6 /markers/kfg.mas - a Mason component displaying information about kfg (known function genes) markers
10 takes the parameter $marker - a CXGN::Marker object.
14 Lukas Mueller <lam87@cornell.edu>
27 # prints a link to the gene page if this marker maps to a gene
28 # (KFG = Known Function Gene)
30 my @loci = $marker->associated_loci();
33 foreach my $l (@loci) {
34 my ($locus_id, $locus_name) = ($l->[0], $l->[1]);
36 $html .= qq{This marker is associated with the <a href="/phenome/locus_display.pl?locus_id=$locus_id">$locus_name</a> locus.<br />};
39 return $html.'<br />';