moved upload coordinates dialogs to bootstrap modals
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller / AJAX /
1 package SGN::Controller::AJAX::TrialMetadata;
3 use Moose;
4 use Data::Dumper;
5 use List::Util 'max';
6 use Bio::Chado::Schema;
7 use List::Util qw | any |;
8 use CXGN::Trial;
9 use Math::Round::Var;
10 use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
11 use CXGN::Trial::FieldMap;
12 use JSON;
13 use CXGN::Phenotypes::PhenotypeMatrix;
14 use CXGN::Login;
15 use CXGN::UploadFile;
16 use CXGN::Stock::Seedlot;
17 use CXGN::Stock::Seedlot::Transaction;
19 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::REST' }
21 __PACKAGE__->config(
22 default => 'application/json',
23 stash_key => 'rest',
24 map => { 'application/json' => 'JSON', 'text/html' => 'JSON' },
27 has 'schema' => (
28 is => 'rw',
29 isa => 'DBIx::Class::Schema',
30 lazy_build => 1,
34 sub trial : Chained('/') PathPart('ajax/breeders/trial') CaptureArgs(1) {
35 my $self = shift;
36 my $c = shift;
37 my $trial_id = shift;
39 $c->stash->{trial_id} = $trial_id;
40 $c->stash->{schema} = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
41 $c->stash->{trial} = CXGN::Trial->new( { bcs_schema => $c->stash->{schema}, trial_id => $trial_id });
43 if (!$c->stash->{trial}) {
44 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "The specified trial with id $trial_id does not exist" };
45 return;
50 =head2 delete_trial_by_file
51 Usage:
52 Desc:
53 Ret:
54 Args:
55 Side Effects:
56 Example:
57 =cut
59 sub delete_trial_data : Local() ActionClass('REST');
61 sub delete_trial_data_GET : Chained('trial') PathPart('delete') Args(1) {
62 my $self = shift;
63 my $c = shift;
64 my $datatype = shift;
66 if ($self->privileges_denied($c)) {
67 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "You have insufficient access privileges to delete trial data." };
68 return;
71 my $error = "";
73 if ($datatype eq 'phenotypes') {
74 $error = $c->stash->{trial}->delete_phenotype_metadata($c->dbic_schema("CXGN::Metadata::Schema"), $c->dbic_schema("CXGN::Phenome::Schema"));
75 $error .= $c->stash->{trial}->delete_phenotype_data();
78 elsif ($datatype eq 'layout') {
79 $error = $c->stash->{trial}->delete_metadata($c->dbic_schema("CXGN::Metadata::Schema"), $c->dbic_schema("CXGN::Phenome::Schema"));
80 $error = $c->stash->{trial}->delete_field_layout();
82 elsif ($datatype eq 'entry') {
83 $error = $c->stash->{trial}->delete_project_entry();
85 else {
86 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "unknown delete action for $datatype" };
87 return;
89 if ($error) {
90 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $error };
91 return;
93 $c->stash->{rest} = { message => "Successfully deleted trial data.", success => 1 };
96 sub trial_phenotypes_fully_uploaded : Chained('trial') PathPart('phenotypes_fully_uploaded') Args(0) ActionClass('REST') {};
98 sub trial_phenotypes_fully_uploaded_GET {
99 my $self = shift;
100 my $c = shift;
101 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
102 $c->stash->{rest} = { phenotypes_fully_uploaded => $trial->get_phenotypes_fully_uploaded() };
105 sub trial_phenotypes_fully_uploaded_POST {
106 my $self = shift;
107 my $c = shift;
108 my $value = $c->req->param("phenotypes_fully_uploaded");
109 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
110 eval {
111 $trial->set_phenotypes_fully_uploaded($value);
113 if ($@) {
114 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "An error occurred setting phenotypes_fully_uploaded: $@" };
116 else {
117 $c->stash->{rest} = { success => 1 };
121 sub trial_details : Chained('trial') PathPart('details') Args(0) ActionClass('REST') {};
123 sub trial_details_GET {
124 my $self = shift;
125 my $c = shift;
127 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
129 $c->stash->{rest} = { details => $trial->get_details() };
133 sub trial_details_POST {
134 my $self = shift;
135 my $c = shift;
137 my @categories = $c->req->param("categories[]");
139 my $details = {};
140 foreach my $category (@categories) {
141 $details->{$category} = $c->req->param("details[$category]");
144 if (!%{$details}) {
145 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "No values were edited, so no changes could be made for this trial's details." };
146 return;
148 else {
149 print STDERR "Here are the deets: " . Dumper($details) . "\n";
152 #check privileges
153 print STDERR " curator status = ".$c->user()->check_roles('curator')." and submitter status = ".$c->user()->check_roles('submitter')."\n";
154 if (!($c->user()->check_roles('curator') || $c->user()->check_roles('submitter'))) {
155 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'You do not have the required privileges to edit trial details, trial details can only be edited by accounts with submitter or curator privileges' };
156 return;
159 my $trial_id = $c->stash->{trial_id};
160 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
161 my $program_object = CXGN::BreedersToolbox::Projects->new( { schema => $c->stash->{schema} });
162 my $program_ref = $program_object->get_breeding_programs_by_trial($trial_id);
164 my $program_array = @$program_ref[0];
165 my $breeding_program_name = @$program_array[1];
166 my @user_roles = $c->user->roles();
167 my %has_roles = ();
168 map { $has_roles{$_} = 1; } @user_roles;
170 print STDERR "my user roles = @user_roles and trial breeding program = $breeding_program_name \n";
172 if (!exists($has_roles{$breeding_program_name})) {
173 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "You need to be associated with breeding program $breeding_program_name to change the details of this trial." };
174 return;
177 # set each new detail that is defined
178 eval {
179 if ($details->{name}) { $trial->set_name($details->{name}); }
180 if ($details->{breeding_program}) { $trial->set_breeding_program($details->{breeding_program}); }
181 if ($details->{location}) { $trial->set_location($details->{location}); }
182 if ($details->{year}) { $trial->set_year($details->{year}); }
183 if ($details->{type}) { $trial->set_project_type($details->{type}); }
184 if ($details->{planting_date}) {
185 if ($details->{planting_date} eq 'remove') { $trial->remove_planting_date($trial->get_planting_date()); }
186 else { $trial->set_planting_date($details->{planting_date}); }
188 if ($details->{harvest_date}) {
189 if ($details->{harvest_date} eq 'remove') { $trial->remove_harvest_date($trial->get_harvest_date()); }
190 else { $trial->set_harvest_date($details->{harvest_date}); }
192 if ($details->{description}) { $trial->set_description($details->{description}); }
195 if ($@) {
196 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "An error occurred setting the new trial details: $@" };
198 else {
199 $c->stash->{rest} = { success => 1 };
203 sub traits_assayed : Chained('trial') PathPart('traits_assayed') Args(0) {
204 my $self = shift;
205 my $c = shift;
206 my $stock_type = $c->req->param('stock_type');
208 my @traits_assayed = $c->stash->{trial}->get_traits_assayed($stock_type);
209 $c->stash->{rest} = { traits_assayed => \@traits_assayed };
212 sub trait_phenotypes : Chained('trial') PathPart('trait_phenotypes') Args(0) {
213 my $self = shift;
214 my $c = shift;
215 #get userinfo from db
216 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
217 my $user = $c->user();
218 if (! $c->user) {
219 $c->stash->{rest} = {
220 status => "not logged in"
222 return;
224 my $display = $c->req->param('display');
225 my $trait = $c->req->param('trait');
226 my @trait_list = ($trait);
227 print STDERR 'DUMP'.Dumper( @trait_list).'\n';
228 my $phenotypes_search;
229 if ($display eq 'plot') {
230 my @items = map {@{$_}[0]} @{$c->stash->{trial}->get_plots()};
231 $phenotypes_search = CXGN::Phenotypes::PhenotypeMatrix->new(
232 bcs_schema=> $schema,
233 search_type => "Native",
234 data_level => $display,
235 trait_list=> \@trait_list,
236 plot_list=> \@items
239 if ($display eq 'plant') {
240 my @items = map {@{$_}[0]} @{$c->stash->{trial}->get_plants()};
241 $phenotypes_search = CXGN::Phenotypes::PhenotypeMatrix->new(
242 bcs_schema=> $schema,
243 search_type => "Native",
244 data_level => $display,
245 trait_list=> \@trait_list,
246 plant_list=> \@items
249 if ($display eq 'subplot') {
250 my @items = map {@{$_}[0]} @{$c->stash->{trial}->get_subplots()};
251 $phenotypes_search = CXGN::Phenotypes::PhenotypeMatrix->new(
252 bcs_schema=> $schema,
253 search_type => "Native",
254 data_level => $display,
255 trait_list=> \@trait_list,
256 plant_list=> \@items
259 my @data = $phenotypes_search->get_phenotype_matrix();
260 $c->stash->{rest} = {
261 status => "success",
262 data => \@data
266 sub phenotype_summary : Chained('trial') PathPart('phenotypes') Args(0) {
267 my $self = shift;
268 my $c = shift;
270 my $schema = $c->stash->{schema};
271 my $round = Math::Round::Var->new(0.01);
272 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh();
273 my $trial_id = $c->stash->{trial_id};
274 my $display = $c->req->param('display');
275 my $select_clause_additional = '';
276 my $group_by_additional = '';
277 my $stock_type_id;
278 my $rel_type_id;
279 my $total_complete_number;
280 if ($display eq 'plots') {
281 $stock_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plot', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
282 $rel_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plot_of', 'stock_relationship')->cvterm_id();
283 my $plots = $c->stash->{trial}->get_plots();
284 $total_complete_number = scalar (@$plots);
286 if ($display eq 'plants') {
287 $stock_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plant', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
288 $rel_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plant_of', 'stock_relationship')->cvterm_id();
289 my $plants = $c->stash->{trial}->get_plants();
290 $total_complete_number = scalar (@$plants);
292 if ($display eq 'subplots') {
293 $stock_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'subplot', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
294 $rel_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'subplot_of', 'stock_relationship')->cvterm_id();
295 my $subplots = $c->stash->{trial}->get_subplots();
296 $total_complete_number = scalar (@$subplots);
298 my $stocks_per_accession;
299 if ($display eq 'plots_accession') {
300 $stock_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plot', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
301 $rel_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plot_of', 'stock_relationship')->cvterm_id();
302 $select_clause_additional = ', accession.uniquename, accession.stock_id';
303 $group_by_additional = ', accession.stock_id, accession.uniquename';
304 $stocks_per_accession = $c->stash->{trial}->get_plots_per_accession();
306 if ($display eq 'plants_accession') {
307 $stock_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plant', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
308 $rel_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plant_of', 'stock_relationship')->cvterm_id();
309 $select_clause_additional = ', accession.uniquename, accession.stock_id';
310 $group_by_additional = ', accession.stock_id, accession.uniquename';
311 $stocks_per_accession = $c->stash->{trial}->get_plants_per_accession();
313 my $accesion_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'accession', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
315 my $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ((( || '|'::text) || || ':'::text) || dbxref.accession::text AS trait,
316 cvterm.cvterm_id,
317 count(phenotype.value),
318 to_char(avg(phenotype.value::real), 'FM999990.990'),
319 to_char(max(phenotype.value::real), 'FM999990.990'),
320 to_char(min(phenotype.value::real), 'FM999990.990'),
321 to_char(stddev(phenotype.value::real), 'FM999990.990')
322 $select_clause_additional
323 FROM cvterm
324 JOIN phenotype ON (cvterm_id=cvalue_id)
325 JOIN nd_experiment_phenotype USING(phenotype_id)
326 JOIN nd_experiment_project USING(nd_experiment_id)
327 JOIN nd_experiment_stock USING(nd_experiment_id)
328 JOIN stock as plot USING(stock_id)
329 JOIN stock_relationship on (plot.stock_id = stock_relationship.subject_id)
330 JOIN stock as accession on (accession.stock_id = stock_relationship.object_id)
331 JOIN dbxref ON cvterm.dbxref_id = dbxref.dbxref_id JOIN db ON dbxref.db_id = db.db_id
332 WHERE project_id=?
333 AND phenotype.value~?
334 AND stock_relationship.type_id=?
335 AND plot.type_id=?
336 AND accession.type_id=?
337 GROUP BY ((( || '|'::text) || || ':'::text) || dbxref.accession::text, cvterm.cvterm_id $group_by_additional
338 ORDER BY ASC;");
340 my $numeric_regex = '^[0-9]+([,.][0-9]+)?$';
341 $h->execute($c->stash->{trial_id}, $numeric_regex, $rel_type_id, $stock_type_id, $accesion_type_id);
343 my @phenotype_data;
345 while (my ($trait, $trait_id, $count, $average, $max, $min, $stddev, $stock_name, $stock_id) = $h->fetchrow_array()) {
347 my $cv = 0;
348 if ($stddev && $average != 0) {
349 $cv = ($stddev / $average) * 100;
350 $cv = $round->round($cv) . '%';
352 if ($average) { $average = $round->round($average); }
353 if ($min) { $min = $round->round($min); }
354 if ($max) { $max = $round->round($max); }
355 if ($stddev) { $stddev = $round->round($stddev); }
357 my @return_array;
358 if ($stock_name && $stock_id) {
359 $total_complete_number = scalar (@{$stocks_per_accession->{$stock_id}});
360 push @return_array, qq{<a href="/stock/$stock_id/view">$stock_name</a>};
362 my $percent_missing = '';
363 if ($total_complete_number){
364 $percent_missing = 100 - sprintf("%.2f", ($count/$total_complete_number)*100)."%";
367 push @return_array, ( qq{<a href="/cvterm/$trait_id/view">$trait</a>}, $average, $min, $max, $stddev, $cv, $count, $percent_missing, qq{<a href="#raw_data_histogram_well" onclick="trait_summary_hist_change($trait_id)"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stats"></span></a>} );
368 push @phenotype_data, \@return_array;
371 $c->stash->{rest} = { data => \@phenotype_data };
374 sub trait_histogram : Chained('trial') PathPart('trait_histogram') Args(1) {
375 my $self = shift;
376 my $c = shift;
377 my $trait_id = shift;
378 my $stock_type = $c->req->param('stock_type') || 'plot';
380 my @data = $c->stash->{trial}->get_phenotypes_for_trait($trait_id, $stock_type);
382 $c->stash->{rest} = { data => \@data };
385 sub get_trial_folder :Chained('trial') PathPart('folder') Args(0) {
386 my $self = shift;
387 my $c = shift;
389 if (!($c->user()->check_roles('curator') || $c->user()->check_roles('submitter'))) {
390 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'You do not have the required privileges to edit the trial type of this trial.' };
391 return;
394 my $project_parent = $c->stash->{trial}->get_folder();
396 $c->stash->{rest} = { folder => [ $project_parent->project_id(), $project_parent->name() ] };
400 sub trial_accessions : Chained('trial') PathPart('accessions') Args(0) {
401 my $self = shift;
402 my $c = shift;
403 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
405 my $trial = CXGN::Trial->new( { bcs_schema => $schema, trial_id => $c->stash->{trial_id} });
407 my @data = $trial->get_accessions();
409 $c->stash->{rest} = { accessions => \@data };
412 sub trial_seedlots : Chained('trial') PathPart('seedlots') Args(0) {
413 my $self = shift;
414 my $c = shift;
415 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
417 my $trial = CXGN::Trial->new( { bcs_schema => $schema, trial_id => $c->stash->{trial_id} });
419 my @data = $trial->get_seedlots();
421 $c->stash->{rest} = { seedlots => \@data };
424 sub trial_used_seedlots_upload : Chained('trial') PathPart('upload_used_seedlots') Args(0) {
425 my $self = shift;
426 my $c = shift;
427 my $user_id;
428 my $user_name;
429 my $user_role;
430 my $session_id = $c->req->param("sgn_session_id");
432 if ($session_id){
433 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
434 my @user_info = CXGN::Login->new($dbh)->query_from_cookie($session_id);
435 if (!$user_info[0]){
436 $c->stash->{rest} = {error=>'You must be logged in to upload this seedlot info!'};
437 $c->detach();
439 $user_id = $user_info[0];
440 $user_role = $user_info[1];
441 my $p = CXGN::People::Person->new($dbh, $user_id);
442 $user_name = $p->get_username;
443 } else{
444 if (!$c->user){
445 $c->stash->{rest} = {error=>'You must be logged in to upload this seedlot info!'};
446 $c->detach();
448 $user_id = $c->user()->get_object()->get_sp_person_id();
449 $user_name = $c->user()->get_object()->get_username();
450 $user_role = $c->user->get_object->get_user_type();
453 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
454 my $upload = $c->req->upload('trial_upload_used_seedlot_file');
455 my $subdirectory = "trial_used_seedlot_upload";
456 my $upload_original_name = $upload->filename();
457 my $upload_tempfile = $upload->tempname;
458 my $time = DateTime->now();
459 my $timestamp = $time->ymd()."_".$time->hms();
461 ## Store uploaded temporary file in archive
462 my $uploader = CXGN::UploadFile->new({
463 tempfile => $upload_tempfile,
464 subdirectory => $subdirectory,
465 archive_path => $c->config->{archive_path},
466 archive_filename => $upload_original_name,
467 timestamp => $timestamp,
468 user_id => $user_id,
469 user_role => $user_role
471 my $archived_filename_with_path = $uploader->archive();
472 my $md5 = $uploader->get_md5($archived_filename_with_path);
473 if (!$archived_filename_with_path) {
474 $c->stash->{rest} = {error => "Could not save file $upload_original_name in archive",};
475 $c->detach();
477 unlink $upload_tempfile;
478 my $parser = CXGN::Trial::ParseUpload->new(chado_schema => $schema, filename => $archived_filename_with_path);
479 $parser->load_plugin('TrialUsedSeedlotsXLS');
480 my $parsed_data = $parser->parse();
481 #print STDERR Dumper $parsed_data;
483 if (!$parsed_data) {
484 my $return_error = '';
485 my $parse_errors;
486 if (!$parser->has_parse_errors() ){
487 $c->stash->{rest} = {error_string => "Could not get parsing errors"};
488 $c->detach();
489 } else {
490 $parse_errors = $parser->get_parse_errors();
491 #print STDERR Dumper $parse_errors;
493 foreach my $error_string (@{$parse_errors->{'error_messages'}}){
494 $return_error .= $error_string."<br>";
497 $c->stash->{rest} = {error_string => $return_error, missing_seedlots => $parse_errors->{'missing_seedlots'}, missing_plots => $parse_errors->{'missing_plots'}};
498 $c->detach();
501 eval {
502 while (my ($key, $val) = each(%$parsed_data)){
503 my $sl = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot->new(schema => $schema, seedlot_id => $val->{seedlot_stock_id});
505 my $transaction = CXGN::Stock::Seedlot::Transaction->new(schema => $schema);
506 $transaction->factor(1);
507 $transaction->from_stock([$val->{seedlot_stock_id}, $val->{seedlot_name}]);
508 $transaction->to_stock([$val->{plot_stock_id}, $val->{plot_name}]);
509 $transaction->amount($val->{amount});
510 $transaction->timestamp($timestamp);
511 $transaction->description($val->{description});
512 $transaction->operator($user_name);
513 $transaction->store();
515 $sl->set_current_count_property();
518 if ($@) {
519 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $@ };
520 print STDERR "An error condition occurred, was not able to upload trial used seedlots. ($@).\n";
521 $c->detach();
524 $c->stash->{rest} = { success => 1 };
527 sub trial_controls : Chained('trial') PathPart('controls') Args(0) {
528 my $self = shift;
529 my $c = shift;
530 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
532 my $trial = CXGN::Trial->new( { bcs_schema => $schema, trial_id => $c->stash->{trial_id} });
534 my @data = $trial->get_controls();
536 $c->stash->{rest} = { accessions => \@data };
539 sub controls_by_plot : Chained('trial') PathPart('controls_by_plot') Args(0) {
540 my $self = shift;
541 my $c = shift;
542 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
543 my @plot_ids = $c->req->param('plot_ids[]');
545 my $trial = CXGN::Trial->new({ bcs_schema => $schema, trial_id => $c->stash->{trial_id} });
547 my @data = $trial->get_controls_by_plot(\@plot_ids);
549 $c->stash->{rest} = { accessions => \@data };
552 sub trial_plots : Chained('trial') PathPart('plots') Args(0) {
553 my $self = shift;
554 my $c = shift;
555 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
557 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
559 my @data = $trial->get_plots();
561 $c->stash->{rest} = { plots => \@data };
564 sub trial_has_subplots : Chained('trial') PathPart('has_subplots') Args(0) {
565 my $self = shift;
566 my $c = shift;
567 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
569 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
570 $c->stash->{rest} = { has_subplots => $trial->has_subplot_entries() };
573 sub trial_subplots : Chained('trial') PathPart('subplots') Args(0) {
574 my $self = shift;
575 my $c = shift;
576 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
578 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
580 my @data = $trial->get_subplots();
582 $c->stash->{rest} = { subplots => \@data };
585 sub trial_has_plants : Chained('trial') PathPart('has_plants') Args(0) {
586 my $self = shift;
587 my $c = shift;
588 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
590 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
591 $c->stash->{rest} = { has_plants => $trial->has_plant_entries() };
594 sub trial_plants : Chained('trial') PathPart('plants') Args(0) {
595 my $self = shift;
596 my $c = shift;
597 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
599 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
601 my @data = $trial->get_plants();
603 $c->stash->{rest} = { plants => \@data };
606 sub trial_treatments : Chained('trial') PathPart('treatments') Args(0) {
607 my $self = shift;
608 my $c = shift;
609 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
611 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
613 my $data = $trial->get_treatments();
615 $c->stash->{rest} = { treatments => $data };
618 sub trial_add_treatment : Chained('trial') PathPart('add_treatment') Args(0) {
619 my $self = shift;
620 my $c = shift;
622 if (!$c->user()){
623 $c->stash->{rest} = {error => "You must be logged in to add a treatment"};
624 $c->detach();
627 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema');
628 my $trial_id = $c->stash->{trial_id};
629 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
630 my $design = decode_json $c->req->param('design');
631 my $new_treatment_has_plant_entries = $c->req->param('has_plant_entries');
633 my $trial_design_store = CXGN::Trial::TrialDesignStore->new({
634 bcs_schema => $schema,
635 trial_id => $trial_id,
636 trial_name => $trial->get_name(),
637 nd_geolocation_id => $trial->get_location()->[0],
638 design_type => $trial->get_design_type(),
639 design => $design,
640 new_treatment_has_plant_entries => $new_treatment_has_plant_entries,
641 operator => $c->user()->get_object()->get_username()
643 my $error = $trial_design_store->store();
644 if ($error){
645 $c->stash->{rest} = {error => "Treatment not added: ".$error};
646 } else {
647 $c->stash->{rest} = {success => 1};
651 sub trial_layout : Chained('trial') PathPart('layout') Args(0) {
652 my $self = shift;
653 my $c = shift;
654 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
656 my $layout = CXGN::Trial::TrialLayout->new({ schema => $schema, trial_id =>$c->stash->{trial_id} });
658 my $design = $layout->get_design();
659 $c->stash->{rest} = {design => $design};
662 sub trial_design : Chained('trial') PathPart('design') Args(0) {
663 my $self = shift;
664 my $c = shift;
665 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
667 my $layout = CXGN::Trial::TrialLayout->new({ schema => $schema, trial_id =>$c->stash->{trial_id} });
669 my $design = $layout->get_design();
670 my $design_type = $layout->get_design_type();
671 my $plot_dimensions = $layout->get_plot_dimensions();
673 my $plot_length = '';
674 if ($plot_dimensions->[0]) {
675 $plot_length = $plot_dimensions->[0];
678 my $plot_width = '';
679 if ($plot_dimensions->[1]){
680 $plot_width = $plot_dimensions->[1];
683 my $plants_per_plot = '';
684 if ($plot_dimensions->[2]){
685 $plants_per_plot = $plot_dimensions->[2];
688 my $block_numbers = $layout->get_block_numbers();
689 my $number_of_blocks = '';
690 if ($block_numbers) {
691 $number_of_blocks = scalar(@{$block_numbers});
694 my $replicate_numbers = $layout->get_replicate_numbers();
695 my $number_of_replicates = '';
696 if ($replicate_numbers) {
697 $number_of_replicates = scalar(@{$replicate_numbers});
700 $c->stash->{rest} = { design_type => $design_type, num_blocks => $number_of_blocks, num_reps => $number_of_replicates, plot_length => $plot_length, plot_width => $plot_width, plants_per_plot => $plants_per_plot, design => $design };
703 sub get_spatial_layout : Chained('trial') PathPart('coords') Args(0) {
705 my $self = shift;
706 my $c = shift;
707 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
709 my $fieldmap = CXGN::Trial::FieldMap->new({
710 bcs_schema => $schema,
711 trial_id => $c->stash->{trial_id},
713 my $return = $fieldmap->display_fieldmap();
715 $c->stash->{rest} = $return;
718 sub retrieve_trial_info : Path('/ajax/breeders/trial_phenotyping_info') : ActionClass('REST') { }
719 sub retrieve_trial_info_POST : Args(0) {
720 #sub retrieve_trial_info : chained('trial') Pathpart("trial_phenotyping_info") Args(0) {
721 my $self =shift;
722 my $c = shift;
723 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
724 my $trial_id = $c->req->param('trial_id');
726 my $layout = CXGN::Trial::TrialLayout->new({
727 schema => $schema,
728 trial_id => $trial_id
731 my $design = $layout-> get_design();
732 #print STDERR Dumper($design);
734 my @layout_info;
735 foreach my $plot_number (keys %{$design}) {
736 push @layout_info, {
737 plot_id => $design->{$plot_number}->{plot_id},
738 plot_number => $plot_number,
739 row_number => $design->{$plot_number}->{row_number},
740 col_number => $design->{$plot_number}->{col_number},
741 block_number=> $design->{$plot_number}-> {block_number},
742 rep_number => $design->{$plot_number}-> {rep_number},
743 plot_name => $design->{$plot_number}-> {plot_name},
744 accession_name => $design->{$plot_number}-> {accession_name},
745 plant_names => $design->{$plot_number}-> {plant_names},
747 @layout_info = sort { $a->{plot_number} <=> $b->{plot_number} } @layout_info;
750 #print STDERR Dumper(@layout_info);
751 $c->stash->{rest} = {trial_info => \@layout_info};
752 #$c->stash->{layout_info} = \@layout_info;
756 sub trial_completion_layout_section : Chained('trial') PathPart('trial_completion_layout_section') Args(0) {
757 my $self = shift;
758 my $c = shift;
759 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
761 my $trial_layout = CXGN::Trial::TrialLayout->new({schema => $schema, trial_id => $c->stash->{trial_id}, verify_layout=>1, verify_physical_map=>1});
762 my $trial_errors = $trial_layout->_get_design_from_trial();
763 my $has_layout_check = $trial_errors->{errors}->{layout_errors} || $trial_errors->{error} ? 0 : 1;
764 my $has_physical_map_check = $trial_errors->{errors}->{physical_map_errors} || $trial_errors->{error} ? 0 : 1;
765 my $has_seedlots = $trial_errors->{errors}->{seedlot_errors} || $trial_errors->{error} ? 0 : 1;
766 my $error_string = $trial_errors->{error} ? $trial_errors->{error} : '';
767 my $layout_error_string = $trial_errors->{errors}->{layout_errors} ? join ', ', @{$trial_errors->{errors}->{layout_errors}} : '';
768 my $map_error_string = $trial_errors->{errors}->{physical_map_errors} ? join ', ', @{$trial_errors->{errors}->{physical_map_errors}} : '';
769 my $seedlot_error_string = $trial_errors->{errors}->{seedlot_errors} ? join ', ', @{$trial_errors->{errors}->{seedlot_errors}} : '';
771 $c->stash->{rest} = {
772 has_layout => $has_layout_check,
773 layout_errors => $error_string." ".$layout_error_string,
774 has_physical_map => $has_physical_map_check,
775 physical_map_errors => $error_string." ".$map_error_string,
776 has_seedlots => $has_seedlots,
777 seedlot_errors => $error_string." ".$seedlot_error_string
781 sub trial_completion_phenotype_section : Chained('trial') PathPart('trial_completion_phenotype_section') Args(0) {
782 my $self = shift;
783 my $c = shift;
784 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
786 my $plot_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plot', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
787 my $plant_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plant', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
788 my $phenotyping_experiment_type_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'phenotyping_experiment', 'experiment_type')->cvterm_id();
789 my $has_phenotype_check = $schema->resultset('Phenotype::Phenotype')->search({'stock.type_id'=> [$plot_type_id, $plant_type_id], 'nd_experiment.type_id'=>$phenotyping_experiment_type_id, 'me.value' => { '!=' => ''}, 'project.project_id'=>$c->stash->{trial_id}}, {join=>{'nd_experiment_phenotypes'=>{'nd_experiment'=>[{'nd_experiment_stocks'=>'stock' }, {'nd_experiment_projects'=>'project'}] } }, rows=>1 });
790 my $has_phenotypes = $has_phenotype_check->first ? 1 : 0;
792 $c->stash->{rest} = {has_phenotypes => $has_phenotypes};
795 #sub compute_derive_traits : Path('/ajax/phenotype/delete_field_coords') Args(0) {
796 sub delete_field_coord : Path('/ajax/phenotype/delete_field_coords') Args(0) {
797 my $self = shift;
798 my $c = shift;
799 my $trial_id = $c->req->param('trial_id');
801 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema');
803 if ($self->privileges_denied($c)) {
804 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "You have insufficient access privileges to update this map." };
805 return;
808 my $fieldmap = CXGN::Trial::FieldMap->new({
809 bcs_schema => $schema,
810 trial_id => $trial_id,
812 my $delete_return_error = $fieldmap->delete_fieldmap();
813 if ($delete_return_error) {
814 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $delete_return_error };
815 return;
818 $c->stash->{rest} = {success => 1};
821 sub replace_trial_accession : Chained('trial') PathPart('replace_accession') Args(0) {
822 my $self = shift;
823 my $c = shift;
824 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema');
825 my $old_accession_id = $c->req->param('old_accession_id');
826 my $new_accession = $c->req->param('new_accession');
827 my $trial_id = $c->stash->{trial_id};
829 if ($self->privileges_denied($c)) {
830 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "You have insufficient access privileges to edit this map." };
831 return;
834 if (!$new_accession){
835 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Provide new accession name." };
836 return;
839 my $replace_accession_fieldmap = CXGN::Trial::FieldMap->new({
840 bcs_schema => $schema,
841 trial_id => $trial_id,
842 old_accession_id => $old_accession_id,
843 new_accession => $new_accession,
846 my $return_error = $replace_accession_fieldmap->update_fieldmap_precheck();
847 if ($return_error) {
848 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $return_error };
849 return;
852 my $replace_return_error = $replace_accession_fieldmap->replace_trial_accession_fieldMap();
853 if ($replace_return_error) {
854 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $replace_return_error };
855 return;
858 $c->stash->{rest} = { success => 1};
861 sub replace_plot_accession : Chained('trial') PathPart('replace_plot_accessions') Args(0) {
862 my $self = shift;
863 my $c = shift;
864 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema');
865 my $old_accession = $c->req->param('old_accession');
866 my $new_accession = $c->req->param('new_accession');
867 my $old_plot_id = $c->req->param('old_plot_id');
868 my $trial_id = $c->stash->{trial_id};
870 if ($self->privileges_denied($c)) {
871 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "You have insufficient access privileges to edit this map." };
872 return;
875 if (!$new_accession){
876 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Provide new accession name." };
877 return;
880 my $replace_plot_accession_fieldmap = CXGN::Trial::FieldMap->new({
881 bcs_schema => $schema,
882 trial_id => $trial_id,
883 new_accession => $new_accession,
884 old_accession => $old_accession,
885 old_plot_id => $old_plot_id,
889 my $return_error = $replace_plot_accession_fieldmap->update_fieldmap_precheck();
890 if ($return_error) {
891 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $return_error };
892 return;
895 print "Calling Replace Function...............\n";
896 my $replace_return_error = $replace_plot_accession_fieldmap->replace_plot_accession_fieldMap();
897 if ($replace_return_error) {
898 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $replace_return_error };
899 return;
902 print "OldAccession: $old_accession, NewAcc: $new_accession, OldPlotId: $old_plot_id\n";
903 $c->stash->{rest} = { success => 1};
906 sub substitute_accession : Chained('trial') PathPart('substitute_accession') Args(0) {
907 my $self = shift;
908 my $c = shift;
909 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema');
910 my $trial_id = $c->stash->{trial_id};
911 my $plot_1_info = $c->req->param('plot_1_info');
912 my $plot_2_info = $c->req->param('plot_2_info');
914 my ($plot_1_id, $accession_1) = split /,/, $plot_1_info;
915 my ($plot_2_id, $accession_2) = split /,/, $plot_2_info;
917 if ($self->privileges_denied($c)) {
918 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "You have insufficient access privileges to update this map." };
919 return;
922 if ($plot_1_id == $plot_2_id){
923 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Choose a different plot/accession in 'select Accession 2' to perform this operation." };
924 return;
927 my @controls;
928 my @ids;
930 my $fieldmap = CXGN::Trial::FieldMap->new({
931 bcs_schema => $schema,
932 trial_id => $trial_id,
933 first_plot_selected => $plot_1_id,
934 second_plot_selected => $plot_2_id,
935 first_accession_selected => $accession_1,
936 second_accession_selected => $accession_2,
939 my $return_error = $fieldmap->update_fieldmap_precheck();
940 if ($return_error) {
941 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $return_error };
942 return;
945 my $return_check_error = $fieldmap->substitute_accession_precheck();
946 if ($return_check_error) {
947 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $return_check_error };
948 return;
951 my $update_return_error = $fieldmap->substitute_accession_fieldmap();
952 if ($update_return_error) {
953 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $update_return_error };
954 return;
957 $c->stash->{rest} = { success => 1};
960 sub create_plant_subplots : Chained('trial') PathPart('create_subplots') Args(0) {
961 my $self = shift;
962 my $c = shift;
963 my $plants_per_plot = $c->req->param("plants_per_plot") || 8;
964 my $inherits_plot_treatments = $c->req->param("inherits_plot_treatments");
965 my $plants_with_treatments;
966 if($inherits_plot_treatments eq '1'){
967 $plants_with_treatments = 1;
970 if (my $error = $self->privileges_denied($c)) {
971 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $error };
972 return;
975 if (!$plants_per_plot || $plants_per_plot > 50) {
976 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Plants per plot number is required and must be smaller than 50." };
977 return;
980 my $t = CXGN::Trial->new( { bcs_schema => $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema"), trial_id => $c->stash->{trial_id} });
982 if ($t->create_plant_entities($plants_per_plot, $plants_with_treatments)) {
983 $c->stash->{rest} = {success => 1};
984 return;
985 } else {
986 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Error creating plant entries in controller." };
987 return;
992 sub privileges_denied {
993 my $self = shift;
994 my $c = shift;
996 my $trial_id = $c->stash->{trial_id};
998 if (! $c->user) { return "Login required for modifying trial."; }
999 my $user_id = $c->user->get_object->get_sp_person_id();
1001 if ($c->user->check_roles('curator')) {
1002 return 0;
1005 my $breeding_programs = $c->stash->{trial}->get_breeding_programs();
1007 if ( ($c->user->check_roles('submitter')) && ( $c->user->check_roles($breeding_programs->[0]->[1]))) {
1008 return 0;
1010 return "You have insufficient privileges to modify or delete this trial.";
1013 # loading field coordinates
1015 sub upload_trial_coordinates : Path('/ajax/breeders/trial/coordsupload') Args(0) {
1016 my $self = shift;
1017 my $c = shift;
1019 if (!$c->user()) {
1020 print STDERR "User not logged in... not uploading coordinates.\n";
1021 $c->stash->{rest} = {error => "You need to be logged in to upload coordinates." };
1022 return;
1025 if (!any { $_ eq "curator" || $_ eq "submitter" } ($c->user()->roles) ) {
1026 $c->stash->{rest} = {error => "You have insufficient privileges to add coordinates." };
1027 return;
1030 my $time = DateTime->now();
1031 my $user_id = $c->user()->get_object()->get_sp_person_id();
1032 my $user_name = $c->user()->get_object()->get_username();
1033 my $timestamp = $time->ymd()."_".$time->hms();
1034 my $subdirectory = 'trial_coords_upload';
1035 my $upload = $c->req->upload('trial_coordinates_uploaded_file');
1036 my $trial_id = $c->req->param('trial_coordinates_upload_trial_id');
1037 my $upload_tempfile = $upload->tempname;
1038 my $upload_original_name = $upload->filename();
1039 my $md5;
1040 my %upload_metadata;
1042 # Store uploaded temporary file in archive
1043 print STDERR "TEMP FILE: $upload_tempfile\n";
1044 my $uploader = CXGN::UploadFile->new({
1045 tempfile => $upload_tempfile,
1046 subdirectory => $subdirectory,
1047 archive_path => $c->config->{archive_path},
1048 archive_filename => $upload_original_name,
1049 timestamp => $timestamp,
1050 user_id => $user_id,
1051 user_role => $c->user()->roles
1053 my $archived_filename_with_path = $uploader->archive();
1055 if (!$archived_filename_with_path) {
1056 $c->stash->{rest} = {error => "Could not save file $upload_original_name in archive",};
1057 return;
1060 $md5 = $uploader->get_md5($archived_filename_with_path);
1061 unlink $upload_tempfile;
1063 my $error_string = '';
1064 # open file and remove return of line
1065 open(my $F, "<", $archived_filename_with_path) || die "Can't open archive file $archived_filename_with_path";
1066 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
1067 my $header = <$F>;
1068 while (<$F>) {
1069 chomp;
1070 $_ =~ s/\r//g;
1071 my ($plot,$row,$col) = split /\t/ ;
1072 my $rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search({uniquename=> $plot });
1073 if ($rs->count()== 1) {
1074 my $r = $rs->first();
1075 print STDERR "The plots $plot was found.\n Loading row $row col $col\n";
1076 $r->create_stockprops({row_number => $row, col_number => $col}, {autocreate => 1});
1078 else {
1079 print STDERR "WARNING! $plot was not found in the database.\n";
1080 $error_string .= "WARNING! $plot was not found in the database.";
1084 my $trial_layout = CXGN::Trial::TrialLayout->new({
1085 schema => $schema,
1086 trial_id => $trial_id
1088 $trial_layout->generate_and_cache_layout();
1090 if ($error_string){
1091 $c->stash->{rest} = {error_string => $error_string};
1092 $c->detach();
1095 $c->stash->{rest} = {success => 1};