5 check_organism.mas - a mason component for displaying message
6 related to QTL parental accession submissions not supported by SGN...
9 Isaak Y Tecle (iyt2@cornell.edu)
25 my $message = qq |<p> It appears that SGN currently does not support
26 this species (<b><i>$species</i>$cultivar</b>).<br/>
27 As a first step, please make sure you have spelled
28 the species correctly.</p>
30 <p> Read also the guidline for the nomenclature format
31 you have to use to submit the parental lines.</p>
33 <p> Please go <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">back</a>
36 <p> if you keep having the same problem with it
37 <a href=mailto:sgn-feedback\@sgn.cornell.edu> contact us.</a></p>
43 <& /page/page_title.mas, title => 'Check parental accession(s)' &>
44 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title => '', subtitle => $guide &>