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2 <center>
5     <table summary="" width="720" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
6     border="0">
7       <tr>
8         <td>
9           <h4>Solanaceae Resources on the Web</h4>
11           <table summary="">
12             <tr>
13               <td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
15               <td>
16                 <strong>Solanaceae Systematics, Descriptions,
17                 Images</strong>
19                 <dl>
21                   <dt><br /><a href="" target="_new" >SolCAP</a></dt>
22                   <dd>The official website of the USDA sponsored Solanaceae Coordinated Agricultural Project (SolCAP), which will phenotype and genotype large panels of tomato and potato accessions. Results will also be made available on SGN.</dd>
23                   <dt><a href=
24                   "" target="_new">Solanum
25                   Source</a></dt>
27                   <dd>The official website of the Solanum PBI
28                   project, containing species descriptions,
29                   specimen data from herbaria, nomenclatural data
30                   about names and their places of publication, and
31                   a bibliography of scientific articles about
32                   members of the family.</dd>
34                   <dt><br /><a href=
35                   "" target="_new">Nijmegen
36                   Botanical and Experimental Garden</a> in the
37                   Netherlands</dt>
39                   <dd>A botanical garden with one of the major
40                   collections of Solanaceae plants.</dd>
42                   <dt><br /><a href="" target="_new">Lat-SOL</a></dt>
43                    <dd>The Latin American SOL initiative</dd>
44                 </dl>
46                 <strong>Tomato Resources</strong>
50                 <dl>
51                   <dt><a href="" target="_new"> TOMATOMA Database</a> 
52     </dt>
53     <dd>A database of EMS and Neutron mutants in the MicroTom background in Japan.</dd>
55     <dt><a href="" target="_new"> LycoTILL</a></dt>
56 <dd>  LycoTILL is an interactive and evolving database which allows search on-line of images and phenotype data of the  tomato (cv /Red Setter/) mutant collection generated with EMS mutagenesis experiments.
57 The Red Setter mutant population was developed for TILLING applications but can also be used  for forward  genetic studies.</dd>
59                   <dt><a href="" target="_new" >Phenom Networks</a></dt>
60                   <dd>The Phenom Network engine by Dani Zamir and Yaniv Semel represents knowledge of complex traits and has tomato ILs, barley and rose traits with more organisms being added soon.</dd>
62                   <dt><a href="" target="_new" >Tomato SNP database</a></dt>
63                   <dd>A tomato SNP website by Jose Jimenez and Julin Maloof at UC Davis</dd>
65                   <dt><br /><a href=
66                   "" target="_new">MiBASE</a>, the Kazusa
67                   Microtom Site</dt>
69                   <dd>EST and unigene dataset from Microtom,
70                   including GO annotations and Pathway Viewer.</dd>
72                   <dt><br /><a href="" target="_new" >KaFTom</a></dt>
73                   <dd>The Kazusa Micro-Tom full-length cDNA Site</dd>
75                   <dt><br /><a href="" target="_new">The
76                   Tomato Genetics Cooperative</a></dt>
78                   <dd>Homepage of the Tomato Genetics Cooperative
79                   with access to publications on-line.</dd>
81                   <dt><br /><a href="" target="_new" >Tomato
82                   Genetic Resource Center (TGRC)</a></dt>
84                   <dd>Large collection of Solanaceae germplasms,
85                   with a special focus on tomato.</dd>
87                   <dt><br /><a href=
88                   "" target="_new">Genes
89                   that make Tomatoes</a></dt>
91                   <dd>Website of a large scale tomato mutagenesis
92                   and phenotyping project.</dd>
94                   <dt><br /><a href="" target="_new" >Tomato
95     Expression Database (TED)</a></dt>
97                   <dd>Site dedicated to tomato microarrays.</dd>
99                   <dt><br /><a href=
100                   "" target="_new">California Tomato Commission</a></dt>
102                   <dd>The website of the California Tomato Grower\'s
103                   Association. Contains nutritional information and
104                   recipes.</dd>
106                   <dt><br /><a href=
107                   "" target="_new" >
108                   Garden Mosaics Science Pages about
109                   Tomato</a></dt>
111                   <dd>A website with many pages for teaching about
112                   plants and plant science, this page for teaching
113                   about tomatoes.</dd>
115                   <dt><br /><a href="" target="_new" >USDA ARS Bioinformatics Homepage</a></dt>
117                   <dd>The website of the USDA bioinformatics unit
118                   in Geneva, NY</dd>
120                   <dt><br /><a href=
121                   "" target="_new" >
122                   SolCAP project</a></dt>
123                   <dd>The Solanaceae Coordinated Agriculture Project</dd>
125                   <dt><br /><a href=
126                   "" target="_new" >EU-SOL Tomato Core Collection Phenotype Database</a></dt>
127                   <dd>The Tomato Core Collection Phenotype Database by the <a href="">EU-SOL</a> Project funded by the 6th framework program of the European Union.</dd>
129                   <dt><br /><a href=
130                   "" target="_new" >Tomato National BioResource Project</a></dt>
131                   <dd>The National BioResource Project (NBRP) is a national project that aims to collect, preserve, and provide bioresources for life sciences research.</dd>
133                 </dl>
134                 <strong>Tomatoes - gardening and heirloom varieties</strong>
135                 <dl>
136                 <dt><a href="" target="_new" ></a></dt>
137                 <dd>A website about growing tomatoes organically</dd>
138                 <dt><a href="" target="_new" ></a></dt>
139                 <dd>Heirloom tomato fest</dd>
140                 </dl>
141                 <strong>Tomatoes - the lighter side</strong>
142                 <dl>
143                 <dt><a href="" target="_new"></a></dt>
144                 <dd>A website by tomato haters (that\'s definitely not us!)</dd>
145                 <dt><br /><a href="" target="_new" ></a></dt>
147                 <strong>Potato Resources</strong>
149                 <dl>
150                   <dt><a href="">Potato Phloem Biology Project</a>
151                  </dt>
152                   <dd>An NSF funded project to study signaling networks that are involved in the induction of tuber formation.</dd>
153 </dl>
156                 <dl>
158                   <dt><a href="" target="_new" ></a></dt>
159                   <dd>A site describing diseases of potato from the University of Michigan.</dd>
161                   <dt><a href="" target="_new" >Canadian Potato Genome Project</a></dt>
162                   <dd>The Canadian Potato Genome Project (CPGP) was launched in 2002 to develop resources in gene discovery in potatoes, for use by Canadian researchers and their partners.</dd>
164                   <dt><a href="" target="_new" >PoMaMo
165                   Database</a></dt>
167                   <dd>Potato genome data from the Max-Planck
168                   Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne,
169                   Germany, which includes SNP data, maps, marker
170                   sequences, references and more.</dd>
172                   <dt><br /><a href="" target="_new" >Centro
173                   Internacional de la Papa</a> (International
174                   Potato Center, Peru)</dt>
176                   <dd>The International Potato Center in Lima,
177                   Peru, with potato specific databases and
178                   resources, such as the <a href=
179                   "" target="_new">CIP Potato
180                   Genebank</a> and the <a href=
181                   "" target="_new" >World Potato
182                   Atlas</a></dd>
184                   <dd>A site for potato and biotechnology
185                   issues.</dd>
187                   <dt><br /><a href="" target="_new" >Global
188                   Initiative for Late Blight (GILB)</a></dt>
190                   <dd>A collaboration for Late Blight
191                   research.</dd>
193                   <dt><br /><a href=
194                   "" target="_new" >Intergenebank for
195                   Potato</a></dt>
197                   <dd>A database containing accession data from
198                   different genebanks around the world, including
199                   an SSR database.</dd>
201                   <!-- dt><br /><a href=
202                   "" target="_new" ></a></dt  DEFUNCT?? -->
204                   <dt><br /><a href=
205                   "" target="_new" >European Cultivated Potato Database</a></dt>
209                   <dd>The official website of the NSF potato genome
210                   project.</dd>
211                 </dl>
213                 <strong>Pepper Resources</strong>
215                 <dl>
216                   <dt><a href=
217                   "" target="_new" >KRIBB
218                   Pepper Resources</a></dt>
220                   <dd>A pepper EST database at KRIBB</dd>
222                   <dt><br /><a href=
223                   "" target="_new" >Embrapa
224                   Capsicum site</a></dt>
226                   <dd>A site dedicated to Pepper in Brazil</dd>
227                 </dl>
229                 <strong>Petunia Resources</strong>
231                 <dl>
232                   <dt><a href=
233                   "" target="_new" ></a></dt>
235                   <dd>A website dedicated to Petunia, with
236                   contacts, techniques, bibliography and other
237                   information.</dd>
238                 </dl>
240                 <strong>Eggplant Resources</strong>
242                 <dl>
243                   <dt><a href=
244                   "" target="_new" >Eggplant Database</a>
245                    </dt>
246 </dl>
247                 <strong>Coffee Resources</strong>
249                 <dl>
250                   <dt><a href="" target="_new" >CoffeeDNA
251                   - A site for Coffee Genomics in Italy</a></dt>
253                   <dd>A site about coffee and coffee genomics.
254                   Login required for certain functions.</dd>
255                 </dl>
257                 <strong>Germplasm Resources</strong>
259                 <dl>
260                   <dt><a href="" target="_new" >Tomato
261                   Genetic Resource Center (TGRC)</a></dt>
263                   <dd>Large collection of Solanaceae germplasms,
264                   with a special focus on tomato.</dd>
266                   <dt><br /><a href="" target="_new" >GRIN,
267                   The National Germplasm System</a></dt>
269                   <dd>Large database of germplasm, integrating many
270                   germplasm centers in the United States.</dd>
271                 </dl>
273                 <strong>Euasterid Resources</strong>
275                 <dl>
276                   <dt><a href="" target="_new" ></a></dt>
277                   <dd>The DragonDB database for Antirrhinum</dd>
278                 </dl>
280                 <strong>Other Sequence Resources</strong>
282                 <dl>
283                   <dt><a href="" target="_new" >The
284                   Arizona Genome Initiative (AGI)</a></dt>
286                   <dd>The AGI is the place to <a href=
287                   "" target="_new" >order</a>
288                   many of the ESTs and BAC clones for many
289                   Solanaceae species such as potato. Please note
290                   that BAC and EST <a href=
291                   "" target="_new" >orders</a>
292                   for tomato are handled by the <a href=
293                   "" target="_new" >Boyce Thompson
294                   Institute</a>.</dd>
296                   <!-- LINK DEAD 11/2008 dt><br /><a href="">The
297                   Institute for Genomic Research\'s (TIGR) Tomato
298                   Gene Index</a></dt>
300                   <dd>The TIGR gene index for tomato.</dd -->
302                   <!--  LINK DEAD 11/2008 dt><br /><a href=
303                   "">
304                   SolGenes</a></dt>
306                   <dd>The original SolGenes database. Still a
307                   treasure of information.</dd -->
308                 </dl>
309               </td>
310             </tr>
311           </table>
313           <h4><a name="related" id="related"></a>Links to related
314           websites</h4>
316           <ul>
317             <li><a href="" target="_new" ></a>, a site about seed plant descriptions and taxonomy.</li>
318             <li><a href=
319             "" target="_new" >Seeds of
320             Trade</a> - a virtual book by Henry Hobhouse and Sandra
321             Knapp about the history of plant cultivation.</li>
323             <li><a href="" target="_new" >TAIR</a> - The
324             Arabidopsis Information Resource</li>
326             <li><a href="" target="_new" >Medicago truncatula</a>
327             - a model for legume research</li>
329             <li><a href="" target="_new" >Gramene</a> - a
330             comparative mapping resource for the grasses</li>
332             <li><a href="" target="_new" >Comparative
333             Grass Genomics Center</a> - a comparative resource for
334             grasses, focusing on <em>Sorghum</em>.</li>
336             <li><a href=
337             "" target="_new" >OryzaBase</a>
338             - Integrated Rice Science Database</li>
340             <li><a href="" target="_new" >MaizeGDB</a>
341             - Maize Genetics and Genomics Database</li>
343             <li><a href="" target="_new" >PlantGDB</a> -
344             Plant Genome DataBase</li>
346             <li><a href="" target="_new" >NCBI</a> -
347             National Center for Biotechnology Information</li>
349             <li><a href="" target="_new" >BioCyc</a>,
350             <a href="" target="_new" >MetaCyc</a> and
351             <a href=
352             "" target="_new" >AraCyc</a> -
353             Collections of curated biochemical pathways.</li>
355             <li><a href="" target="_new" >KEGG</a> -
356             Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.</li>
358             <li><a href="" target="_new" >The BioMoby
359             Project</a> - the database interoperability
360             project</li>
362             <li><a href="" target="_new" >Cornell
363             Genomics Initiative</a></li>
365             <li><a href="" target="_new" ></a> - the official site for biocuration.</li>
366           </ul><br />
367           <br />
368           <br />
369           <br />
370           <br />
371         </td>
372       </tr>
373     </table>
375   </center>