can download plant phenotype data in the same way as plot phenotype data
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / View / Email /
1 package SGN::View::Email::ErrorEmail;
2 use Moose;
3 use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
5 use Data::Dump ();
6 use Data::Visitor::Callback;
8 use Socket;
10 =head1 NAME
12 SGN::View::Email::ErrorEmail - Email View for SGN
16 View for sending error emails from SGN. Errors to email should be an
17 arrayref of strings in C<$c-E<gt>stash-E<gt>{email_errors}>.
19 =cut
21 BEGIN { extends 'SGN::View::Email' }
23 before 'process' => sub {
24 my ($self, $c) = @_;
26 # convert the notify_errors stash key into an email stash key for
27 # the generic email view
28 $c->stash->{email} = $self->make_email( $c );
30 $c->log->debug('sending error email to '.$c->stash->{email}->{to}) if $c->debug;
35 =head2 maximum_body_size
37 Maximum size in bytes of the email body to send. Bodies larger than
38 this will be truncated. Default 400,000.
40 =cut
42 has 'maximum_body_size' => (
43 is => 'rw',
44 isa => 'Int',
45 default => 400_000,
48 =head1 ATTRIBUTES
50 =head2 debug_filter_visitor
52 The L<Data::Visitor::Callback> object being used for filtering. Can
53 be replaced with your own L<Data::Visitor> subclass if desired.
55 =cut
57 has 'debug_filter_visitor' => (
58 is => 'rw',
59 isa => 'Data::Visitor',
60 lazy_build => 1,
62 sub _build_debug_filter_visitor {
63 my ($self) = @_;
65 return Data::Visitor::Callback->new(
67 # descend into objects also
68 object => 'visit_ref',
70 # render skip_class option as visitor args
71 ( map {
72 my $class = $_;
73 $class => sub { shift; '('.ref(shift)." object skipped, isa $class)" }
74 } @{ $self->dump_skip_class }
77 #render any other visitor args
78 %{ $self->dump_visitor_args },
83 =head2 dump_skip_class
85 One or more class names to filter out of objects to be dumped. If an
86 object is-a one of these classes, the dump filtering will replace
87 the object with a string "skipped" message.
89 Can be either an arrayref or a whitespace-separated list of class names.
91 Default: "Catalyst", which will filter out Catalyst context objects.
93 =cut
95 { my $sc = subtype as 'ArrayRef';
96 coerce $sc, from 'Str', via { [ split ] };
97 has 'dump_skip_class' => (
98 is => 'ro',
99 isa => $sc,
100 coerce => 1,
101 default => sub { ['Catalyst'] },
105 =head2 dump_visitor_args
107 Hashref of additional constructor args passed to the
108 L<Data::Visitor::Callback> object used to filter the objects for
109 dumping. Can be used to introduce nearly any kind of additional
110 filtering desired.
112 Example:
114 # replace all scalar values in dumped objects with "chicken"
115 DebugFilter => {
116 visitor_args => {
117 value => sub { 'Chicken' },
121 =cut
123 has 'dump_visitor_args' => (
124 is => 'ro',
125 isa => 'HashRef',
126 default => sub { {} },
129 =head2 reverse_dns
131 Boolean, default true.
133 If set, attempts to do a reverse DNS lookup to
134 resolve the hostname of the client.
136 =cut
138 has 'reverse_dns' => (
139 is => 'ro',
140 isa => 'Bool',
141 default => 1,
144 =head1 METHODS
146 =head2 make_email( $c )
148 Returns a hashref of error email information, suitable for rendering
149 with L<Catalyst::View::Email>.
151 =cut
153 sub make_email {
154 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
155 my $error_num = 1;
157 my $type = ( grep $_->is_server_error, @{$c->stash->{email_errors}} ) ? 'E' : 'NB';
159 my $subject = '['.$c->config->{name}."]($type) ".$c->req->uri->path_query;
160 # clamp the subject line to be no longer than 115 chars
161 $subject = substr( $subject, 0, 110 ).'...' if 115 < length $subject;
163 my $body = join '',
164 # the errors
165 "==== Error(s) ====\n\n",
166 ( map { $error_num++.". $_\n" } @{$c->stash->{email_errors}} ),
168 # all the necessary debug information
169 ( map { ("\n==== $_->[0] ====\n\n", $_->[1], "\n") } $self->dump_these_strings( $c ) );
171 if( $self->maximum_body_size < length $body ) {
172 my $truncation_warning =
173 "\n<email body truncated, exceeded configured maximum_body_size of "
174 .$self->maximum_body_size." bytes>\n";
176 $body = substr( $body, 0, $self->maximum_body_size - length $truncation_warning )
177 . $truncation_warning;
180 return {
181 to => $self->default->{to},
182 from => $self->default->{from},
183 subject => $subject,
184 body => $body,
190 =head2 dump_these_strings( $c )
192 Get a list like
193 C<['Request', 'string dump'], ['Stash', 'string dump'], ...>
194 for use in debugging output.
196 These are filtered, suitable for debugging output.
198 =cut
200 sub dump_these_strings {
201 my ($self,$c) = @_;
202 return
203 [ 'Summary', $self->summary_text( $c ) ],
204 map [ $_->[0], Data::Dump::dump( $self->filter_object_for_dump( $_->[1] ) ) ],
205 $c->dump_these;
208 # SGN-specific filtering, removing db passwords and cookie encryption
209 # strings from error email output
210 around 'dump_these_strings' => sub {
211 my $orig = shift;
212 my $self = shift;
213 my ($c) = @_;
215 my @ret = $self->$orig(@_);
217 my @remove_strings =
218 map { Data::Dump::dump( $_ ) }
219 grep { $_ }
221 @{$c->config}{qw{ cookie_encryption_key dbpass }},
222 ( map $_->{password}, values %{$c->config->{DatabaseConnection} || {}} ),
225 for my $ret ( @ret ) {
226 for my $redact ( @remove_strings ) {
227 $ret->[1] =~ s/$redact/"<redacted>"/g;
231 return @ret;
235 =head2 filter_object_for_dump( $object )
237 Return a filtered copy of the given object.
239 =cut
241 sub filter_object_for_dump {
242 my ( $self, $object ) = @_;
243 $self->debug_filter_visitor->visit( $object );
246 =head2 summary_text( $c )
248 Get an un-indented block of text of the most salient features of the
249 error. Example:
251 Path_Query: /path/to/request?foo=bar&baz=boo
252 Process ID: <PID of the serving process>
253 User-Agent: <user agent string>
254 Referrer: <referrer string>
256 =cut
258 sub summary_text {
259 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
261 my @client_ips = $c->req->header('X-Forwarded-For')
262 ? ( map { split /\s*,\s*/, $_ } $c->req->header('X-Forwarded-For') )
263 : ( $c->req->address );
264 my $client_addr_string = join ', ', (
265 $self->reverse_dns
266 ? ( map {
267 my $client_ip = $_;
268 "$client_ip (".(gethostbyaddr( inet_aton( $client_ip ), AF_INET ) || 'reverse DNS lookup failed').')'
269 } @client_ips
271 : @client_ips
274 no warnings 'uninitialized';
275 return join '', map "$_\n", (
276 'Request : '.$c->req->method.' '.$c->req->uri,
277 'User-Agent : '.$c->req->user_agent,
278 'Referrer : '.$c->req->referer,
279 'Client Addr: '.$client_addr_string,
280 'Worker PID : '.$$,
284 =head1 AUTHOR
286 Robert Buels
288 =cut