ignore emacs backup files also in db/run_all_patches.pl
[sgn.git] / lib / CXGN / Stock / Seedlot.pm
2 =head1 NAME
4 CXGN::Stock::Seedlot - a class to represent seedlots in the database
8 CXGN::Stock::Seedlot inherits from CXGN::Stock.
10 To create a new seedlot do:
11 #Seedlot can either be from an accession or a cross, therefore, supply an accession_stock_id OR a cross_stock_id here
13 my $sl = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->new(schema => $schema);
14 $sl->uniquename($seedlot_uniquename);
15 $sl->location_code($location_code);
16 $sl->accession_stock_id($accession_id);
17 $sl->cross_stock_id($cross_id);
18 $sl->organization_name($organization);
19 $sl->population_name($population_name);
20 $sl->breeding_program_id($breeding_program_id);
21 my $return = $sl->store();
22 my $seedlot_id = $return->{seedlot_id};
24 #The first transaction is between the accession_stock_id OR cross_stock_id that you specified above and the new seedlot created.
25 my $transaction = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot::Transaction->new(schema => $schema);
26 $transaction->factor(1);
27 $transaction->from_stock([$from_stock_id, $from_stock_uniquename]);
28 $transaction->to_stock([$seedlot_id, $seedlot_uniquename]);
29 $transaction->amount($amount);
30 $transaction->timestamp($timestamp);
31 $transaction->description($description);
32 $transaction->operator($operator);
33 $transaction->store();
35 $sl->set_current_count_property();
37 $phenome_schema->resultset("StockOwner")->find_or_create({
38 stock_id => $seedlot_id,
39 sp_person_id => $user_id,
40 });
42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 To Update or Edit a seedlot do:
46 my $seedlot = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->new(
47 schema => $schema,
48 seedlot_id => $seedlot_id,
50 $seedlot->name($seedlot_name);
51 $seedlot->uniquename($seedlot_name);
52 $seedlot->breeding_program_id($breeding_program_id);
53 $seedlot->organization_name($organization);
54 $seedlot->location_code($location);
55 $seedlot->accession_stock_id($accession_id);
56 $seedlot->cross_stock_id($cross_id);
57 $seedlot->population_name($population);
58 my $return = $seedlot->store();
60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 To Search Across Seedlots do:
63 # This is different from CXGN::Stock::Search in that is retrieves information pertinent to seedlots like location and current count
65 my ($list, $records_total) = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->list_seedlots(
66 $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema"),
67 $offset,
68 $limit,
69 $seedlot_name,
70 $breeding_program,
71 $location,
72 $minimum_count,
73 $contents_accession,
74 $contents_cross
77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 To Retrieve a single seedlot do:
81 my $seedlot = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->new(
82 schema => $schema,
83 seedlot_id => $seedlot_id,
85 # You can access all seedlot accessors from here such as (you can also access all CXGN::Stock accessors):
86 my $uniquename => $seedlot->uniquename(),
87 my $seedlot_id => $seedlot->seedlot_id(),
88 my $current_count => $seedlot->current_count(),
89 my $location_code => $seedlot->location_code(),
90 my $breeding_program => $seedlot->breeding_program_name(),
91 my $organization_name => $seedlot->organization_name(),
92 my $population_name => $seedlot->population_name(),
93 my $accession => $seedlot->accession(),
94 my $cross => $seedlot->cross(),
96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 Seed transactions can be added using CXGN::Stock::Seedlot::Transaction.
100 =head1 AUTHOR
102 Lukas Mueller <lam87@cornell.edu>
103 Nick MOrales <nm529@cornell.edu>
107 =cut
109 package CXGN::Stock::Seedlot;
111 use Moose;
113 extends 'CXGN::Stock';
115 use Data::Dumper;
116 use CXGN::Stock::Seedlot::Transaction;
117 use CXGN::BreedersToolbox::Projects;
118 use SGN::Model::Cvterm;
119 use CXGN::List::Validate;
120 use Try::Tiny;
121 use CXGN::Stock::StockLookup;
122 use CXGN::Stock::Search;
124 =head2 Accessor seedlot_id()
126 the database id of the seedlot. Is equivalent to stock_id.
128 =cut
130 has 'seedlot_id' => (
131 isa => 'Maybe[Int]',
132 is => 'rw',
135 =head2 Accessor location_code()
137 A string specifiying where the seedlot is stored. On the backend,
138 this is stored the nd_geolocation description field.
140 =cut
142 has 'location_code' => (
143 isa => 'Str',
144 is => 'rw',
145 lazy => 1,
146 builder => '_retrieve_location',
149 has 'nd_geolocation_id' => (
150 isa => 'Int',
151 is => 'rw',
154 =head2 Accessor box_name()
156 A string specifiying box where the seedlot is stored. On the backend,
157 this is stored as a stockprop.
159 =cut
161 has 'box_name' => (
162 isa => 'Str|Undef',
163 is => 'rw',
164 lazy => 1,
165 builder => '_retrieve_box_name',
168 =head2 Accessor cross()
170 The crosses this seedlot is a "collection_of". Returns an arrayref of [$cross_stock_id, $cross_uniquename]
171 # for setter, use cross_stock_id
173 =cut
175 has 'cross' => (
176 isa => 'ArrayRef|Undef',
177 is => 'rw',
178 lazy => 1,
179 builder => '_retrieve_cross',
182 has 'cross_stock_id' => (
183 isa => 'Int|Undef',
184 is => 'rw',
187 =head2 Accessor accessions()
189 The accessions this seedlot is a "collection_of". Returns an arrayref of [$accession_stock_id, $accession_uniquename]
190 # for setter, use accession_stock_id
192 =cut
194 has 'accession' => (
195 isa => 'ArrayRef|Undef',
196 is => 'rw',
197 lazy => 1,
198 builder => '_retrieve_accession',
201 has 'accession_stock_id' => (
202 isa => 'Int|Undef',
203 is => 'rw',
206 =head2 Accessor transactions()
208 a ArrayRef of CXGN::Stock::Seedlot::Transaction objects
210 =cut
212 has 'transactions' => (
213 isa => 'ArrayRef',
214 is => 'rw',
215 lazy => 1,
216 builder => '_build_transactions',
219 =head2 Accessor breeding_program
221 The breeding program this seedlot is from. Useful for tracking movement of seedlots across breeding programs
222 Use breeding_program_id as setter (to save and update seedlots).
224 =cut
226 has 'breeding_program_name' => (
227 isa => 'Str',
228 is => 'rw',
229 lazy => 1,
230 builder => '_retrieve_breeding_program',
233 has 'breeding_program_id' => (
234 isa => 'Int',
235 is => 'rw',
239 after 'stock_id' => sub {
240 my $self = shift;
241 my $id = shift;
242 return $self->seedlot_id($id);
245 # class method
246 =head2 Class method: list_seedlots()
248 Usage: my $seedlots = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->list_seedlots($schema);
249 Desc: Class method that returns information on all seedlots
250 available in the system
251 Ret: ArrayRef of [ seedlot_id, seedlot name, location_code]
252 Args: $schema - Bio::Chado::Schema object
253 Side Effects: accesses the database
255 =cut
257 sub list_seedlots {
258 my $class = shift;
259 my $schema = shift;
260 my $people_schema = shift;
261 my $phenome_schema = shift;
262 my $offset = shift;
263 my $limit = shift;
264 my $seedlot_name = shift;
265 my $breeding_program = shift;
266 my $location = shift;
267 my $minimum_count = shift;
268 my $contents_accession = shift; #arrayref of uniquenames
269 my $contents_cross = shift; #arrayref of uniquenames
270 my $exact_match_uniquenames = shift;
273 my %unique_seedlots;
275 my $type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "seedlot", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
276 my $cross_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "cross", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
277 my $accession_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "accession", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
278 my $collection_of_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "collection_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
279 my $current_count_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "current_count", "stock_property")->cvterm_id();
280 my $current_weight_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "current_weight_gram", "stock_property")->cvterm_id();
281 my $experiment_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "seedlot_experiment", "experiment_type")->cvterm_id();
283 my %search_criteria;
284 $search_criteria{'me.type_id'} = $type_id;
285 $search_criteria{'stock_relationship_objects.type_id'} = $collection_of_cvterm_id;
286 if ($seedlot_name) {
287 $search_criteria{'me.uniquename'} = { 'ilike' => '%'.$seedlot_name.'%' };
289 if ($breeding_program) {
290 $search_criteria{'project.name'} = { 'ilike' => '%'.$breeding_program.'%' };
292 if ($location) {
293 $search_criteria{'nd_geolocation.description'} = { 'ilike' => '%'.$location.'%' };
295 if ($contents_accession && scalar(@$contents_accession)>0) {
296 $search_criteria{'subject.type_id'} = $accession_type_id;
297 if ($exact_match_uniquenames){
298 $search_criteria{'subject.uniquename'} = { -in => $contents_accession };
299 } else {
300 foreach (@$contents_accession){
301 push @{$search_criteria{'subject.uniquename'}}, { 'ilike' => '%'.$_.'%' };
305 if ($contents_cross && scalar(@$contents_cross)>0) {
306 $search_criteria{'subject.type_id'} = $cross_type_id;
307 if ($exact_match_uniquenames){
308 $search_criteria{'subject.uniquename'} = { -in => $contents_cross };
309 } else {
310 foreach (@$contents_cross){
311 push @{$search_criteria{'subject.uniquename'}}, { 'ilike' => '%'.$_.'%' };
315 if ($minimum_count) {
316 $search_criteria{'stockprops.value' } = { '>' => $minimum_count };
318 #print STDERR Dumper \%search_criteria;
319 #$schema->storage->debug(1);
320 my $rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search(
321 \%search_criteria,
323 join => [
324 {'nd_experiment_stocks' => {'nd_experiment' => [ {'nd_experiment_projects' => 'project' }, 'nd_geolocation' ] }},
325 {'stock_relationship_objects' => 'subject'}
327 '+select'=>['project.name', 'project.project_id', 'subject.stock_id', 'subject.uniquename', 'subject.type_id', 'nd_geolocation.description', 'nd_geolocation.nd_geolocation_id'],
328 '+as'=>['breeding_program_name', 'breeding_program_id', 'source_stock_id', 'source_uniquename', 'source_type_id', 'location', 'location_id'],
329 order_by => {-asc=>'project.name'},
330 #distinct => 1
334 my %source_types_hash = ( $type_id => 'seedlot', $accession_type_id => 'accession', $cross_type_id => 'cross' );
335 my $records_total = $rs->count();
336 if (defined($limit) && defined($offset)){
337 $rs = $rs->slice($offset, $limit);
339 my %seen_seedlot_ids;
340 while (my $row = $rs->next()) {
341 $seen_seedlot_ids{$row->stock_id}++;
342 $unique_seedlots{$row->uniquename}->{seedlot_stock_id} = $row->stock_id;
343 $unique_seedlots{$row->uniquename}->{seedlot_stock_uniquename} = $row->uniquename;
344 $unique_seedlots{$row->uniquename}->{seedlot_stock_description} = $row->description;
345 $unique_seedlots{$row->uniquename}->{breeding_program_name} = $row->get_column('breeding_program_name');
346 $unique_seedlots{$row->uniquename}->{breeding_program_id} = $row->get_column('breeding_program_id');
347 $unique_seedlots{$row->uniquename}->{location} = $row->get_column('location');
348 $unique_seedlots{$row->uniquename}->{location_id} = $row->get_column('location_id');
349 push @{$unique_seedlots{$row->uniquename}->{source_stocks}}, [$row->get_column('source_stock_id'), $row->get_column('source_uniquename'), $source_types_hash{$row->get_column('source_type_id')}];
351 #print STDERR Dumper \%unique_seedlots;
353 my @seen_seedlot_ids = keys %seen_seedlot_ids;
354 my $stock_lookup = CXGN::Stock::StockLookup->new({ schema => $schema} );
355 my $owners_hash = $stock_lookup->get_owner_hash_lookup(\@seen_seedlot_ids);
357 my $stock_search = CXGN::Stock::Search->new({
358 bcs_schema=>$schema,
359 people_schema=>$people_schema,
360 phenome_schema=>$phenome_schema,
361 stock_id_list=>\@seen_seedlot_ids,
362 stock_type_id=>$type_id,
363 stockprop_columns_view=>{'current_count'=>1, 'current_weight_gram'=>1, 'organization'=>1, 'location_code'=>1},
364 minimal_info=>1, #for only returning stock_id and uniquenames
365 display_pedigree=>0 #to calculate and display pedigree
367 my ($stocksearch_result, $records_stock_total) = $stock_search->search();
368 #print STDERR Dumper $result;
369 my %stockprop_hash;
370 foreach (@$stocksearch_result){
371 $stockprop_hash{$_->{stock_id}} = $_;
374 my @seedlots;
375 foreach (sort keys %unique_seedlots){
376 my $owners = $owners_hash->{$unique_seedlots{$_}->{seedlot_stock_id}};
377 my @owners_html;
378 foreach (@$owners){
379 push @owners_html ,'<a href="/solpeople/personal-info.pl?sp_person_id='.$_->[0].'">'.$_->[2].' '.$_->[3].'</a>';
381 my $owners_string = join ', ', @owners_html;
382 $unique_seedlots{$_}->{owners_string} = $owners_string;
383 $unique_seedlots{$_}->{organization} = $stockprop_hash{$unique_seedlots{$_}->{seedlot_stock_id}}->{organization} ? $stockprop_hash{$unique_seedlots{$_}->{seedlot_stock_id}}->{organization} : 'NA';
384 $unique_seedlots{$_}->{box} = $stockprop_hash{$unique_seedlots{$_}->{seedlot_stock_id}}->{location_code} ? $stockprop_hash{$unique_seedlots{$_}->{seedlot_stock_id}}->{location_code} : 'NA';
385 $unique_seedlots{$_}->{current_count} = $stockprop_hash{$unique_seedlots{$_}->{seedlot_stock_id}}->{current_count} ? $stockprop_hash{$unique_seedlots{$_}->{seedlot_stock_id}}->{current_count} : 'NA';
386 $unique_seedlots{$_}->{current_weight_gram} = $stockprop_hash{$unique_seedlots{$_}->{seedlot_stock_id}}->{current_weight_gram} ? $stockprop_hash{$unique_seedlots{$_}->{seedlot_stock_id}}->{current_weight_gram} : 'NA';
387 push @seedlots, $unique_seedlots{$_};
389 #print STDERR Dumper \@seedlots;
390 return (\@seedlots, $records_total);
393 # class method
394 =head2 Class method: verify_seedlot_stock_lists()
396 Usage: my $seedlots = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->verify_seedlot_stock_lists($schema, $people_schema, $phenome_schema, \@stock_names, \@seedlot_names);
397 Desc: Class method that verifies if a given list of seedlots is valid for a given list of accessions
398 Ret: success or error
399 Args: $schema, $stock_names, $seedlot_names
400 Side Effects: accesses the database
402 =cut
404 sub verify_seedlot_stock_lists {
405 my $class = shift;
406 my $schema = shift;
407 my $people_schema = shift;
408 my $phenome_schema = shift;
409 my $stock_names = shift;
410 my $seedlot_names = shift;
411 my $error = '';
412 my %return;
414 if (!$stock_names) {
415 $error .= "No accession list selected!";
417 if (!$seedlot_names) {
418 $error .= "No seedlot list supplied!";
420 if ($error){
421 $return{error} = $error;
422 return \%return;
425 my @stock_names = @$stock_names;
426 my @seedlot_names = @$seedlot_names;
427 if (scalar(@stock_names)<1){
428 $error .= "Your accession list is empty!";
430 if (scalar(@seedlot_names)<1){
431 $error .= "Your seedlot list is empty!";
433 if ($error){
434 $return{error} = $error;
435 return \%return;
438 my $lv = CXGN::List::Validate->new();
439 my @accessions_missing = @{$lv->validate($schema,'accessions',\@stock_names)->{'missing'}};
440 my $lv_seedlots = CXGN::List::Validate->new();
441 my @seedlots_missing = @{$lv_seedlots->validate($schema,'seedlots',\@seedlot_names)->{'missing'}};
443 if (scalar(@accessions_missing) > 0){
444 $error .= 'The following accessions are not valid in the database, so you must add them first: '.join ',', @accessions_missing;
446 if (scalar(@seedlots_missing) > 0){
447 $error .= 'The following seedlots are not valid in the database, so you must add them first: '.join ',', @seedlots_missing;
449 if ($error){
450 $return{error} = $error;
451 return \%return;
454 my %selected_seedlots = map {$_=>1} @seedlot_names;
455 my %selected_accessions = map {$_=>1} @stock_names;
456 my %seedlot_hash;
458 my $ac = CXGN::BreedersToolbox::Accessions->new({schema=>$schema, people_schema=>$people_schema, phenome_schema=>$phenome_schema});
459 my $possible_seedlots = $ac->get_possible_seedlots(\@stock_names);
460 my %allowed_seedlots;
461 while (my($key,$val) = each %$possible_seedlots){
462 foreach my $seedlot (@$val){
463 my $seedlot_name = $seedlot->{seedlot}->[0];
464 if (exists($selected_accessions{$key}) && exists($selected_seedlots{$seedlot_name})){
465 push @{$seedlot_hash{$key}}, $seedlot_name;
469 #if(scalar(keys %seedlot_hash) != scalar(@stock_names)){
470 # $error .= "Error: The seedlot list you select must include seedlots for all the accessions you have selected. ";
472 if ($error){
473 $return{error} = $error;
474 } else {
475 $return{success} = 1;
476 $return{seedlot_hash} = \%seedlot_hash;
478 return \%return;
481 # class method
482 =head2 Class method: verify_seedlot_plot_compatibility()
484 Usage: my $seedlots = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->verify_seedlot_plot_compatibility($schema, [[$seedlot_name, $plot_name]]);
485 Desc: Class method that verifies if a given list of pairs of seedlot_name and plot_name have the same underlying accession.
486 Ret: success or error
487 Args: $schema, $stock_names, $seedlot_names
488 Side Effects: accesses the database
490 =cut
492 sub verify_seedlot_plot_compatibility {
493 my $class = shift;
494 my $schema = shift;
495 my $pairs = shift; #arrayref of [ [seedlot_name, plot_name] ]
496 my $error = '';
497 my %return;
499 if (!$pairs){
500 $error .= "No pair array passed!";
502 if ($error){
503 $return{error} = $error;
504 return \%return;
507 my @pairs = @$pairs;
508 if (scalar(@pairs)<1){
509 $error .= "Your pairs list is empty!";
511 if ($error){
512 $return{error} = $error;
513 return \%return;
516 my $plot_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "plot", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
517 my $seedlot_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "seedlot", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
518 my $plot_of_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "plot_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
519 my $collection_of_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "collection_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
520 foreach (@pairs){
521 my $seedlot_name = $_->[0];
522 my $plot_name = $_->[1];
524 #The plot is linked to one accession via 'plot_of'. That accession is then linked to many seedlots via 'collection_of'. Here we can check if the provided seedlot is one of the seedlots linked to the plot's accession.
525 my $seedlot_rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search({'me.uniquename'=>$plot_name, 'me.type_id'=>$plot_cvterm_id})->search_related('stock_relationship_subjects', {'stock_relationship_subjects.type_id'=>$plot_of_cvterm_id})->search_related('object')->search_related('stock_relationship_subjects', {'stock_relationship_subjects_2.type_id'=>$collection_of_cvterm_id})->search_related('object', {'object_2.uniquename'=>$seedlot_name, 'object_2.type_id'=>$seedlot_cvterm_id});
526 if (!$seedlot_rs->first){
527 $error .= "The seedlot: $seedlot_name is not linked to the same accession as the plot: $plot_name . ";
530 if ($error){
531 $return{error} = $error;
532 } else {
533 $return{success} = 1;
535 return \%return;
538 # class method
539 =head2 Class method: verify_seedlot_accessions()
541 Usage: my $seedlots = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->verify_seedlot_accessions($schema, [[$seedlot_name, $accession_name]]);
542 Desc: Class method that verifies if a given list of pairs of seedlot_name and accession_name have the same underlying accession.
543 Ret: success or error
544 Args: $schema, $stock_names, $seedlot_names
545 Side Effects: accesses the database
547 =cut
549 sub verify_seedlot_accessions {
550 my $class = shift;
551 my $schema = shift;
552 my $pairs = shift; #arrayref of [ [seedlot_name, accession_name] ]
553 my $error = '';
554 my %return;
556 if (!$pairs){
557 $error .= "No pair array passed!";
559 if ($error){
560 $return{error} = $error;
561 return \%return;
564 my @pairs = @$pairs;
565 if (scalar(@pairs)<1){
566 $error .= "Your pairs list is empty!";
568 if ($error){
569 $return{error} = $error;
570 return \%return;
573 my %seen_accession_names;
574 foreach (@pairs){
575 $seen_accession_names{$_->[1]}++;
577 my $accession_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'accession', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
578 my $synonym_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'stock_synonym', 'stock_property')->cvterm_id();
579 my $seedlot_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "seedlot", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
580 my $collection_of_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, "collection_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
582 my @accessions = keys %seen_accession_names;
583 my $acc_synonym_rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search({
584 'me.is_obsolete' => { '!=' => 't' },
585 'stockprops.value' => { -in => \@accessions},
586 'me.type_id' => $accession_cvterm_id,
587 'stockprops.type_id' => $synonym_cvterm_id
588 },{join => 'stockprops', '+select'=>['stockprops.value'], '+as'=>['synonym']});
589 my %acc_synonyms_lookup;
590 while (my $r=$acc_synonym_rs->next){
591 $acc_synonyms_lookup{$r->get_column('synonym')}->{$r->uniquename} = $r->stock_id;
594 foreach (@pairs){
595 my $seedlot_name = $_->[0];
596 my $accession_name = $_->[1];
598 if ($acc_synonyms_lookup{$accession_name}){
599 my @accession_names = keys %{$acc_synonyms_lookup{$accession_name}};
600 if (scalar(@accession_names)>1){
601 print STDERR "There is more than one uniquename for this synonym $accession_name. this should not happen!\n";
603 $accession_name = $accession_names[0];
606 my $seedlot_rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search({'me.uniquename'=>$seedlot_name, 'me.type_id'=>$seedlot_cvterm_id})->search_related('stock_relationship_objects', {'stock_relationship_objects.type_id'=>$collection_of_cvterm_id})->search_related('subject', {'subject.uniquename'=>$accession_name, 'subject.type_id'=>$accession_cvterm_id});
607 if (!$seedlot_rs->first){
608 $error .= "The seedlot: $seedlot_name is not linked to the accession: $accession_name.";
611 if ($error){
612 $return{error} = $error;
613 } else {
614 $return{success} = 1;
616 return \%return;
619 sub BUILDARGS {
620 my $orig = shift;
621 my %args = @_;
622 $args{stock_id} = $args{seedlot_id};
623 return \%args;
626 sub BUILD {
627 my $self = shift;
628 if ($self->stock_id()) {
629 $self->seedlot_id($self->stock_id);
630 $self->name($self->uniquename());
631 $self->seedlot_id($self->stock_id());
633 #print STDERR Dumper $self->seedlot_id;
636 sub _build_transactions {
637 my $self = shift;
638 my $transactions = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot::Transaction->get_transactions_by_seedlot_id($self->schema(), $self->seedlot_id());
639 #print STDERR Dumper($transactions);
640 $self->transactions($transactions);
643 sub _store_seedlot_location {
644 my $self = shift;
645 my $nd_geolocation = $self->schema()->resultset("NaturalDiversity::NdGeolocation")->find_or_create({
646 description => $self->location_code
648 $self->nd_geolocation_id($nd_geolocation->nd_geolocation_id);
651 sub _retrieve_location {
652 my $self = shift;
653 my $experiment_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "seedlot_experiment", "experiment_type")->cvterm_id();
654 my $nd_geolocation_rs = $self->schema()->resultset('Stock::Stock')->search({'me.stock_id'=>$self->seedlot_id})->search_related('nd_experiment_stocks')->search_related('nd_experiment', {'nd_experiment.type_id'=>$experiment_type_id})->search_related('nd_geolocation');
655 if ($nd_geolocation_rs->count != 1){
656 die "Seedlot does not have 1 nd_geolocation associated!\n";
658 my $nd_geolocation_id = $nd_geolocation_rs->first()->nd_geolocation_id();
659 my $location_code = $nd_geolocation_rs->first()->description();
660 $self->nd_geolocation_id($nd_geolocation_id);
661 $self->location_code($location_code);
664 sub _retrieve_box_name {
665 my $self = shift;
666 $self->box_name($self->_retrieve_stockprop('location_code'));
669 sub _retrieve_breeding_program {
670 my $self = shift;
671 my $experiment_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "seedlot_experiment", "experiment_type")->cvterm_id();
672 my $project_rs = $self->schema()->resultset('Stock::Stock')->search({'me.stock_id'=>$self->seedlot_id})->search_related('nd_experiment_stocks')->search_related('nd_experiment', {'nd_experiment.type_id'=>$experiment_type_id})->search_related('nd_experiment_projects')->search_related('project');
673 if ($project_rs->count != 1){
674 die "Seedlot does not have 1 breeding program project (".$project_rs->count.") associated!\n";
676 my $breeding_program_id = $project_rs->first()->project_id();
677 my $breeding_program_name = $project_rs->first()->name();
678 $self->breeding_program_id($breeding_program_id);
679 $self->breeding_program_name($breeding_program_name);
682 sub _store_seedlot_relationships {
683 my $self = shift;
684 my $error;
686 eval {
687 if ($self->accession_stock_id){
688 $error = $self->_store_seedlot_accession();
690 if ($self->cross_stock_id){
691 $error = $self->_store_seedlot_cross();
693 if (!$error){
694 my $experiment_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "seedlot_experiment", "experiment_type")->cvterm_id();
695 my $experiment = $self->schema->resultset('NaturalDiversity::NdExperiment')->create({
696 nd_geolocation_id => $self->nd_geolocation_id,
697 type_id => $experiment_type_id
699 $experiment->create_related('nd_experiment_stocks', { stock_id => $self->seedlot_id(), type_id => $experiment_type_id });
700 $experiment->create_related('nd_experiment_projects', { project_id => $self->breeding_program_id });
704 if ($@) {
705 $error = $@;
707 return $error;
710 sub _update_seedlot_breeding_program {
711 my $self = shift;
712 my $stock = $self->stock;
713 my $seedlot_experiment_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema, 'seedlot_experiment', 'experiment_type')->cvterm_id();
714 my $nd_exp_project = $stock->search_related('nd_experiment_stocks')->search_related('nd_experiment', {'nd_experiment.type_id'=>$seedlot_experiment_cvterm_id})->search_related('nd_experiment_projects');
715 if($nd_exp_project->count != 1){
716 die "There should be exactly one nd_experiment_project for any single seedlot!";
718 my $nd_exp_proj = $nd_exp_project->first();
719 $nd_exp_proj->update({project_id=>$self->breeding_program_id});
722 sub _update_seedlot_location {
723 my $self = shift;
724 my $stock = $self->stock;
725 my $seedlot_experiment_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema, 'seedlot_experiment', 'experiment_type')->cvterm_id();
726 my $nd_exp = $stock->search_related('nd_experiment_stocks')->search_related('nd_experiment', {'nd_experiment.type_id'=>$seedlot_experiment_cvterm_id});
727 if($nd_exp->count != 1){
728 die "There should be exactly one nd_experiment for any single seedlot!";
730 my $nd = $nd_exp->first();
731 $nd->update({nd_geolocation_id=>$self->nd_geolocation_id});
734 sub _store_seedlot_accession {
735 my $self = shift;
736 my $accession_stock_id = $self->accession_stock_id;
738 my $organism_id = $self->schema->resultset('Stock::Stock')->find({stock_id => $accession_stock_id})->organism_id();
739 if ($self->organism_id){
740 if ($self->organism_id != $organism_id){
741 return "Accessions must all be the same organism, so that a population can group the seed lots.\n";
744 $self->organism_id($organism_id);
746 my $type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "collection_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
747 my $already_exists = $self->schema()->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->find({ object_id => $self->seedlot_id(), type_id => $type_id, subject_id=>$accession_stock_id });
749 if ($already_exists) {
750 print STDERR "Accession with id $accession_stock_id is already associated with seedlot id ".$self->seedlot_id()."\n";
751 return "Accession with id $accession_stock_id is already associated with seedlot id ".$self->seedlot_id();
753 my $row = $self->schema()->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->create({
754 object_id => $self->seedlot_id(),
755 subject_id => $accession_stock_id,
756 type_id => $type_id,
758 return;
761 sub _update_content_stock_id {
762 my $self = shift;
763 my $type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "collection_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
764 my $accession_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "accession", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
765 my $cross_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "cross", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
766 my $acc_rs = $self->stock->search_related('stock_relationship_objects', {'me.type_id'=>$type_id, 'subject.type_id'=>[$accession_type_id,$cross_type_id]}, {'join'=>'subject'});
767 while (my $r=$acc_rs->next){
768 $r->delete();
770 my $error;
771 if ($self->accession_stock_id){
772 $error = $self->_store_seedlot_accession();
774 if ($self->cross_stock_id){
775 $error = $self->_store_seedlot_cross();
777 return $error;
780 sub _retrieve_accession {
781 my $self = shift;
782 my $type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "collection_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
783 my $accession_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "accession", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
784 my $rs = $self->schema()->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->search({ 'me.type_id' => $type_id, 'me.object_id' => $self->seedlot_id(), 'subject.type_id'=>$accession_type_id }, {'join'=>'subject'});
786 my $accession_id;
787 if ($rs->count == 1){
788 $accession_id = $rs->first->subject_id;
791 if ($accession_id){
792 $self->accession_stock_id($accession_id);
794 my $accession_rs = $self->schema()->resultset("Stock::Stock")->find({ stock_id => $accession_id });
795 $self->accession([$accession_rs->stock_id(), $accession_rs->uniquename()]);
799 sub _remove_accession {
800 my $self = shift;
804 sub _store_seedlot_cross {
805 my $self = shift;
806 my $cross_stock_id = $self->cross_stock_id;
807 my $organism_id = $self->schema->resultset('Stock::Stock')->find({stock_id => $cross_stock_id})->organism_id();
808 if ($self->organism_id){
809 if ($self->organism_id != $organism_id){
810 return "Crosses must all be the same organism to be in a seed lot.\n";
813 $self->organism_id($organism_id);
815 my $type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "collection_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
816 my $already_exists = $self->schema()->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->find({ object_id => $self->seedlot_id(), type_id => $type_id, subject_id=>$cross_stock_id });
818 if ($already_exists) {
819 print STDERR "Cross with id $cross_stock_id is already associated with seedlot id ".$self->seedlot_id()."\n";
820 return "Cross with id $cross_stock_id is already associated with seedlot id ".$self->seedlot_id();
822 my $row = $self->schema()->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->create({
823 object_id => $self->seedlot_id(),
824 subject_id => $cross_stock_id,
825 type_id => $type_id,
827 return;
830 sub _retrieve_cross {
831 my $self = shift;
832 my $type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "collection_of", "stock_relationship")->cvterm_id();
833 my $cross_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "cross", "stock_type")->cvterm_id();
834 my $rs = $self->schema()->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->search({ 'me.type_id' => $type_id, 'me.object_id' => $self->seedlot_id(), 'subject.type_id'=>$cross_type_id }, {'join'=>'subject'});
836 my $cross_id;
837 if ($rs->count == 1){
838 $cross_id = $rs->first->subject_id;
841 if ($cross_id){
842 $self->cross_stock_id($cross_id);
844 my $cross_rs = $self->schema()->resultset("Stock::Stock")->find({ stock_id => $cross_id });
845 $self->cross([$cross_rs->stock_id(), $cross_rs->uniquename()]);
850 =head2 Method current_count()
852 Usage: my $current_count = $sl->current_count();
853 Desc: returns the current balance of seeds in the seedlot
854 Ret: a number
855 Args: none
856 Side Effects: retrieves transactions from db and calculates count
857 Example:
859 =cut
861 sub current_count {
862 my $self = shift;
863 my $transactions = $self->transactions();
865 my $count = 0;
866 foreach my $t (@$transactions) {
867 if ($t->amount() ne 'NA'){
868 $count += $t->amount() * $t->factor();
871 if ($count == 0 && scalar(@$transactions)>0){
872 $count = 'NA';
874 return $count;
877 # It is convenient and also much faster to retrieve a single value for the current_count, rather than calculating it from the transactions.
878 sub set_current_count_property {
879 my $self = shift;
880 my $current_count = $self->current_count();
881 my $current_count_cvterm = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema, 'current_count', 'stock_property');
882 my $stock = $self->stock();
883 my $recorded_current_count = $stock->find_related('stockprops', {'me.type_id'=>$current_count_cvterm->cvterm_id});
884 if($recorded_current_count){
885 $recorded_current_count->update({'value'=>$current_count});
886 } else {
887 $stock->create_stockprops({$current_count_cvterm->name() => $current_count});
889 return $current_count;
892 # It is convenient and also much faster to retrieve a single value for the current_count, rather than calculating it from the transactions.
893 sub get_current_count_property {
894 my $self = shift;
895 my $current_count_cvterm = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema, 'current_count', 'stock_property');
896 my $recorded_current_count = $self->stock()->find_related('stockprops', {'me.type_id'=>$current_count_cvterm->cvterm_id});
897 return $recorded_current_count ? $recorded_current_count->value() : '';
900 =head2 Method current_weight()
902 Usage: my $current_weight = $sl->current_weight();
903 Desc: returns the current weight of seeds in the seedlot
904 Ret: a number
905 Args: none
906 Side Effects: retrieves transactions from db and calculates weight
907 Example:
909 =cut
911 sub current_weight {
912 my $self = shift;
913 my $transactions = $self->transactions();
915 my $weight = 0;
916 foreach my $t (@$transactions) {
917 if ($t->weight_gram() ne 'NA'){
918 $weight += $t->weight_gram() * $t->factor();
921 if ($weight == 0 && scalar(@$transactions)>0){
922 $weight = 'NA';
924 return $weight;
927 # It is convenient and also much faster to retrieve a single value for the current_weight, rather than calculating it from the transactions.
928 sub set_current_weight_property {
929 my $self = shift;
930 my $current_weight = $self->current_weight();
931 my $current_weight_cvterm = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema, 'current_weight_gram', 'stock_property');
932 my $stock = $self->stock();
933 my $recorded_current_weight = $stock->find_related('stockprops', {'me.type_id'=>$current_weight_cvterm->cvterm_id});
934 if ($recorded_current_weight){
935 $recorded_current_weight->update({'value'=>$current_weight});
936 } else {
937 $stock->create_stockprops({$current_weight_cvterm->name() => $current_weight});
939 return $current_weight;
942 # It is convenient and also much faster to retrieve a single value for the current_weight, rather than calculating it from the transactions.
943 sub get_current_weight_property {
944 my $self = shift;
945 my $current_count_cvterm = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema, 'current_weight_gram', 'stock_property');
946 my $recorded_current_count = $self->stock()->find_related('stockprops', {'me.type_id'=>$current_count_cvterm->cvterm_id});
947 return $recorded_current_count ? $recorded_current_count->value() : '';
951 sub _add_transaction {
952 my $self = shift;
953 my $transaction = shift;
955 my $transactions = $self->transactions();
956 push @$transactions, $transaction;
958 $self->transactions($transactions);
961 =head2 store()
963 Usage: my $seedlot_id = $sl->store();
964 Desc: stores the current state of the object to the db. uses CXGN::Stock store as well.
965 Ret: the seedlot id.
966 Args: none
967 Side Effects: accesses the db. Creates a new seedlot ID if not
968 already existing.
969 Example:
971 =cut
973 sub store {
974 my $self = shift;
975 my $error;
977 my $coderef = sub {
978 #Creating new seedlot
979 if(!$self->stock){
980 $self->name($self->uniquename());
981 my $type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema, 'seedlot', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
982 $self->type_id($type_id);
983 my $id = $self->SUPER::store();
984 print STDERR "Saving seedlot returned ID $id.".localtime."\n";
985 $self->seedlot_id($id);
986 $self->_store_seedlot_location();
987 $error = $self->_store_seedlot_relationships();
988 if ($error){
989 die $error;
991 if ($self->box_name){
992 $self->_store_stockprop('location_code', $self->box_name);
995 } else { #Updating seedlot
997 #Attempting to update seedlot's accession. Will not proceed if seedlot has already been used in transactions.
998 if($self->accession_stock_id){
999 my $input_accession_id = $self->accession_stock_id;
1000 my $transactions = $self->transactions();
1001 my $stored_accession_id = $self->accession ? $self->accession->[0] : 0;
1002 $self->accession_stock_id($input_accession_id);
1003 my $accessions_have_changed = $input_accession_id == $stored_accession_id ? 0 : 1;
1004 if ($accessions_have_changed && scalar(@$transactions)>1){
1005 $error = "This seedlot ".$self->uniquename." has been used in transactions, so the contents (accessions) cannot be changed now!";
1006 } elsif ($accessions_have_changed && scalar(@$transactions) <= 1) {
1007 $error = $self->_update_content_stock_id();
1008 my $update_first_transaction_id = $transactions->[0]->update_transaction_object_id($self->accession_stock_id);
1010 if ($error){
1011 die $error;
1015 #Attempting to update seedlot's cross. Will not proceed if seedlot has already been used in transactions.
1016 if($self->cross_stock_id){
1017 my $input_cross_id = $self->cross_stock_id;
1018 my $transactions = $self->transactions();
1019 my $stored_cross_id = $self->cross ? $self->cross->[0] : 0;
1020 $self->cross_stock_id($input_cross_id);
1021 my $crosses_have_changed = $input_cross_id == $stored_cross_id ? 0 : 1;
1022 if ($crosses_have_changed && scalar(@$transactions)>1){
1023 $error = "This seedlot ".$self->uniquename." has been used in transactions, so the contents (crosses) cannot be changed now!";
1024 } elsif ($crosses_have_changed && scalar(@$transactions) <= 1) {
1025 $error = $self->_update_content_stock_id();
1026 my $update_first_transaction_id = $transactions->[0]->update_transaction_object_id($self->cross_stock_id);
1028 if ($error){
1029 die $error;
1033 my $id = $self->SUPER::store();
1034 print STDERR "Updating seedlot returned ID $id.".localtime."\n";
1035 $self->seedlot_id($id);
1036 if($self->breeding_program_id){
1037 $self->_update_seedlot_breeding_program();
1039 if($self->location_code){
1040 $self->_store_seedlot_location();
1041 $self->_update_seedlot_location();
1043 if($self->box_name){
1044 $self->_update_stockprop('location_code', $self->box_name);
1049 my $transaction_error;
1050 try {
1051 $self->schema->txn_do($coderef);
1052 } catch {
1053 print STDERR "Transaction Error: $_\n";
1054 $transaction_error = $_;
1056 if ($transaction_error){
1057 return { error=>$transaction_error };
1058 } else {
1059 return { success=>1, seedlot_id=>$self->stock_id() };
1063 =head2 delete()
1065 Usage: my $error_message = $sl->delete();
1066 Desc: delete the seedlot from the database. only possible to delete a seedlot that has not been used in any transactions other than the transaction that initiated it.
1067 Ret: any error message. undef if no errors
1068 Args: none
1069 Side Effects: accesses the db. Deletes seedlot
1070 Example:
1072 =cut
1074 sub delete {
1075 my $self = shift;
1076 my $error = '';
1077 my $transactions = $self->transactions();
1078 if (scalar(@$transactions)>1){
1079 $error = "This seedlot has been used in transactions and so cannot be deleted!";
1080 } else {
1081 my $stock = $self->stock();
1082 my $experiment_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($self->schema(), "seedlot_experiment", "experiment_type")->cvterm_id();
1083 my $nd_experiment_rs = $self->schema()->resultset('Stock::Stock')->search({'me.stock_id'=>$self->seedlot_id})->search_related('nd_experiment_stocks')->search_related('nd_experiment', {'nd_experiment.type_id'=>$experiment_type_id});
1084 if ($nd_experiment_rs->count != 1){
1085 $error = "Seedlot does not have 1 nd_experiment associated!";
1086 } else {
1087 my $nd_experiment = $nd_experiment_rs->first();
1088 $nd_experiment->delete();
1089 my $stock_owner_rs = $self->phenome_schema->resultset("StockOwner")->find({stock_id=>$self->stock_id});
1090 if ($stock_owner_rs){
1091 $stock_owner_rs->delete();
1093 $stock->delete();
1097 return $error;
1102 no Moose;
1103 __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;