6 Mason code to get different sections of target web_page.
18 This mason script coordinate different mason component to create the target page.
20 Its controller is: target.pl
26 Aureliano Bombarely (ab782@cornell.edu)
41 ## None code is used in target_detail.mas.
42 ## It compose the web page using mason components and args from the controller
44 ## The hybridization composition use a array reference of a list of target objects
45 ## For target page it have sense only with one target object, so this script
46 ## will transfer $target as array reference for this purpose.
48 my @target_list = ($target);
58 '/gem/target/basic_target_info.mas',
63 '/gem/target/hybridization_composition.mas',
64 target_list => \@target_list