5 population_exists.mas - a mason component for displaying message
6 when a user tries to submit a population name the same with an existing one...
9 Isaak Y Tecle (iyt2@cornell.edu)
23 my $message = qq | <p> It appears that a population <b>$name</></b> already
24 exists in the database. To continue loading QTL data
25 for a new population, try with a different population
28 <p>If you are trying to load more or change data to an
29 exising population contact us.</p>
31 <p>Please go <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">back</a>
32 and try to use a different name or if you keep having
33 problem with it contact us.</p>
40 <& /page/page_title.mas, title => 'QTL population' &>
41 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title => '', subtitle => $guide &>