1 package SGN
4 use namespace
8 use File
::Temp qw
/ tempfile tempdir /;
9 use File
::Functions qw
/ catfile catdir/;
10 use File
::Slurp qw
/write_file read_file/;
11 use File
::Path qw
/ mkpath /;
14 use CXGN
18 BEGIN { extends
'Catalyst::Controller' }
21 sub check_pheno_corr_result
('/phenotype/correlation/check/result/') Args
(1) {
22 my ($self, $c, $pop_id) = @_;
24 $c->stash->{pop_id
} = $pop_id;
26 $self->pheno_correlation_output_files($c);
27 my $corre_output_file = $c->stash->{corre_coefficients_json_file
29 my $ret->{result
} ='No';
31 if (-s
$corre_output_file && $pop_id =~ /\d+/)
33 $ret->{result
} = 'yes';
38 $c->res->content_type('application/json');
44 sub correlation_phenotype_data
('/correlation/phenotype/data/') Args
(0) {
47 my $pop_id = $c->req->param('population_id');
48 $c->stash->{pop_id
} = $pop_id;
49 my $referer = $c->req->referer;
53 if( $pop_id =~ /uploaded/)
55 my $phenotype_dir = $c->stash->{solgs_prediction_upload_dir
56 my $userid = $c->user->id;
57 $phenotype_file = "phenotype_data_${userid}_${pop_id}";
58 $phenotype_file = $c->controller('solGS::solGS')->grep_file($phenotype_dir, $phenotype_file);
60 elsif ($referer =~ /qtl/)
62 $self->create_correlation_phenodata_file($c);
63 $phenotype_file = $c->stash->{phenotype_file
67 my $phenotype_dir = $c->stash->{solgs_cache_dir
68 $phenotype_file = 'phenotype_data_' . $pop_id;
69 $phenotype_file = $c->controller('solGS::solGS')->grep_file($phenotype_dir, '\'^' . $phenotype_file . '\'');
72 unless ($phenotype_file)
74 $self->create_correlation_phenodata_file($c);
75 $phenotype_file = $c->stash->{phenotype_file
78 my $ret->{status
} = 'failed';
80 if (-s
82 $ret->{status
} = 'success';
86 $ret->{status
} = 'This population set has no phenotype data.';
91 $c->res->content_type('application/json');
97 sub correlation_genetic_data
('/correlation/genetic/data/') Args
(0) {
100 my $corr_pop_id = $c->req->param('corr_population_id');
101 my $pop_type = $c->req->param('type');
102 my $model_id = $c->req->param('model_id');
104 my $index_file = $c->req->param('index_file');
106 $c->stash->{model_id
} = $model_id;
107 $c->stash->{pop_id
} = $model_id;
109 $c->stash->{prediction_pop_id
} = $corr_pop_id if $pop_type =~ /selection/;
111 $c->stash->{selection_index_file
} = $index_file;
112 $self->combine_gebvs_of_traits($c);
113 my $combined_gebvs_file = $c->stash->{combined_gebvs_file
115 my $ret->{status
} = 'failed';
117 if ( -s
$combined_gebvs_file )
119 $ret->{status
} = 'success';
120 $ret->{gebvs_file
} = $combined_gebvs_file;
123 $ret = to_json
125 $c->res->content_type('application/json');
131 sub combine_gebvs_of_traits
134 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->get_gebv_files_of_traits($c);
135 my $gebvs_files = $c->stash->{gebv_files_of_valid_traits
137 if (!-s
139 $gebvs_files = $c->stash->{gebv_files_of_traits
142 my $index_file = $c->stash->{selection_index_file
144 my @files_no = map { split(/\t/) } read_file
146 if (scalar(@files_no) > 1 )
151 write_file
($gebvs_files, {append
=> 1}, "\t". $index_file )
154 my $pred_pop_id = $c->stash->{prediction_pop_id
155 my $model_id = $c->stash->{model_id
156 my $identifier = $pred_pop_id ?
$model_id . "_" . $pred_pop_id : $model_id;
158 my $combined_gebvs_file = $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->create_tempfile($c, "combined_gebvs_${identifier}");
160 $c->stash->{input_files
} = $gebvs_files;
161 $c->stash->{output_files
} = $combined_gebvs_file;
162 $c->stash->{r_temp_file
} = "combining-gebvs-${identifier}";
163 $c->stash->{r_script
} = 'R/combine_gebvs_files.r';
165 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->run_r_script($c);
166 $c->stash->{combined_gebvs_file
} = $combined_gebvs_file;
170 $c->stash->{combined_gebvs_files
} = 0;
175 sub create_correlation_phenodata_file
177 my $referer = $c->req->referer;
179 if ($referer =~ /qtl/)
181 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{pop_id
183 my $pheno_exp = "phenodata_${pop_id}";
184 my $dir = catdir
}, 'cache');
186 my $phenotype_file = $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->grep_file($dir, $pheno_exp);
188 unless ($phenotype_file)
190 my $pop = CXGN
->new($c->dbc->dbh, $pop_id);
191 $phenotype_file = $pop->phenotype_file($c);
194 my $new_file = catfile
}, "phenotype_data_${pop_id}.csv");
196 copy
($phenotype_file, $new_file)
197 or die "could not copy $phenotype_file to $new_file";
199 $c->stash->{phenotype_file
} = $new_file;
203 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->phenotype_file($c);
209 sub create_correlation_dir
212 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->get_solgs_dirs($c);
217 sub pheno_correlation_output_files
220 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{pop_id
222 $self->create_correlation_dir($c);
223 my $corre_dir = $c->stash->{correlation_dir
225 my $file_cache = Cache
=> $corre_dir);
226 $file_cache->purge();
228 my $key_table = 'corre_coefficients_table_' . $pop_id;
229 my $key_json = 'corre_coefficients_json_' . $pop_id;
230 my $corre_coefficients_file = $file_cache->get($key_table);
231 my $corre_coefficients_json_file = $file_cache->get($key_json);
233 unless ($corre_coefficients_file && $corre_coefficients_json_file )
235 $corre_coefficients_file= catfile
($corre_dir, "corre_coefficients_table_${pop_id}");
237 write_file
238 $file_cache->set($key_table, $corre_coefficients_file, '30 days');
240 $corre_coefficients_json_file = catfile
($corre_dir, "corre_coefficients_json_${pop_id}");
242 write_file
243 $file_cache->set($key_json, $corre_coefficients_json_file, '30 days');
246 $c->stash->{corre_coefficients_table_file
} = $corre_coefficients_file;
247 $c->stash->{corre_coefficients_json_file
} = $corre_coefficients_json_file;
251 sub genetic_correlation_output_files
254 my $corre_pop_id = $c->stash->{corre_pop_id
255 my $model_id = $c->stash->{model_id
256 my $type = $c->stash->{type
258 my $pred_pop_id = $c->stash->{prediction_pop_id
259 $model_id = $c->stash->{model_id
260 my $identifier = $type =~ /selection/ ?
$model_id . "_" . $corre_pop_id : $corre_pop_id;
262 my $solgs_controller = $c->controller("solGS::solGS");
263 my $corre_json_file = $solgs_controller->create_tempfile($c, "genetic_corre_json_${identifier}");
264 my $corre_table_file = $solgs_controller->create_tempfile($c, "genetic_corre_table_${identifier}");
266 $c->stash->{genetic_corre_table_file
} = $corre_table_file;
267 $c->stash->{genetic_corre_json_file
} = $corre_json_file;
271 sub pheno_correlation_analysis_output
('/phenotypic/correlation/analysis/output') Args
(0) {
274 my $pop_id = $c->req->param('population_id');
275 $c->stash->{pop_id
} = $pop_id;
277 $self->pheno_correlation_output_files($c);
278 my $corre_json_file = $c->stash->{corre_coefficients_json_file
280 my $ret->{status
} = 'failed';
282 if (!-s
284 $self->run_pheno_correlation_analysis($c);
285 $corre_json_file = $c->stash->{corre_coefficients_json_file
288 if (-s
290 $ret->{status
} = 'success';
291 $ret->{data
} = read_file
294 $ret = to_json
296 $c->res->content_type('application/json');
302 sub genetic_correlation_analysis_output
('/genetic/correlation/analysis/output') Args
(0) {
305 $c->stash->{corre_pop_id
} = $c->req->param('corr_population_id');
306 $c->stash->{model_id
} = $c->req->param('model_id');
307 $c->stash->{type
} = $c->req->param('type');
309 my $corr_pop_id = $c->req->param('corr_population_id');
310 my $model_id = $c->req->param('model_id');
311 my $type = $c->req->param('type');
313 my $gebvs_file = $c->req->param('gebvs_file');
314 $c->stash->{data_input_file
} = $gebvs_file;
316 $self->genetic_correlation_output_files($c);
320 $self->run_genetic_correlation_analysis($c);
323 my $ret->{status
} = 'failed';
324 my $corre_json_file = $c->stash->{genetic_corre_json_file
326 if (-s
328 $ret->{status
} = 'success';
329 $ret->{data
} = read_file
332 $ret = to_json
334 $c->res->content_type('application/json');
340 sub run_pheno_correlation_analysis
343 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{pop_id
345 $self->create_correlation_phenodata_file($c);
346 $c->stash->{data_input_file
} = $c->stash->{phenotype_file
348 $self->pheno_correlation_output_files($c);
349 $c->stash->{corre_table_output_file
} = $c->stash->{corre_coefficients_table_file
350 $c->stash->{corre_json_output_file
} = $c->stash->{corre_coefficients_json_file
352 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->formatted_phenotype_file($c);
354 $c->stash->{referer
} = $c->req->referer;
356 $c->stash->{correlation_type
} = "pheno_correlation_${pop_id}";
357 $c->stash->{correlation_script
} = "R/phenotypic_correlation.r";
359 $self->run_correlation_analysis($c);
364 sub run_genetic_correlation_analysis
367 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{corre_pop_id
369 $self->genetic_correlation_output_files($c);
370 $c->stash->{corre_table_output_file
} = $c->stash->{genetic_corre_table_file
371 $c->stash->{corre_json_output_file
} = $c->stash->{genetic_corre_json_file
373 $c->stash->{referer
} = $c->req->referer;
375 $c->stash->{correlation_type
} = "genetic_correlation_${pop_id}";
376 $c->stash->{correlation_script
} = "R/genetic_correlation.r";
377 $self->run_correlation_analysis($c);
382 sub download_phenotypic_correlation
: Path
('/download/phenotypic/correlation/population') Args
(1) {
383 my ($self, $c, $id) = @_;
385 $self->create_correlation_dir($c);
386 my $corr_dir = $c->stash->{correlation_dir
387 my $corr_file = catfile
($corr_dir, "corre_coefficients_table_${id}");
389 unless (!-e
$corr_file || -s
$corr_file <= 1)
394 foreach my $row ( read_file
($corr_file) )
396 if ($count==1) { $row = 'Traits,' . $row;}
398 $row = join(",", split(/\s/, $row));
401 push @corr_data, [ $row ];
405 $c->res->content_type("text/plain");
406 $c->res->body(join "", map{ $_->[0] } @corr_data);
413 sub run_correlation_analysis
416 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{pop_id
418 $self->create_correlation_dir($c);
419 my $corre_dir = $c->stash->{correlation_dir
421 my $data_input_file = $c->stash->{data_input_file
423 my $corre_table_file = $c->stash->{corre_table_output_file
424 my $corre_json_file = $c->stash->{corre_json_output_file
426 my $formatted_phenotype_file = $c->stash->{formatted_phenotype_file
428 my $referer = $c->stash->{referer
429 my $corre_analysis = $c->stash->{correlation_type
430 my $corre_script = $c->stash->{correlation_script
432 if (-s
434 CXGN
436 my ( $corre_commands_temp, $corre_output_temp ) =
439 my (undef, $filename ) =
442 CXGN
443 "$corre_analysis-$_-XXXXXX",
450 my $corre_commands_file = $c->path_to($corre_script);
451 copy
( $corre_commands_file, $corre_commands_temp )
452 or die "could not copy '$corre_commands_file' to '$corre_commands_temp'";
457 print STDERR
"\nsubmitting correlation job to the cluster..\n";
458 my $r_process = CXGN
461 "--args $formatted_phenotype_file $referer $corre_table_file $corre_json_file $data_input_file",
462 $corre_commands_temp,
465 working_dir
=> $corre_dir,
466 max_cluster_jobs
=> 1_000_000_000
471 print STDERR
"\ndone with correlation analysis..\n";
477 $err =~ s/\n at .+//s; #< remove any additional backtrace
478 # # try to append the R output
482 $err .= "\n=== R output ===\n".file
($corre_output_temp)->slurp."\n=== end R output ===\n"
485 $c->stash->{script_error
} = "Correlation analysis failed.";
492 sub begin
: Private
495 $c->controller("solGS::solGS")->get_solgs_dirs($c);