graphical filtering of accession search
[sgn.git] / mason / breeders_toolbox / manage_plot_phenotyping.mas
1 <%args>
2 $plot_name
3 $stock_id
4 $type_name => "plot"
5 </%args>
8 <& /util/import_javascript.mas, classes => [ 'CXGN.BreedersToolbox.HTMLSelect' ] &>
10 <& /page/page_title.mas, title=>"Manage Plot Phenotyping" &>
12 <div class="well well-sm">
13   <div class="row">
14     <div class="col-md-1 col-lg-1">
15     </div>
16     <div class="col-md-10 col-lg-10">
18       <div class="form-group form-group-sm">
19         <label class="col-sm-4 control-label for="plot_name">Plot:</label>
20         <div class="col-sm-8">
21           <input type="text" value="<%$plot_name%>" class="form-control" id="plot_name" name="plot_name" disabled="1"></input>
22         </div>
23       </div>
25       <br /><br />
27       <div class="form-group form-group-sm" id="all_traits">
28         <label class="col-sm-4 control-label" for="select_traits_for_trait_file">Select trait: </label>
29         <div class="col-sm-8">
30           <select class="form-control" id="select_traits_for_trait_file"></select>
31         </div>
32       </div>
34       <div class="form-group form-group-sm">
35       <label class="col-sm-4 control-label">Or Use Trait List: </label>
36       <div class="col-sm-8">
37         <input type="checkbox"  id="use_trait_list" value="use_trait_list"/>
38       </div>
39     </div>
41       <br />
43       <div id="show_trait_textbox" style="display: none">
44           <div class="form-group form-group-sm" >
45             <label class="col-sm-4 control-label">Enter a List of Trait Names: </label>
46             <div class="col-sm-8" id="show_trait_selectbox">
48             </div>
49           </div>
50           <br /><br />
51       </div>
53       <div id="show_trait_list_box" style="display: none">
54       <div class="form-group form-group-sm">
55         <label class="col-sm-4 control-label">Or Paste From a List: </label>
56         <div class="col-sm-8">
57             <div id="list_menu_traits"></div>
58     <script defer="defer">
59       jQuery(document).ready(function() {
60           pasteTraitListMenu('show_trait_selectbox', 'list_menu_traits', 'Paste Trait List');
62           function pasteTraitListMenu (div_name, menu_div, button_name) {
63               var list = new CXGN.List();
64               var html='';
65               html = list.listSelect(div_name, ['traits']);
66               html = html + '<button class="btn btn-info btn-sm" type="button" id="paste_button_id" value="'+button_name+'" onclick="javascript:pasteTraitList(\''+div_name+'\')" >'+button_name+'</button>';
67               jQuery('#'+menu_div).html(html);
68           }
70       });
71     </script>
72         </div>
73       </div>
74       </div>
76       <br /><br />
78       <div class="form-group form-group-sm">
79         <label class="col-sm-4 control-label">Enter trait value: </label>
80         <div class="col-sm-3">
81             <input type="number" class="form-control" id="select_pheno_value" name="select_pheno_value"></input>
82         </div>
83       </div>
85     </div>
86     <div class="col-md-1 col-lg-1">
87   </div>
88 </div>
89 </div>
92 <div class="well well-sm">
93   <div class="row">
94     <div class="col-md-1 col-lg-1">
95     </div>
96     <div class="col-md-10 col-lg-10">
98 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title => "Trials" &>
100   <& /stock/trials.mas, stock_id => $stock_id &>
102 </&>
104       </div>
105     <div class="col-md-1 col-lg-1">
106     </div>
107   </div>
108 </div>
110 <div class="well well-sm">
111   <div class="row">
112     <div class="col-md-1 col-lg-1">
113     </div>
114     <div class="col-md-10 col-lg-10">
116 <& /stock/download_stock_phenotypes_dialog.mas, stock_id => $stock_id, stock_name => $plot_name, stock_type => $type_name &>
117 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title => "Traits assayed", collapsible=>1, collapsed=>1, hide_if_empty=>1, subtitle=>"[<a id='stock_download_phenotypes_button'>Download Data</a>]" &>
119   <& /stock/traits.mas, stock_id => $stock_id &>
121 </&>
123       </div>
124     <div class="col-md-1 col-lg-1">
125     </div>
126   </div>
127 </div>
129 <script>
130   jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
132   var null_trait_value = '';
134   $("#use_trait_list").click(function () {
135     if ($('#use_trait_list').is(':checked')) {
136       $('#all_traits').hide();
137       jQuery('#select_traits_for_trait_file').empty();
138       $('#show_trait_textbox').show();
139       $('#show_trait_list_box').show();
140       jQuery("#select_pheno_value").val(null_trait_value);
141     }
142     else {
143         $('#all_traits').show();
144         $('#show_trait_textbox').hide();
145         $('#show_trait_list_box').hide();
146         jQuery("#select_pheno_value").val(null_trait_value);
147         jQuery('#select_pheno_value').empty();
148         get_select_box('traits', 'select_traits_for_trait_file', {
149             'name': 'html_select_traits_for_trait_file',
150             'id': 'html_select_traits_for_trait_file',
151             'empty': 1
152         });
153     }
154   });
156     get_select_box('traits', 'select_traits_for_trait_file', {
157         'name': 'html_select_traits_for_trait_file',
158         'id': 'html_select_traits_for_trait_file',
159         'empty': 1
160     });
162     jQuery('input[name=select_pheno_value]').change(function() {
163       var plot_name = jQuery("#plot_name").val();
164       var trait = jQuery("#select_traits_for_trait_file").val();
165       var trait_list_option = '';
166       if ($('#use_trait_list').is(':checked')) {
167          trait_list_option = jQuery('#use_trait_list').val();
168       }
169       if (trait === null){
170         trait = jQuery("#select_traits_for_trait_file_2").val();
171       }
172       var trait_value = jQuery("#select_pheno_value").val();
174       new jQuery.ajax ( {
175         type: 'POST',
176         url : '/ajax/phenotype/plot_phenotype_upload',
177         dataType: "json",
178         data: {
179                 'plot_name' : plot_name,
180                 'trait' : trait,
181                 'trait_value' : trait_value,
182                 'trait_list_option' : trait_list_option,
183         },
185         success: function (response) {
186           if (response.error){
187             alert("Error Saving Trait Value: "+response.error);
188           }
189         },
190           error: function() {
191             alert('An error occurred saving trait value');
192           }
194       });
196     });
198     function Retrieve_pheno(){
199         var plot_name = jQuery("#plot_name").val();
200         var trait = '';
201         trait = jQuery("#select_traits_for_trait_file").val();
202         if (trait === null){
203             trait = jQuery("#select_traits_for_trait_file_2").val();
204         }
206         var trait_list_option = '';
207         if ($('#use_trait_list').is(':checked')) {
208            trait_list_option = jQuery('#use_trait_list').val();
209         }
211         new jQuery.ajax ( {
212           type: 'POST',
213           url : '/ajax/phenotype/plot_phenotype_retrieve',
214           dataType: "json",
215           data: {
216                   'plot_name' : plot_name,
217                   'trait' : trait,
218                   'trait_list_option' : trait_list_option,
219           },
221           success: function (response) {
222             var value = response.trait_value;
223             var black = {'color': 'red'};
225             if (response.error){
226               alert("Error Retrieving Trait Value: "+response.error);
227             }else{
228               if (value){
229                 jQuery("#select_pheno_value").css(black);
230               }
231                 jQuery("#select_pheno_value").val(value);
232             }
233           },
234             error: function() {
235               alert('An error occurred retrieving trait value');
236             }
238         });
240     }
242     jQuery(document).on('change', '#select_traits_for_trait_file_2', function(){
243         jQuery("#select_traits_for_trait_file").empty();
244         Retrieve_pheno();
245     });
247     jQuery("#select_traits_for_trait_file").on('change', function() {
248         jQuery("#select_traits_for_trait_file_2").empty();
249         Retrieve_pheno();
250     });
252   });
254 </script>