Merge pull request #4106 from solgenomics/topic/wishlist
[sgn.git] / mason / markers / polymorphisms.mas
2 <%doc>
4 =head1 NAME
6 /markers/polymorphisms.mas - a Mason component displaying information about map polymorphisms of marker product lengths
10 parameters 
12 =over 5
14 =item *
16 $marker - a CXGN::Marker object.
19 =back
21 =head1 AUTHOR
23 Lukas Mueller <>
25 =cut
27 </%doc>
29 <%args>
30 $marker
31 </%args>
33 <%perl>
34   my $polymorphisms_html='';
35 my $dbh = $marker->{dbh};
37 my $displayed_experiments = $marker->current_mapping_experiments;
38 my @displayed_pcr = map ( $_->{pcr_experiment} , @$displayed_experiments);
39 my @displayed_ids;
40 foreach my $ex (@displayed_pcr) {
41   push  @displayed_ids, $ex->pcr_experiment_id if $ex;
44 my $experiments=$marker->experiments();
45 if($experiments and @{$experiments}) {
46   for my $experiment(@{$experiments}) {
47     my $pcr=$experiment->{pcr_experiment};
48     my $rflp=$experiment->{rflp_experiment};
49     if($pcr and !grep {$_==$pcr->pcr_experiment_id()} @displayed_ids) {
50       my $pcr_bands=$pcr->pcr_bands_hash_of_strings();
51       my $digest_bands=$pcr->pcr_digest_bands_hash_of_strings();
52       my $pcr_bands_html='';
53       my $digest_bands_html='';
54       for my $stock_id(keys(%{$pcr_bands})) {
55         #my $accession_name=CXGN::Accession->new($dbh,$accession_id)->verbose_name();
56         my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT organism.species || ' ' || FROM public.stock JOIN public.organism USING(organism_id) WHERE stock_id=?");
57         $sth->execute($stock_id);
58         my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
59         $pcr_bands_html.="<b>$stock_name:</b> $pcr_bands->{$stock_id}<br />";
60       }
61       for my $stock_id(keys(%{$digest_bands})) {
62         my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT organism.species || ' ' || FROM public.stock JOIN public.organism USING(organism_id) WHERE stock_id=?");
63         $sth->execute($stock_id);
64         my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
65 #       my $accession_name=CXGN::Accession->new($dbh,$accession_id)->verbose_name();
66         $digest_bands_html.="<b>$stock_name:</b> $digest_bands->{$stock_id}<br />";
67       }
68       my $mg='';
69       if($pcr->mg_conc()) {   
70         $mg=$pcr->mg_conc().'mM';
71       }
72       my $temp='';
73       if($pcr->temp()) { 
74         $temp=$pcr->temp().'&deg;C';
75       }                    
76       $polymorphisms_html.='<tr><td width="100%">';
77       my $fwd=$pcr->fwd_primer();
78       my $rev=$pcr->rev_primer();
79       if($fwd) {
80         $fwd='<span class="sequence">'.$fwd.'</span>';
81       }
82       else {
83         $fwd='<span class="ghosted">Unknown</span>';
84       }
85       if($rev) {
86         $rev='<span class="sequence">'.$rev.'</span>';
87       }
88       else {
89         $rev='<span class="ghosted">Unknown</span>';
90       }  
91       my $enz=$pcr->enzyme()||'unknown enzyme';                 
92       my $additional_enzymes= $pcr->additional_enzymes;
93       $temp||='<span class="ghosted">Unknown</span>';
94       $mg||='<span class="ghosted">Unknown</span>';
95       my $digest_title="Digested band sizes (using $enz)";
96       unless($digest_bands_html) {
97         $digest_title='&nbsp;'; 
98         $digest_bands_html='&nbsp;'; 
99       }
100       $polymorphisms_html.=CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers::info_table_html
101         (
102          '__title'=>"PCR data&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"tinytype\">Exp. ID ".$pcr->pcr_experiment_id."</span>",
103          "Forward primer (5'-3')"=>"<span class=\"sequence\">$fwd</span>",
104          "Reverse primer (5'-3')"=>"<span class=\"sequence\">$rev</span>",
105          'Accessions and product sizes'=>$pcr_bands_html,
106          $digest_title=>$digest_bands_html,
107          'Enzymes'               => $additional_enzymes,
108          'Approximate temperature'=>$temp,
109          'Mg<sup>+2</sup> concentration'=>$mg,
110          '__multicol'=>3,
111          '__tableattrs'=>"width=\"100%\"",
112         );
113       $polymorphisms_html.='</td></tr>';
114     }
115   }
117 if($polymorphisms_html) {
118  print  info_section_html(title=>'Other PCR data',contents=>'<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">'.$polymorphisms_html.'</table>');
120 else {
121   return '';
124 </%perl>