Added eval; site now shows clean dataset missing message instead of server error...
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller / AJAX /
1 =head1 NAME
3 SGN::Controller::AJAX::Locus - a REST controller class to provide the
4 backend for objects linked with loci
8 Browse the locus database for selecting loci to be linked with other objects
10 =head1 AUTHOR
12 Lukas Mueller <>
13 Naama Menda <>
16 =cut
18 package SGN::Controller::AJAX::Locus;
20 use Moose;
22 use CXGN::Phenome::LocusDbxref;
23 use CXGN::Phenome::Locus::LocusDbxrefEvidence;
24 use CXGN::Phenome::LocusgroupMember;
25 use CXGN::Chado::Publication;
26 use CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers qw/ columnar_table_html info_table_html html_alternate_show /;
27 use List::MoreUtils qw /any /;
28 use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
29 use CXGN::Tools::Organism;
30 use CXGN::Phenome::Schema;
31 use Try::Tiny;
34 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::REST' }
36 __PACKAGE__->config(
37 default => 'application/json',
38 stash_key => 'rest',
39 map => { 'application/json' => 'JSON', 'text/html' => 'JSON' },
43 =head2 autocomplete
45 Public Path: /ajax/locus/autocomplete
47 Autocomplete a locus name. Takes a single GET param,
48 C<term>, responds with a JSON array of completions for that term.
50 =cut
52 sub autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
54 sub autocomplete_GET : Args(0) {
55 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
56 my $mode = $c->req->param('mode');
57 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
58 my $common_name_id = $c->req->param('common_name_id');
59 my $common_name = $c->req->param('common_name');
60 # trim and regularize whitespace
61 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
62 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
64 if ($common_name) {
65 my $q = "SELECT common_name_id FROM sgn.common_name where common_name = ? ";
66 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
67 $sth->execute($common_name);
68 ($common_name_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array ;
70 my @results;
71 if ($mode eq "no_alleles") {
72 my $q = "SELECT locus_symbol, locus_name, locus_id FROM locus
73 WHERE (locus_name ilike '%$term%' OR locus_symbol ilike '%$term%')
74 AND locus.obsolete = 'f' ";
75 if ($common_name_id) { $q .= " AND common_name_id = $common_name_id "; }
76 $q .= " LIMIT 20";
77 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
78 $sth->execute;
79 while (my ($locus_symbol, $locus_name, $locus_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
80 push @results , "$locus_name|$locus_symbol|$locus_id" ;
82 } else {
83 my $q = "SELECT locus_symbol, locus_name, allele_symbol, is_default
84 FROM locus JOIN allele USING (locus_id)
85 WHERE (locus_name ilike '%$term%' OR locus_symbol ilike '%$term%')
86 AND locus.obsolete = 'f' AND allele.obsolete='f' ";
87 if ($common_name_id) { $q .= " AND common_name_id = $common_name_id "; }
88 $q .= " LIMIT 20";
89 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
90 $sth->execute;
91 while (my ($locus_symbol, $locus_name, $allele_symbol, $is_default) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
92 my $allele_data = "Allele: $allele_symbol" if !$is_default ;
93 no warnings 'uninitialized';
94 push @results , "$locus_name ($locus_symbol) $allele_data";
97 $c->stash->{rest} = \@results;
100 =head2 genome_autocomplete
102 Public Path: /ajax/locus/genome_autocomplete
104 Autocomplete a genome locus name. Takes a single GET param,
105 C<term>, responds with a JSON array of completions for that term.
106 Genome locus names are stored in the Chado feature table
108 =cut
110 sub genome_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
112 sub genome_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
113 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
114 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
115 # trim and regularize whitespace
116 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
117 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
118 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
119 my @results;
120 my @feature_names = $schema->resultset("Sequence::Feature")->search(
121 { '' => { 'like' => 'Solyc%' },
122 'me.uniquename' => { 'ilike' => '%' . $term . '%' } ,
123 '' => 'gene' },
124 { prefetch => 'type',
125 select => '' ,
126 rows => 20 ,}
127 )->get_column('')->all;
128 map ( s/\.\d+$// , @feature_names) ;
129 $c->stash->{rest} = \@feature_names;
134 sub display_ontologies : Chained('/locus/get_locus') :PathPart('ontologies') : ActionClass('REST') { }
136 sub display_ontologies_GET {
137 my ($self, $c) = @_;
138 $c->forward('/locus/get_locus_dbxrefs');
139 my $locus = $c->stash->{locus};
140 my $locus_id = $locus->get_locus_id;
141 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
142 ##############
143 #hash of arrays. keys=dbname values= dbxref objects
144 my %dbs = $locus->get_dbxref_lists();
145 my (@alleles) = $locus->get_alleles();
147 #add the allele dbxrefs to the locus dbxrefs hash...
148 #This way the allele associated ontologies
149 #it might be a good idea to print a link to the allele next to each allele-derived annotation
150 foreach my $a (@alleles) {
151 my %a_dbs = $a->get_dbxref_lists();
152 foreach my $a_db_name ( keys %a_dbs )
153 { #add allele_dbxrefs to the locus_dbxrefs list
154 my %seen = () ; #hash for assisting filtering of duplicated dbxrefs (from allele annotation)
155 foreach ( @{ $dbs{$a_db_name} } ) {
156 $seen{ $_->[0]->get_accession() }++;
157 } #populate with the locus_dbxrefs
158 foreach ( @{ $a_dbs{$a_db_name} } ) { #and filter duplicates
159 push @{ $dbs{$a_db_name} }, $_
160 unless $seen{ $_->[0]->get_accession() }++;
164 my $hashref;
165 # need to check if the user is logged in, and has editing privileges
166 my $privileged;
167 if ($c->user) {
168 if ( $c->user->check_roles('curator') || $c->user->check_roles('submitter') || $c->user->check_roles('sequencer') ) { $privileged = 1; }
170 my $trait_db_name = $c->config->{trait_ontology_db_name} || 'SP';
171 #now add all GO PO SP CO annotations to an array
172 my @ont_annot;
173 foreach ( @{ $dbs{'GO'} } ) { push @ont_annot, $_; }
174 foreach ( @{ $dbs{'PO'} } ) { push @ont_annot, $_; }
175 foreach ( @{ $dbs{ $trait_db_name } } ) { push @ont_annot, $_; }
176 my @obs_annot;
177 my %ont_hash = () ; #keys= cvterms, values= hash of arrays (keys= ontology details, values= list of evidences)
178 foreach (@ont_annot) {
179 my $cv_name = $_->[0]->get_cv_name();
180 my $cvterm_id = $_->[0]->get_cvterm_id();
181 my $cvterm_name = $_->[0]->get_cvterm_name();
182 my $db_name = $_->[0]->get_db_name();
183 my $accession = $_->[0]->get_accession();
184 my $db_accession = $accession;
185 $db_accession = $cvterm_id if $db_name eq $trait_db_name;
186 my $url = $_->[0]->get_urlprefix() . $_->[0]->get_url();
187 my $cvterm_link =
188 qq |<a href="/cvterm/$cvterm_id/view" target="blank">$cvterm_name</a>|;
189 my $locus_dbxref = $locus->get_locus_dbxref( $_->[0] );
190 my @AoH = $locus_dbxref->evidence_details();
191 for my $href (@AoH) {
192 my $relationship = $href->{relationship};
193 my $evidence_id = $href->{dbxref_ev_object}->get_object_dbxref_evidence_id;
194 my $ontology_url = "/locus/$locus_id/ontologies/";
195 if ( $href->{obsolete} eq 't' ) {
196 my $unobsolete = qq | <input type = "button" onclick= "javascript:Tools.toggleObsoleteAnnotation('0', \'$evidence_id\', \'/ajax/locus/toggle_obsolete_annotation\', \'/locus/$locus_id/ontologies\')" value = "unobsolete" /> | if $privileged ;
197 push @obs_annot,
198 $href->{relationship} . " "
199 . $cvterm_link . " ("
200 . $href->{ev_code} . ")"
201 . $unobsolete;
203 else {
204 my $ontology_details = $href->{relationship}
205 . qq| $cvterm_link ($db_name:<a href="$url$db_accession" target="blank"> $accession</a>)<br />|;
206 my $obsolete_link = qq | <input type = "button" onclick="javascript:Tools.toggleObsoleteAnnotation('1', \'$evidence_id\', \'/ajax/locus/toggle_obsolete_annotation\', \'/locus/$locus_id/ontologies\')" value ="delete" /> | if $privileged ;
208 ##################
209 # add an empty row if there is more than 1 evidence code
210 my $ev_string;
211 $ev_string .= "<hr />"
212 if $ont_hash{$cv_name}{$ontology_details};
213 no warnings 'uninitialized';
214 $ev_string .=
215 $href->{ev_code}
216 . "<br />"
217 . $href->{ev_desc}
218 . "<br /><a href=\""
219 . $href->{ev_with_url} . "\">"
220 . $href->{ev_with_acc}
221 . "</a><br /><a href=\""
222 . $href->{reference_url} . "\">"
223 . $href->{reference_acc}
224 . "</a><br />"
225 . $href->{submitter}
226 . $obsolete_link;
227 $ont_hash{$cv_name}{$ontology_details} .= $ev_string;
231 my $ontology_evidence;
232 #now we should have an %ont_hash with all the details we need for printing ...
233 #hash keys are the cv names ..
234 for my $cv_name ( sort keys %ont_hash ) {
235 my @evidence;
236 #and for each ontology annotation create an array ref of evidences
237 for my $ont_detail ( sort keys %{ $ont_hash{$cv_name} } ) {
238 push @evidence,
239 [ $ont_detail, $ont_hash{$cv_name}{$ont_detail} ];
241 my $ev = join "\n", map {
242 qq|<div class="term">$_->[0]</div>\n|
243 .qq|<div class="evidence">$_->[1]</div>\n|;
244 } @evidence;
245 $ontology_evidence .= info_table_html(
246 $cv_name => $ev,
247 __border => 0,
248 __tableattrs => 'width="100%"',
251 #display ontology annotation form
252 my $print_obsoleted;
253 if ( @obs_annot && $privileged ) {
254 #####$ontology_evidence .= print_obsoleted(@obs_annot);
255 my $obsoleted;
256 foreach my $term (@obs_annot) {
257 $obsoleted .= qq |$term <br />\n |;
259 $print_obsoleted = html_alternate_show(
260 'obsoleted_terms', 'Show obsolete',
261 '', qq|<div class="minorbox">$obsoleted</div> |,
264 $hashref->{html} = $ontology_evidence . $print_obsoleted;
265 $c->stash->{rest} = $hashref;
268 ############
269 sub associate_ontology:Path('/ajax/locus/associate_ontology') :ActionClass('REST') {}
271 sub associate_ontology_GET :Args(0) {
272 my ($self, $c) = @_;
273 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Nothing here, it's a GET.." } ;
275 #########################change this to the locus object !!
276 sub associate_ontology_POST :Args(0) {
277 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
278 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
279 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
280 my $phenome_schema = $c->dbic_schema('CXGN::Phenome::Schema');
281 my $cvterm_rs = $schema->resultset('Cv::Cvterm');
283 my $locus_id = $c->req->param('object_id');
284 my $ontology_input = $c->req->param('term_name');
285 my $relationship = $c->req->param('relationship'); # a cvterm_id
286 my ($relationship_id) = $cvterm_rs->find( { cvterm_id => $relationship } )->dbxref_id;
287 my $evidence_code = $c->req->param('evidence_code'); # a cvterm_id
288 my ($evidence_code_id) = $cvterm_rs->find( {cvterm_id => $evidence_code })->dbxref_id;
289 my $evidence_description = $c->req->param('evidence_description') || undef; # a cvterm_id
290 my ($evidence_description_id) = $cvterm_rs->find( {cvterm_id => $evidence_description })->dbxref_id if $evidence_description;
291 my $evidence_with = $c->req->param('evidence_with') || undef; # a dbxref_id (type='evidence_with' value = 'dbxref_id'
292 my ($evidence_with_id) = $evidence_with if $evidence_with && $evidence_with ne 'null';
293 my $logged_user = $c->user;
294 my $logged_person_id = $logged_user->get_object->get_sp_person_id if $logged_user;
296 my $reference = $c->req->param('reference');
297 my $reference_id = $reference ? $reference :
298 CXGN::Chado::Publication::get_curator_ref($dbh);
300 my ($locus_dbxref, $locus_dbxref_id, $locus_dbxref_evidence);
302 #solanaceae_phenotype--SP:000001--fruit size
303 my ($cv_name, $db_accession, $cvterm_name) = split /--/ , $ontology_input;
304 my ($db_name, $accession) = split ':' , $db_accession;
306 my ($cvterm) = $schema
307 ->resultset('General::Db')
308 ->search({ '' => $db_name, } )->search_related('dbxrefs' , { accession => $accession } )
309 ->search_related('cvterm')->first; # should be only 1 cvterm per dbxref
310 if (!$cvterm) {
311 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "no ontology term found for term $db_name : $accession" };
312 return;
314 my $locus = CXGN::Phenome::Locus->new($dbh, $locus_id);
315 my $cvterm_id = $cvterm->cvterm_id;
316 my $dbxref_id = $cvterm->dbxref_id;
317 if (!$c->user) {
318 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'Must be logged in for associating ontology terms! ' };
319 return;
321 if ( any { $_ eq 'curator' || $_ eq 'submitter' || $_ eq 'sequencer' } $c->user->roles() ) {
322 # if this fails, it will throw an acception and will (probably
323 # rightly) be counted as a server error
324 #########################################################
325 if ($locus->get_locus_id && $cvterm_id) {
326 try {
327 #check if the locus cvterm annotation exists. These annotations are stored in locus_dbxref
329 $locus_dbxref_id= CXGN::Phenome::LocusDbxref::locus_dbxref_exists($dbh,$locus_id, $dbxref_id);
330 $locus_dbxref=CXGN::Phenome::LocusDbxref->new($dbh, $locus_dbxref_id);
331 $locus_dbxref->set_locus_id($locus_id);
333 $locus_dbxref_evidence= CXGN::Phenome::Locus::LocusDbxrefEvidence->new($dbh);
335 $locus_dbxref->set_dbxref_id($dbxref_id);
336 $locus_dbxref->set_sp_person_id($logged_person_id);
338 #this store should insert a new locus_dbxref if !$locus_dbxref_id
339 #update obsolete to 'f' if $locus_dbxref_id and obsolete ='t'
340 #do nothing if $locus_dbxref_id and obsolete = 'f'
341 my $obsolete = $locus_dbxref->get_obsolete();
343 #if the dbxref exists this should just return the database id to be used for
344 #storing a dbxref_evidence
345 $locus_dbxref_id = $locus_dbxref->store;
346 #print STDERR "object_dbxref_id = $object_dbxref_id ! \n";
347 $locus_dbxref_evidence->set_object_dbxref_id($locus_dbxref_id);
348 $locus_dbxref_evidence->set_relationship_type_id($relationship_id);
349 $locus_dbxref_evidence->set_evidence_code_id($evidence_code_id);
350 $locus_dbxref_evidence->set_evidence_description_id($evidence_description_id);
351 $locus_dbxref_evidence->set_evidence_with($evidence_with_id);
352 $locus_dbxref_evidence->set_reference_id($reference_id);
353 $locus_dbxref_evidence->set_sp_person_id($logged_person_id);
355 my $locus_dbxref_evidence_id = $locus_dbxref_evidence->store ;
356 ##########################################
357 } catch {
358 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Failed: $_" };
359 # send an email to sgn bugs
360 $c->stash->{email} = {
361 to => '',
362 from => '',
363 subject => "Associate ontology failed! locus_id = $locus_id",
364 body => $_,
366 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
367 return;
369 # if you reached here this means associate_ontology worked. Now send an email to sgn-db-curation
370 $c->stash->{rest} = { success => "1" };
371 $c->stash->{email} = {
372 to => '',
373 from => '',
374 subject => "New ontology term loaded. Locus $locus_id",
375 body => "User " . $logged_user->get_object->get_first_name . " " . $logged_user->get_object->get_last_name . "has stored a new ontology term for locus $locus_id$locus_id/view",
377 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
378 } else {
379 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'need both valid locus_id and cvterm_id for adding an ontology term to this locus! ' };
381 } else {
382 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'No privileges for adding new ontology terms. You must have an sgn submitter account. Please contact for upgrading your user account. ' };
384 return;
387 sub references : Chained('/locus/get_locus') :PathPart('references') : ActionClass('REST') { }
390 sub references_GET :Args(0) {
391 my ($self, $c) = @_;
392 my $locus = $c->stash->{locus};
393 # get a list of references
394 my $q = "SELECT dbxref.dbxref_id, accession,title
395 FROM public.dbxref
396 JOIN public.pub_dbxref USING (dbxref_id)
397 JOIN USING (pub_id)
398 JOIN phenome.locus_dbxref USING (dbxref_id)
399 WHERE locus_id= ?
400 AND phenome.locus_dbxref.obsolete = 'f'";
401 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
402 $sth->execute($locus->get_locus_id);
403 my $response_hash={};
404 while (my ($dbxref_id, $accession, $title) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
405 $response_hash->{$accession . ": " . $title} = $dbxref_id;
407 $c->stash->{rest} = $response_hash;
410 sub evidences : Chained('/locus/get_locus') :PathPart('evidences') : ActionClass('REST') { }
412 sub evidences_GET :Args(0) {
413 my ($self, $c) = @_;
414 my $locus = $c->stash->{locus};
415 # get a list of evidences
416 my $q = "SELECT dbxref.dbxref_id, accession,name, description
417 FROM public.dbxref
418 JOIN feature USING (dbxref_id)
419 JOIN phenome.locus_dbxref USING (dbxref_id)
420 WHERE locus_id= ?
421 AND phenome.locus_dbxref.obsolete = 'f'" ;
422 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
423 $sth->execute($locus->get_locus_id);
424 my $response_hash={};
425 while (my ($dbxref_id, $accession, $name, $description) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
426 $response_hash->{$name . ": " . $description} = $dbxref_id ;
428 $c->stash->{rest} = $response_hash;
431 sub toggle_obsolete_annotation : Path('/ajax/locus/toggle_obsolete_annotation') : ActionClass('REST') { }
433 sub toggle_obsolete_annotation_POST :Args(0) {
434 my ($self, $c) = @_;
435 my $locus = $c->stash->{locus};
436 my $locus_dbxref_evidence_id = $c->request->body_parameters->{id};
437 my $obsolete = $c->request->body_parameters->{obsolete};
439 my $response = {} ;
440 if ($locus_dbxref_evidence_id && $c->user ) {
441 my $locus_dbxref_evidence = $c->dbic_schema('CXGN::Phenome::Schema')->resultset('LocusDbxrefEvidence')->find( {
442 locus_dbxref_evidence_id => $locus_dbxref_evidence_id });
443 if ($locus_dbxref_evidence) {
444 $locus_dbxref_evidence->update( { obsolete => $obsolete } );
445 $response->{response} = "success";
446 }else { $response->{error} = "No locus evidence found for locus_dbxref_evidence_id $locus_dbxref_evidence_id! "; }
447 #set locus_dbxref_evidence to obsolete
448 } else { $response->{error} = "locus_dbxref_evidence $locus_dbxref_evidence_id does not exists! "; }
449 $c->stash->{rest} = $response;
452 sub locus_network : Chained('/locus/get_locus') :PathPart('network') : ActionClass('REST') { }
454 sub locus_network_GET :Args(0) {
455 my ($self, $c) = @_;
456 my $locus = $c->stash->{locus};
457 my $locus_id = $locus->get_locus_id;
458 my $privileged;
459 if ($c->user) {
460 if ( $c->user->check_roles('curator') || $c->user->check_roles('submitter') || $c->user->check_roles('sequencer') ) { $privileged = 1; }
462 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
463 my @locus_groups = $locus->get_locusgroups();
464 my $direction;
465 my $al_count = 0;
466 my $associated_loci;
467 my %rel = ();
468 GROUP: foreach my $group (@locus_groups) {
469 my $relationship = $group->get_relationship_name();
470 my @members = $group->get_locusgroup_members();
471 my $members_info;
472 my $index = 0;
473 my %by_organism;
474 #check if group has only 1 member. This means the locus itself is the only member (other members might have been obsolete)
475 if ( $group->count_members() == 1 ) { next GROUP; }
476 MEMBER: foreach my $member (@members) {
477 if ( $member->obsolete() == 1 ) {
478 delete $members[$index];
479 $index++;
480 next MEMBER;
482 my ($organism, $associated_locus_name, $gene_activity);
483 my $member_locus_id = $member->get_column('locus_id');
484 my $member_direction = $member->direction() || '';
485 my $lgm_id = $member->locusgroup_member_id();
486 if ( $member_locus_id == $locus_id ) {
487 $direction = $member_direction;
489 else {
490 $al_count++;
491 my $associated_locus =
492 CXGN::Phenome::Locus->new( $dbh, $member_locus_id );
493 $associated_locus_name =
494 $associated_locus->get_locus_name();
495 $gene_activity = $associated_locus->get_gene_activity();
496 $organism = $associated_locus->get_common_name;
497 my $lgm_obsolete_link = $privileged ?
498 qq|<a href="javascript:Locus.obsoleteLocusgroupMember(\'$lgm_id\', \'$locus_id\', \'/ajax/locus/obsolete_locusgroup_member\', \'/locus/$locus_id/netwrok\')">[Remove]</a>| : qq| <span class="ghosted">[Remove]</span> |;
500 $by_organism{$organism} .=
501 qq|<a href="/locus/$member_locus_id/view">$associated_locus_name</a> $lgm_obsolete_link <br /> |
502 if ( $associated_locus->get_obsolete() eq 'f' );
503 #directional relationships
504 if ( $member_direction eq 'subject' ) {
505 $relationship = $relationship . ' of';
507 } #non-self members
508 $index++;
509 } #members
510 foreach my $common_name (sort keys %by_organism) {
511 $members_info .= info_table_html(
512 $common_name => $by_organism{$common_name},
513 __sub => 1,
514 __border => 0,
517 $rel{$relationship} .= $members_info if ( scalar(@members) > 1 );
518 } #groups
519 foreach my $r ( keys %rel ) {
520 $associated_loci .= info_table_html(
521 $r => $rel{$r},
522 __border => 0,
523 __tableattrs => 'width="100%"'
526 ################
527 $c->stash->{rest} = { html => $associated_loci } ;
531 sub associate_locus:Path('/ajax/locus/associate_locus') :ActionClass('REST') {}
533 sub associate_locus_GET :Args(0) {
534 my ($self, $c) = @_;
535 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Nothing here, it's a GET.." } ;
537 sub associate_locus_POST :Args(0) {
538 my ($self, $c) = @_;
539 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('CXGN::Phenome::Schema');
540 my $privileged;
541 my $response;
542 if ($c->user) {
543 if ( $c->user->check_roles('curator') || $c->user->check_roles('submitter') || $c->user->check_roles('sequencer') ) { $privileged = 1; }
545 my $logged_person_id = $c->user->get_object->get_sp_person_id if $c->user;
546 my %params = map { $_ => $c->request->body_parameters->{$_} } qw/
547 locus_info locus_reference_id locus_evidence_code_id
548 locus_relationship_id locus_id locusgroup_id
550 my $locus_id = $params{locus_id}; #locus_id is used when making locus-locus association from a locus page
551 my $locusgroup_id = $params{locusgroup_id} ; #used when adding a locus to an existing group , from the manual gene family page
552 my $locus_info = $params{locus_info};
553 my ($locus_name,$locus_symbol,$a_locus_id) = split (/\|/ ,$locus_info);
554 if (!$locus_info || !$a_locus_id) {
555 #$self->status_bad_request($c, message => 'need loci param' );
556 $response->{error} .= "bad request. Invalid locus";
558 my $reference_id = $params{'locus_reference_id'};
559 $reference_id = $reference_id ? $reference_id :
560 CXGN::Chado::Publication::get_curator_ref($c->dbc->dbh);
562 my $relationship;
563 if ($privileged) {
564 try {
565 my $bcs = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
566 my $cvterm = $bcs->resultset('Cv::Cvterm')->find( { cvterm_id => $params{locus_relationship_id} } );
567 $relationship=$cvterm->name();
568 my %directional_rel =
569 ('Downstream'=>1,
570 'Inhibition'=>1,
571 'Activation'=>1
573 my $directional= $directional_rel{$relationship};
574 my $lgm=CXGN::Phenome::LocusgroupMember->new($schema);
575 $lgm->set_locus_id($locus_id );
576 $lgm->set_evidence_id($params{locus_evidence_code_id});
577 $lgm->set_reference_id($reference_id);
578 $lgm->set_sp_person_id($logged_person_id);
579 my $a_lgm=CXGN::Phenome::LocusgroupMember->new($schema);
580 $a_lgm->set_locus_id($a_locus_id);
581 $a_lgm->set_evidence_id($params{locus_evidence_code_id});
582 $a_lgm->set_reference_id($reference_id);
583 $a_lgm->set_sp_person_id($logged_person_id);
585 if ($directional) {
586 $lgm->set_direction('subject');
587 $a_lgm->set_direction('object')
589 my $locusgroup= $lgm->find_or_create_group($params{locus_relationship_id}, $a_lgm);
590 my $lg_id= $locusgroup->get_locusgroup_id();
591 $lgm->set_locusgroup_id($lg_id);
592 $a_lgm->set_locusgroup_id($lg_id);
594 my $lgm_id= $lgm->store();
595 my $algm_id=$a_lgm->store();
596 $response->{response} = 'success';
597 return;
598 } catch {
599 $response->{error} .= "Failed: $_" ;
600 # send an email to sgn bugs
601 $c->stash->{email} = {
602 to => '',
603 from => '',
604 subject => "Associate locus failed! locus_id = $locus_id",
605 body => $_,
607 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
608 return;
610 # if you reached here this means associate_locus worked. Now send an email to sgn-db-curation
611 $c->stash->{email} = {
612 to => '',
613 from => '',
614 subject => "New locus associated with locus $locus_id",
615 body => "User " . $c->user->get_object->get_first_name . " " . $c->user->get_object->get_last_name . "has associated locus $locus_id ($relationship) with locus " . $params{object_id} . "( /$locus_id/view )",
617 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
618 } else {
619 $response->{ error} = 'No privileges for associating loci. You must have an sgn submitter account. Please contact for upgrading your user account. ' ;
621 $c->stash->{rest} = $response;
625 sub obsolete_locusgroup_member : Path('/ajax/locus/obsolete_locusgroup_member') : ActionClass('REST') { }
627 sub obsolete_locusgroup_member_POST :Args(0) {
628 my ($self, $c) = @_;
629 my $locus_id = $c->request->body_parameters->{locus_id};
630 my $lgm_id = $c->request->body_parameters->{lgm_id};
631 my $obsolete = $c->request->body_parameters->{obsolete};
632 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('CXGN::Phenome::Schema');
633 my $response = {} ;
634 if ($lgm_id && $c->user ) {
635 my $lgm=CXGN::Phenome::LocusgroupMember->new($schema, $lgm_id);
636 if ($lgm->get_locusgroup_member_id) {
637 try {
638 $lgm->obsolete_lgm();
639 } catch {
640 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Failed: $_" };
641 $c->stash->{email} = {
642 to => '',
643 from => '',
644 subject => " /ajax/locus/obsolete_locusgroup_member failed! locus_id = $locus_id, locusgroup_member_id = $lgm_id, obsolete = $obsolete",
645 body => $_,
647 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
648 return;
650 $response->{response} = "success";
651 $c->stash->{email} = {
652 to => '',
653 from => '',
654 subject => "[A locus group member has been obsoleted]",
655 body => "User " . $c->user->get_object->get_first_name . " " . $c->user->get_object->get_last_name . " has obsoleted locus group member $lgm_id \n ( /$locus_id/view )",
657 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
658 }else { $response->{error} = "No locus group member for locus group member_id $lgm_id! "; }
659 } else { $response->{error} = "locus group member $lgm_id does not exists! "; }
660 $c->stash->{rest} = $response;
664 sub locus_unigenes : Chained('/locus/get_locus') :PathPart('unigenes') : ActionClass('REST') { }
666 sub locus_unigenes_GET :Args(0) {
667 my ($self, $c) = @_;
668 my $locus = $c->stash->{locus};
669 my $locus_id = $locus->get_locus_id;
670 my $privileged;
671 if ($c->user) {
672 if ( $c->user->check_roles('curator') || $c->user->check_roles('submitter') || $c->user->check_roles('sequencer') ) { $privileged = 1; }
674 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
675 my $response ={};
676 try {
677 my @unigenes = $locus->get_unigenes({current=>1});
678 my $unigenes;
679 my $common_name = $locus->get_common_name();
680 my %solcyc_species = (
681 Tomato => "LYCO",
682 Potato => "POTATO",
683 Pepper => "CAP",
684 Petunia => "PET",
685 Coffee => "COFFEA"
687 if ( !@unigenes ) {
688 $unigenes = qq|<span class=\"ghosted\">none</span>|;
690 my @solcyc;
691 my ( $solcyc_links, $sequence_links );
692 my $solcyc_count = 0;
693 foreach my $unigene (@unigenes) {
694 my $unigene_id = $unigene->get_unigene_id();
695 my $unigene_build = $unigene->get_unigene_build();
696 my $organism_name = $unigene_build->get_organism_group_name();
697 my $build_nr = $unigene->get_build_nr();
698 my $nr_members = $unigene->get_nr_members();
699 my $locus_unigene_id = $locus->get_locus_unigene_id($unigene_id);
701 my $unigene_obsolete_link = $privileged ?
702 qq | <input type = "button" onclick="javascript:Locus.obsoleteLocusUnigene(\'$locus_unigene_id\', \'$locus_id\')" value ="Remove" /> |
703 : qq| <span class="ghosted">[Remove]</span> |;
705 my $blast_link = "<a href='/tools/blast/?preload_id=SGN-U" . $unigene_id . "&preload_type=15'>[Blast]</a>";
706 $unigenes .=
707 qq|<a href="/search/$unigene_id">SGN-U$unigene_id</a> $organism_name -- build $build_nr -- $nr_members members $unigene_obsolete_link $blast_link<br />|;
709 # get solcyc links from the unigene page...
711 foreach my $dbxref ( $unigene->get_dbxrefs() ) {
712 if ( $dbxref->get_db_name() eq "solcyc_images" ) {
713 my $url = $dbxref->get_url();
714 my $accession = $dbxref->get_accession();
715 my ( $species, $reaction_id ) = split /\_\_/, $accession;
716 my $description = $dbxref->get_description();
717 unless ( grep { /^$accession$/ } @solcyc ) {
718 push @solcyc, $accession;
719 if ( $solcyc_species{$common_name} =~ /$species/i ) {
720 $solcyc_count++;
721 $solcyc_links .=
722 qq | <a href="$species/NEW-IMAGE?type=REACTION-IN-PATHWAY&object=$reaction_id" border="0" ><img src="http://$url$accession.gif" border="0" width="25%" / ></a> |;
729 $response->{unigenes} = $unigenes;
730 $response->{solcyc} = $solcyc_links;
732 } catch {
733 $response->{error} = "Failed: $_" ;
734 # send an email to sgn bugs
735 $c->stash->{email} = {
736 to => '',
737 from => '',
738 subject => "locus_unigenes failed! locus_id = $locus_id",
739 body => $_,
741 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
742 return;
744 $c->stash->{rest} = $response ;
749 sub obsolete_locus_unigene : Path('/ajax/locus/obsolete_locus_unigene') : ActionClass('REST') { }
751 sub obsolete_locus_unigene_POST :Args(0) {
752 my ($self, $c) = @_;
753 my $locus_unigene_id = $c->request->body_parameters->{locus_unigene_id};
754 my $locus_id = $c->request->body_parameters->{locus_id};
755 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
756 my $response = {} ;
757 try {
758 my $u_query="UPDATE phenome.locus_unigene SET obsolete='t' WHERE locus_unigene_id=?";
759 my $u_sth=$dbh->prepare($u_query);
760 $u_sth->execute($locus_unigene_id);
761 } catch {
762 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Failed: $_" };
763 $c->stash->{email} = {
764 to => '',
765 from => '',
766 subject => " /ajax/locus/obsolete_locus_unigene failed! locus_unigene_id = $locus_unigene_id",
767 body => $_,
769 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
770 return;
772 $response->{response} = "success";
773 $c->stash->{email} = {
774 to => '',
775 from => '',
776 subject => "[A locus-unigene link has beed obsoleted] locus_id = $locus_id",
777 body => "User " . $c->user->get_object->get_first_name . " " . $c->user->get_object->get_last_name . " has obsoleted locus_unigene_id $locus_unigene_id \n ( /$locus_id/view )",
779 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
780 $c->stash->{rest} = $response;
783 sub associate_unigene : Chained('/locus/get_locus') :PathPart('associate_unigene') : ActionClass('REST') { }
785 sub associate_unigene_POST :Args(0) {
786 my ($self, $c) = @_;
787 my $locus = $c->stash->{locus};
788 my $locus_id = $locus->get_locus_id;
789 my $response;
790 my $unigene_input = $c->request->body_parameters->{unigene_input};
791 my ($unigene_id, undef, undef) = split /--/ , $unigene_input;
792 # "SGN-U$unigene_id--build $build_id--$nr_members members";
793 $unigene_id =~ s/sgn-u//i ;
794 if ( !(looks_like_number($unigene_id)) ) {
795 $response->{ error} = "This does not look like a valid unigene id ($unigene_id). Check your input! \n " ;
796 $c->stash->{rest} = $response;
797 return;
799 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
800 my $privileged;
801 if ($c->user) {
802 if ( $c->user->check_roles('curator') || $c->user->check_roles('submitter') || $c->user->check_roles('sequencer') ) { $privileged = 1; }
804 my $logged_person_id = $c->user->get_object->get_sp_person_id if $c->user;
805 if ($privileged) {
806 try {
807 print STDERR "****ABOUT TO ADD UNIGENE $unigene_id to locus $locus_id\n\n\n";
808 my $id = $locus->add_unigene($unigene_id, $logged_person_id);
809 print STDERR "**DONE id = $id \n\n\n";
810 } catch {
811 $response->{error} = "Failed: $_" ;
812 # send an email to sgn bugs
813 $c->stash->{email} = {
814 to => '',
815 from => '',
816 subject => "Associate unigene failed! locus_id = $locus_id",
817 body => $_,
819 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
820 $c->stash->{rest} = $response;
821 return;
823 # if you reached here this means associate_unigene worked.
824 #Now send an email to sgn-db-curation
825 $c->stash->{email} = {
826 to => '',
827 from => '',
828 subject => "New unigene associated with locus $locus_id",
829 body => "User " . $c->user->get_object->get_first_name . " " . $c->user->get_object->get_last_name . "has associated unigene $unigene_id with locus $locus_id " . "( /$locus_id/view )",
831 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
832 $response->{response} = "success";
833 } else {
834 $response->{ error} = 'No privileges for associating unigenes. You must have an sgn submitter account. Please contact for upgrading your user account. ' ;
836 $c->stash->{rest} = $response;
839 sub display_owners : Chained('/locus/get_locus') :PathPart('owners') : ActionClass('REST') { }
841 sub display_owners_GET {
842 my ($self, $c) = @_;
843 $c->forward('/locus/get_locus_owner_objects');
844 my $owners = $c->stash->{owner_objects};
845 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
846 my $locus = $c->stash->{locus};
847 my $owners_html;
849 my $hashref;
850 foreach my $person (@$owners) {
851 my $first_name = $person->get_first_name();
852 my $last_name = $person->get_last_name();
853 my $id = $person->get_sp_person_id();
854 if ($person->get_user_type() eq 'curator' && scalar(@$owners) == 1 ) {
855 $owners_html .= '<b>No editor assigned</b>';
856 } else {
857 $owners_html .=
858 qq |<a href="/solpeople/$id">$first_name $last_name</a>;|;
861 chop $owners_html;
863 $hashref->{html} = "<p>Locus editors: $owners_html </p> ";
864 $c->stash->{rest} = $hashref;
867 sub assign_owner:Path('/ajax/locus/assign_owner') :ActionClass('REST') {}
869 sub assign_owner_GET :Args(0) {
870 my ($self, $c) = @_;
871 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Nothing here, it's a GET.." } ;
873 sub assign_owner_POST :Args(0) {
874 my ($self, $c) = @_;
875 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('CXGN::Phenome::Schema');
876 my $privileged;
877 my $response;
878 my $logged_person_id;
879 if ($c->user) {
880 if ( $c->user->check_roles('curator') ) { $privileged = 1; }
881 $logged_person_id = $c->user->get_object->get_sp_person_id ;
884 my %params = map { $_ => $c->request->body_parameters->{$_} } qw/
885 sp_person
886 object_id
888 my $sp_person = $params{sp_person};
889 my ($first_name, $last_name , $sp_person_id) = split ',' , $sp_person;
890 my $locus_id = $params{object_id};
891 if ($privileged && $locus_id) {
892 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
893 my $new_owner = CXGN::People::Person->new( $dbh, $sp_person_id );
894 try {
895 #if the new owner is not a submitter, assign that role
896 if ( !$new_owner->has_role('submitter') ) {
897 $new_owner->add_role('submitter');
899 my $new_locus_owner = $schema->resultset('LocusOwner')->find_or_create(
901 sp_person_id => $sp_person_id,
902 locus_id => $locus_id,
903 granted_by => $logged_person_id
905 #if the current owner of the locus is a logged-in SGN curator, do an obsolete
906 my $remove_curator_query =
907 "UPDATE phenome.locus_owner SET obsolete='t', modified_date= now()
908 WHERE locus_id=? AND sp_person_id IN
909 (SELECT sp_person_id FROM sgn_people.sp_person_roles WHERE sp_role_id = (SELECT sp_role_id FROM sgn_people.sp_roles WHERE name = 'curator') )";
910 my $remove_curator_sth =
911 $dbh->prepare($remove_curator_query);
912 $remove_curator_sth->execute($locus_id);
914 catch {
915 $response->{error} = "Failed: $_" ;
916 # send an email to sgn bugs
917 $c->stash->{email} = {
918 to => '',
919 from => '',
920 subject => "assign_owner failed! locus_id = $locus_id",
921 body => $_,
923 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
924 $c->stash->{rest} = $response;
926 # if you reached here this means assign_owner worked. Now send an email to sgn-db-curation
927 $response->{response} = "success";
928 my $owner_link =
929 qq |/solpeople/$sp_person_id|;
930 $c->stash->{email} = {
931 to => '',
932 from => '',
933 subject => "New owner $sp_person assigned to locus $locus_id",
934 body => "Curator " . $c->user->get_object->get_first_name . " " . $c->user->get_object->get_last_name . "has assigned owner $sp_person ($owner_link) to locus $locus_id" . "( /$locus_id/view )",
936 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
937 } else {
938 $response->{error} = 'No privileges for assigning new owner. You must be an SGN curator' ;
940 $c->stash->{rest} = $response;
943 =head2 organisms
945 Public Path: /ajax/locus/organisms
947 get a list of available organisms as stored in locus.common_name_id,
948 responds with a JSON array .
950 =cut
952 sub organisms : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
954 sub organisms_GET :Args(0) {
955 my ($self, $c) = @_;
956 my $response;
957 my ($organism_names_ref, $organism_ids_ref)=CXGN::Tools::Organism::get_existing_organisms( $c->dbc->dbh);
958 my $var = join "\n" , @$organism_ids_ref ;
959 $response->{html} = $organism_names_ref;
960 $c->stash->{rest} = $response;
964 ####