Merge pull request #4106 from solgenomics/topic/wishlist
[sgn.git] / mason / tools / solgwas / index.mas
2 <%doc>
3 </%doc>
5 <%args>
7 </%args>
9 <%perl>
10   use JSON::Any;
13 </%perl>
16 <& '/util/import_javascript.mas', classes => ['jquery', 'jqueryui', 'CXGN.Login', 'd3.d3v4Min.js', 'CXGN.BreedersToolbox.HTMLSelect'] &>
18 <script src=""></script>
19 <script src=""></script>
20 <script src=""></script>
22 <& /page/page_title.mas, title=>"SolGWAS" &>
24 <&| /page/info_section.mas, id=>"input_dataset_section", title=>"Select Input Data", collapsible=>1, collapsed=>0, subtitle=>'<a class="btn btn-link pull-right" href="/help/solgwas" target="_blank">Help <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span></a>' &>
25   <input type="hidden" name="outformat" value="0" />
28   <div class="form-group form-inline">
29     <label for="dataset_select">Available Datasets: </label><div id="dataset_select"></div>
30     <br>
32     <button class="btn btn-info" id="createDataset"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;Create Dataset</button>
33     <button class="btn btn-primary" id="selectDataset" type="submit" name="selectDataset" value="selectDataset">Select Dataset</button>
34     <br>
35     <br>
37     </div>
40       <div class="form-group form-inline">
41         <label class="blast_select_label" for="pheno_select">Available&nbspTraits:&nbsp; </label>
42       <& /page/html_select.mas, name=>'pheno_select', id=>'pheno_select', params=>"class\=\"form-control input-sm blast_select_box\"", choices=>"" &>
43       <button class="btn btn-primary" id="preview_trait_histogram_btn" type="submit" name="preview_trait_histogram_btn" value="preview_trait_histogram_btn">View Trait Histogram</button>
44       <br>
45       <br>
46       <br>
47       <center>
48         <div id="trait_histogram_plot">
49         </div>
50       </center>
51       <br>
52       <br>
53       <div class="form-group form-inline">
54       <input type="checkbox" id="kinshipmat" />
55       <label>Include kinship matrix in model &nbsp; </label>
56         <br>
57         <input type="checkbox" id="princomp" />
58         <label>Include principal components in model &nbsp; </label>
59         <button class="btn btn-primary" id="preview_pca" type="submit" name="preview_pca" value="preview_pca">View PCA Plot</button>
60       </div>
61       <br>
62       <br>
63       <br>
64       <center>
65         <div id="pca_output"></div>
66       </center>
69     <br>
72     <!--    <label class="blast_select_label" for="geno_select">Genotypes &nbsp; </label>
73         <& /page/html_select.mas, name=>'geno_select', id=>'geno_select', params=>"class\=\"form-control input-sm blast_select_box\"", choices=>"" &> -->
74         <br>
76         </div>
78             <div style="text-align: center">
79               <button class="btn btn-primary" id="runGWA" name="runGWA">Run SolGWAS</button>
80             </div>
81             <br />
83     <div id="tempfile" style="display:none" >
84     </div>
90 </&>
95 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title=>"Output", collapsible=>1, collapsed=>0, subtitle=>'<a id="download_table" class="download_tag" target="_blank" href="javascript:download_table();" title="Download results in tabular format">Table&#8675;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a id="download_basic" class="download_tag" target="_blank" href="javascript:download();" title="Download results in basic format">Basic&#8675;</a>' &>
99   <center>
100     <div id="sgn_blast_graph" style="display:none">
101         <div id="myCanvas">
102           Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas
103         </div>
104     </div>
105   </center>
106   <br>
107   <center>
108     <div id="Solgwas_output"></div>
109   </center>
110   <div id="Overview_output"></div>
111   <div id="Coverage_output"></div>
112   <div id="Table_output" style="min-width:900px;"></div>
113   <div id="Bioperl_output"></div>
114   <div id="Basic_output"></div>
116 </&>
122 <script>
125 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
126   if (isLoggedIn()) {
127     get_select_box("datasets", "dataset_select", {"checkbox_name":"dataset_select_checkbox"});
128   }
129   else {
130     alert('You must be logged in to use SolGWAS');
131   }
132   $('#pheno_select').attr("disabled",true).html('');
134   jQuery("#createDataset").click(function(e) {
135     window.location = "/breeders/search/?dsp=genotyping_protocols,trials|traits,accessions&dsr=/tools/solgwas";
136   });
138   jQuery('#dataset_select').click(function() {
139     $('#pheno_select').attr("disabled",true).html('');
140     $('#trait_histogram_plot').html('');
141     $('#pca_output').empty();
142     $('#Solgwas_output').empty();
143     $('#princomp').attr('checked', false);
144     $('#kinshipmat').attr('checked', false);
145   });
146   jQuery('#selectDataset').click(function() {
147     var dataset_id = get_dataset_id();
148     $.ajax({
149       url: '/ajax/solgwas/shared_phenotypes',
150       data: {'dataset_id': dataset_id},
151       success: function(response) {
152         if (response.error) {
153           $('#dataset_select').val('ERROR');
154         }
155         else {
156 //          alert(response.options);
157 //                  alert(response.options.length);
158         var option_html = '<option selected="selected" value=""> </option>';
159           for (var i = 0; i < response.options.length; i++) {
160             option_html += '<option value="'+response.options[i][1]+'">'+(response.options[i][1])+'</option>';
161           }
162           $('#pheno_select').attr("disabled",false).html(option_html);
163       jQuery('#tempfile').html(response.tempfile);
166         }
168       },
169       error: function(response) {
170         alert("An error occurred, the service may temporarily be unavailable");
171       }
172     });
173   });
176   jQuery('#preview_trait_histogram_btn').on('click', function() {
177     if (!jQuery('#pheno_select').val()) {
178       alert("Please select a dataset and trait.")
179     } else {
180       //alert("Inside trait preview");
181       var tempfile = jQuery('#tempfile').html();
182       var trait = jQuery('#pheno_select').val();
183       //alert(trait);
184       jQuery.ajax( {
185           url: '/ajax/solgwas/getdata',
186           data: { 'file' : tempfile },
187           success: function(r)  {
188           //alert("data grabbed "+JSON.stringify(;
189           var v = {
190               "$schema": "",
191               "width": 200,
192               "height": 100,
193               "padding": 5,
194               "data": { 'values': },
195               "mark": "bar",
196               "encoding": {
197               "x": {
198                 "bin": true,
199                 "field": trait,
200                 "type": "quantitative"
201               },
202               "y": {
203                 "aggregate": "count",
204                 "type": "quantitative"
205               }
206              }
207             };
209    //alert("embedding"+ JSON.stringify(v));
210             vegaEmbed("#trait_histogram_plot", v);
211             //alert("done");
212           },
215         error: function(e) { alert('error!'); }
216       });
217     };
218   });
221   jQuery('#preview_pca').click( function () {
222     if (!jQuery('#pheno_select').val()) {
223       alert("Please select a dataset and trait.")
224     } else {
225       $('#pca_output').empty();
226       if ($('#pheno_select').val() != ""){
227         var dataset_id = get_dataset_id();
228         var trait_id = $('#pheno_select').val();
229         $.ajax({
230           url: '/ajax/solgwas/generate_pca',
231           async: true,
232           data: {'dataset_id': dataset_id, 'trait_id': trait_id},
233               beforeSend: function() {
234             jQuery("#working_modal").modal("show");
235               },
236           success: function(response) {
237             jQuery("#working_modal").modal("hide");
238             if (response.error) {
239               $('#dataset_select').val('ERROR');
240             }
241             else {
242               var fig2_response = response.figure2;
243                     $('#pca_output').append("<img id='SolGWAS_Figure2' src='"+ fig2_response + "'/>");
244               }
245           },
246           error: function(response) {
247             alert("An error occurred, the service may temporarily be unavailable");
248           }
249         });
250       }
251     };
252   });
254   jQuery('#runGWA').click( function () {
255     if (!jQuery('#pheno_select').val()) {
256       alert("Please select a dataset and trait.")
257       $('#Solgwas_output').empty();
258     } else {
259       $('#Solgwas_output').empty();
260       if ($('#pheno_select').val() != ""){
261         var dataset_id = get_dataset_id();
262         var trait_id = $('#pheno_select').val();
263         var pc_check = 0;
264         var kinship_check = 0;
265         if ($('#princomp').is(':checked')) {
266           var pc_check = 1;
267         }
268         if ($('#kinshipmat').is(':checked')) {
269           var kinship_check = 1;
270         }
271         //alert(pc_check);
272         //alert(kinship_check);
273         //alert("Dataset ID: "+dataset_id);
274         //alert("Pheno ID: "+trait_id);
275         $.ajax({
276           url: '/ajax/solgwas/generate_results',
277           data: {'dataset_id': dataset_id, 'trait_id': trait_id, 'pc_check': pc_check, 'kinship_check': kinship_check},
278               beforeSend: function() {
279             jQuery("#working_modal").modal("show");
280               },
281           timeout: 30000000,
282           success: function(response) {
283             jQuery("#working_modal").modal("hide");
284             if (response.error) {
285               alert(response.error);
286             }
287             else {
288               var fig3_response = response.figure3;
289               var fig4_response = response.figure4;
290             //alert("Response ID: "+temp_response);
291             //alert("Response ID: "+fig3_response);
293                   $('#Solgwas_output').append("<img id='SolGWAS_Figure3' src='"+ fig3_response + "'/>");
294                   $('#Solgwas_output').append("<img id='SolGWAS_Figure4' src='"+ fig4_response + "'/>");
295                 }
296           },
297           error: function(xhr, status, error) {
298             var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")");
299             alert(err.Message);
300           }
301         });
302       }
303     };
304   });
306   function get_dataset_id() {
307       var selected_datasets = [];
308       jQuery('input[name="dataset_select_checkbox"]:checked').each(function() {
309           selected_datasets.push(jQuery(this).val());
310       });
311       if (selected_datasets.length < 1){
312           alert('Please select at least one dataset!');
313           return false;
314       } else if (selected_datasets.length > 1){
315           alert('Please select only one dataset!');
316           return false;
317       } else {
318         var dataset_id=selected_datasets[0];
319         return dataset_id;
320     }
321   }
326 </script>
329 <!-- STYLE -->
330 <style>
332 h1 {
333   display:none;
336 .seq_map {
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338         width: 700px;
339         position:relative;
340         overflow: auto;
341         align: left;
344 .blast_select_box {
345   width:300px;
346   margin-right:10px;
349 .blast_select_label {
350   width:100px;
351   margin-right:10px;
352   line-height: 32px;
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367 #desc_dialog {
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378         padding-right: 10px;
381 #sequence {
382   min-height: 80px;
383   max-height: 300px;
384 /*  min-width: 700px;*/
385   max-width: 98%;
388 .download_tag {
389   display:none;
392 /* BLAST canvas Graph */
394 .width-1000 {
395   width: 1000px;
396   text-align: center;
399 #sgn_blast_graph {
400   overflow:hidden;
403 #myCanvas {
404 /*  border-style: solid;*/
405 /*  border-width: 1px;*/
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415 </style>