21 <& /page/page_title.mas, title=>"Release of a draft genome sequence for <i>Nicotiana benthamiana</i>" &>
23 <p>Scientists at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI) have released a draft sequence of the <i>Nicotiana benthamiana</i> genome which is accessible through the SGN BLAST tool and can be downloaded from an ftp site (see: http://solgenomics.net/). The project was funded by BTI and National Science Foundation grants IOS-1025642 and IOS-0343327.</p>
25 <p><i>N. benthamiana</i> is a widely used model for plant-microbe biology and other research applications. It is particularly useful because it is related to tomato and potato and is amenable to virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) which facilitates the efficient functional study of plant genes.</p>
27 <p>The draft sequence of <i>N. benthamiana</i> will allow better design of constructs for virus-induced gene-silencing (VIGS) in order to reduce the possibility of 'off-target' gene silencing [1]. The sequence will also be useful for identifying orthologs of tomato and potato genes, for comparative genomics with other Solanaceae species, and for the retrieval of promoter sequences.</p>
29 <p><i>N. benthamiana</i> has a very complex genome consisting of n=19 chromosomes that is estimated at over 3.5GB in size. Taxonomically, it is an old allotetraploid of the section Suaveolentes that formed from diploid parents from the section Sylvestres and the section Noctiflorae. It is native to Australia [2, 3].</p>
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84 <center><a class="bigbutton a" href="/tools/blast/index.pl?db_id=194">BLAST <i>N. benthamiana</i> genome</a> <a class="bigbutton a" href="ftp://ftp.solgenomics.net/genomes/Nicotiana_benthamiana">FTP Site</a></center>
86 <h4>Sequencing approach</h4>
88 Seedlings were grown in the greenhouse and nuclear DNA was extracted from etiolated leaves. From the DNA, three distinct libraries were synthesized for use in a Illumina HiSeq-2000 sequencer: 1) a paired end library with an insert size of approximately 500 bp insert size; 2) a mate-pair type library with an insert size of 2kb; and 3) a mate pair with an insert size of 5kb. Sequencing was performed using a full run with 4 lanes of the paired end library and 1 lane each of the mate pair libraries.
90 <h4>Accession sequenced</h4>
92 The accession sequenced is referred to as "Nb-1". Seeds can be obtained by contacting Gregory Martin at <a href="mailto:gbm7@cornell.edu">gbm7@cornell.edu</a>.
94 <h4>Assembly Statistics</h4>
96 <i>N. benthamiana</i> Genome v0.42 Contigs<br /><br />
98 ==========================================================
99 = REPORT: Niben.genome.v0.4.2.scaffolds.nrcontigs.fasta =
100 ==========================================================
101 Sequence Count: 141339 sequences
102 Total Length: 2630346647 bp
103 Longest sequence: 615591 bp (ID = Niben.v0.4.1.Scf588)
104 Shortest sequence: 201 bp (ID = Niben.v0.4.1.Ctg23127767)
105 Average length: 18610.1970935128 bp
107 N95 index: 37713 sequences
109 N90 index: 30261 sequences
111 N75 index: 18834 sequences
113 N50 index: 8897 sequences
114 N25 length: 148847 bp
115 N25 index: 3141 sequences
116 ==========================================================
118 ==========================================================
119 = REPORT: Niben.genome.v0.4.2.contigs.fasta =
120 ==========================================================
121 Sequence Count: 461463 sequences
122 Total Length: 2462490758 bp
123 Longest sequence: 208210 bp (ID = Niben.v0.4.1.Scf14070.Ctg1)
124 Shortest sequence: 201 bp (ID = Niben.v0.4.1.Ctg23128323)
125 Average length: 5336.26912233483 bp
127 N95 index: 215459 sequences
129 N90 index: 163811 sequences
131 N75 index: 96046 sequences
133 N50 index: 42984 sequences
135 N25 index: 14540 sequences
136 ==========================================================
139 <i>N. benthamiana</i> Genome v0.3 Contigs<br /><br />
141 <font face="courier">
142 Contigs for Nicotiana benthamiana draft genome assembly version 0.3.
143 This assembly was made with the run 1: 5 lanes of PE-500bp, 1 lane of MP-2Kb and 1 lane of MP-5Kb, using SOAPdeNovo as assembler (Kmer 63).
146 ==========================================================<br />
147 = REPORT: Niben.genome.v0.3.contigs =<br />
148 ==========================================================<br />
149 Sequence Count: 3010735 sequences<br />
150 Total Length: 2899410662 bp<br />
151 Longest sequence: 103554 bp (ID = Niben.v0.3.Ctg25014514)<br />
152 Shortest sequence: 201 bp (ID = Niben.v0.3.Ctg6458060)<br />
153 Average length: 963.024199074312 bp<br />
154 N95 length: 233 bp<br />
155 N95 index: 2338365 sequences<br />
156 N90 length: 274 bp<br />
157 N90 index: 1763126 sequences<br />
158 N75 length: 619 bp<br />
159 N75 index: 606395 sequences<br />
160 N50 length: 4140 bp<br />
161 N50 index: 156329 sequences<br />
162 N25 length: 10316 bp<br />
163 N25 index: 43823 sequences<br />
164 ==========================================================<br />
166 N. benthamiana Genome v0.3 Scaffolds + NrContigs<br />
168 Scaffolds and contigs that are not contained in any scaffold for Nicotiana benthamiana draft genome assembly version 0.3<br />
170 ==========================================================<br />
171 = REPORT: Niben.genome.v0.3.scaffolds.nrcontigs =<br />
172 ==========================================================<br />
173 Sequence Count: 2770496 sequences<br />
174 Total Length: 2951043762 bp<br />
175 Longest sequence: 104967 bp (ID = Niben.v0.3.Scf25287388)<br />
176 Shortest sequence: 201 bp (ID = Niben.v0.3.Ctg6458060)<br />
177 Average length: 1065.16802839636 bp<br />
178 N95 length: 233 bp<br />
179 N95 index: 2087056 sequences<br />
180 N90 length: 276 bp<br />
181 N90 index: 1504209 sequences<br />
182 N75 length: 667 bp<br />
183 N75 index: 349603 sequences<br />
184 N50 length: 9243 bp<br />
185 N50 index: 94013 sequences<br />
186 N25 length: 15951 bp<br />
187 N25 index: 32376 sequences<br />
188 ==========================================================<br />
194 The draft assembly can be analyzed using the <a href="/tools/blast.pl?id=194">SGN BLAST</a> tool. There are no restrictions on the use of these data except that full genome analyses cannot be published.
200 <li>Gomez A. B., J. Vrebalov, P. Moffett, L. A. Mueller, and G. B. Martin (2012). A draft genome sequence of Nicotiana benthamiana and web-based tools for its use in plant-microbe biology research. In preparation.</li>
202 <li>Knapp, S. M. W. Chase and J. J. Clarkson (2004). Nomenclatural changes and a new sectional classification in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). Taxon 53:73-82.</li>
204 <li>Goodin, M. M., D. Zaitlin, R. A. Naidu, and S. A. Lommel (2008). Nicotiana benthamiana: Its history and future as a model for plant-pathogen interactions. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:1026.</li>
208 <h4>Acknowledgments</h4>
210 Sequencing of the N. benthamiana genome was supported by funds from the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research and National Science Foundation grants IOS-1025642 (A. Collmer and G. Martin), and IOS-0343327 (P. Moffett).
212 <h4>Online tutorial</h4>
214 An on-line tutorial of the VIGS procedure is available on the <a href="http://www.jove.com/video/1292/virus-induced-gene-silencing-vigs-in-nicotiana-benthamiana-and-tomato">JOVE site</a>.