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2 <h4>A message from the TGC</h4>
3 The 2014 Report of the Tomato Genetics Cooperative (TGC) will likely be published at the end of October. There is time for researchers to submit reports on their tomato related research. Reports can include some interesting preliminary results and will not preclude later publishing in a refereed journal. You may also have some information that would be of interest to the research community but do not have time etc. to do follow up work for a refereed paper. Please submit reports to me at <a href="mailto:jwsc@ufl.edu">jwsc@ufl.edu</a>. For more information on the TGC see <a href="http://tgc.ifas.ufl.edu">http://tgc.ifas.ufl.edu</a>.
6 Managing Editor Tomato Genetics Cooperative