[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller / AJAX / Search /
2 package SGN::Controller::AJAX::Search::Stock;
4 use Moose;
6 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::REST' }
8 use Data::Dumper;
9 use JSON::Any;
12 __PACKAGE__->config(
13 default => 'application/json',
14 stash_key => 'rest',
15 map => { 'application/json' => 'JSON', 'text/html' => 'JSON' },
19 sub stock_search :Path('/ajax/search/stocks') Args(0) {
20 my $self = shift;
21 my $c = shift;
23 my $params = $c->req->params() || {};
25 my %query;
28 my $matchtype = $params->{any_name_matchtype};
29 my $any_name = $params->{any_name};
31 unless ($matchtype eq 'exactly') { #trim whitespace from both ends unless exact search was specified
32 $any_name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
35 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
37 my ($or_conditions, $and_conditions);
38 $or_conditions->{'me.stock_id'} = { '>' => 0 };
39 $and_conditions->{'me.stock_id'} = { '>' => 0 };
40 if (exists($params->{any_name} ) && $params->{any_name} ) {
41 my $start = '%';
42 my $end = '%';
43 if ( $matchtype eq 'exactly' ) {
44 $start = '';
45 $end = '';
46 } elsif ( $matchtype eq 'starts_with' ) {
47 $start = '';
48 } elsif ( $matchtype eq 'ends_with' ) {
49 $end = '';
52 $or_conditions = [
53 { '' => {'ilike', $start.$any_name.$end} },
54 { 'me.uniquename' => {'ilike', $start.$any_name.$end} },
55 { 'me.description' => {'ilike', $start.$any_name.$end} },
56 { 'stockprops.value' => {'ilike', $start.$any_name.$end} }
57 ] ;
58 } else {
59 $or_conditions = [ { 'me.uniquename' => { '!=', undef } } ];
63 ###############
64 if (exists($params->{organism} ) && $params->{organism} ) {
65 $and_conditions->{'me.organism_id'} = $params->{organism} ;
68 if (exists($params->{stock_type} ) && $params->{stock_type} ) {
69 $and_conditions->{'me.type_id'} = $params->{stock_type} ;
72 if (exists($params->{person} ) && $params->{person} ) {
73 my $editor = $params->{person};
74 my ($first_name, $last_name ) = split ',' , $editor;
75 $first_name =~ s/\s+//g;
76 $last_name =~ s/\s+//g;
78 my $p_rs = $c->dbic_schema("CXGN::People::Schema")->resultset("SpPerson")->search(
80 first_name => { 'ilike' , '%'.$first_name.'%' } ,
81 last_name => { 'ilike' , '%'.$last_name.'%' }
85 my $stock_owner_rs = $c->dbic_schema("CXGN::Phenome::Schema")->resultset("StockOwner")->search(
87 sp_person_id => { -in => $p_rs->get_column('sp_person_id')->as_query },
88 });
89 my @stock_ids;
90 while ( my $o = $stock_owner_rs->next ) {
91 my $stock_id = $o->stock_id;
92 push @stock_ids, $stock_id ;
94 my $stock_ids = $stock_owner_rs->get_column('stock_id');
95 $and_conditions->{'me.stock_id'} = { '-in' => \@stock_ids } ;
97 ###############
98 if (exists($params->{trait} ) && $params->{trait} ) {
99 $and_conditions->{ '' } = $params->{trait} ;
102 if (exists($params->{project} ) && $params->{project} ) {
103 $and_conditions->{ 'lower(' } = { -like => lc($params->{project} ) } ;
106 if (exists($params->{location} ) && $params->{location} ) {
107 $and_conditions->{ 'lower(nd_geolocation.description)' } = { -like => lc($params->{location}) };
110 if (exists($params->{year} ) && $params->{year} ) {
111 $and_conditions->{ 'lower(projectprops.value)' } = { -like => lc($params->{year} ) } ;
114 if (exists($params->{organization} ) && $params->{organization} ) {
115 $and_conditions->{ 'project_relationship_subject_projects.object_project_id' } = $params->{organization} ;
119 my $draw = $params->{draw};
120 $draw =~ s/\D//g; # cast to int
122 my $rows = $params->{length} || 10;
123 my $start = $params->{start};
125 my $page = int($start / $rows)+1;
127 # get the count first
128 my $rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search(
130 'me.is_obsolete' => 'f',
131 -and => [
132 $or_conditions,
133 $and_conditions
137 join => ['type', 'organism', 'stockprops', { nd_experiment_stocks => { nd_experiment => {'nd_experiment_phenotypes' => {'phenotype' => 'observable' }}}}, { nd_experiment_stocks => { nd_experiment => { 'nd_experiment_projects' => { 'project' => ['projectprops', 'project_relationship_subject_projects'] } } } }, { nd_experiment_stocks => { nd_experiment => 'nd_geolocation' } } ],
138 distinct => 1,
143 my $records_total = $rs->count();
146 my $rs2 = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search(
148 'me.is_obsolete' => 'f',
149 -and => [
150 $or_conditions,
151 $and_conditions
155 join => ['type', 'organism', 'stockprops', { nd_experiment_stocks => { nd_experiment => {'nd_experiment_phenotypes' => {'phenotype' => 'observable' }}}} , { nd_experiment_stocks => { nd_experiment => { 'nd_experiment_projects' => { 'project' => ['projectprops', 'project_relationship_subject_projects'] } } } } , { nd_experiment_stocks => { nd_experiment => 'nd_geolocation' } } ],
157 '+select' => [ '' , 'organism.species' ],
158 '+as' => [ 'cvterm_name' , 'species' ],
159 page => $page,
160 rows => $rows,
161 order_by => '',
162 distinct => 1,
167 my @result;
168 while (my $a = $rs2->next()) {
169 my $uniquename = $a->uniquename;
170 my $type_id = $a->type_id ;
171 my $type = $a->get_column('cvterm_name');
172 my $organism_id = $a->organism_id;
173 my $organism = $a->get_column('species');
174 my $stock_id = $a->stock_id;
175 push @result, [ "<a href=\"/stock/$stock_id/view\">$uniquename</a>", $type, $organism ];
178 $c->stash->{rest} = { data => [ @result ], draw => $draw, recordsTotal => $records_total, recordsFiltered => $records_total };