6 /image/index.mas - a page for displaying image and image details
16 The id of the image in the database
24 the person logged into the system right now
28 the size of the image to display initially
52 print "<br /><br />No image is available with these parameters.";
56 my $image = SGN::Image->new($dbh, $object_id);
60 <& /page/page_title.mas, title=>"SGN Image ".$image->get_name() &>
62 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title=>"Image data" &>
64 <& /page/form.mas, object_type=>'image', object_id=>"$object_id", form_name=> 'image_form', server_side_script => '/image/ajax/image_ajax_form.pl', form_div_name=>'image_info_div', js_object_name=> 'image_form', page_url => '/image/index.pl', alternate_new_button => '' &>
68 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title=>"Image" &>
69 <& /image/display_image.mas, image=>$image, size=>$size &>