1 package SGN
5 solGS::Controller::Stock - Catalyst controller for phenotyping and genotyping data related to stocks (e.g. accession, plot, population, etc.)
10 use namespace
11 use YAML
::Any qw
13 use URI
15 use File
::Temp qw
/ tempfile /;
18 use List
::MoreUtils qw
/ uniq /;
19 use Bio
21 BEGIN { extends
'Catalyst::Controller' }
22 with
26 isa
=> 'DBIx::Class::Schema',
31 shift->_app->dbic_schema( 'Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado' )
34 sub validate_stock_list
35 my ($self, $c) = shift;
36 #check here the list of submitted stocks
38 my $stock_names; #array ref of names - convert all to lower case ?
39 #search the stock table and return error message if some stocks were not found
40 my $stock_rs = $self->schema->resultset('Stock::Stock' , {
42 'lower(me.name)' => { -in => $stock_names } ,
43 'lower(me.uniquename)' => { -in => $stock_names },
45 'lower(type.name)' => { like
=>'%synonym%' },
46 'lower(stockprops.value)' => { -in => $stock_names },
50 { join => { 'stockprops' => 'type' } ,
51 columns
=> [ qw
/stock_id uniquename type_id organism_id / ],
55 return $self->_filter_stock_rs($c,$stock_rs);
58 # select stock_rs for genomic selection tool
59 sub _filter_stock_rs
60 my ( $self, $c, $rs ) = @_;
62 # filter by genoytpe and phenotype experiments
63 #check if there are any direct or indirect phenotypes scored on this stock
64 print STDERR
"\n\n check if there are any direct or indirect phenotypes scored on this stock..\n\n";
65 my $recursive_phenotypes = $self->schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->recursive_phenotypes_rs($rs);
67 foreach my $p_rs (@
$recursive_phenotypes) {
68 while ( my $r = $p_rs->next ) {
69 my $observable = $r->get_column('observable');
71 no warnings
72 push @r_stocks, ( $r->get_column('stock_id') );
75 #filter the rs by the stock_ids above with scored phenotypes
76 print STDERR
"\n\nfilter the rs by the stock_ids above with scored phenotypes\n\n";
79 'me.stock_id' => { -in => \
@r_stocks },
86 'type.name' => 'genotyping_experiment'
88 { join => {nd_experiment_stocks
=> { nd_experiment
=> 'type' } } ,
93 # # optional - filter by project name , project year, location
94 # if( my $project_ids = $c->req->param('projects') ) {
95 # # filter by multiple project names select box should allow selecting of multiple
96 # # project names. Value is a listref of project_ids
98 # { 'project.project_id' => { -in => $project_ids },
100 # { join => { nd_experiment_stocks => { nd_experiment => { 'nd_experiment_project' => 'project' }}},
104 # if (my $years = $c->req->param('years') ) {
105 # # filter by multiple years. param is a listref of values
107 # { 'projectprop.value' => { -in => $years },
108 # 'lower(type.name)' => { like => '%year%' }
110 # { join => { nd_experiment_stocks => { nd_experiment => { 'nd_experiment_project' => { 'project' => { 'projectprops' => 'type' }}}}},
114 # if( my $location_ids = $c->req->param('locations') ) {
115 # # filter by multiple locations. param is listref of nd_geolocation_ids
117 # { 'nd_experiment.nd_geolocation_id' => { -in => $location_ids },
119 # { join => { nd_experiment_stocks => ' nd_experiment' },
127 my ($self, $c) = shift;
128 my $years_rs = $self->schema->resultset("Project::Projectprop")->search(
130 'lower(type.name)' => { like
=> '%year%' }
134 } ); #->get_column('value');
142 my ($self, $c) = shift;
143 my $locations_rs = $self->schema->resultset("NaturalDiversity::NdGeolocation")->search(
144 {} );#->get_column('description');
146 return $locations_rs;
150 =head2 solgs_download_phenotypes
155 sub solgs_download_phenotypes
: Path
('/solgs/phenotypes') Args
(1) {
156 my ($self, $c, $stock_id ) = @_; # stock should be population type only?
159 $c->stash->{pop_id
} = $stock_id;
160 $c->controller('Root')->phenotype_file($c);
161 my $d = read_file
162 my @info = split(/\n/ , $d);
165 push @data, [ split(/\t/) ] ;
168 $c->stash->{'csv'}={ data
=> \
169 $c->forward("View::Download::CSV");
174 =head2 download_genotypes
179 sub download_genotypes
: Path
('genotypes') Args
(1) {
180 my ($self, $c, $stock_id ) = @_;
181 my $stock = $c->stash->{stock_row
182 $stock_id = $stock->stock_id;
183 my $stock_name = $stock->uniquename;
185 my $tmp_dir = $c->get_conf('basepath') . "/" . $c->get_conf('stock_tempfiles');
186 my $file_cache = Cache
->new( cache_root
=> $tmp_dir );
187 $file_cache->purge();
188 my $key = "stock_" . $stock_id . "_genotype_data";
189 my $gen_file = $file_cache->get($key);
190 my $filename = $tmp_dir . "/stock_" . $stock_id . "_genotypes.csv";
191 unless ( -e
$gen_file) {
192 my $gen_hashref; #hashref of hashes for the phenotype data
193 my %cvterms ; #hash for unique cvterms
195 my $genotypes = $self->_stock_project_genotypes( $stock );
196 write_file
($filename, ("project\tmarker\t$stock_name\n") );
197 foreach my $project (keys %$genotypes ) {
198 #my $genotype_ref = $genotypes->{$project} ;
200 foreach my $geno (@
{ $genotypes->{$project} } ) {
201 my $genotypeprop_rs = $geno->search_related('genotypeprops', {
202 #this is the current genotype we have , add more here as necessary
203 'type.name' => 'infinium array' } , {
205 while (my $prop = $genotypeprop_rs->next) {
206 my $json_text = $prop->value ;
207 my $genotype_values = JSON
208 foreach my $marker_name (keys %$genotype_values) {
209 my $read = $genotype_values->{$marker_name};
210 write_file
( $filename, { append
=> 1 } , ($project, "\t" , $marker_name, "\t", $read, "\n") );
215 $file_cache->set( $key, $filename, '30 days' );
216 $gen_file = $file_cache->get($key);
219 foreach ( read_file
($filename) ) {
220 push @data, [ split(/\t/) ];
222 $c->stash->{'csv'}={ data
=> \
223 $c->forward("View::Download::CSV");
231 __PACKAGE__