3 use CXGN
4 use CXGN
::Text qw
6 my $highlight_colour='#0000FF';
7 my $desc_colour='#EEEEEE';
9 my $pagination_offset=5;
10 my $unig_display_nr=10;
11 my $search_type_print='';
12 my $unig_link='/search/unigene.pl';
13 my $show_all_unig_link='/search/all_unig_for_annot.pl';
14 my $clone_link='/search/est.pl?request_type=8&request_from=1&request_id=';
16 our $page = CXGN
->new( "Annotation Search Results", "Dan, mod by Rob");
17 my $dbh = CXGN
18 my $pg_version = $dbh->dbh_param("pg_server_version");
19 my $pg_ts_rank = $pg_version >= 80300 ?
'ts_rank' : 'rank';
21 #get all the relevant info for performing the search
26 $typed_page) = $page->get_encoded_arguments("search_type",
32 my $tsquery_text = to_tsquery_string
34 unless ($search_text) {
38 #if no current results page is specified, set it to 0 (first page)
41 #if the user typed in a user-friendly page number, convert to proper page number
42 if($typed_page eq 'yes'){
47 #set query type and specify proper result count sql
48 if ( $search_type eq 'manual_search' ){
49 $search_type_print = "manual annotation";
50 $match_count_q = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<EOSQL);
52 FROM manual_annotations
53 WHERE annotation_text_fulltext @@ to_tsquery(?)
56 elsif( $search_type eq 'blast_search' ){
57 $search_type_print = "BLAST based annotation";
58 $match_count_q = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<EOSQL);
61 WHERE defline_fulltext @@ to_tsquery(?)
69 #do this only if we don't know the total number of matches. This should happen only once, on the first page
70 unless ($total_matches){
71 $match_count_q->execute($tsquery_text);
72 ($total_matches) = $match_count_q->fetchrow_array();
76 my $nr_show_to_print='';
78 my $start_at=$results_page * $nr_to_show;
79 my $end_at=$start_at + $nr_to_show;
80 my $nr_to_get = $end_at-$start_at;
82 # warn "offsets are ($start_at,$end_at,$nr_to_get,$total_matches)";
84 # if(($start_at > $total_matches) or ($start_at < 0)){
88 # if($end_at > $total_matches){
92 # warn "offsets are ($start_at,$end_at,$nr_to_get,$total_matches)";
94 #execute the necessary SQL commands to get data
95 #do only search types requested
99 if ($search_type eq 'manual_search'){
101 #get the text search matches
103 # #create temp table to store just the matches for this page
104 # $manual_annot_tmp_create_q->execute();
105 # $manual_annot_tmp_fill_q->bind_param(3,$start_at,SQL_INTEGER);
106 # $manual_annot_tmp_fill_q->bind_param(4,$nr_to_get,SQL_INTEGER);
107 # $manual_annot_tmp_fill_q->execute($search_text, $search_text, $nr_to_get,$start_at) or $page->error_page("Couldn't create temp table with search $earch_text and limit $nr_to_get offset $start_at ($DBI::errstr)\n");
109 # #read the details of the annotation
111 # #data returned by $manual_annot_matches_q is:
112 # #tmp.manual_annotations_id, t.type_description, ma.annotation_text, a.author_name, ma.last_modified, tmp.score
114 # $manual_annot_matches_q->execute()
115 # or $page->error_page("Couldn't get manual matches ($DBI::errstr)\n");
118 # $dbh->trace(2,'/tmp/dbitrace');
119 my $manual_annot_matches_q = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<EOSQL);
120 SELECT ma.manual_annotations_id,
123 a.first_name || ' ' || a.last_name,
125 $pg_ts_rank(annotation_text_fulltext,to_tsquery(?::text)) as score
126 FROM manual_annotations as ma
127 LEFT JOIN sgn_people.sp_person AS a
128 ON (ma.author_id=a.sp_person_id)
129 JOIN annotation_target_type AS t
130 ON (ma.annotation_target_type_id=t.annotation_target_type_id)
131 WHERE annotation_text_fulltext @@ to_tsquery(?::text)
132 AND ma.annotation_target_type_id=1
137 $manual_annot_matches_q->execute($tsquery_text,$tsquery_text,$nr_to_get,$start_at);
139 if ($manual_annot_matches_q->rows == 0) {
140 no_matches
143 while (my ($annot_id, $type_desc, $annot_text, $author_name, $last_updated, $score) = $manual_annot_matches_q->fetchrow_array()) {
145 my $annot_target_desc = "$type_desc by $author_name on $last_updated";
147 push @matches, [$annot_id, $annot_target_desc, $score, $annot_text];
150 #get the unigene links
152 my $manual_clone_unig_link_q = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<EOSQL);
160 FROM manual_annotations as ma
162 ON (ma.annotation_target_id=c.clone_id)
167 LEFT JOIN unigene_member
169 LEFT JOIN unigene as u
171 LEFT JOIN unigene_build as ub
172 USING (unigene_build_id)
173 LEFT JOIN groups as g
174 ON (ub.organism_group_id=g.group_id)
175 WHERE ma.manual_annotations_id = ?
176 AND (u.unigene_id IS NULL
180 foreach my $annot_id (map {$$_[0]} @matches) {
181 $manual_clone_unig_link_q->execute($annot_id)
182 or $page->error_page("Couldn't run manual_clone_unig_link_q ($DBI::errstr)\n");
184 while (my ($clone_id, $clone_name, $unig_id, $build_desc, $build_nr, $build_date, $unig_build_id) = $manual_clone_unig_link_q->fetchrow_array()) {
185 my ($unig_desc, $sort_field)=('','');
187 $unig_desc = "<tr><td></td><td align=\"left\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><a href=\"$unig_link?unigene_id=$unig_id\">Unigene $unig_id</a></td>"
188 . "<td align=\"left\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">$build_desc build $build_nr from $build_date</td><td></td></tr>";
189 $sort_field=$unig_build_id;
191 $unig_desc="<tr><td></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"3\">The annotation is associated with clone <a href=\"$clone_link$clone_id\">$clone_name</a>, which has been censored from the current unigene builds.</td></tr>";
192 $sort_field=$clone_id;
196 push @
{$unigene_list{$annot_id}}, [$unig_desc, $sort_field];
201 } elsif ($search_type eq 'blast_search'){
203 my $blast_matches_q = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<EOSQL);
208 $pg_ts_rank(defline_fulltext,to_tsquery(?)) as score
210 JOIN blast_targets as bt
211 USING (blast_target_id)
212 WHERE defline_fulltext @@ to_tsquery(?)
217 $blast_matches_q->execute($tsquery_text,$tsquery_text,$nr_to_get,$start_at)
218 or $page->error_page("Couldn't get blast matches ($DBI::errstr)\n");
221 if ($blast_matches_q->rows == 0){
222 #clean up the temp table voodoo
223 # eval{ $blast_tmp_drop_q->execute() };
224 # or $page->error_page("Couldn't drop temp table ($DBI::errstr)\n");
225 no_matches
228 while(my ($defline_id, $blast_target_db, $defline, $blast_program, $score) = $blast_matches_q->fetchrow_array()) {
229 my $annot_target_desc = "Unigene <b>$blast_program</b> search against <b>$blast_target_db</b>";
230 push @matches, [$defline_id, $annot_target_desc, $score, $defline];
234 my $blast_unig_link_q = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<EOSQL);
239 bh.identity_percentage,
242 FROM blast_defline as bd
243 JOIN blast_hits as bh
245 JOIN blast_annotations as ba
246 USING(blast_annotation_id)
248 ON (ba.apply_id=u.unigene_id)
249 JOIN unigene_build as ub
250 USING (unigene_build_id)
252 ON (ub.organism_group_id=g.group_id)
253 WHERE bd.defline_id = ?
254 AND ba.apply_type=15 and ub.status='C'
255 ORDER BY g.comment, u.unigene_id
258 foreach my $defline_id (map {$$_[0]} @matches) {
259 $blast_unig_link_q->execute($defline_id);
260 while( my ( $unig_id,
266 $span_end ) = $blast_unig_link_q->fetchrow_array()
268 my $span_ln=abs($span_end - $span_start);
269 $identity_pct=sprintf "%7.2f", $identity_pct;
273 <td align="left" style="white-space: nowrap"><a href="$unig_link?unigene_id=$unig_id">Unigene $unig_id</a></td>
274 <td align="left" style="white-space: nowrap">$build_desc;</td>
275 <td align="left" style="white-space: nowrap"> matched with $identity_pct% identity over ${span_ln}bp (e-value $evalue)</td>
278 push @
{$unigene_list{$defline_id}}, [$unig_desc, $blast_score];
283 #set up all the page navigation stuff
285 my $nr_pages = int (($total_matches - 1)/$nr_to_show) + 1;
287 my $prev_page=$results_page - 1;
288 my $next_page=$results_page + 1;
289 my $pagination_print='';
292 unless($nr_pages == 1){
294 my $pagination_start=$results_page-$pagination_offset;
295 my $pagination_end=$results_page+$pagination_offset;
296 my ($start_skip, $end_skip) = (1,1);
297 my $last_page=$nr_pages-1;
298 my $pagination_range= 2*$pagination_offset +1;
300 if($pagination_start < 0){
301 $pagination_start = 0;
302 $pagination_end = $pagination_start + $pagination_range;
303 if($pagination_end > $nr_pages){
304 $pagination_end = $nr_pages;
308 if($pagination_end >= $nr_pages){
309 $pagination_end = $nr_pages;
310 $pagination_start = $pagination_end - $pagination_range;
311 if($pagination_start < 0){
312 $pagination_start = 0;
317 $pagination_print.="<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEEE\">";
319 if ($prev_page >= 0){
320 $pagination_print .= "<a href=\"annotation_search_result.pl?search_text=$search_text&request_from=1&search_type=$search_type&results_page=$prev_page\">< Previous</a> |";
321 $start_skip and $pagination_print .= "| ... |";
324 $pagination_print .= "|";
328 for($pg_nr=$pagination_start; $pg_nr<$pagination_end; $pg_nr++){
329 my $pg_nr_to_display=$pg_nr+1;
330 if ($pg_nr == $results_page){
331 $pagination_print.="| <b>$pg_nr_to_display</b> |";
334 $pagination_print.="| <a href=\"annotation_search_result.pl?search_text=$search_text&request_from=1&search_type=$search_type&results_page=$pg_nr\">$pg_nr_to_display</a> |";
338 if ($next_page < $nr_pages){
340 $end_skip and $pagination_print .= "| ... |";
341 $pagination_print.= "| <a href=\"annotation_search_result.pl?search_text=$search_text&request_from=1&search_type=$search_type&results_page=$next_page\">Next ></a>";
344 $pagination_print .= "|";
347 $pagination_print .= "</td></tr>";
349 if($nr_pages > $pagination_range){
350 $pagination_print .= <<EOH;
351 <tr><td colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
352 <table align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
353 <tr><td align="left" style="white-space: nowrap"><a href="annotation_search_result.pl?search_text=$search_text&request_from=1&search_type=$search_type&results_page=0">< First Page</a> || Page [1-$nr_pages]</td>
354 <td align="center" style="white-space: nowrap">
355 <form method="get" action="/search/annotation_search_result.pl">
356 <input type="hidden" name="search_text" value="$search_text" />
357 <input type="hidden" name="typed_page" value="yes" />
358 <input type="hidden" name="request_from" value="1" />
359 <input type="hidden" name="search_type" value="$search_type" />
360 <input type="text" name="results_page" style="background: #EEEEFF" size="4" />
361 <input name="get_page" type="submit" value="go" />
363 </td><td align="right" style="white-space: nowrap">
364 || <a href="annotation_search_result.pl?search_text=$search_text&request_from=1&search_type=$search_type&results_page=$last_page">Last Page ></a>
375 if ($total_matches <= $nr_to_show){
376 $nr_show_to_print="Showing <b>all</b> matches";
379 $nr_show_to_print = "Showing last <b>" . ($total_matches - $start_at) . "</b> matches";
382 $nr_show_to_print= "Showing matches <b>" .($start_at + 1) ."</b> to <b>" . ($end_at) . "</b>";
386 #get the data ready for display
391 #[match_id, annotated_data_description, text_search_match_score, annotation_text];
393 foreach my $match (@matches){
395 my $match_text=$$match[3];
396 my $score = sprintf "%7.2f", $$match[2];
397 my $annot_link_id=$$match[0];
400 if ($unigene_list{$annot_link_id}){
401 @unigene_info=@
405 #this is for the current specific version of manual annotation
406 #it is a kludge, there should be a text only searchable field
407 # and a separate html enhanced text display field in the db
409 $match_text =~ s/\<br\>/ /g;
411 #insert <br /> in front of genbank id tags to break up long deflines
412 $match_text =~ s/(gi\|)/<br \/>$1/g
416 my @word_parts=split /\W/, $search_text;
417 foreach (@word_parts){
419 $match_text =~ s/($_)/\<span class="hilite"\>$1\<\/span\
422 <tr><td bgcolor=\"$desc_colour\">$$match[1]</td>
423 <td align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"$desc_colour\">Text Match Relevance: $score</td></tr>
424 <tr><td colspan=\"2\">$match_text</td></tr>";
427 $web_format .= <<EOH;
428 <tr><td colspan="2" align="left" nowrap="nowrap"><br />Unigenes containing this annotation:</td></tr>
429 <tr><td colspan="2" align="left" nowrap="nowrap">
430 <table align="left" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" border="0">
435 #[unigene_line, sorting_value]
436 # the unigene line has 4 columns
439 my $nr_unigenes=@unigene_info;
440 foreach (sort{$$b[1] <=> $$a[1]} @unigene_info){
442 #show only a set nr of matches, add link to "Show More" if exceeded
443 if($display_count >= $unig_display_nr){
444 $web_format .= <<EOH;
445 <tr><td></td><td colspan="3">...</td></tr>
446 <tr><td></td><td colspan="3"></td></tr>
447 <tr><td></td><td align="left" colspan="3" style="white-space: nowrap">
448 Showing only top $unig_display_nr of $nr_unigenes.
449 [<a href="$show_all_unig_link?match_id=$annot_link_id&search_type=$search_type" target="All_Unigenes">Show All</a>]
455 $web_format .= "$$_[0]";
458 $web_format .="</table></td></tr>";
461 $web_format .= qq|<tr
><td colspan
="2" align
="left" style
="white-space: nowrap"><br
/>No unigenes contain this annotation</td
464 $web_format .= qq|<tr
><td colspan
465 push @results, $web_format;
469 #start printing the page
473 <table align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%">
474 <tr><td colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">Your search for <b>$search_text</b> in <b>$search_type_print</b> returned <b>$total_matches</b> results</td></tr>
475 <tr><td colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">$nr_show_to_print</td></tr>
477 <tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br /></td></tr>
479 <tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br /></td></tr>
492 my ($search_text) = @_;
498 <p>Your search for <b>$search_text</b> did not find any relevant matches in our database.<br /><br />
499 <b>Note:</b> Keywords of less than 4 letters or those that occur in more than half the data are ignored by the search.
515 <p><b>Please enter a search word or phrase and select the annotation type you want to search.</b>