customized field headers
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller /
1 package SGN::Controller::Interactomics;
4 =head1 NAME
6 SGN::Controller::Interactomics - Provides and interface for loading of CytoScape via Web Start with interactomic data.
9 =cut
12 use Moose;
13 use URI::FromHash 'uri';
16 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
19 =head2
21 Loads SGN page for Web Start app.
23 =cut
26 sub interactomics :Path("/tools/interactomics") :Args(0) {
27 my ($self, $c) = @_;
29 $c->stash->{template} = '/interactomics/index.mas';
35 =head2 create_jnlp
37 Usage: In an html form, pass it the file (.cys or other cytoscape compatible) location with name "Network" and call this URL with the form action.
38 Desc : Uses the current URL base and a file passed as a parameter to create the body of a jnlp file for loading CytoScape via Web Start with preloaded data.
39 Ret : JNLP file that the user's browser should automatically download and run with Java Web Start.
40 Args : none
41 Side Effects: ?
43 =cut
45 sub create_jnlp :Path("/tools/interactomics/coffee.jnlp") :Args(0) {
46 my ($self, $c) = @_;
48 my $codebase = ($c->req->base)."/CytoScape/";
50 my $file = $c->req->param("Network");
52 #Content of jnlp file ultimately downloaded by user
53 #Change this if and only if the CytoScape build at /static/CytoScape is changed in any way.
54 #codebase is specified on line 44 of this controller
55 #file is specified on line 176 of this controller
56 my $doc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
57 <jnlp codebase=\"".$codebase."\" href=\"\">
58 <security>
59 <all-permissions />
60 </security>
61 <information>
62 <title>Cytoscape Webstart</title>
63 <vendor>Cytoscape Collaboration</vendor>
64 <homepage href=\"\" />
65 <offline-allowed />
66 </information>
67 <resources>
68 <j2se version=\"1.5+\" max-heap-size=\"1024M\" />
69 <!--All lib jars that cytoscape requires to run should be in this list-->
70 <jar href=\"cytoscape.jar\" />
71 <jar href=\"lib/cytoscape-geom-spacial.jar\" />
72 <jar href=\"lib/freehep-util-2.0.2.jar\" />
73 <jar href=\"lib/biojava-1.4.jar\" />
74 <jar href=\"lib/resolver.jar\" />
75 <jar href=\"lib/cytoscape-graph-dynamic.jar\" />
76 <jar href=\"lib/colt.jar\" />
77 <jar href=\"lib/phoebe.jar\" />
78 <jar href=\"lib/activation.jar\" />
79 <jar href=\"lib/freehep-export-2.1.1.jar\" />
80 <jar href=\"lib/tclib.jar\" />
81 <jar href=\"lib/i4jruntime.jar\" />
82 <jar href=\"lib/FastInfoset.jar\" />
83 <jar href=\"lib/jaxws-api.jar\" />
84 <jar href=\"lib/jaxb-impl.jar\" />
85 <jar href=\"lib/cytoscape-util-intr.jar\" />
86 <jar href=\"lib/freehep-graphicsio-svg-2.1.1.jar\" />
87 <jar href=\"lib/saaj-api.jar\" />
88 <jar href=\"lib/jaxws-tools.jar\" />
89 <jar href=\"lib/cytoscape-render-export.jar\" />
90 <jar href=\"lib/freehep-graphicsio-2.1.1.jar\" />
91 <jar href=\"lib/piccolo.jar\" />
92 <jar href=\"lib/itext-2.0.4.jar\" />
93 <jar href=\"lib/glf.jar\" />
94 <jar href=\"lib/jdom-1.0.jar\" />
95 <jar href=\"lib/freehep-io-2.0.2.jar\" />
96 <jar href=\"lib/jaxws-rt.jar\" />
97 <jar href=\"lib/freehep-jas-plotter-2.2.jar\" />
98 <jar href=\"lib/freehep-swing-2.0.3.jar\" />
99 <jar href=\"lib/jhall.jar\" />
100 <jar href=\"lib/jaxb-api.jar\" />
101 <jar href=\"lib/junit.jar\" />
102 <jar href=\"lib/jsr173_1.0_api.jar\" />
103 <jar href=\"lib/com-nerius-math-xform.jar\" />
104 <jar href=\"lib/swing-layout-1.0.1.jar\" />
105 <jar href=\"lib/giny.jar\" />
106 <jar href=\"lib/\" />
107 <jar href=\"lib/commons-cli-1.x-cytoscape-custom.jar\" />
108 <jar href=\"lib/freehep-graphicsio-ps-2.1.1.jar\" />
109 <jar href=\"lib/sjsxp.jar\" />
110 <jar href=\"lib/http.jar\" />
111 <jar href=\"lib/cytoscape-cruft-obo.jar\" />
112 <jar href=\"lib/cytoscape-render-stateful.jar\" />
113 <jar href=\"lib/cytoscape-render-immed.jar\" />
114 <jar href=\"lib/stax-ex.jar\" />
115 <jar href=\"lib/ding.jar\" />
116 <jar href=\"lib/cytoscape-geom-rtree.jar\" />
117 <jar href=\"lib/jsr250-api.jar\" />
118 <jar href=\"lib/swingx-2006_10_27.jar\" />
119 <jar href=\"lib/cytoscape-graph-fixed.jar\" />
120 <jar href=\"lib/saaj-impl.jar\" />
121 <jar href=\"lib/cytoscape-task.jar\" />
122 <jar href=\"lib/wizard.jar\" />
123 <jar href=\"lib/fing.jar\" />
124 <jar href=\"lib/coltginy.jar\" />
125 <jar href=\"lib/freehep-xml-2.1.1.jar\" />
126 <jar href=\"lib/l2fprod-common-all.jar\" />
127 <jar href=\"lib/freehep-graphics2d-2.1.1.jar\" />
128 <jar href=\"lib/freehep-graphicsio-java-2.1.1.jar\" />
129 <jar href=\"lib/jnlp.jar\" />
130 <jar href=\"lib/violinstrings-1.0.2.jar\" />
131 <jar href=\"lib/concurrent.jar\" />
132 <jar href=\"lib/streambuffer.jar\" />
133 <jar href=\"lib/looks-2.1.4.jar\" />
134 <jar href=\"lib/jsr181-api.jar\" />
135 <!--These are the plugins you wish to load, edit as necessary.-->
136 <jar href=\"plugins/biopax.jar\" />
137 <jar href=\"plugins/cPath.jar\" />
138 <jar href=\"plugins/yLayouts.jar\" />
139 <jar href=\"plugins/browser.jar\" />
140 <jar href=\"plugins/GraphMerge.jar\" />
141 <jar href=\"plugins/CytoscapeEditor.jar\" />
142 <jar href=\"plugins/psi_mi.jar\" />
143 <jar href=\"plugins/filter.jar\" />
144 <jar href=\"plugins/filters.jar\" />
145 <jar href=\"plugins/ManualLayout.jar\" />
146 <jar href=\"plugins/linkout.jar\" />
147 <jar href=\"plugins/cpath2.jar\" />
148 <jar href=\"plugins/SBMLReader.jar\" />
149 <jar href=\"plugins/quick_find.jar\" />
150 <jar href=\"plugins/TableImport.jar\" />
151 <jar href=\"plugins/AutomaticLayout.jar\" />
152 </resources>
153 <!--This starts-up Cytoscape, specify your plugins to load, and other command line arguments. Plugins not specified here will not be loaded.-->
154 <application-desc main-class=\"cytoscape.CyMain\">
155 <argument>-p</argument>
156 <argument>org.mskcc.biopax_plugin.plugin.BioPaxPlugIn</argument>
157 <argument>-p</argument>
158 <argument>org.cytoscape.coreplugin.cpath.plugin.CPathPlugIn</argument>
159 <argument>-p</argument>
160 <argument>yfiles.YFilesLayoutPlugin</argument>
161 <argument>-p</argument>
162 <argument>browser.AttributeBrowserPlugin</argument>
163 <argument>-p</argument>
164 <argument>GraphMerge.GraphMerge</argument>
165 <argument>-p</argument>
166 <argument>cytoscape.editor.CytoscapeEditorPlugin</argument>
167 <argument>-p</argument>
168 <argument>org.cytoscape.coreplugin.psi_mi.plugin.PsiMiPlugIn</argument>
169 <argument>-p</argument>
170 <argument>filter.cytoscape.CsFilter</argument>
171 <argument>-p</argument>
172 <argument>cytoscape.filters.FilterPlugin</argument>
173 <argument>-p</argument>
174 <argument>ManualLayout.ManualLayoutPlugin</argument>
175 <argument>-p</argument>
176 <argument>linkout.LinkOutPlugin</argument>
177 <argument>-p</argument>
178 <argument>org.cytoscape.coreplugin.cpath2.plugin.CPathPlugIn2</argument>
179 <argument>-p</argument>
180 <argument>sbmlreader.SBMLReaderPlugin</argument>
181 <argument>-p</argument>
182 <argument>csplugins.quickfind.plugin.QuickFindPlugIn</argument>
183 <argument>-p</argument>
184 <argument>edu.ucsd.bioeng.coreplugin.tableImport.TableImportPlugin</argument>
185 <argument>-p</argument>
186 <argument>csplugins.layout.LayoutPlugin</argument>
187 <argument>-N</argument>
188 <argument>".$file."</argument>
189 </application-desc>
190 </jnlp>";
193 $c->res->content_type("application/x-java-jnlp-file");
194 $c->res->body($doc);