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[sgn.git] / lib / CXGN / Genotype /
2 package CXGN::Genotype::SNP;
4 use Moose;
6 use Math::BigInt;
8 sub BUILD {
9 my $self = shift;
10 my $args = shift;
12 if ($args->{vcf_string}) {
13 #print STDERR "Building SNP from vcf_string $args->{vcf_string}...\n";
14 $self->from_vcf_string($args->{vcf_string});
16 #print STDERR "Counts: ".$self->ref_count().", ".$self->alt_count()."\n";
20 has 'id' => (isa => 'Str',
21 is => 'rw',
24 has 'format' => ( isa => 'Str',
25 is => 'rw',
27 has 'vcf_string' => ( isa => 'Str',
28 is => 'rw',
30 has 'accession' => (isa => 'Str',
31 is => 'rw',
34 has 'ref_allele' => ( isa => 'Str',
35 is => 'rw',
38 has 'alt_allele' => ( isa => 'Str',
39 is => 'rw',
42 has 'ref_count' => ( isa => 'Int',
43 is => 'rw',
46 has 'alt_count' => ( isa => 'Int',
47 is => 'rw',
50 has 'dosage' => (
51 is => 'rw',
55 sub from_vcf_string {
56 my $self = shift;
57 my $raw = shift;
59 my @ids;
60 if ($self->format()) {
61 @ids = split ":", $self->format();
63 if (!@ids) {
64 # usual order... but this is just guesswork
65 #print STDERR "(Guessing the format order...)\n";
66 @ids = ( 'GT', 'AD', 'DP', 'GQ', 'PL' );
69 my @values = split /\:/, $raw;
71 my %fields;
72 for(my $i=0; $i<@ids; $i++) {
73 $fields{$ids[$i]} = $values[$i];
76 #my ($allele, $counts) = split /\:/, $raw;
77 my ($a1, $a2) = ("","");
78 if (!exists($fields{GT})) {
79 print STDERR "No allele calls found for snp ".$self->id()."\n";
81 else {
82 ($a1, $a2) = split /\//, $fields{GT};
84 $self->ref_allele($a1);
85 $self->alt_allele($a2);
87 my ($c1, $c2);
88 if (!exists($fields{AD})) {
89 $c1 = 0;
90 #print STDERR "C1: $c1\n";
91 $c2 = 0;
92 #print STDERR "C2: $c2\n";
94 else {
95 my @counts = split /\,/, $fields{AD};
96 # print STDERR "FIELDS: $fields{AD}\n";
97 if (@counts > 2) {
98 #print STDERR "Multiple alleles found for SNP ".$self->id()."\n";
100 ($c1, $c2) = @counts;
102 if (!defined($c1)) { $c1=0; }
103 if (!defined($c2)) { $c2=0; }
104 $self->ref_count($c1);
105 $self->alt_count($c2);
107 # debug
108 #if ($self->id() eq "1002:250060174") {
109 #print STDERR $self->id().": ".$fields{GT}.", ".$fields{AD}."\n";
112 return ($c1, $c2);
115 sub good_call {
116 my $self = shift;
117 my $call_sum_min = shift || 2;
118 my ($c1, $c2) = ($self->ref_count(), $self->alt_count());
119 if ( ($c1 + $c2) < $call_sum_min) {
120 return 0;
122 return 1;
126 __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;