autogenerated name function
[sgn.git] / cgi-bin / community / feature /
1 use strict;
2 use CXGN::Page;
3 my $page=CXGN::Page->new('200404.html','html2pl converter');
4 $page->header('The Kuhlemeier Lab');
5 print<<END_HEREDOC;
7 <center>
8 <h1>The Li Lab</h1>
10 <div style="text-align: center; width: 650">
11 <img src="/static_content/community/feature/200404-1.jpg" width="640" height="480" border="0"
12 alt="The Li Lab" /><br />
13 <strong>Dr. Li's group as of spring 2004</strong><br />
14 From left to right: Zhongxin Guo (Ph.D. student), Jinhuan
15 Chen (MS student), Dr. Chuanyou Li, Jing Qi (Ph.D. student),
16 Wenguang Zheng (Ph.D. student), Fang Liu (Ph.D. student) and
17 Lei Zhang (M.S. student).
18 </div>
19 </center>
21 <div style="text-align: justify">
22 <p>Our laboratory is mainly interested in jasmonic acid (JA)
23 signaling and regulation of JA-mediated plant responses to
24 insects.</p>
26 <p><strong>Genetic dissection of the JA signaling
27 pathway</strong><br />
28 The fatty acid-derived plant hormone JA plays a key role in the
29 regulation of development, reproduction and systemic induced
30 resistance to herbivore attack. Compared to the five classic
31 plant hormones, relatively little is known about the molecular
32 mechanisms governing the JA action, especially in the area of
33 JA-mediated defense responses to insects. Using tomato as a
34 genetic model, we have been able to identify several mutants
35 that are deficient in systemic defense responses.
36 Interestingly, map-based cloning of these mutants identified
37 genes that are involved in JA biosynthesis and signaling.
38 Grafting experiments using a JA biosynthesis mutant
39 (<em>spr2</em>) and a JA signaling mutant (<em>jai1</em>)
40 demonstrated that JA or a derivative, rather than the
41 18-amino-acid peptide systemin is the long-distance mobile
42 "wound signal" for systemic defense responses and that the
43 biosynthesis of JA is regulated by systemin. A long-term goal
44 of our research is to identify most, if not all, of the genes
45 that are involved in systemin/JA-mediated wound response
46 pathway and elucidate how these genes are regulated.</p>
48 <p><strong>Identification of agriculturally important genes in
49 rice and tomato</strong><br />
50 Another aspect of our research is to identify agriculturally
51 important genes in the model system of rice and tomato, using a
52 map-based cloning approach.</p>
53 </div><strong>Selected Publications:</strong>
55 <ol style="1">
56 <li>Li C, Liu G, Xu C, Lee G, Bauer P, Ganal M, Ling, H and
57 Howe GA (2003) The tomato <em>Suppressor of
58 prosystemin-mediated response2</em> gene encodes a fatty acid
59 desaturase required for the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid and
60 the production of a systemic wound signal for defense gene
61 expression. The Plant Cell. 15, 1646-1661</li>
63 <li>Li L, Li C, Lee GI and Howe GA (2002) Distinct roles for
64 jasmonate synthesis and action in the systemic wound response
65 of tomato. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 99, 6416-6421</li>
67 <li>Li C, Williams MM, Loh Y-T, Lee GI and Howe GA (2002)
68 Resistance of cultivated tomato to cell content-feeding
69 herbivores is regulated by the octadecanoid-signaling pathway.
70 Plant Physiology. 130, 494-503</li>
72 <li>Li L, Li C and Howe GA (2001) Genetic analysis of wound
73 signaling in tomato: evidence for a dual role of jasmonic acid
74 in defense and female fertility. Plant Physiology 127,
75 1414-1417</li>
77 <li>Howe GA, Li L, Lee GI, Li C and Shaffer D (2002) Genetic
78 dissection of induced resistance in tomato. In, "Induced
79 resistance in plants against insects and diseases". A. Schmitt
80 &amp; B. Mauch-Mani, Eds. Vol. 26, pp.47-52</li>
82 <li>Jia J, Zhang D, Li C, Qu X, Wang S, Chamarerk V, Nguyen HT
83 and Wang B (2001) Molecular mapping of a rice thermo-sensitive
84 genic male sterile gene using AFLP, RFLP and SSR techniques.
85 Theor Appl Genet 103, 607-612</li>
86 </ol>
88 <p>For more information, please visit Dr. Li's web page at
89 <a href=
90 ""></a>.</p><br />
93 <p style="font-family: monospace">Chuanyou Li<br />
94 Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,<br />
95 5 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China<br />
96 Tel: 8610-64865313<br />
97 Fax: 8610-64873428<br /></p>
99 $page->footer();