added the list of management factor types in controllers
[sgn.git] / mason / breeders_toolbox / management_factor.mas
2 <%doc>
4 =head1 NAME
6 /breeders_toolbox/management_factor.mas - a mason component to display a management factor detail page
8 =head1 AUTHOR
11 =cut
13 </%doc>
15 <%args>
16 $trial_id
17 $trial_name
18 $breeding_program_id
19 $breeding_program_name
20 $location_id
21 $location_name
22 $year => undef
23 $trial_type => undef
24 $planting_date => undef
25 $harvest_date => undef
26 $trial_description => undef
27 $user_can_modify => undef
28 $has_plant_entries => undef
29 $has_subplot_entries => undef
30 $has_tissue_sample_entries => undef
31 $hidap_enabled => undef
32 $folder_name => undef
33 $folder_id => undef
34 $plants_per_plot => undef
35 $has_expression_atlas => undef
36 $expression_atlas_url => undef
37 $site_project_name => undef
38 $trial_phenotype_files => undef
39 $sgn_session_id => undef
40 $user_name => undef
41 $design_name => undef
42 $phenotypes_fully_uploaded => undef
43 $identifier_prefix => 'SGN'
44 $management_factor_date => undef
45 $management_factor_type => undef
46 </%args>
48 <& /util/import_javascript.mas, classes => [ 'jquery.iframe-post-form', 'CXGN.Trial' , 'jstree/dist/jstree', 'CXGN.BreedersToolbox.HTMLSelect', 'moment_min', 'daterangepicker' ] &>
50 <br/>
52 <& /page/page_title.mas, title=>"Field Management Factor: ".$trial_name &>
54 <& /page/detail_page_2_col_section.mas, info_section_collapsed => 0, trial_id => $trial_id, info_section_title => "<h4 style='display:inline'>Management Factor Details</h4>", info_section_subtitle => 'View basic information about the management factor.', icon_class => "glyphicon glyphicon-dashboard", info_section_id => "management_factor_details", trial_name => $trial_name, year => $year, management_factor_type=>$management_factor_type, management_factor_date=>$management_factor_date &>
57 <& /page/detail_page_2_col_section.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, info_section_title => "<h4 style='display:inline'>Experimental Design</h4>", info_section_subtitle => 'View experimental design information for this management factor.', icon_class => "glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt", info_section_id => "management_factor_design", has_plant_entries => $has_plant_entries, has_subplot_entries => $has_subplot_entries, has_tissue_sample_entries => $has_tissue_sample_entries, design_name => $design_name &>
59 % my $data_agreement_link = '<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" disabled style="margin:3px">Add/edit data agreement</button>';
60 % if ($user_can_modify) { $data_agreement_link = '<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" style="margin:3px" id="add_data_agreement">Add/edit data agreement</button>'; }
62 <& /page/detail_page_2_col_section.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, info_section_title => "<h4 style='display:inline'>Data Agreement License</h4>", info_section_subtitle => 'View and edit the public data agreement on this experiment.', icon_class => "glyphicon glyphicon-inbox", info_section_id => "trial_data_agreement_section", buttons_html => $data_agreement_link &>
64 <& /breeders_toolbox/add_data_agreement_dialogs.mas, trial_id => $trial_id &>
67 <div id="trialIDDiv" class="trialIDDivClass" style="display:none;">
68 % print $trial_id;
69 </div>
71 <script defer="defer">
73 jQuery(document).ready(function () {
75   trial_detail_page_setup_dialogs();
77 });
79 </script>