2 package SGN
5 use namespace
7 BEGIN { extends
'Catalyst::Controller' }
10 sub submission_feedback
: Path
('/solgs/submission/feedback/') Args
() {
11 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
13 my $job_type = $c->req->param('job');
14 my $msg = $self->message_content($c, $job_type);
16 $c->stash->{message
} = $msg;
17 $c->stash->{template
} = "/generic_message.mas";
22 my ($self, $c, $job_type) = @_;
24 $job_type =~ s/[_|-]/ /g;
25 $job_type = lc($job_type);
27 my $user_id = $c->user()->get_object()->get_sp_person_id();
28 my $profile_link = "<a href=\"/solpeople/profile/$user_id\">your profile page</a>";
30 my $referer = $c->req->referer;
31 my $back_link = "<a href=\"$referer\">[ Go back ]</a>";
33 my $msg = "<p>Your $job_type job is submitted.</p>"
34 . "<p>You will receive an email when it is completed, "
35 . "which may take up to a few hours. If the email is not in your inbox, "
36 . "please check also your spam folder.</p>"
37 . "<p>Alternatively, you can also check the status of the job in $profile_link."
38 . "<p>$back_link</p>";