5 use SGN
9 has
'bcs_schema' => ( isa
=> 'Bio::Chado::Schema',
14 has
'cross_stock_id' => (isa
=> "Int",
19 has
'female_parent' => (isa
=> 'Str',
24 has
'male_parent' => (isa
=> 'Str',
29 has
'trial_id' => (isa
=> "Int",
41 sub get_cross_relationships
44 my $crs = $self->bcs_schema->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->search( { object_id
=> $self->cross_stock_id } );
46 my $maternal_parent = "";
47 my $paternal_parent = "";
50 foreach my $child ($crs->all()) {
51 if ($child->type->name() eq "female_parent") {
52 $maternal_parent = [ $child->subject->name, $child->subject->stock_id() ];
54 if ($child->type->name() eq "male_parent") {
55 $paternal_parent = [ $child->subject->name, $child->subject->stock_id() ];
57 if ($child->type->name() eq "member_of") {
58 push @progeny, [ $child->subject->name, $child->subject->stock_id() ];
61 return ($maternal_parent, $paternal_parent, \
66 Usage: CXGN::Cross->get_cross_info( $schema, $female_parent, $male_parent);
78 my $female_parent = shift;
79 my $male_parent = shift;
81 my $male_parent_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "male_parent", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
82 my $female_parent_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "female_parent", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
83 my $cross_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "cross", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
85 my $where_female = "";
87 $where_female = " WHERE female_parent.uniquename = ?";
92 $where_male = " AND male_parent.uniquename = ?";
95 my $q = "SELECT female_parent.stock_id, male_parent.stock_id, cross_entry.stock_id, female_parent.uniquename, male_parent.uniquename, cross_entry.uniquename, stock_relationship1.value
96 FROM stock as female_parent INNER JOIN stock_relationship AS stock_relationship1 ON (female_parent.stock_id=stock_relationship1.subject_id)
97 AND stock_relationship1.type_id= ? INNER JOIN stock AS cross_entry ON (cross_entry.stock_id=stock_relationship1.object_id) AND cross_entry.type_id= ?
98 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship AS stock_relationship2 ON (cross_entry.stock_id=stock_relationship2.object_id) AND stock_relationship2.type_id= ?
99 LEFT JOIN stock AS male_parent ON (male_parent.stock_id=stock_relationship2.subject_id)
100 $where_female $where_male ORDER BY stock_relationship1.value, male_parent.uniquename";
102 my $h = $schema->storage->dbh()->prepare($q);
104 if ($female_parent && $male_parent) {
105 $h->execute($female_parent_typeid, $cross_typeid, $male_parent_typeid, $female_parent, $male_parent);
107 elsif ($female_parent) {
108 $h->execute($female_parent_typeid, $cross_typeid, $male_parent_typeid, $female_parent);
110 elsif ($male_parent) {
111 $h->execute($female_parent_typeid, $cross_typeid, $male_parent_typeid, $male_parent);
114 $h->execute($female_parent_typeid, $cross_typeid, $male_parent_typeid);
118 while (my ($female_parent_id, $male_parent_id, $cross_entry_id, $female_parent_name, $male_parent_name, $cross_name, $cross_type) = $h->fetchrow_array()){
119 push @cross_info, [$female_parent_id, $female_parent_name, $male_parent_id, $male_parent_name, $cross_entry_id, $cross_name, $cross_type]
121 #print STDERR Dumper(\@cross_info);
126 =head2 get_cross_info_for_progeny
128 Usage: CXGN::Cross->get_cross_info_for_progeny( $schema, $female_parent_id, $male_parent_id, $progeny_id);
130 Ret: cross info for the cross that created the progeny
137 sub get_cross_info_for_progeny
140 my $female_parent_id = shift;
141 my $male_parent_id = shift;
142 my $progeny_id = shift;
144 my $male_parent_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "male_parent", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
145 my $female_parent_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "female_parent", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
146 my $cross_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "cross", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
147 my $member_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'member_of', 'stock_relationship')->cvterm_id();
148 my $cross_experiment_type_cvterm_id = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'cross_experiment', 'experiment_type')->cvterm_id();
149 my $project_year_cvterm_id = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'project year', 'project_property')->cvterm_id();
151 my $q = "SELECT cross_entry.stock_id, cross_entry.uniquename, female_stock_relationship.value, year.value
152 FROM stock_relationship AS female_stock_relationship
153 JOIN stock AS cross_entry ON (cross_entry.stock_id=female_stock_relationship.object_id)
154 JOIN stock_relationship AS male_stock_relationship ON (cross_entry.stock_id=male_stock_relationship.object_id)
155 JOIN stock_relationship AS cross_to_progeny_rel ON (cross_entry.stock_id=cross_to_progeny_rel.object_id)
156 JOIN nd_experiment_stock ON (cross_entry.stock_id=nd_experiment_stock.stock_id)
157 JOIN nd_experiment USING(nd_experiment_id)
158 JOIN nd_experiment_project USING(nd_experiment_id)
159 JOIN project USING (project_id)
160 JOIN projectprop as year USING(project_id)
161 WHERE cross_entry.type_id= ? AND female_stock_relationship.type_id= ? AND female_stock_relationship.subject_id = ? AND male_stock_relationship.type_id= ? AND male_stock_relationship.subject_id = ? AND cross_to_progeny_rel.type_id = ? AND cross_to_progeny_rel.subject_id = ? AND nd_experiment.type_id = ? AND year.type_id = ?
162 ORDER BY female_stock_relationship.value, male_stock_relationship.subject_id";
164 my $h = $schema->storage->dbh()->prepare($q);
165 $h->execute($cross_typeid, $female_parent_typeid, $female_parent_id, $male_parent_typeid, $male_parent_id, $member_typeid, $progeny_id, $cross_experiment_type_cvterm_id, $project_year_cvterm_id);
168 while (my ($cross_entry_id, $cross_name, $cross_type, $year) = $h->fetchrow_array()){
169 push @cross_info, [$cross_entry_id, $cross_name, $cross_type, $year];
171 #print STDERR Dumper(\@cross_info);
172 if (scalar(@cross_info)>1){
173 print STDERR
"There is more than one (".scalar(@cross_info).") cross linked to this progeny\n";
175 if (scalar(@cross_info)>0){
176 return $cross_info[0];
183 =head2 get_progeny_info
185 Usage: CXGN::Cross->get_progeny_info( $schema, $female_parent, $male_parent);
194 sub get_progeny_info
197 my $female_parent = shift;
198 my $male_parent = shift;
200 my $male_parent_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "male_parent", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
201 my $female_parent_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "female_parent", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
202 my $accession_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "accession", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
203 my $member_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "member_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
205 my $where_female = "";
207 $where_female = " WHERE female_parent.uniquename = ?";
212 $where_male = " AND male_parent.uniquename = ?";
215 my $q = "SELECT DISTINCT female_parent.stock_id, female_parent.uniquename, male_parent.stock_id, male_parent.uniquename, progeny.stock_id, progeny.uniquename, CONCAT(stock_relationship1.value, stock_relationship4.value) AS type
216 FROM stock_relationship as stock_relationship1
217 INNER JOIN stock AS female_parent ON (stock_relationship1.subject_id = female_parent.stock_id) AND stock_relationship1.type_id = ?
218 INNER JOIN stock AS progeny ON (stock_relationship1.object_id = progeny.stock_id) AND progeny.type_id = ?
219 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship AS stock_relationship2 ON (progeny.stock_id = stock_relationship2.object_id) AND stock_relationship2.type_id = ?
220 LEFT JOIN stock AS male_parent ON (stock_relationship2.subject_id = male_parent.stock_id)
221 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship AS stock_relationship3 ON (progeny.stock_id = stock_relationship3.subject_id) AND stock_relationship3.type_id = ?
222 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship AS stock_relationship4 ON (stock_relationship3.object_id = stock_relationship4.object_id) AND stock_relationship4.type_id = ?
223 $where_female $where_male ORDER BY male_parent.uniquename";
225 my $h = $schema->storage->dbh()->prepare($q);
227 if($female_parent && $male_parent){
228 $h->execute($female_parent_typeid, $accession_typeid, $male_parent_typeid, $member_typeid, $female_parent_typeid, $female_parent, $male_parent);
230 elsif ($female_parent) {
231 $h->execute($female_parent_typeid, $accession_typeid, $male_parent_typeid, $member_typeid, $female_parent_typeid, $female_parent);
233 elsif ($male_parent) {
234 $h->execute($female_parent_typeid, $accession_typeid, $male_parent_typeid, $member_typeid, $female_parent_typeid, $male_parent);
237 $h->execute($female_parent_typeid, $accession_typeid, $male_parent_typeid, $member_typeid, $female_parent_typeid);
240 my @progeny_info = ();
241 while (my($female_parent_id, $female_parent_name, $male_parent_id, $male_parent_name, $progeny_id, $progeny_name, $cross_type) = $h->fetchrow_array()){
243 push @progeny_info, [$female_parent_id, $female_parent_name, $male_parent_id, $male_parent_name, $progeny_id, $progeny_name, $cross_type]
245 #print STDERR Dumper(\@progeny_info);
246 return \
249 =head2 get_crosses_in_trial
254 sub get_crosses_in_trial
256 my $schema = $self->bcs_schema;
257 my $trial_id = $self->trial_id;
259 my $male_parent_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "male_parent", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
260 my $female_parent_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "female_parent", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
261 my $female_plot_of_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "female_plot_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
262 my $male_plot_of_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "male_plot_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
263 my $female_plant_of_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "female_plant_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
264 my $male_plant_of_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "male_plant_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
266 my $q = "SELECT stock1.stock_id, stock1.uniquename, stock_relationship1.value, stock2.stock_id, stock2.uniquename, stock3.stock_id, stock3.uniquename, stock4.stock_id, stock4.uniquename, stock5.stock_id, stock5.uniquename, stock6.stock_id, stock6.uniquename, stock7.stock_id, stock7.uniquename
267 FROM nd_experiment_project JOIN nd_experiment_stock ON (nd_experiment_project.nd_experiment_id = nd_experiment_stock.nd_experiment_id)
268 JOIN stock AS stock1 ON (nd_experiment_stock.stock_id = stock1.stock_id)
269 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship AS stock_relationship1 ON (stock1.stock_id = stock_relationship1.object_id) AND stock_relationship1.type_id = ?
270 LEFT JOIN stock AS stock2 ON (stock_relationship1.subject_id = stock2.stock_id)
271 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship AS stock_relationship2 ON (stock1.stock_id = stock_relationship2.object_id) AND stock_relationship2.type_id = ?
272 LEFT JOIN stock AS stock3 ON (stock_relationship2.subject_id = stock3.stock_id)
273 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship AS stock_relationship3 ON (stock1.stock_id = stock_relationship3.object_id) AND stock_relationship3.type_id = ?
274 LEFT JOIN stock AS stock4 ON (stock_relationship3.subject_id = stock4.stock_id)
275 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship AS stock_relationship4 ON (stock1.stock_id = stock_relationship4.object_id) AND stock_relationship4.type_id = ?
276 LEFT JOIN stock AS stock5 ON (stock_relationship4.subject_id = stock5.stock_id)
277 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship AS stock_relationship5 ON (stock1.stock_id = stock_relationship5.object_id) AND stock_relationship5.type_id = ?
278 LEFT JOIN stock AS stock6 ON (stock_relationship5.subject_id = stock6.stock_id)
279 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship AS stock_relationship6 ON (stock1.stock_id = stock_relationship6.object_id) AND stock_relationship6.type_id = ?
280 LEFT JOIN stock AS stock7 ON (stock_relationship6.subject_id = stock7.stock_id)
281 WHERE nd_experiment_project.project_id = ?";
283 my $h = $schema->storage->dbh()->prepare($q);
285 $h->execute($female_parent_typeid, $male_parent_typeid, $female_plot_of_typeid, $male_plot_of_typeid, $female_plant_of_typeid, $male_plant_of_typeid, $trial_id);
288 while(my($cross_id, $cross_name, $cross_type, $female_parent_id, $female_parent_name, $male_parent_id, $male_parent_name, $female_plot_id, $female_plot_name, $male_plot_id, $male_plot_name, $female_plant_id, $female_plant_name, $male_plant_id, $male_plant_name) = $h->fetchrow_array()){
289 push @data, [$cross_id, $cross_name, $cross_type, $female_parent_id, $female_parent_name, $male_parent_id, $male_parent_name, $female_plot_id, $female_plot_name, $male_plot_id, $male_plot_name, $female_plant_id, $female_plant_name, $male_plant_id, $male_plant_name]
294 =head2 get_cross_properties_trial
299 sub get_cross_properties_trial
301 my $schema = $self->bcs_schema;
302 my $trial_id = $self->trial_id;
304 my $cross_props_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "crossing_metadata_json", "stock_property")->cvterm_id();
306 my $q = "SELECT stock.stock_id, stock.uniquename, stockprop.value FROM nd_experiment_project
307 JOIN nd_experiment_stock ON (nd_experiment_project.nd_experiment_id = nd_experiment_stock.nd_experiment_id)
308 LEFT JOIN stockprop ON (nd_experiment_stock.stock_id = stockprop.stock_id)
309 LEFT JOIN stock ON (stockprop.stock_id = stock.stock_id)
310 WHERE stockprop.type_id = ? AND nd_experiment_project.project_id = ?";
312 my $h = $schema->storage->dbh()->prepare ($q);
314 $h->execute($cross_props_typeid, $trial_id);
317 while(my($cross_id, $cross_name, $cross_props) = $h->fetchrow_array()){
318 #print STDERR Dumper $cross_props;
319 my $cross_props_hash = decode_json
320 push @data, [$cross_id, $cross_name, $cross_props_hash]
327 =head2 get_cross_progenies_trial
332 sub get_cross_progenies_trial
334 my $schema = $self->bcs_schema;
335 my $trial_id = $self->trial_id;
337 my $member_of_type_id = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "member_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
338 my $family_name_type_id = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "family_name", "stock_property")->cvterm_id();
340 my $q = "SELECT progeny_count_table.cross_id, progeny_count_table.cross_name, progeny_count_table.progeny_number, stockprop.value
342 (SELECT DISTINCT stock.stock_id AS cross_id, stock.uniquename AS cross_name, COUNT (stock_relationship.subject_id) AS progeny_number
343 FROM nd_experiment_project JOIN nd_experiment_stock ON (nd_experiment_project.nd_experiment_id = nd_experiment_stock.nd_experiment_id)
344 JOIN stock ON (nd_experiment_stock.stock_id = stock.stock_id)
345 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship ON (stock.stock_id = stock_relationship.object_id) AND stock_relationship.type_id = ?
346 WHERE nd_experiment_project.project_id = ? GROUP BY cross_id)
347 AS progeny_count_table
348 LEFT JOIN stockprop ON (progeny_count_table.cross_id = stockprop.stock_id) AND stockprop.type_id = ?";
350 my $h = $schema->storage->dbh()->prepare($q);
352 $h->execute($member_of_type_id, $trial_id, $family_name_type_id);
355 while(my($cross_id, $cross_name, $progeny_number, $family_name) = $h->fetchrow_array()){
356 push @data, [$cross_id, $cross_name, $progeny_number, $family_name]
367 Usage: $cross->delete();
368 Desc: Deletes a cross
369 Ret: error string if error, undef otherwise
371 Side Effects: deletes project entry, nd_experiment entry, and stock entry.
381 my $dbh = $self->bcs_schema()->storage()->dbh();
382 my $schema = $self->bcs_schema();
388 my $cross_typeid = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, "cross", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
389 # delete the project entries
391 print STDERR
"Deleting project entry for cross...\n";
392 my $q1 = "delete from project where project_id=(SELECT project_id FROM nd_experiment_project JOIN nd_experiment_stock USING (nd_experiment_id) JOIN stock USING(stock_id) where stock_id=? and type_id = ?)";
393 my $h1 = $dbh->prepare($q1);
394 $h1->execute($self->cross_stock_id(), $cross_typeid);
396 # delete the nd_experiment entries
398 print STDERR
"Deleting nd_experiment entry for cross...\n";
399 my $q2= "delete from nd_experiment where nd_experiment.nd_experiment_id=(SELECT nd_experiment_id FROM nd_experiment_stock JOIN stock USING (stock_id) where stock.stock_id=? and stock.type_id =?)";
400 my $h2 = $dbh->prepare($q2);
401 $h2->execute($self->cross_stock_id(), $cross_typeid);
403 # delete the stock entries
405 my $q3 = "delete from stock where stock.stock_id=523823 and stock.type_id = ?";
406 my $h3 = $dbh->prepare($q3);
407 $h3->execute($self->cross_stock_id(), $cross_typeid);
411 print STDERR
"An error occurred while deleting cross id ".$self->cross_stock_id()."\n";