added some POD.
[sgn.git] / cgi-bin / tools /
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
3 use CGI ();
4 use Try::Tiny;
5 use List::Util qw/max/;
7 my ($error_code) = CGI->new->param('code');
8 $error_code ||= 500;
10 if( $error_code == 404 ) {
14 && $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} =~ m|http://[^/]*$ENV{HTTP_HOST}|
15 && $c->get_conf('production_server')
16 ) {
18 # this 404 is our mistake (i.e. the referrer is one of ours),
19 # try to send the dev team an email before displaying the 404
20 # page
21 try {
22 require Mail::Sendmail;
24 my $script_name = $ENV{HTTP_REFERER};
25 $script_name =~ s|.+\/||;
26 Mail::Sendmail::sendmail(
27 To => $c->get_conf('bugs_email'),
28 From => 'www@'.$ENV{HTTP_HOST},
29 Subject => "Broken link on $script_name: $ENV{REQUEST_URI}",
30 Body => "Broken link $ENV{REQUEST_URI} on page $ENV{HTTP_REFERER}.\n\nEnvironment:\n".format_env( %ENV ),
31 ) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error;
32 } catch {
33 warn "$0: could not send 404 broken link email: $_";
36 $c->forward_to_mason_view( '/site/error/404.mas', message => 'We apologize for the inconvenience. An error report has been sent to the development team.' );
37 } else {
38 $c->forward_to_mason_view( '/site/error/404.mas', message => 'You may want to contact the referring site and inform them of this error.');
42 } else {
43 $c->forward_to_mason_view( '/site/error/'.($error_code+0).'.mas' );
46 # format the ENV hash into name => value, one per line,
47 # with names padded to make the output columnar
48 sub format_env {
49 my %env = @_;
50 my $key_width = 3 + max map length, keys %env;
51 return join '', map {
52 $_ # key
53 . ' ' x ( $key_width - length ) # padding
54 . '=> ' # =>
55 . $env{$_} # value
56 . "\n" # newline
57 } sort keys %env;