can download plant phenotype data in the same way as plot phenotype data
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN /
1 package SGN::Image;
3 =head1 NAME
5 SGN::Image - SGN Images
9 This class provides database access and store functions as well as
10 image upload and certain image manipulation functions, such as image
11 file type conversion and image resizing; and functions to associate
12 tags with the image. Note that this was forked off from the insitu
13 image object. The insitu database needs to be re-factored to use this
14 image object.
16 The philosophy of the image object has changed slightly from the
17 Insitu::Image object. It now stores the images in a directory
18 specified by the conf object parameter "static_datasets_dir" plus
19 the conf parameter "image_dir" plus the directory name "image_files"
20 for the production server and the directory "image_files_sandbox" for
21 the test server. In those directories, it creates a subdirectory for
22 each image, with the subdirectory name being the corresponding image
23 id. In that directory are then several files, the originial image file
24 with the orignial name, the converted image into jpg in the standard
25 image sizes: large, medium, small and thumbnail with the names:
26 large.jpg, medium.jpg, small.jpg and thumbnail.jpg . All other
27 metadata about the image is stored in the database.
29 =head1 AUTHOR(S)
31 Lukas Mueller (
32 Naama Menda (
37 The following functions are provided in this class:
39 =cut
41 use Modern::Perl;
43 use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
44 use File::Copy qw/ copy move /;
45 use File::Basename qw/ basename /;
46 use File::Spec;
47 use CXGN::DB::Connection;
48 use CXGN::Tag;
50 use CatalystX::GlobalContext '$c';
52 use base qw| CXGN::Image |;
54 =head2 new
56 Usage: my $image = SGN::Image->new($dbh)
57 Desc: constructor
58 Ret:
59 Args: a database handle, optional identifier
60 Side Effects: an empty object is returned.
61 a database connection is established.
62 Example:
64 =cut
66 sub new {
67 my ( $class, $dbh, $image_id, $context ) = @_;
68 $context ||= $c;
70 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(
71 dbh => $dbh || $context->dbc->dbh,
72 image_id => $image_id,
73 image_dir => $context->get_conf('static_datasets_path')."/".$context->get_conf('image_dir'),
76 $self->config( $context );
78 return $self;
83 =head2 get_image_url
85 Usage: $self->get_image_url($size)
86 Desc: get the url for the image with a given size
87 Ret: a url for the image
88 Args: size (large, medium, small, thumbnail, original)
89 Side Effects: none
90 Example:
92 =cut
94 sub get_image_url {
95 my $self = shift;
96 my $size = shift;
98 if( $self->config->test_mode && ! -e $self->get_filename($size) ) {
99 # for performance, only try to stat the file if running in
100 # test mode. doing lots of file stats over NFS can actually be
101 # quite expensive.
102 return '/img/image_temporarily_unavailable.png';
105 my $url = join '/', (
107 $self->config()->get_conf('static_datasets_url'),
108 $self->config()->get_conf('image_dir'),
109 $self->get_filename($size, 'partial'),
111 $url =~ s!//!/!g;
112 return $url;
115 =head2 process_image
117 Usage: $image->process_image($filename, "stock", 234);
118 Desc: creates the image and associates it to the type and type_id
119 Ret:
120 Args: filename, type (experiment, stock, fish, locus, organism) , type_id
121 Side Effects: Calls the relevant $image->associate_$type function
122 Example:
124 =cut
126 sub process_image {
127 my $self = shift;
128 my ($filename, $type, $type_id) = @_;
130 $self->SUPER::process_image($filename);
132 if ( $type eq "experiment" ) {
133 #print STDERR "Associating experiment $type_id...\n";
134 $self->associate_experiment($type_id);
136 elsif ( $type eq "stock" ) {
137 #print STDERR "Associating stock $type_id...\n";
138 $self->associate_stock($type_id);
140 elsif ( $type eq "fish" ) {
141 #print STDERR "Associating to fish experiment $type_id\n";
142 $self->associate_fish_result($type_id);
144 elsif ( $type eq "locus" ) {
145 #print STDERR "Associating to locus $type_id\n";
146 $self->associate_locus($type_id);
148 elsif ( $type eq "organism" ) {
149 $self->associate_organism($type_id);
151 elsif ( $type eq "cvterm" ) {
152 $self->associate_cvterm($type_id);
155 elsif ( $type eq "test") {
156 # need to return something to make this function happy
157 return 1;
160 else {
161 warn "type $type is not recognized as one of the legal types. Not associating image with any object. Please check if your loading script links the image with an sgn object! \n";
166 =head2 config, context, _app
168 Get the Catalyst context object we are running with.
170 =cut
172 sub config {
173 my ($self,$obj) = @_;
175 $self->{configuration_object} = $obj if $obj;
177 return $self->{configuration_object};
179 *context = \&config;
180 *_app = \&config;
182 =head2 get_img_src_tag
184 Usage:
185 Desc:
186 Ret:
187 Args: "large" | "medium" | "small" | "thumbnail" | "original" | "tiny"
188 default is medium
189 Side Effects:
190 Example:
192 =cut
194 sub get_img_src_tag {
195 my $self = shift;
196 my $size = shift;
197 my $url = $self->get_image_url($size);
198 my $name = $self->get_name();
199 if ( $size && $size eq "original" ) {
201 my $static = $self->config()->get_conf("static_datasets_url");
203 return
204 "<a href=\""
205 . ($url)
206 . "\"><img src=\"$static/images/download_icon.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\""
207 . $name
208 . "\" /></a>";
210 elsif ( $size && $size eq "tiny" ) {
211 return
212 "<img src=\""
213 . ($url)
214 . "\" width=\"20\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\" alt=\""
215 . $name
216 . "\" />\n";
218 else {
219 return
220 "<img src=\""
221 . ($url)
222 . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\""
223 . $name
224 . "\" />\n";
228 =head2 get_temp_filename
230 Usage:
231 Desc:
232 Ret:
233 Args:
234 Side Effects:
235 Example:
237 =cut
239 sub get_temp_filename {
240 my $self = shift;
241 return $self->{temp_filename};
245 =head2 set_temp_filename
247 Usage:
248 Desc:
249 Ret:
250 Args:
251 Side Effects:
252 Example:
254 =cut
256 sub set_temp_filename {
257 my $self = shift;
258 $self->{temp_filename} = shift;
261 =head2 apache_upload_image
265 Usage: my $temp_file_name = $image->apache_upload_image($apache_upload_object);
266 Desc:
267 Ret: the name of the intermediate tempfile that can be
268 used to access down the road.
269 Args: an apache upload object
270 Side Effects: generates an intermediate temp file from an apache request
271 that can be handled more easily. Adds the remote IP addr to the
272 filename so that different uploaders don\'t clobber but
273 allows only one upload per remote addr at a time.
274 Errors: change 11/30/07 - removes temp file if already exists
275 # returns -1 if the intermediate temp file already exists.
276 # this probably means that the submission button was hit twice
277 # and that an upload is already in progress.
278 Example:
280 =cut
282 sub apache_upload_image {
283 my $self = shift;
284 my $upload = shift;
285 ### deanx jan 03 2007
286 # Adjust File name if using Windows IE - it sends whole paht; drive letter, path, and filename
287 my $upload_filename;
288 if ( $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /msie/i ) {
289 my ( $directory, $filename ) = $upload->filename =~ m/(.*\\)(.*)$/;
290 $upload_filename = $filename;
292 else {
293 $upload_filename = $upload->filename;
296 my $temp_file =
297 $self->config()->get_conf("basepath") . "/"
298 . $self->config()->get_conf("tempfiles_subdir")
299 . "/temp_images/"
300 . $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} . "-"
301 . $upload_filename;
303 my $upload_fh = $upload->fh;
305 ### 11/30/07 - change this so it removes existing file
306 # -deanx
307 # # only copy file if it doesn't already exist
309 if ( -e $temp_file ) {
310 unlink $temp_file;
313 open UPLOADFILE, '>', $temp_file or die "Could not write to $temp_file: $!\n";
315 binmode UPLOADFILE;
316 while (<$upload_fh>) {
318 #warn "Read another chunk...\n";
319 print UPLOADFILE;
321 close UPLOADFILE;
322 warn "Done uploading.\n";
324 return $temp_file;
328 =head2 associate_stock
330 Usage: $image->associate_stock($stock_id);
331 Desc: associate a Bio::Chado::Schema::Result::Stock::Stock object with this image
332 Ret: a database id (stock_image_id)
333 Args: stock_id
334 Side Effects:
335 Example:
337 =cut
339 sub associate_stock {
340 my $self = shift;
341 my $stock_id = shift;
342 if ($stock_id) {
343 my $user = $self->config->user_exists;
344 if ($user) {
345 my $metadata_schema = $self->config->dbic_schema('CXGN::Metadata::Schema');
346 my $metadata = CXGN::Metadata::Metadbdata->new($metadata_schema, $self->config->user->get_object->get_username);
347 my $metadata_id = $metadata->store()->get_metadata_id();
349 my $q = "INSERT INTO phenome.stock_image (stock_id, image_id, metadata_id) VALUES (?,?,?) RETURNING stock_image_id";
350 my $sth = $self->get_dbh->prepare($q);
351 $sth->execute($stock_id, $self->get_image_id, $metadata_id);
352 my ($stock_image_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
353 return $stock_image_id;
356 return undef;
359 =head2 get_stocks
361 Usage: $image->get_stocks
362 Desc: find all stock objects linked with this image
363 Ret: a list of Bio::Chado::Schema::Result::Stock::Stock
364 Args: none
366 =cut
368 sub get_stocks {
369 my $self = shift;
370 my $schema = $self->config->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema' , 'sgn_chado');
371 my @stocks;
372 my $q = "SELECT stock_id FROM phenome.stock_image WHERE image_id = ? ";
373 my $sth = $self->get_dbh->prepare($q);
374 $sth->execute($self->get_image_id);
375 while (my ($stock_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
376 my $stock = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->find( { stock_id => $stock_id } ) ;
377 push @stocks, $stock;
379 return @stocks;
381 =head2 associate_individual
383 Usage: DEPRECATED, Individual table is not used any more . Please use stock instead
384 $image->associate_individual($individual_id)
385 Desc: associate a CXGN::Phenome::Individual with this image
386 Ret: a database id (individual_image)
387 Args: individual_id
388 Side Effects:
389 Example:
391 =cut
393 sub associate_individual {
394 my $self = shift;
395 my $individual_id = shift;
396 warn "DEPRECATED. Individual table is not used any more . Please use stock instead";
397 my $query = "INSERT INTO phenome.individual_image
398 (individual_id, image_id) VALUES (?, ?)";
399 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
400 $sth->execute($individual_id, $self->get_image_id());
402 my $id= $self->get_currval("phenome.individual_image_individual_image_id_seq");
403 return $id;
407 =head2 get_individuals
409 Usage: DEPRECATED. Use the stock table .
410 $self->get_individuals()
411 Desc: find associated individuals with the image
412 Ret: list of 'Individual' objects
413 Args: none
414 Side Effects: none
415 Example:
417 =cut
419 sub get_individuals {
420 my $self = shift;
421 warn "DEPRECATED. Individual table is not used any more . Please use stock instead";
422 my $query = "SELECT individual_id FROM phenome.individual_image WHERE individual_image.image_id=?";
423 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
424 $sth->execute($self->get_image_id());
425 my @individuals;
426 while (my ($individual_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
427 my $i = CXGN::Phenome::Individual->new($self->get_dbh(), $individual_id);
428 if ( $i->get_individual_id() ) { push @individuals, $i; } #obsolete individuals should be ignored!
430 return @individuals;
434 =head2 associate_experiment
436 Usage: $image->associate_experiment($experiment_id);
437 Desc: associate and image with and insitu experiment
438 Ret: a database id
439 Args: experiment_id
440 Side Effects:
441 Example:
443 =cut
445 sub associate_experiment {
446 my $self = shift;
447 my $experiment_id = shift;
448 my $query = "INSERT INTO insitu.experiment_image
449 (image_id, experiment_id)
450 VALUES (?, ?)";
451 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
452 $sth->execute($self->get_image_id(), $experiment_id);
453 my $id= $self->get_currval("insitu.experiment_image_experiment_image_id_seq");
454 return $id;
458 =head2 get_experiments
460 Usage:
461 Desc:
462 Ret: a list of CXGN::Insitu::Experiment objects associated
463 with this image
464 Args:
465 Side Effects:
466 Example:
468 =cut
470 sub get_experiments {
471 my $self = shift;
472 my $query = "SELECT experiment_id FROM insitu.experiment_image
473 WHERE image_id=?";
474 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
475 $sth->execute($self->get_image_id());
476 my @experiments = ();
477 while (my ($experiment_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
478 push @experiments, CXGN::Insitu::Experiment->new($self->get_dbh(), $experiment_id);
480 return @experiments;
483 =head2 associate_fish_result
485 Usage: $image->associate_fish_result($fish_result_id)
486 Desc: associate a CXGN::Phenome::Individual with this image
487 Ret: database_id
488 Args: fish_result_id
489 Side Effects:
490 Example:
492 =cut
494 sub associate_fish_result {
495 my $self = shift;
496 my $fish_result_id = shift;
497 my $query = "INSERT INTO sgn.fish_result_image
498 (fish_result_id, image_id) VALUES (?, ?)";
499 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
500 $sth->execute($fish_result_id, $self->get_image_id());
501 my $id= $self->get_currval("sgn.fish_result_image_fish_result_image_id_seq");
502 return $id;
505 =head2 get_fish_result_clone_ids
507 Usage: my @clone_ids = $image->get_fish_result_clones();
508 Desc: because fish results are associated with genomic
509 clones, this function returns the genomic clone ids
510 that are associated through the fish results to
511 this image. The clone ids can be used to construct
512 links to the BAC detail page.
513 Ret: A list of clone_ids
514 Args:
515 Side Effects:
516 Example:
518 =cut
520 sub get_fish_result_clone_ids {
521 my $self = shift;
522 my $query = "SELECT distinct(clone_id) FROM sgn.fish_result_image join sgn.fish_result using(fish_result_id) WHERE fish_result_image.image_id=?";
523 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
524 $sth->execute($self->get_image_id());
525 my @fish_result_clone_ids = ();
526 while (my ($fish_result_clone_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
527 push @fish_result_clone_ids, $fish_result_clone_id;
529 return @fish_result_clone_ids;
532 =head2 get_associated_objects
534 Synopsis:
535 Arguments:
536 Returns:
537 Side effects:
538 Description:
540 =cut
542 sub get_associated_objects {
543 my $self = shift;
544 my @associations = ();
545 my @stocks=$self->get_stocks();
546 foreach my $stock (@stocks) {
547 my $stock_id = $stock->stock_id();
548 my $stock_name = $stock->name();
549 push @associations, [ "stock", $stock_id, $stock_name ];
552 foreach my $exp ($self->get_experiments()) {
553 my $experiment_id = $exp->get_experiment_id();
554 my $experiment_name = $exp->get_name();
556 push @associations, [ "experiment", $experiment_id, $experiment_name ];
558 #print "<a href=\"/insitu/detail/$experiment_id&amp;action=view\">".($exp->get_name())."</a>";
561 foreach my $fish_result_clone_id ($self->get_fish_result_clone_ids()) {
562 push @associations, [ "fished_clone", $fish_result_clone_id ];
564 foreach my $locus ($self->get_loci() ) {
565 push @associations, ["locus", $locus->get_locus_id(), $locus->get_locus_name];
567 foreach my $o ($self->get_organisms ) {
568 push @associations, ["organism", $o->organism_id, $o->species];
571 foreach my $cvterm ( $self->get_cvterms ) {
572 push @associations, ["cvterm" , $cvterm->cvterm_id, $cvterm->name];
574 return @associations;
577 =head2 associate_locus
579 Usage: $image->associate_locus($locus_id)
580 Desc: associate a locus with this image
581 Ret: database_id
582 Args: locus_id
583 Side Effects:
584 Example:
586 =cut
588 sub associate_locus {
589 my $self = shift;
590 my $locus_id = shift;
591 my $sp_person_id= $self->get_sp_person_id();
592 my $query = "INSERT INTO phenome.locus_image
593 (locus_id,
594 sp_person_id,
595 image_id)
596 VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
597 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
598 $sth->execute(
599 $locus_id,
600 $sp_person_id,
601 $self->get_image_id()
604 my $locus_image_id= $self->get_currval("phenome.locus_image_locus_image_id_seq");
605 return $locus_image_id;
609 =head2 get_loci
611 Usage: $self->get_loci
612 Desc: find the locus objects asociated with this image
613 Ret: a list of locus objects
614 Args: none
615 Side Effects: none
616 Example:
618 =cut
620 sub get_loci {
621 my $self = shift;
622 my $query = "SELECT locus_id FROM phenome.locus_image WHERE locus_image.obsolete = 'f' and locus_image.image_id=?";
623 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
624 $sth->execute($self->get_image_id());
625 my $locus;
626 my @loci = ();
627 while (my ($locus_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
628 $locus = CXGN::Phenome::Locus->new($self->get_dbh(), $locus_id);
629 push @loci, $locus;
631 return @loci;
635 =head2 associate_organism
637 Usage: $image->associate_organism($organism_id)
638 Desc:
639 Ret:
640 Args:
641 Side Effects:
642 Example:
644 =cut
646 sub associate_organism {
647 my $self = shift;
648 my $organism_id = shift;
649 my $sp_person_id= $self->get_sp_person_id();
650 my $query = "INSERT INTO metadata.md_image_organism
651 (image_id,
652 sp_person_id,
653 organism_id)
654 VALUES (?, ?, ?) RETURNING md_image_organism_id";
655 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
656 $sth->execute(
657 $self->get_image_id,
658 $sp_person_id,
659 $organism_id,
661 my ($image_organism_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
662 return $image_organism_id;
665 =head2 get_organisms
667 Usage: $self->get_organisms
668 Desc: find the organism objects asociated with this image
669 Ret: a list of BCS Organism objects
670 Args: none
671 Side Effects: none
672 Example:
674 =cut
676 sub get_organisms {
677 my $self = shift;
678 my $schema = $self->config->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema' , 'sgn_chado');
679 my $query = "SELECT organism_id FROM metadata.md_image_organism WHERE md_image_organism.obsolete != 't' and md_image_organism.image_id=?";
680 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
681 $sth->execute($self->get_image_id());
682 my @organisms = ();
683 while (my ($o_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
684 push @organisms, $schema->resultset("Organism::Organism")->find(
685 { organism_id => $o_id } );
687 return @organisms;
691 =head2 get_associated_object_links
693 Synopsis:
694 Arguments:
695 Returns: a string
696 Side effects:
697 Description: gets the associated objects as links in tabular format
699 =cut
701 sub get_associated_object_links {
702 my $self = shift;
703 my $s = "";
704 foreach my $assoc ($self->get_associated_objects()) {
706 if ($assoc->[0] eq "stock") {
707 $s .= "<a href=\"/stock/$assoc->[1]/view\">Stock name: $assoc->[2].</a>";
710 if ($assoc->[0] eq "experiment") {
711 $s .= "<a href=\"/insitu/detail/$assoc->[1]&amp;action=view\">insitu experiment $assoc->[2]</a>";
714 if ($assoc->[0] eq "fished_clone") {
715 $s .= qq { <a href="/maps/physical/$assoc->[1]">FISHed clone id:$assoc->[1]</a> };
717 if ($assoc->[0] eq "locus" ) {
718 $s .= qq { <a href="/phenome/$assoc->[1]">Locus name:$assoc->[2]</a> };
720 if ($assoc->[0] eq "organism" ) {
721 $s .= qq { <a href="/organism/$assoc->[1]/view/">Organism name:$assoc->[2]</a> };
723 if ($assoc->[0] eq "cvterm" ) {
724 $s .= qq { <a href="/cvterm/$assoc->[1]/view/">Cvterm: $assoc->[2]</a> };
727 return $s;
731 =head2 associate_cvterm
733 Usage: $image->associate_cvterm($cvterm_id)
734 Desc: link uploaded image with a cvterm
735 Ret: database ID md_image_cvterm_id
736 Args: $cvterm_id
737 Side Effects: Insert database row
738 Example:
740 =cut
742 sub associate_cvterm {
743 my $self = shift;
744 my $cvterm_id = shift;
745 my $sp_person_id= $self->get_sp_person_id();
746 my $query = "INSERT INTO metadata.md_image_cvterm
747 (image_id,
748 sp_person_id,
749 cvterm_id)
750 VALUES (?, ?, ?) RETURNING md_image_cvterm_id";
751 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
752 $sth->execute(
753 $self->get_image_id,
754 $sp_person_id,
755 $cvterm_id,
757 my ($image_cvterm_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
758 return $image_cvterm_id;
761 =head2 get_cvterms
763 Usage: $self->get_cvterms
764 Desc: find the cvterm objects asociated with this image
765 Ret: a list of BCS Cvterm objects
766 Args: none
767 Side Effects: none
768 Example:
770 =cut
772 sub get_cvterms {
773 my $self = shift;
774 my $schema = $self->config->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema' , 'sgn_chado');
775 my $query = "SELECT cvterm_id FROM metadata.md_image_cvterm WHERE md_image_cvterm.obsolete != 't' and md_image_cvterm.image_id=?";
776 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
777 $sth->execute( $self->get_image_id() );
778 my @cvterms = ();
779 while (my ($cvterm_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
780 push @cvterms, $schema->resultset("Cv::Cvterm")->find(
781 { cvterm_id => $cvterm_id } );
783 return @cvterms;