7 /chado/publications.mas - a component for printing publication info
17 CXGN::Chado::Publication object
21 db name for linking the publication to an xref (usually PubMed)
25 the accession of the dbxref
29 the DOI of the publication, if one exists
35 Naama Menda <nm249@cornell.edu>
47 <& /util/import_javascript.mas, classes => 'CXGN.Phenome.Publication' &>
48 <div class="publication_embedded">
49 <span class="title"> <% $doi %> <% $pub->get_title |h%> </span> <a href="/publication/<% $pub->get_pub_id |h%>/view">
50 <% $pub->get_series_name |h%> (<% $pub->get_pyear |h%>) </a>
52 <a class="toggle_abstract" href="#">Show / hide abstract</a>
54 <div class="abstract">
55 <% $pub->get_abstract |h%>
57 <div class="citation">
58 <% $pub->get_authors_as_string |h%>.
59 <% $pub->get_series_name |h%>.
60 <% $pub->get_pyear |h%>.
61 <% $pub->get_volume |h%>(<% $pub->get_issue |h%>).
62 <% $pub->get_pages |h%>.