5 use CXGN
::FormattingHelpers qw
14 my $page = CXGN
18 print page_title_html
('Note to Locus Editors');
19 my $annotation_link = qq | <a href
="http://docs.google.com/View?docid=ddhncntn_0cz2wj6">annotation guidelines
> |;
21 print "<b>Locus editors</b> are experts with a research focus, and generally authors, on the locus. Any one interested in becoming an editor for a locus can request by clicking the 'Request editor privileges' link under the 'Locus details' subsection of the locus of interest.<br />
25 \t* have the privilege to edit the contents of the locus page.<br />
26 \t* can add data on the locus page as new knowledge on the locus emerges. Each subsection on the locus page can be modified by clicking the edit/annotation links .<br />
27 \t* initiate discussion on accuracy of data submitted by other editors, submitters and SGN curators.<br />
28 \t* can suggest ideas to in-house curators on improving the data display, annotation tools, additional subsections etc.<br />
29 \t* can create new webpages for their newly identified and documented loci.<br />
30 \t* can list all relevant publications on their locus of interest.<br />
32 <b>Reference</b> on how to annotate a locus can be found here: $annotation_link.<br />
35 <b>Contact</b> SGN staff by emailing to <a href=mailto:sgn-feedback\@sgn.cornell.edu>sgn-feedback\@sgn.cornell.edu</a> <br />";