbxrefs
} = $dbxrefs;
405 my $cvterms = $stock ?
$self->_stock_cvterms($stock) : undef ;
406 $c->stash->{stock_cvterms
} = $cvterms;
408 my $direct_phenotypes = $stock ?
$self->_stock_project_phenotypes($stock) : undef;
409 $c->stash->{direct_phenotypes
} = $direct_phenotypes;
411 my ($members_phenotypes, $has_members_genotypes) = $stock ?
$self->_stock_members_phenotypes($stock) : undef;
412 $c->stash->{members_phenotypes
} = $members_phenotypes;
414 my $stock_type = $stock->get_object_row->type->name;
415 if ( ( grep { /^$stock_type/ } ('f2 population', 'backcross population') ) && $members_phenotypes && $has_members_genotypes ) { $c->stash->{has_qtl_data
} = 1 ; }