16 my $encoded_operator = $urlencode{$operator};
17 my $encoded_date = $urlencode{$date};
27 <div class="boxbgcolor5">
28 Scan the following barcodes once
32 <tr><td><font size="4">Operator</font></td>
34 <td><img src="/barcode/image/?code=O:<% $encoded_operator %>&size=<% $size %>" /></td></tr>
36 <tr><td><font size="4">Today's Date</font></td>
37 <td><img src="/barcode/image/?code=D:<% $encoded_date %>&size=<% $size %>" /></td></tr>
38 <tr><td><font size="4">Project</font></td>
40 <td><img src="/barcode/image/?code=P:<% $project %>&size=<% $size %>" /></td></tr>
41 <tr><td><font size="4">Location</font></td>
42 <td><img src="/barcode/image/?code=L:<% $location %>&size=<% $size %>" /></td></tr>
46 <br /><br /><br /><br />
49 <div class="boxbgcolor5">
50 Scan the barcode for the plant to be phenotyped, then scan the phenotype barcode, then enter the number on the keypad
54 <table border="0" cellpadding="20">
57 foreach my $t (@cvterms) {
58 my $definition = $t->{cvterm_definition};
59 $definition =~ s/(.{40})/$1\<br \\\>/g;
60 print qq { <tr><td><img src="/barcode/image/?code=$t->{cvterm}&size=$size" /></td><td>$definition</td></tr> };