Merge pull request #5191 from solgenomics/topic/quality_control
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller / solGS /
1 package SGN::Controller::solGS::AnalysisSave;
3 use Moose;
4 use namespace::autoclean;
6 use Carp qw/ carp confess croak /;
7 use DateTime;
8 use Data::Dumper;
9 use File::Find::Rule;
10 use File::Path qw / mkpath /;
11 use File::Spec::Functions qw / catfile catdir/;
12 use File::Slurp qw /write_file read_file/;
13 use JSON;
14 use Scalar::Util 'reftype';
15 use Storable qw/ nstore retrieve /;
16 use Try::Tiny;
17 use URI;
19 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::REST' };
21 __PACKAGE__->config(
22 default => 'application/json',
23 stash_key => 'rest',
24 map => { 'application/json' => 'JSON', 'text/html' => 'JSON' },
28 sub check_analysis_result :Path('/solgs/check/stored/analysis/') Args() {
29 my ($self, $c) = @_;
31 my $args = $c->req->param('arguments');
32 $c->controller('solGS::Utils')->stash_json_args($c, $args);
34 my $analysis_id = $self->check_stored_analysis($c);
35 $c->stash->{rest} {analysis_id} = $analysis_id;
37 if ($analysis_id)
39 $c->stash->{rest}{error} = "This model GEBVs are already in the database.";
45 sub result_details :Path('/solgs/analysis/result/details') Args() {
46 my ($self, $c) = @_;
48 my $args = $c->req->param('arguments');
49 $c->controller('solGS::Utils')->stash_json_args($c, $args);
51 my $stored = $self->check_stored_analysis($c);
53 if (!$stored)
55 my $params = decode_json($args);
56 my $analysis_details;
58 eval
60 $analysis_details = $self->structure_gebvs_result_details($c, $params);
63 if ($@)
65 print STDERR "\n$@\n";
66 $c->stash->{rest}{error} = 'Something went wrong structuring the analysis result';
68 else
70 $c->stash->{rest}{analysis_details} = $analysis_details;
77 sub structure_gebvs_result_details {
78 my ($self, $c, $params) = @_;
80 my $gebvs = $self->structure_gebvs_values($c, $params);
81 my @accessions = keys %$gebvs;
83 my $trait_names = $self->analysis_traits($c);
84 my $model_details = $self->model_details($c);
85 my $app_details = $self->app_details();
86 my $log = $self->get_analysis_job_info($c);
87 my $analysis_name = $log->{analysis_name};
89 my $test_trait_names = encode_json($trait_names);
90 my $test_log = encode_json($log);
92 my $details = {
93 'analysis_to_save_boolean' => 'yes',
94 'analysis_name' => $log->{analysis_name},
95 'analysis_description' => $log->{training_pop_desc},
96 'analysis_year' => $self->analysis_year($c),
97 'analysis_breeding_program_id' => $self->analysis_breeding_prog($c),
98 'analysis_protocol' => $model_details->{protocol},
99 'analysis_dataset_id' => '',
100 'analysis_accession_names' => encode_json(\@accessions),
101 'analysis_trait_names' => encode_json($trait_names),
102 'analysis_precomputed_design_optional' =>'',
103 'analysis_result_values' => to_json($gebvs),
104 'analysis_result_values_type' => 'analysis_result_values_match_accession_names',
105 'analysis_result_summary' => '',
106 'analysis_result_trait_compose_info' => "",
107 'analysis_statistical_ontology_term' => $model_details->{stat_ont_term},
108 'analysis_model_application_version' => $app_details->{version},
109 'analysis_model_application_name' => $app_details->{name},
110 'analysis_model_language' => $model_details->{model_lang},
111 'analysis_model_is_public' => 'yes',
112 'analysis_model_description' => $model_details->{model_desc},
113 'analysis_model_name' => $log->{analysis_name},
114 'analysis_model_type' => $model_details->{model_type},
117 return $details;
122 sub app_details {
123 my $self = shift;
125 my $ver = qx / git describe --tags --abbrev=0 /;
127 my $details = {
128 'name' => 'solGS',
129 'version' => $ver
132 return $details;
137 sub analysis_traits {
138 my ($self, $c) = @_;
140 my $log = $self->get_analysis_job_info($c);
141 my $trait_ids = $log->{trait_id};
142 my @trait_names;
143 foreach my $tr_id (@$trait_ids)
145 my $extended_name = $self->extended_trait_name($c, $tr_id);
146 push @trait_names, $extended_name;
149 return \@trait_names;
154 sub analysis_breeding_prog {
155 my ($self, $c) = @_;
157 my $log = $self->get_analysis_job_info($c);
159 my $trial_id = $log->{training_pop_id}[0];
160 if ($log->{data_set_type} =~ /combined/)
162 my $trials_ids = $c->controller('solGS::combinedTrials')->get_combined_pops_list($c, $trial_id);
163 $trial_id = $trials_ids->[0];
166 if ($trial_id =~ /list/)
168 $trial_id = $c->controller('solGS::List')->get_trial_id_plots_list($c, $trial_id);
171 my $program_id;
172 if ($trial_id =~ /^\d+$/)
174 $program_id = $c->controller('solGS::Search')->model($c)->trial_breeding_program_id($trial_id);
177 return $program_id;
182 sub model_details {
183 my ($self, $c) = @_;
185 my $model_type = 'gblup_model_rrblup';
186 my $stat_ont_term = 'GEBVs using GBLUP from rrblup R package|SGNSTAT:0000038';
187 my $protocol = "GBLUP model from RRBLUP R Package";
188 my $log = $self->get_analysis_job_info($c);
189 my $model_page = $log->{analysis_page};
190 my $model_desc= qq | <a href="$model_page">Go to model detail page</a>|;
191 #my $model_desc = 'test desc';
193 my $details = {
194 'model_type' => $model_type,
195 'model_page' => $model_page,
196 'model_desc' => $model_desc,
197 'model_lang' => 'R',
198 'stat_ont_term' => $stat_ont_term,
199 'protocol' => $protocol
202 return $details;
206 sub analysis_year {
207 my ($self, $c) = @_;
209 my $log = $self->get_analysis_job_info($c);
210 my $time = $log->{analysis_time};
212 $time= (split(/\s+/, $time))[0];
213 my $year = (split(/\//, $time))[2];
215 return $year;
220 sub check_stored_analysis {
221 my ($self, $c) = @_;
223 my $log = $self->get_analysis_job_info($c);
224 my $analysis_name = $log->{analysis_name};
225 my $analysis_id;
226 if ($analysis_name)
228 my $schema = $self->schema($c);
229 my $analysis = $schema->resultset("Project::Project")->find({ name => $analysis_name });
231 if ($analysis)
233 $analysis_id = $analysis->project_id;
237 return $analysis_id;
242 sub extended_trait_name {
243 my ($self, $c, $trait_id) = @_;
245 my $schema = $self->schema($c);
246 # foreach my $tr_id (@$trait_ids) {
247 #$c->controller('solGS::Trait')->get_trait_details($c, $tr_id);
248 my $extended_name = SGN::Model::Cvterm::get_trait_from_cvterm_id($schema, $trait_id, 'extended');
249 # push @trait_names, $extended_name;
252 return $extended_name;
257 sub gebvs_values {
258 my ($self, $c, $params) = @_;
260 my $training_pop_id = $params->{training_pop_id};
261 my $selection_pop_id = $params->{selection_pop_id};
262 my $trait_id = $params->{trait_id};
263 my $protocol_id = $params->{genotyping_protocol_id};
265 $c->stash->{genotyping_protocol_id} = $protocol_id;
267 my $analysis_page = $params->{analysis_page};
268 $analysis_page = $c->controller('solGS::Path')->page_type($c, $analysis_page);
270 my $gebvs_file;
271 if ($analysis_page =~ /training_model/)
273 $gebvs_file = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->rrblup_training_gebvs_file($c, $training_pop_id, $trait_id);
275 elsif ($analysis_page =~ /selection_prediction/)
277 $gebvs_file = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->rrblup_selection_gebvs_file($c, $training_pop_id, $selection_pop_id, $trait_id);
280 my $gebvs = $c->controller('solGS::Utils')->read_file_data($gebvs_file);
282 return $gebvs;
287 sub structure_gebvs_values {
288 my ($self, $c, $params) = @_;
290 my $trait_name = $self->extended_trait_name($c, $params->{trait_id});
292 my $gebvs = $self->gebvs_values($c, $params);
293 my $gebvs_ref = $c->controller('solGS::Utils')->convert_arrayref_to_hashref($gebvs);
295 my %gebvs_hash;
296 my $now = DateTime->now();
297 my $timestamp = $now->ymd()."T".$now->hms();
299 my $user = $c->controller('solGS::AnalysisQueue')->get_user_detail($c);
300 my $user_name = $user->{user_name};
302 my @accessions = keys %$gebvs_ref;
304 foreach my $accession (@accessions)
306 $gebvs_hash{$accession} = {
307 $trait_name => [$gebvs_ref->{$accession}, $timestamp, $user_name, "", ""]
311 return \%gebvs_hash;
316 sub get_analysis_job_info {
317 my ($self, $c) = @_;
319 my $files = $self->all_users_analyses_logs($c);
320 my $analysis_page = $c->stash->{analysis_page};
321 my @log;
323 foreach my $log_file (@$files) {
324 my @logs = read_file($log_file, {binmode => ':utf8'});
325 my ($log) = grep{ $_ =~ /$analysis_page/} @logs;
327 @log = split(/\t/, $log);
328 last if $log;
331 if (@log) {
332 my $analysis_info = decode_json($log[5]);
333 return $analysis_info;
334 } else {
335 return;
341 sub all_users_analyses_logs {
342 my ($self, $c) = @_;
344 my $dir = $c->stash->{analysis_log_dir};
345 my @files = File::Find::Rule->file()
346 ->name( 'analysis_log*' )
347 ->in( $dir );
349 return \@files;
354 sub schema {
355 my ($self, $c) = @_;
357 return $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", "sgn_chado");
361 sub begin : Private {
362 my ($self, $c) = @_;
364 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->get_solgs_dirs($c);
371 __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
374 ####
376 ####