fixed linting errors
[sgn.git] / db / 00085 /
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
4 =head1 NAME
8 =head1 SYNOPSIS
10 mx-run AddSeedlotForEveryAccession [options] -H hostname -D dbname -u username [-F]
12 this is a subclass of L<CXGN::Metadata::Dbpatch>
13 see the perldoc of parent class for more details.
16 This patch inserts a seedlot for every accession.
19 This subclass uses L<Moose>. The parent class uses L<MooseX::Runnable>
21 =head1 AUTHOR
23 Nick Morales<>
27 Copyright 2010 Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
29 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
30 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
32 =cut
35 package AddSeedlotForEveryAccession;
37 use Moose;
38 use Bio::Chado::Schema;
39 use Try::Tiny;
40 use SGN::Model::Cvterm;
41 use CXGN::Stock::Seedlot;
42 use CXGN::Stock::Seedlot::Transaction;
43 use Data::Dumper;
44 use CXGN::BreedersToolbox::Projects;
46 extends 'CXGN::Metadata::Dbpatch';
49 has '+description' => ( default => <<'' );
50 Update cassava_trait db prefix
52 has '+prereq' => (
53 default => sub {
54 ['AddSeedlotCurrentCountCvterm'],
59 sub patch {
60 my $self=shift;
62 print STDOUT "Executing the patch:\n " . $self->name . ".\n\nDescription:\n ". $self->description . ".\n\nExecuted by:\n " . $self->username . " .";
64 print STDOUT "\nChecking if this db_patch was executed before or if previous db_patches have been executed.\n";
66 print STDOUT "\nExecuting the SQL commands.\n";
67 my $schema = Bio::Chado::Schema->connect( sub { $self->dbh->clone } );
69 my $accession_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'accession', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
70 my $seedlot_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'seedlot', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
71 my $plot_of_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plot_of', 'stock_relationship')->cvterm_id();
72 my $exp_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'field_layout', 'experiment_type')->cvterm_id();
73 my $bp_rel_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'breeding_program_trial_relationship', 'project_relationship')->cvterm_id();
74 my $seedlot_rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search({
75 type_id=>$seedlot_type_id
76 });
78 # If the patch is unable to determine to which breeding program the new seedlot belongs to, the new seedlot will be assigned to this default breeding program. Please change it here in the file to match your database.
79 my $userdefined_default_breeding_program = 'test';
80 my $default_breeding_program_id = $schema->resultset('Project::Project')->find({name=>$userdefined_default_breeding_program})->project_id();
82 # FIRST, ADDS current_count property to seedlots already in database.
83 print STDOUT "Adding current_count to any existing seedlots in database\n";
85 my %existing_seedlots;
86 while(my $r=$seedlot_rs->next){
87 $existing_seedlots{$r->uniquename}++;
89 my $sl = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->new(schema => $schema, seedlot_id=>$r->stock_id);
90 $sl->set_current_count_property();
93 # SECOND, DETERMINES which breeding program an accession has been used most in. This will be used to assign the seedlot later on.
94 print STDOUT "Determining which breeding program an accession has been used most in. This will be used to assign the seedlot later on.\n";
96 my $accession_rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search(
98 'me.type_id'=>$accession_type_id,
99 'stock_relationship_objects.type_id'=>$plot_of_type_id,
100 'nd_experiment.type_id'=>$exp_type_id,
101 'project_relationship_subject_projects.type_id'=>$bp_rel_type_id
104 join=>{'stock_relationship_objects'=>{'subject'=>{'nd_experiment_stocks'=>{'nd_experiment'=>{'nd_experiment_projects'=>{'project'=>{'project_relationship_subject_projects'=>'object_project'}}}}}}},
105 '+select'=>['object_project.project_id', ''],
106 '+as'=>['bp_id', 'bp_name']
109 my %accession_bp_hash;
110 my %accession_hash;
111 while(my $r=$accession_rs->next){
112 $accession_bp_hash{$r->uniquename}->{$r->get_column('bp_id')}++;
113 $accession_hash{$r->uniquename} = $r->stock_id;
115 my %highest_accession_bp_hash;
116 while(my($k,$v) = each %accession_bp_hash){
117 my %v = %$v;
118 my @bp_ids = sort { $v{$a} <=> $v{$b} } keys %v;
119 my $most_used = $bp_ids[-1];
120 $highest_accession_bp_hash{$k} = $most_used;
122 #print STDERR Dumper \%highest_accession_bp_hash;
124 # THIRD, DETERMINES if an accession has an organization associated that is actually a breeding program. If so, this breeding program will be assigned to the new seedlot.
125 print STDOUT "Determining if an accession has an organization associated that is actually a breeding program. If so, this breeding program will be assigned to the new seedlot.\n";
127 my $p = CXGN::BreedersToolbox::Projects->new({schema=>$schema});
128 my $breeding_programs = $p->get_breeding_programs();
129 my %available_breeding_program_names;
130 foreach (@$breeding_programs){
131 $available_breeding_program_names{$_->[1]}++;
134 my $organization_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'organization', 'stock_property')->cvterm_id();
135 my $organization_accession_rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search(
137 'me.type_id'=>$accession_type_id,
138 'stockprops.type_id'=>$organization_cvterm_id
141 'join'=>{'stockprops'=>'type'},
142 '+select'=>['stockprops.value'],
143 '+as'=>['organization']
146 my %accession_organization_hash;
147 while (my $r=$organization_accession_rs->next){
148 my $organization = $r->get_column('organization');
149 if (exists($available_breeding_program_names{$organization})){
150 $accession_organization_hash{$r->uniquename} = $organization;
155 # THIRD, CREATES a seedlot for every accession in the database. Attempts to assign breeding program to seedlot based on accession's usage or accession's organization. If neither of these are found, then USERDEFINED default is assigned.
156 print STDOUT "Creating seedlots\n";
158 my $full_accession_rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search({
159 type_id=>$accession_type_id
162 while (my $r = $full_accession_rs->next){
163 my $accession_uniquename = $r->uniquename;
164 my $accession_stock_id = $r->stock_id;
165 my $seedlot_uniquename = $accession_uniquename."_001";
167 if(exists($existing_seedlots{$seedlot_uniquename})){
168 next;
171 my $seedlot_bp_id;
172 if (exists($accession_organization_hash{$accession_uniquename})){
173 $seedlot_bp_id = $accession_organization_hash{$accession_uniquename};
174 } elsif (exists($highest_accession_bp_hash{$accession_uniquename})){
175 $seedlot_bp_id = $highest_accession_bp_hash{$accession_uniquename};
176 } else {
177 $seedlot_bp_id = $default_breeding_program_id;
180 my $sl = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->new(schema => $schema);
181 $sl->uniquename($seedlot_uniquename);
182 $sl->location_code("NA");
183 $sl->accession_stock_id($accession_stock_id);
184 #$sl->organization_name();
185 #$sl->population_name($population_name);
186 $sl->breeding_program_id($seedlot_bp_id);
187 $sl->check_name_exists(0);
188 #TO DO
189 #$sl->cross_id($cross_id);
190 my $return = $sl->store();
191 my $seedlot_id = $return->{seedlot_id};
193 my $timestamp = localtime();
194 my $transaction = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot::Transaction->new(schema => $schema);
195 $transaction->factor(1);
196 $transaction->from_stock([$accession_stock_id, $accession_uniquename]);
197 $transaction->to_stock([$seedlot_id, $seedlot_uniquename]);
198 $transaction->amount("1");
199 $transaction->timestamp($timestamp);
200 $transaction->description("Auto generated seedlot from accession. DbPatch 00085");
201 $transaction->operator('nmorales');
202 $transaction->store();
203 $sl->set_current_count_property();
207 print "You're done!\n";
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212 1; #
213 ####