5 use CXGN::DB::Connection;
6 use CXGN::Phenome::Population;
7 use CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers qw | simple_selectbox_html |;
9 my $population_names_ref = [];
11 $population_names_ref = CXGN::Phenome::Population::get_all_populations( CXGN::DB::Connection->new );
12 #add an empty entry to the front of the list
13 unshift @$population_names_ref, ['', '--select a population name--'];
17 if ($@) { $population = "(The database is currently not available. Please try again later)"; }
19 $population = simple_selectbox_html( choices => $population_names_ref,
20 name => 'wee9_population_id',
21 ) . qq { <input type="submit" value="Submit"/> };
25 <div class="boxbgcolor1" style="margin:0px;">
26 <div class="boxheading">Phenotypes</div>
27 <div class="boxcontent">Browse Solanaceae phenotypes<br /><form style="margin-bottom:0px" name="population" action="/search/phenotype_search.pl"><% $population %></form></div>