Added eval; site now shows clean dataset missing message instead of server error...
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller / AJAX /
2 =head1 NAME
4 SGN::Controller::AJAX::Stock - a REST controller class to provide the
5 backend for objects linked with stocks
9 Add new stock properties, stock dbxrefs and so on.
11 =head1 AUTHOR
13 Lukas Mueller <>
14 Naama Menda <>
16 =cut
18 package SGN::Controller::AJAX::Stock;
20 use Moose;
22 use List::MoreUtils qw /any /;
23 use Data::Dumper;
24 use Try::Tiny;
25 use CXGN::Phenome::Schema;
26 use CXGN::Phenome::Allele;
27 use CXGN::Stock;
28 use CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers qw/ columnar_table_html info_table_html html_alternate_show /;
29 use CXGN::Phenome::DumpGenotypes;
30 use CXGN::BreederSearch;
31 use Scalar::Util 'reftype';
32 use CXGN::BreedersToolbox::StocksFuzzySearch;
33 use CXGN::Stock::RelatedStocks;
34 use CXGN::BreederSearch;
35 use CXGN::Genotype::Search;
36 use JSON;
37 use CXGN::Cross;
38 use Bio::Chado::Schema;
40 use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
41 use DateTime;
42 use SGN::Model::Cvterm;
43 use CXGN::People::Person;
44 use CXGN::Stock::StockLookup;
46 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::REST' }
48 __PACKAGE__->config(
49 default => 'application/json',
50 stash_key => 'rest',
51 map => { 'application/json' => 'JSON' },
55 =head2 add_stockprop
58 L<Catalyst::Action::REST> action.
60 Stores a new stockprop in the database
62 =cut
64 sub add_stockprop : Path('/stock/prop/add') : ActionClass('REST') { }
66 sub add_stockprop_POST {
67 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
68 my $response;
69 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
70 if (!$c->user()) {
71 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Log in required for adding stock properties." }; return;
74 if ( any { $_ eq 'curator' || $_ eq 'submitter' || $_ eq 'sequencer' } $c->user->roles() ) {
75 my $req = $c->req;
76 my $stock_id = $c->req->param('stock_id');
77 my $prop = $c->req->param('prop');
78 $prop =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; #trim whitespace from both ends
79 my $prop_type = $c->req->param('prop_type');
81 my $stock = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->find( { stock_id => $stock_id } );
83 if ($stock && $prop && $prop_type) {
85 my $message = '';
86 if ($prop_type eq 'stock_synonym') {
87 my $fuzzy_accession_search = CXGN::BreedersToolbox::StocksFuzzySearch->new({schema => $schema});
88 my $max_distance = 0.2;
89 my $fuzzy_search_result = $fuzzy_accession_search->get_matches([$prop], $max_distance, 'accession');
90 #print STDERR Dumper $fuzzy_search_result;
91 my $found_accessions = $fuzzy_search_result->{'found'};
92 my $fuzzy_accessions = $fuzzy_search_result->{'fuzzy'};
93 if ($fuzzy_search_result->{'error'}){
94 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "ERROR: ".$fuzzy_search_result->{'error'} };
95 $c->detach();
97 if (scalar(@$found_accessions) > 0){
98 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Synonym not added: The synonym you are adding is already stored as its own unique stock or as a synonym." };
99 $c->detach();
101 if (scalar(@$fuzzy_accessions) > 0){
102 my @fuzzy_match_names;
103 foreach my $a (@$fuzzy_accessions){
104 foreach my $m (@{$a->{'matches'}}) {
105 push @fuzzy_match_names, $m->{'name'};
108 $message = "CAUTION: The synonym you are adding is similar to these accessions and synonyms in the database: ".join(', ', @fuzzy_match_names).".";
112 try {
113 $stock->create_stockprops( { $prop_type => $prop }, { autocreate => 1 } );
115 my $stock = CXGN::Stock->new({
116 schema=>$schema,
117 stock_id=>$stock_id,
118 is_saving=>1,
119 sp_person_id => $c->user()->get_object()->get_sp_person_id(),
120 user_name => $c->user()->get_object()->get_username(),
121 modification_note => "Added property: $prop_type = $prop"
123 my $added_stock_id = $stock->store();
125 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh();
126 my $bs = CXGN::BreederSearch->new( { dbh=>$dbh, dbname=>$c->config->{dbname}, } );
127 my $refresh = $bs->refresh_matviews($c->config->{dbhost}, $c->config->{dbname}, $c->config->{dbuser}, $c->config->{dbpass}, 'stockprop', 'concurrent', $c->config->{basepath});
129 $c->stash->{rest} = { message => "$message Stock_id $stock_id and type_id $prop_type have been associated with value $prop. ".$refresh->{'message'} };
130 } catch {
131 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Failed: $_" }
133 } else {
134 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Cannot associate prop $prop_type: $prop with stock $stock_id " };
136 } else {
137 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'user does not have a curator/sequencer/submitter account' };
139 #$c->stash->{rest} = { message => 'success' };
142 sub add_stockprop_GET {
143 my $self = shift;
144 my $c = shift;
145 return $self->add_stockprop_POST($c);
149 =head2 get_stockprops
151 Usage:
152 Desc: Gets the stockprops of type type_id associated with a stock_id
153 Ret:
154 Args:
155 Side Effects:
156 Example:
158 =cut
162 sub get_stockprops : Path('/stock/prop/get') : ActionClass('REST') { }
164 sub get_stockprops_GET {
165 my ($self, $c) = @_;
167 my $stock_id = $c->req->param("stock_id");
168 my $type_id = $c->req->param("type_id");
170 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
172 my $prop_rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stockprop")->search(
174 stock_id => $stock_id,
175 #type_id => $type_id,
176 }, { join => 'type', order_by => 'stockprop_id' } );
178 my @propinfo = ();
179 while (my $prop = $prop_rs->next()) {
180 push @propinfo, { stockprop_id => $prop->stockprop_id, stock_id => $prop->stock_id, type_id => $prop->type_id(), type_name => $prop->type->name(), value => $prop->value() };
183 $c->stash->{rest} = \@propinfo;
189 sub delete_stockprop : Path('/stock/prop/delete') : ActionClass('REST') { }
191 sub delete_stockprop_GET {
192 my $self = shift;
193 my $c = shift;
194 my $stockprop_id = $c->req->param("stockprop_id");
195 if (! any { $_ eq 'curator' || $_ eq 'submitter' || $_ eq 'sequencer' } $c->user->roles() ) {
196 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'Log in required for deletion of stock properties.' };
197 return;
199 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
200 my $spr = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stockprop")->find( { stockprop_id => $stockprop_id });
201 if (! $spr) {
202 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'The specified prop does not exist' };
203 return;
205 eval {
206 $spr->delete();
208 if ($@) {
209 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "An error occurred during deletion: $@" };
210 return;
212 $c->stash->{rest} = { message => "The element was removed from the database." };
218 sub associate_locus:Path('/ajax/stock/associate_locus') :ActionClass('REST') {}
220 sub associate_locus_POST :Args(0) {
221 my ($self, $c) = @_;
222 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Nothing here, it's a POST.." } ;
225 sub associate_locus_GET :Args(0) {
226 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
227 my $stock_id = $c->req->param('object_id');
228 ##my $allele_id = $c->req->param('allele_id');
229 #Phytoene synthase 1 (psy1) Allele: 1
230 #phytoene synthase 1 (psy1)
231 my $locus_input = $c->req->param('loci') ;
232 if (!$locus_input) {
233 $self->status_bad_request($c, message => 'need loci param' );
234 return;
236 my ($locus_data, $allele_symbol) = split (/ Allele: / ,$locus_input);
237 my $is_default = $allele_symbol ? 'f' : 't' ;
238 $locus_data =~ m/(.*)\s\((.*)\)/ ;
239 my $locus_name = $1;
240 my $locus_symbol = $2;
241 #print STDERR "Name: $locus_name Symbol: $locus_symbol Allele: $allele_symbol Default: $is_default\n";
243 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema' , 'sgn_chado');
244 my ($allele) = $c->dbic_schema('CXGN::Phenome::Schema')
245 ->resultset('Locus')
246 ->search({
247 locus_name => $locus_name,
248 locus_symbol => $locus_symbol,
250 ->search_related('alleles' , {
251 allele_symbol => $allele_symbol,
252 is_default => $is_default} );
253 if (!$allele) {
254 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "no allele found for locus '$locus_data' (allele: '$allele_symbol')" };
255 return;
257 my $stock = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->find({stock_id => $stock_id } ) ;
258 my $allele_id = $allele->allele_id;
259 if (!$c->user) {
260 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'Must be logged in for associating loci! ' };
261 return;
263 if ( any { $_ eq 'curator' || $_ eq 'submitter' || $_ eq 'sequencer' } $c->user->roles() ) {
264 # if this fails, it will throw an acception and will (probably
265 # rightly) be counted as a server error
266 if ($stock && $allele_id) {
267 try {
268 my $cxgn_stock = CXGN::Stock->new(schema => $schema, stock_id => $stock_id);
269 $cxgn_stock->associate_allele($allele_id, $c->user->get_object->get_sp_person_id);
271 $c->stash->{rest} = ['success'];
272 # need to update the loci div!!
273 return;
274 } catch {
275 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Failed: $_" };
276 return;
278 } else {
279 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'need both valid stock_id and allele_id for adding the stockprop! ' };
281 } else {
282 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'No privileges for adding new loci. You must have an sgn submitter account. Please contact for upgrading your user account. ' };
286 sub display_alleles : Chained('/stock/get_stock') :PathPart('alleles') : ActionClass('REST') { }
288 sub display_alleles_GET {
289 my ($self, $c) = @_;
291 $c->forward('/stock/get_stock_allele_ids');
293 my $stock = $c->stash->{stock};
294 my $allele_ids = $c->stash->{allele_ids};
295 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
296 my @allele_data;
297 my $hashref;
298 foreach my $allele_id (@$allele_ids) {
299 my $allele = CXGN::Phenome::Allele->new($dbh, $allele_id);
300 my $phenotype = $allele->get_allele_phenotype();
301 my $allele_link = qq|<a href="/phenome/$allele_id">$phenotype </a>|;
302 my $locus_id = $allele->get_locus_id;
303 my $locus_name = $allele->get_locus_name;
304 my $locus_link = qq|<a href="/phenome/$locus_id">$locus_name </a>|;
305 push @allele_data,
308 $locus_link,
309 $allele->get_allele_name,
310 $allele_link
314 $hashref->{html} = @allele_data ?
315 columnar_table_html(
316 headings => [ "Locus name", "Allele symbol", "Phenotype" ],
317 data => \@allele_data,
318 ) : undef ;
319 $c->stash->{rest} = $hashref;
322 ##############
325 sub display_ontologies : Chained('/stock/get_stock') :PathPart('ontologies') : ActionClass('REST') { }
327 sub display_ontologies_GET {
328 my ($self, $c) = @_;
329 $c->forward('/stock/get_stock_cvterms');
330 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
331 my $stock = $c->stash->{stock};
332 my $stock_id = $stock->get_stock_id;
333 my $trait_db_name => $c->get_conf('trait_ontology_db_name');
334 my $trait_cvterms = $c->stash->{stock_cvterms}->{$trait_db_name};
335 my $po_cvterms = $c->stash->{stock_cvterms}->{PO} ;
336 # should GO be here too?
337 my $go_cvterms = $c->stash->{stock_cvterms}->{GO};
338 my @stock_cvterms;
339 push @stock_cvterms, @$trait_cvterms if $trait_cvterms;
340 push @stock_cvterms, @$po_cvterms if $po_cvterms;
341 ################################
342 ###the following code should be re-formatted in JSON object,
343 #and the html generated in the javascript code
344 ### making this more reusable !
345 ###############################
346 my $hashref;
347 # need to check if the user is logged in, and has editing privileges
348 my $privileged;
349 if ($c->user) {
350 if ( $c->user->check_roles('curator') || $c->user->check_roles('submitter') || $c->user->check_roles('sequencer') ) { $privileged = 1; }
352 # the ontology term is a stock_cvterm
353 # the evidence details are in stock_cvtermprop (relationship, evidence_code,
354 # evidence_description, evidence_with, reference, obsolete
355 # and the metadata for sp_person_id, create_date, etc.)
356 my @obs_annot;
357 #keys= cvterms, values= hash of arrays
358 #(keys= ontology details, values= list of evidences)
359 my %ont_hash = () ;
360 #some cvterms to be used for the evidence codes
361 my $cvterm_rs = $schema->resultset("Cv::Cvterm");
362 my ($rel_cvterm) = $cvterm_rs->search( { name => 'relationship'} );
363 my ($evidence_cvterm) = $cvterm_rs->search( { name => 'evidence_code' } );
364 # go over the lists of Bio::Chado::Schema::Cv::Cvterm objects
365 # and build the annotation details
366 foreach (@stock_cvterms) {
367 my $cv_name = $_->cvterm->cv->name;
368 my $cvterm_id = $_->cvterm->cvterm_id;
369 my $cvterm_name = $_->cvterm->name;
370 my $db_name = $_->cvterm->dbxref->db->name;
371 my $accession = $_->cvterm->dbxref->accession;
372 my $db_accession = $accession;
373 $db_accession = $cvterm_id if $db_name eq $trait_db_name;
374 my $url = $_->cvterm->dbxref->db->urlprefix . $_->cvterm->dbxref->db->url;
375 my $cvterm_link =
376 qq |<a href="/cvterm/$cvterm_id/view" target="blank">$cvterm_name</a>|;
377 # the stock_cvtermprop objects have all the evidence and metadata for the annotation
378 my $props = $_->stock_cvtermprops;
379 my ($relationship_id) = $props->search( { type_id =>$rel_cvterm->cvterm_id} )->single ? $props->search( { type_id =>$rel_cvterm->cvterm_id} )->single->value : undef; # should be 1 relationship per annotation
380 my ($evidence_code_id) = $props->search( { type_id => $evidence_cvterm->cvterm_id })->single ? $props->search( { type_id => $evidence_cvterm->cvterm_id })->single->value : undef;
381 # should be 1 evidence_code
382 ############
383 my $evidence_desc_name;
384 my $rel_name = $relationship_id ? $cvterm_rs->find({ cvterm_id=>$relationship_id})->name : undef;
385 my $ev_name = $evidence_code_id ? $cvterm_rs->find({ cvterm_id=>$evidence_code_id})->name : undef;
386 #if the cvterm has an obsolete property (must have a true value
387 # since annotations can be obsolete and un-obsolete, it is possible
388 # to have an obsolete property with value = 0, meaning the annotation
389 # is not obsolete.
390 # build the unobsolete link
391 my $stock_cvterm_id = $_->stock_cvterm_id;
392 my ($obsolete_prop) = $props->search(
394 value => '1',
395 '' => 'obsolete',
397 { join => 'type' } , );
398 if ($obsolete_prop) {
399 my $unobsolete = qq | <input type = "button" onclick= "javascript:Tools.toggleObsoleteAnnotation('0', \'$stock_cvterm_id\', \'/ajax/stock/toggle_obsolete_annotation\', \'/stock/$stock_id/ontologies\')" value = "unobsolete" /> | if $privileged ;
401 # generate the list of obsolete annotations
402 push @obs_annot,
403 $rel_name . " "
404 . $cvterm_link . " ("
405 . $ev_name . ")"
406 . $unobsolete;
407 }else {
408 my $ontology_details = $rel_name
409 . qq| $cvterm_link ($db_name:<a href="$url$db_accession" target="blank"> $accession</a>)<br />|;
410 # build the obsolete link if the user has editing privileges
411 my $obsolete_link = qq | <input type = "button" onclick="javascript:Tools.toggleObsoleteAnnotation('1', \'$stock_cvterm_id\', \'/ajax/stock/toggle_obsolete_annotation\', \'/stock/$stock_id/ontologies\')" value ="delete" /> | if $privileged ;
413 my ($ev_with) = $props->search( {'' => 'evidence_with'} , { join => 'type' } )->single;
414 my $ev_with_dbxref = $ev_with ? $schema->resultset("General::Dbxref")->find( { dbxref_id=> $ev_with->value } ) : undef;
415 my $ev_with_url = $ev_with_dbxref ? $ev_with_dbxref->urlprefix . $ev_with_dbxref->url . $ev_with_dbxref->accession : undef;
416 my $ev_with_acc = $ev_with_dbxref ? $ev_with_dbxref->accession : undef ;
417 # the reference is a stock_cvterm.pub_id
418 my ($reference) = $_->pub;
419 my $reference_dbxref = $reference ? $reference->pub_dbxrefs->first->dbxref : undef;
420 my $reference_url = $reference_dbxref ? $reference_dbxref->db->urlprefix . $reference_dbxref->db->url . $reference_dbxref->accession : undef;
421 my $reference_acc = $reference_dbxref ? $reference_dbxref->accession : undef;
422 my $display_ref = $reference_acc =~ /^\d/ ? 1 : 0;
423 # the submitter is a sp_person_id prop
424 my ($submitter) = $props->search( {'' => 'sp_person_id'} , { join => 'type' } );
425 my $sp_person_id = $submitter ? $submitter->value : undef;
426 my $person= CXGN::People::Person->new($c->dbc->dbh, $sp_person_id);
427 my $submitter_info = qq| <a href="solpeople/$sp_person_id">| . $person->get_first_name . " " . $person->get_last_name . "</a>" ;
428 my ($date) = $props->search( {'' => 'create_date'} , { join => 'type' } )->first || undef ; # $props->search( {'' => 'modified_date'} , { join => 'type' } ) ;
429 my $evidence_date = $date ? substr $date->value , 0, 10 : undef;
431 # add an empty row if there is more than 1 evidence code
432 my $ev_string;
433 $ev_string .= "<hr />" if $ont_hash{$cv_name}{$ontology_details};
434 no warnings 'uninitialized';
435 $ev_string .= $ev_name . "<br />";
436 $ev_string .= $evidence_desc_name . "<br />" if $evidence_desc_name;
437 $ev_string .= "<a href=\"$ev_with_url\">$ev_with_acc</a><br />" if $ev_with_acc;
438 $ev_string .="<a href=\"$reference_url\">$reference_acc</a><br />" if $display_ref;
439 $ev_string .= "$submitter_info $evidence_date $obsolete_link";
440 $ont_hash{$cv_name}{$ontology_details} .= $ev_string;
443 my $ontology_evidence;
445 #now we should have an %ont_hash with all the details we need for printing ...
446 #hash keys are the cv names ..
447 for my $cv_name ( sort keys %ont_hash ) {
448 my @evidence;
449 #and for each ontology annotation create an array ref of evidences
450 for my $ont_detail ( sort keys %{ $ont_hash{$cv_name} } ) {
451 push @evidence,
452 [ $ont_detail, $ont_hash{$cv_name}{$ont_detail} ];
454 my $ev = join "\n", map {
455 qq|<div class="term">$_->[0]</div>\n|
456 .qq|<div class="evidence">$_->[1]</div>\n|;
457 } @evidence;
458 $ontology_evidence .= info_table_html(
459 $cv_name => $ev,
460 __border => 0,
461 __tableattrs => 'width="100%"',
464 #display ontology annotation form
465 my $print_obsoleted;
466 if ( @obs_annot && $privileged ) {
467 my $obsoleted;
468 foreach my $term (@obs_annot) {
469 $obsoleted .= qq |$term <br />\n |;
471 $print_obsoleted = html_alternate_show(
472 'obsoleted_terms', 'Show obsolete',
473 '', qq|<div class="minorbox">$obsoleted</div> |,
476 $hashref->{html} = $ontology_evidence . $print_obsoleted;
477 $c->stash->{rest} = $hashref;
480 ############
481 sub associate_ontology:Path('/ajax/stock/associate_ontology') :ActionClass('REST') {}
483 sub associate_ontology_GET :Args(0) {
484 my ($self, $c) = @_;
485 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Nothing here, it's a GET.." } ;
489 sub associate_ontology_POST :Args(0) {
490 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
492 my $params = map { $_ => $c->req->param($_) } qw/
493 object_id ontology_input relationship evidence_code evidence_description
494 evidence_with reference
497 my $stock_id = $c->req->param('object_id');
498 my $ontology_input = $c->req->param('term_name');
499 my $relationship = $c->req->param('relationship'); # a cvterm_id
500 my $evidence_code = $c->req->param('evidence_code'); # a cvterm_id
501 my $evidence_description = $c->req->param('evidence_description') || undef; # a cvterm_id
502 my $evidence_with = $c->req->param('evidence_with') || undef; # a dbxref_id (type='evidence_with' value = 'dbxref_id'
503 my $logged_user = $c->user;
504 my $logged_person_id = $logged_user->get_object->get_sp_person_id if $logged_user;
506 my $reference = $c->req->param('reference'); # a pub_id
508 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
509 my $cvterm_rs = $schema->resultset('Cv::Cvterm');
510 my ($pub_id) = $reference ? $reference :
511 $schema->resultset('Pub::Pub')->search( { title=> 'curator' } )->first->pub_id; # a pub for 'curator' should already be in the sgn database. can add here $curator_cvterm->create_with ... and then create the curator pub with type_id of $curator_cvterm
513 #solanaceae_phenotype--SP:000001--fruit size
514 my ($cv_name, $db_accession, $cvterm_name) = split /--/ , $ontology_input;
515 my ($db_name, $accession) = split ':' , $db_accession;
517 my ($cvterm) = $schema
518 ->resultset('General::Db')
519 ->search({ '' => $db_name, } )->search_related('dbxrefs' , { accession => $accession } )
520 ->search_related('cvterm')->first; # should be only 1 cvterm per dbxref
521 if (!$cvterm) {
522 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "no ontology term found for term $db_name : $accession" };
523 return;
525 my ($stock) = $c->stash->{stock} || $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->find( { stock_id => $stock_id } );
527 my $cvterm_id = $cvterm->cvterm_id;
528 if (!$c->user) {
529 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'Must be logged in for associating ontology terms! ' };
530 return;
532 if ( any { $_ eq 'curator' || $_ eq 'submitter' || $_ eq 'sequencer' } $c->user->roles() ) {
533 # if this fails, it will throw an acception and will (probably
534 # rightly) be counted as a server error
535 #########################################################
536 if ($stock && $cvterm_id) {
537 try {
538 #check if the stock_cvterm exists
539 my $s_cvterm_rs = $stock->search_related(
540 'stock_cvterms', { cvterm_id => $cvterm_id, pub_id => $pub_id } );
541 # if it exists , we need to increment the rank
542 my $rank = 0;
543 if ($s_cvterm_rs->first) {
544 $rank = $s_cvterm_rs->get_column('rank')->max + 1;
545 # now check if the evidence codes already exists
546 my ($rel_prop, $ev_prop, $desc_prop, $with_prop);
547 my $eprops = $s_cvterm_rs->search_related('stock_cvtermprops');
548 $rel_prop = $eprops->search( {
549 type_id => $cvterm_rs->search( { name => 'relationship'})->single->cvterm_id,
550 value => $relationship })->first;
552 $ev_prop = $eprops->search( {
553 type_id => $cvterm_rs->search( { name => 'evidence_code'})->single->cvterm_id,
554 value => $evidence_code })->first;
556 $desc_prop = $eprops->search( {
557 type_id => $cvterm_rs->search( { name => 'evidence description'})->single->cvterm_id,
558 value => $evidence_description })->first if $evidence_description;
560 $with_prop = $eprops->search( {
561 type_id => $cvterm_rs->search( { name => 'evidence_with'})->single->cvterm_id,
562 value => $evidence_with })->first if $evidence_with;
564 # return error if annotation + evidence exist
565 if ($rel_prop && $ev_prop) {
566 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Annotation exists with these evidence codes! " };
567 return;
570 # now store a new stock_cvterm
571 my $s_cvterm = $stock->create_related('stock_cvterms', {
572 cvterm_id => $cvterm_id,
573 pub_id => $pub_id,
574 rank => $rank, } );
575 #########
576 $s_cvterm->create_stock_cvtermprops(
577 { 'relationship' => $relationship } , { db_name => 'OBO_REL', cv_name =>'relationship' } ) if looks_like_number($relationship);
578 $s_cvterm->create_stock_cvtermprops(
579 { 'evidence_code' => $evidence_code } , { db_name => 'ECO', cv_name =>'evidence_code' } ) if looks_like_number($evidence_code);
580 $s_cvterm->create_stock_cvtermprops(
581 { 'evidence_description' => $evidence_description } , { cv_name =>'local', autocreate => 1 } ) if looks_like_number($evidence_description);
582 $s_cvterm->create_stock_cvtermprops(
583 { 'evidence_with' => $evidence_with } , { cv_name =>'local' , autocreate=>1} ) if looks_like_number($evidence_with);
584 # store the person loading the annotation
585 $s_cvterm->create_stock_cvtermprops(
586 { 'sp_person_id' => $logged_person_id } , { cv_name =>'local' , autocreate=>1} );
587 #store today's date
588 my $val = "now()";
589 $s_cvterm->create_stock_cvtermprops(
590 { 'create_date' => \$val } , { cv_name =>'local' , autocreate=>1, allow_duplicate_values => 1} );
592 $c->stash->{rest} = ['success'];
593 return;
594 } catch {
595 print STDERR "***** associate_ontology failed! $_ \n\n";
596 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Failed: $_" };
597 # send an email to sgn bugs
598 $c->stash->{email} = {
599 to => '',
600 from => '',
601 subject => "Associate ontology failed! Stock_id = $stock_id",
602 body => $_,
604 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
605 return;
607 # if you reached here this means associate_ontology worked. Now send an email to sgn-db-curation
608 print STDERR "***** User " . $logged_user->get_object->get_first_name . " " . $logged_user->get_object->get_last_name . "has stored a new ontology term for stock $stock_id\n\n";
609 $c->stash->{email} = {
610 to => '',
611 from => '',
612 subject => "New ontology term loaded. Stock $stock_id",
613 body => "User " . $logged_user->get_object->get_first_name . " " . $logged_user->get_object->get_last_name . "has stored a new ontology term for stock $stock_id$stock_id/view",
615 $c->forward( $c->view('Email') );
617 } else {
618 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'need both valid stock_id and cvterm_id for adding an ontology term to this stock! ' };
620 } else {
621 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'No privileges for adding new ontology terms. You must have an sgn submitter account. Please contact for upgrading your user account. ' };
625 sub references : Chained('/stock/get_stock') :PathPart('references') : ActionClass('REST') { }
628 sub references_GET :Args(0) {
629 my ($self, $c) = @_;
630 my $stock = $c->stash->{stock};
631 # get a list of references
632 my $q = "SELECT dbxref.dbxref_id, pub.pub_id, accession,title
633 FROM public.stock_pub
634 JOIN USING (pub_id)
635 JOIN public.pub_dbxref USING (pub_id)
636 JOIN public.dbxref USING (dbxref_id)
637 WHERE stock_id= ?";
638 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
639 $sth->execute($stock->get_stock_id);
640 my $response_hash={};
641 while (my ($dbxref_id, $pub_id, $accession, $title) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
642 $response_hash->{$accession . ": " . $title} = $pub_id ;
644 $c->stash->{rest} = $response_hash;
648 # nothing is returned here for now. This is just required for the integrity of the associate ontology form
649 sub evidences : Chained('/stock/get_stock') :PathPart('evidences') : ActionClass('REST') { }
651 sub evidences_GET :Args(0) {
652 my ($self, $c) = @_;
653 my $stock = $c->stash->{stock};
654 # get a list of evidences
655 my $response_hash={};
657 $c->stash->{rest} = $response_hash;
660 sub toggle_obsolete_annotation : Path('/ajax/stock/toggle_obsolete_annotation') : ActionClass('REST') { }
662 sub toggle_obsolete_annotation_POST :Args(0) {
663 my ($self, $c) = @_;
664 my $stock = $c->stash->{stock};
665 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
666 my $obsolete_cvterm = $schema->resultset("Cv::Cvterm")->search(
667 { name => 'obsolete',
668 is_obsolete => 0 ,
669 } )->single; #should be one local term
670 my $stock_cvterm_id = $c->request->body_parameters->{id};
671 my $obsolete = $c->request->body_parameters->{obsolete};
672 my $response = {} ;
673 if ($stock_cvterm_id && $c->user ) {
674 my $stock_cvterm = $schema->resultset("Stock::StockCvterm")->find( { stock_cvterm_id => $stock_cvterm_id } );
675 if ($stock_cvterm) {
676 my ($prop) = $stock_cvterm->stock_cvtermprops( { type_id => $obsolete_cvterm->cvterm_id } ) if $obsolete_cvterm;
677 if ($prop) {
678 $prop->update( { value => $obsolete } ) ;
679 } else {
680 $stock_cvterm->create_stock_cvtermprops(
681 { obsolete => $obsolete },
682 { autocreate => 1, cv_name => 'local' },
685 $response->{response} = "success";
687 else { $response->{error} = "No stock_cvtermp found for id $stock_cvterm_id ! "; }
688 } else { $response->{error} = 'stock_cvterm $stock_cvterm_id does not exists! '; }
689 $c->stash->{rest} = $response;
693 =head2 trait_autocomplete
695 Public Path: /ajax/stock/trait_autocomplete
697 Autocomplete a trait name. Takes a single GET param,
698 C<term>, responds with a JSON array of completions for that term.
699 Finds only traits that exist in nd_experiment_phenotype
701 =cut
703 sub trait_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
705 sub trait_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
706 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
708 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
709 # trim and regularize whitespace
710 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
711 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
712 my @response_list;
713 my $q = "SELECT DISTINCT FROM phenotype JOIN cvterm ON cvterm_id = observable_id WHERE ilike ? ORDER BY";
714 #my $q = "select distinct from stock join nd_experiment_stock using (stock_id) join nd_experiment_phenotype using (nd_experiment_id) join phenotype using (phenotype_id) join cvterm on cvterm_id = phenotype.observable_id WHERE ilike ?";
715 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
716 $sth->execute( '%'.$term.'%');
717 while (my ($term_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
718 push @response_list, $term_name;
720 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
723 =head2 project_autocomplete
725 Public Path: /ajax/stock/project_autocomplete
727 Autocomplete a project name. Takes a single GET param,
728 C<term>, responds with a JSON array of completions for that term.
729 Finds only projects that are linked with a stock
731 =cut
733 sub project_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
735 sub project_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
736 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
738 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
739 # trim and regularize whitespace
740 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
741 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
742 my @response_list;
743 my $q = "SELECT distinct FROM project WHERE ilike ? ORDER BY LIMIT 100";
744 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
745 $sth->execute( '%'.$term.'%');
746 while (my ($project_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
747 push @response_list, $project_name;
749 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
752 =head2 project_year_autocomplete
754 Public Path: /ajax/stock/project_year_autocomplete
756 Autocomplete a project year value. Takes a single GET param,
757 C<term>, responds with a JSON array of completions for that term.
758 Finds only year projectprops that are linked with a stock
760 =cut
762 sub project_year_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
764 sub project_year_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
765 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
767 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
768 # trim and regularize whitespace
769 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
770 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
771 my @response_list;
772 my $q = "SELECT distinct value FROM
773 nd_experiment_stock JOIN
774 nd_experiment_project USING (nd_experiment_id) JOIN
775 projectprop USING (project_id) JOIN
776 cvterm on cvterm_id = projectprop.type_id
777 WHERE ilike ? AND value ilike ?";
778 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
779 $sth->execute( '%year%' , '%'.$term.'%');
780 while (my ($project_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
781 push @response_list, $project_name;
783 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
787 =head2 seedlot_name_autocomplete
789 Public Path: /ajax/stock/seedlot_name_autocomplete
791 Autocomplete a seedlot name. Takes a single GET param,
792 C<term>, responds with a JSON array of completions for that term.
794 =cut
796 sub seedlot_name_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
798 sub seedlot_name_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
799 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
800 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
801 # trim and regularize whitespace
802 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
803 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
804 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
805 my $seedlot_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'seedlot', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
807 my @response_list;
808 my $q = "SELECT uniquename FROM stock where type_id = ? AND uniquename ilike ? LIMIT 1000";
809 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
810 $sth->execute( $seedlot_cvterm_id , '%'.$term.'%');
811 while (my ($uniquename) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
812 push @response_list, $uniquename;
814 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
817 =head2 seedlot_source_autocomplete
819 Public Path: /ajax/stock/seedlot_source_autocomplete
821 Autocomplete a seedlot source name (seedlot, plot, subplot, or plant).
822 Takes a single GET param, C<term>, responds with a JSON array of completions for that term.
824 =cut
826 sub seedlot_source_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
828 sub seedlot_source_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
829 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
830 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
831 # trim and regularize whitespace
832 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
833 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
834 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
835 my $seedlot_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'seedlot', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
836 my $plot_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plot', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
837 my $subplot_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'subplot', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
838 my $plant_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plant', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
840 my @response_list;
841 my $q = "SELECT uniquename FROM stock where type_id IN (?, ?, ?, ?) AND uniquename ilike ? LIMIT 1000";
842 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
843 $sth->execute($seedlot_cvterm_id, $plot_cvterm_id, $subplot_cvterm_id, $plant_cvterm_id, '%'.$term.'%');
844 while (my ($uniquename) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
845 push @response_list, $uniquename;
847 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
851 =head2 stockproperty_autocomplete
853 Public Path: /ajax/stock/stockproperty_autocomplete
855 Autocomplete a stock property. Takes GET param for term and property,
856 C<term>, responds with a JSON array of completions for that term.
857 Finds stockprop values that are linked with a stock
859 =cut
861 sub stockproperty_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
863 sub stockproperty_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
864 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
865 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
866 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
867 my $cvterm_name = $c->req->param('property');
868 # trim and regularize whitespace
869 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
870 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
871 my $cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, $cvterm_name, 'stock_property')->cvterm_id();
872 my @response_list;
873 my $q = "SELECT distinct value FROM stockprop WHERE type_id=? and value ilike ? LIMIT 100";
874 my $sth = $schema->storage->dbh->prepare($q);
875 $sth->execute( $cvterm_id, '%'.$term.'%');
876 while (my ($val) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
877 push @response_list, $val;
879 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
882 =head2 geolocation_autocomplete
884 Public Path: /ajax/stock/geolocation_autocomplete
886 Autocomplete a geolocation description. Takes a single GET param,
887 C<term>, responds with a JSON array of completions for that term.
888 Finds only locations that are linked with a stock
890 =cut
892 sub geolocation_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
894 sub geolocation_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
895 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
897 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
898 # trim and regularize whitespace
899 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
900 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
901 my @response_list;
902 my $q = "SELECT distinct nd_geolocation.description FROM
903 nd_experiment_stock JOIN
904 nd_experiment USING (nd_experiment_id) JOIN
905 nd_geolocation USING (nd_geolocation_id)
906 WHERE nd_geolocation.description ilike ?";
907 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
908 $sth->execute( '%'.$term.'%');
909 while (my ($location) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
910 push @response_list, $location;
912 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
915 =head2 stock_autocomplete
917 Usage:
918 Desc:
919 Ret:
920 Args:
921 Side Effects:
922 Example:
924 =cut
926 sub stock_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
928 sub stock_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
929 my ($self, $c) = @_;
931 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
932 my $stock_type_id = $c->req->param('stock_type_id');
934 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
935 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
937 my $stock_type_where = '';
938 if ($stock_type_id){
939 $stock_type_where = " AND type_id = $stock_type_id ";
942 my @response_list;
943 my $q = "select distinct(uniquename) from stock where uniquename ilike ? $stock_type_where ORDER BY stock.uniquename LIMIT 100";
944 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
945 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
946 while (my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
947 push @response_list, $stock_name;
950 #print STDERR "stock_autocomplete RESPONSELIST = ".join ", ", @response_list;
952 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
955 =head2 accession_autocomplete
957 Usage:
958 Desc:
959 Ret:
960 Args:
961 Side Effects:
962 Example:
964 =cut
966 sub accession_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
968 sub accession_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
969 my ($self, $c) = @_;
971 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
973 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
974 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
976 my @response_list;
977 my $q = "select distinct(stock.uniquename) from stock join cvterm on(type_id=cvterm_id) where stock.uniquename ilike ? and ('accession' or'vector_construct') ORDER BY stock.uniquename LIMIT 20";
978 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
979 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
980 while (my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
981 push @response_list, $stock_name;
984 #print STDERR Dumper @response_list;
986 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
989 =head2 accession_or_cross_autocomplete
991 Usage:
992 Desc:
993 Ret:
994 Args:
995 Side Effects:
996 Example:
998 =cut
1000 sub accession_or_cross_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
1002 sub accession_or_cross_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
1003 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1005 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
1007 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
1008 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1010 my @response_list;
1011 my $q = "select distinct(stock.uniquename) from stock join cvterm on(type_id=cvterm_id) where stock.uniquename ilike ? and ('accession' or'cross') ORDER BY stock.uniquename LIMIT 20";
1012 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1013 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
1014 while (my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
1015 push @response_list, $stock_name;
1018 #print STDERR Dumper @response_list;
1020 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
1023 =head2 cross_autocomplete
1025 Usage:
1026 Desc:
1027 Ret:
1028 Args:
1029 Side Effects:
1030 Example:
1032 =cut
1034 sub cross_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
1036 sub cross_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
1037 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1039 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
1041 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
1042 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1044 my @response_list;
1045 my $q = "select distinct(stock.uniquename) from stock join cvterm on(type_id=cvterm_id) where stock.uniquename ilike ? and'cross' ORDER BY stock.uniquename LIMIT 20";
1046 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1047 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
1048 while (my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
1049 push @response_list, $stock_name;
1052 #print STDERR Dumper @response_list;
1053 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
1056 =head2 family_name_autocomplete
1058 Usage:
1059 Desc:
1060 Ret:
1061 Args:
1062 Side Effects:
1063 Example:
1065 =cut
1067 sub family_name_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
1069 sub family_name_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
1070 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1072 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
1074 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
1075 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1077 my @response_list;
1078 my $q = "select distinct(stock.uniquename) from stock join cvterm on(type_id=cvterm_id) where stock.uniquename ilike ? and'family_name' ORDER BY stock.uniquename LIMIT 20";
1079 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1080 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
1081 while (my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
1082 push @response_list, $stock_name;
1085 #print STDERR Dumper @response_list;
1086 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
1090 =head2 population_autocomplete
1092 Usage:
1093 Desc:
1094 Ret:
1095 Args:
1096 Side Effects:
1097 Example:
1099 =cut
1101 sub population_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
1103 sub population_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
1104 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1106 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
1108 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
1109 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1111 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
1112 my $population_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'population', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
1114 my @response_list;
1115 my $q = "select distinct(uniquename) from stock where uniquename ilike ? and type_id=? ORDER BY stock.uniquename";
1116 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1117 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%', $population_cvterm_id);
1118 while (my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
1119 push @response_list, $stock_name;
1122 #print STDERR "stock_autocomplete RESPONSELIST = ".join ", ", @response_list;
1124 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
1127 =head2 accession_population_autocomplete
1129 Usage:
1130 Desc:
1131 Ret:
1132 Args:
1133 Side Effects:
1134 Example:
1136 =cut
1138 sub accession_population_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
1140 sub accession_population_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
1141 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1143 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
1145 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
1146 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1148 my @response_list;
1149 my $q = "select distinct(stock.uniquename) from stock join cvterm on(type_id=cvterm_id) where stock.uniquename ilike ? and ('accession' or'population') ORDER BY stock.uniquename";
1150 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1151 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
1152 while (my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
1153 push @response_list, $stock_name;
1156 #print STDERR "stock_autocomplete RESPONSELIST = ".join ", ", @response_list;
1158 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
1162 =head2 pedigree_female_parent_autocomplete
1164 Public Path: /ajax/stock/pedigree_female_parent_autocomplete
1166 Autocomplete a female parent associated with pedigree.
1168 =cut
1170 sub pedigree_female_parent_autocomplete: Local : ActionClass('REST'){}
1172 sub pedigree_female_parent_autocomplete_GET : Args(0){
1173 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1175 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
1177 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
1178 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1179 my @response_list;
1181 my $q = "SELECT distinct (pedigree_female_parent.uniquename) FROM stock AS pedigree_female_parent
1182 JOIN stock_relationship ON (stock_relationship.subject_id = pedigree_female_parent.stock_id)
1183 JOIN cvterm AS cvterm1 ON (stock_relationship.type_id = cvterm1.cvterm_id) AND = 'female_parent'
1184 JOIN stock AS check_type ON (stock_relationship.object_id = check_type.stock_id)
1185 JOIN cvterm AS cvterm2 ON (check_type.type_id = cvterm2.cvterm_id) AND = 'accession'
1186 WHERE pedigree_female_parent.uniquename ilike ? ORDER BY pedigree_female_parent.uniquename LIMIT 100";
1188 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1189 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
1190 while (my($pedigree_female_parent) = $sth->fetchrow_array){
1191 push @response_list, $pedigree_female_parent;
1194 #print STDERR Dumper @response_list ;
1195 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
1200 =head2 pedigree_male_parent_autocomplete
1202 Public Path: /ajax/stock/pedigree_male_parent_autocomplete
1204 Autocomplete a male parent associated with pedigree.
1206 =cut
1208 sub pedigree_male_parent_autocomplete: Local : ActionClass('REST'){}
1210 sub pedigree_male_parent_autocomplete_GET : Args(0){
1211 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1213 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
1215 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
1216 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1217 my @response_list;
1219 my $q = "SELECT distinct (pedigree_male_parent.uniquename) FROM stock AS pedigree_male_parent
1220 JOIN stock_relationship ON (stock_relationship.subject_id = pedigree_male_parent.stock_id)
1221 JOIN cvterm AS cvterm1 ON (stock_relationship.type_id = cvterm1.cvterm_id) AND = 'male_parent'
1222 JOIN stock AS check_type ON (stock_relationship.object_id = check_type.stock_id)
1223 JOIN cvterm AS cvterm2 ON (check_type.type_id = cvterm2.cvterm_id) AND = 'accession'
1224 WHERE pedigree_male_parent.uniquename ilike ? ORDER BY pedigree_male_parent.uniquename LIMIT 100";
1226 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1227 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
1228 while (my($pedigree_male_parent) = $sth->fetchrow_array){
1229 push @response_list, $pedigree_male_parent;
1232 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
1237 =head2 cross_female_parent_autocomplete
1239 Public Path: /ajax/stock/cross_female_parent_autocomplete
1241 Autocomplete a female parent associated with cross.
1243 =cut
1245 sub cross_female_parent_autocomplete: Local : ActionClass('REST'){}
1247 sub cross_female_parent_autocomplete_GET : Args(0){
1248 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1250 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
1252 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
1253 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1254 my @response_list;
1256 my $q = "SELECT distinct (cross_female_parent.uniquename) FROM stock AS cross_female_parent
1257 JOIN stock_relationship ON (stock_relationship.subject_id = cross_female_parent.stock_id)
1258 JOIN cvterm AS cvterm1 ON (stock_relationship.type_id = cvterm1.cvterm_id) AND = 'female_parent'
1259 JOIN stock AS check_type ON (stock_relationship.object_id = check_type.stock_id)
1260 JOIN cvterm AS cvterm2 ON (check_type.type_id = cvterm2.cvterm_id) AND = 'cross'
1261 WHERE cross_female_parent.uniquename ilike ? ORDER BY cross_female_parent.uniquename LIMIT 100";
1263 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1264 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
1265 while (my($cross_female_parent) = $sth->fetchrow_array){
1266 push @response_list, $cross_female_parent;
1269 #print STDERR Dumper @response_list ;
1270 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
1275 =head2 cross_male_parent_autocomplete
1277 Public Path: /ajax/stock/cross_male_parent_autocomplete
1279 Autocomplete a male parent associated with cross.
1281 =cut
1283 sub cross_male_parent_autocomplete: Local : ActionClass('REST'){}
1285 sub cross_male_parent_autocomplete_GET : Args(0){
1286 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1288 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
1290 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
1291 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1292 my @response_list;
1294 my $q = "SELECT distinct (cross_male_parent.uniquename) FROM stock AS cross_male_parent
1295 JOIN stock_relationship ON (stock_relationship.subject_id = cross_male_parent.stock_id)
1296 JOIN cvterm AS cvterm1 ON (stock_relationship.type_id = cvterm1.cvterm_id) AND = 'male_parent'
1297 JOIN stock AS check_type ON (stock_relationship.object_id = check_type.stock_id)
1298 JOIN cvterm AS cvterm2 ON (check_type.type_id = cvterm2.cvterm_id) AND = 'cross'
1299 WHERE cross_male_parent.uniquename ilike ? ORDER BY cross_male_parent.uniquename LIMIT 100";
1301 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1302 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
1303 while (my($cross_male_parent) = $sth->fetchrow_array){
1304 push @response_list, $cross_male_parent;
1307 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
1312 =head2 only_accession_autocomplete
1314 Usage:
1315 Desc:
1316 Ret:
1317 Args:
1318 Side Effects:
1319 Example:
1321 =cut
1323 sub only_accession_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
1325 sub only_accession_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
1326 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1328 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
1330 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
1331 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1333 my @response_list;
1334 my $q = "select distinct(stock.uniquename) from stock join cvterm on(type_id=cvterm_id) where stock.uniquename ilike ? and'accession' ORDER BY stock.uniquename LIMIT 20";
1335 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1336 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
1337 while (my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
1338 push @response_list, $stock_name;
1341 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
1345 =head2 vector_construct_autocomplete
1347 Usage:
1348 Desc:
1349 Ret:
1350 Args:
1351 Side Effects:
1352 Example:
1354 =cut
1356 sub vector_construct_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
1358 sub vector_construct_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
1359 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1361 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
1363 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
1364 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
1366 my @response_list;
1367 my $q = "select distinct(stock.uniquename) from stock join cvterm on(type_id=cvterm_id) where stock.uniquename ilike ? and'vector_construct' ORDER BY stock.uniquename LIMIT 20";
1368 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1369 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
1370 while (my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
1371 push @response_list, $stock_name;
1374 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
1378 sub parents : Local : ActionClass('REST') {}
1380 sub parents_GET : Path('/ajax/stock/parents') Args(0) {
1381 my $self = shift;
1382 my $c = shift;
1384 my $stock_id = $c->req->param("stock_id");
1386 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
1388 my $female_parent_type_id = $schema->resultset("Cv::Cvterm")->find( { name=> "female_parent" } )->cvterm_id();
1390 my $male_parent_type_id = $schema->resultset("Cv::Cvterm")->find( { name=> "male_parent" } )->cvterm_id();
1392 my %parent_types;
1393 $parent_types{$female_parent_type_id} = "female";
1394 $parent_types{$male_parent_type_id} = "male";
1396 my $parent_rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->search( { 'me.type_id' => { -in => [ $female_parent_type_id, $male_parent_type_id] }, object_id => $stock_id })->search_related("subject");
1398 my @parents;
1399 while (my $p = $parent_rs->next()) {
1400 push @parents, [
1401 $p->get_column("stock_id"),
1402 $p->get_column("uniquename"),
1406 $c->stash->{rest} = {
1407 stock_id => $stock_id,
1408 parents => \@parents,
1412 sub remove_stock_parent : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
1414 sub remove_parent_GET : Path('/ajax/stock/parent/remove') Args(0) {
1415 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1417 my $stock_id = $c->req->param("stock_id");
1418 my $parent_id = $c->req->param("parent_id");
1420 if (!$stock_id || ! $parent_id) {
1421 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "No stock and parent specified" };
1422 return;
1425 if (! ($c->user && ($c->user->check_roles('curator') || $c->user->check_roles('submitter')))) {
1426 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Log in is required, or insufficent privileges, for removing parents" };
1427 return;
1430 my $q = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema")->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->find( { object_id => $stock_id, subject_id=> $parent_id });
1432 eval {
1433 $q->delete();
1435 if ($@) {
1436 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $@ };
1437 return;
1440 $c->stash->{rest} = { success => 1 };
1445 =head2 add_stock_parent
1447 Usage:
1448 Desc:
1449 Ret:
1450 Args:
1451 Side Effects:
1452 Example:
1454 =cut
1456 sub add_stock_parent : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
1458 sub add_stock_parent_GET :Args(0) {
1459 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1461 print STDERR "Add_stock_parent function...\n";
1462 if (!$c->user()) {
1463 print STDERR "User not logged in... not associating stocks.\n";
1464 $c->stash->{rest} = {error => "You need to be logged in to add pedigree information." };
1465 return;
1468 if (!any { $_ eq "curator" || $_ eq "submitter" } ($c->user()->roles) ) {
1469 print STDERR "User does not have sufficient privileges.\n";
1470 $c->stash->{rest} = {error => "you have insufficient privileges to add pedigree information." };
1471 return;
1474 my $stock_id = $c->req->param('stock_id');
1475 my $parent_name = $c->req->param('parent_name');
1476 my $parent_type = $c->req->param('parent_type');
1478 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", "sgn_chado");
1480 my $cvterm_name = "";
1481 my $cross_type = "";
1482 if ($parent_type eq "male") {
1483 $cvterm_name = "male_parent";
1485 elsif ($parent_type eq "female") {
1486 $cvterm_name = "female_parent";
1487 $cross_type = $c->req->param('cross_type');
1490 my $type_id_row = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, $cvterm_name, "stock_relationship" )->cvterm_id();
1492 # check if a parent of this parent_type is already associated with this stock
1494 my $previous_parent = $schema->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->find({
1495 type_id => $type_id_row,
1496 object_id => $stock_id
1499 if ($previous_parent) {
1500 print STDERR "The stock ".$previous_parent->subject_id." is already associated with stock $stock_id - returning.\n";
1501 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "A $parent_type parent with id ".$previous_parent->subject_id." is already associated with this stock. Please specify another parent." };
1502 return;
1505 print STDERR "PARENT_NAME = $parent_name STOCK_ID $stock_id $cvterm_name\n";
1507 my $stock = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->find( { stock_id => $stock_id });
1509 my $parent = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->find( { uniquename => $parent_name } );
1513 if (!$stock) {
1514 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Stock with $stock_id is not found in the database!"};
1515 return;
1517 if (!$parent) {
1518 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Stock with uniquename $parent_name was not found, Either this is not unique name or it is not in the database!"};
1519 return; }
1521 my $new_row = $schema->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->new(
1523 subject_id => $parent->stock_id,
1524 object_id => $stock->stock_id,
1525 type_id => $type_id_row,
1526 value => $cross_type
1529 eval {
1530 $new_row->insert();
1533 if ($@) {
1534 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "An error occurred: $@"};
1536 else {
1537 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => '', };
1543 sub generate_genotype_matrix : Path('/phenome/genotype/matrix/generate') :Args(1) {
1544 my $self = shift;
1545 my $c = shift;
1546 my $group = shift;
1548 my $file = $c->config->{genotype_dump_file} || "/tmp/genotype_dump_file";
1550 CXGN::Phenome::DumpGenotypes::dump_genotypes($c->dbc->dbh, $file);
1553 $c->stash->{rest}= [ 1];
1558 =head2 add_phenotype
1561 L<Catalyst::Action::REST> action.
1563 Store a new phenotype and link with nd_experiment_stock
1565 =cut
1568 sub add_phenotype :PATH('/ajax/stock/add_phenotype') : ActionClass('REST') { }
1570 sub add_phenotype_GET :Args(0) {
1571 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1572 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Nothing here, it's a GET.." } ;
1575 sub add_phenotype_POST {
1576 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
1577 my $response;
1578 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
1579 if ( any { $_ eq 'curator' || $_ eq 'submitter' || $_ eq 'sequencer' } $c->user->roles() ) {
1580 my $req = $c->req;
1582 my $stock_id = $c->req->param('stock_id');
1583 my $project_id = $c->req->param('project_id');
1584 my $geolocation_id = $c->req->param('geolocation_id');
1585 my $observable_id = $c->req->param('observable_id');
1586 my $value = $c->req->param('value');
1587 my $date = DateTime->now;
1588 my $user = $c->user->get_object->get_sp_person_id;
1589 try {
1590 # find the cvterm for a phenotyping experiment
1591 my $pheno_cvterm = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema,'phenotyping_experiment','experiment_type');
1594 #create the new phenotype
1595 my $phenotype = $schema->resultset("Phenotype::Phenotype")->find_or_create(
1597 observable_id => $observable_id, #cvterm
1598 value => $value ,
1599 uniquename => "Stock: $stock_id, Observable id: $observable_id. Uploaded by web form by $user on $date" ,
1601 #create a new nd_experiment
1602 my $experiment = $schema->resultset('NaturalDiversity::NdExperiment')->create(
1604 nd_geolocation_id => $geolocation_id,
1605 type_id => $pheno_cvterm->cvterm_id(),
1606 } );
1607 #link to the project
1608 $experiment->find_or_create_related('nd_experiment_projects', {
1609 project_id => $project_id,
1610 } );
1611 #link the experiment to the stock
1612 $experiment->find_or_create_related('nd_experiment_stocks' , {
1613 stock_id => $stock_id,
1614 type_id => $pheno_cvterm->cvterm_id(),
1616 #link the phenotype with the nd_experiment
1617 my $nd_experiment_phenotype = $experiment->find_or_create_related(
1618 'nd_experiment_phenotypes', {
1619 phenotype_id => $phenotype->phenotype_id()
1620 } );
1622 $response = { message => "stock_id $stock_id and project_id $project_id associated with cvterm $observable_id , phenotype value $value (phenotype_id = " . $phenotype->phenotype_id . "\n" , }
1623 } catch {
1624 $response = { error => "Failed: $_" }
1626 } else { $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'user does not have a curator/sequencer/submitter account' };
1630 =head2 action stock_members_phenotypes()
1632 Usage: /stock/<stock_id>/datatables/traits
1633 Desc: get all the phenotypic scores associated with the stock $stock_id
1634 Ret: json of the form
1635 { data => [ { db_name : 'A', observable: 'B', value : 'C' }, { ... }, ] }
1636 Args:
1637 Side Effects:
1638 Example:
1640 =cut
1642 sub stock_members_phenotypes :Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/traits') Args(0) {
1643 my $self = shift;
1644 my $c = shift;
1645 #my $trait_id = shift;
1648 my $subject_phenotypes = $self->get_phenotypes($c);
1650 # collect the data from the hashref...
1652 my @stock_data;
1654 foreach my $project (keys (%$subject_phenotypes)) {
1655 foreach my $trait (@{$subject_phenotypes->{$project}}) {
1656 push @stock_data, [
1657 $project,
1658 $trait->get_column("db_name").":".$trait->get_column("accession"),
1659 $trait->get_column("observable"),
1660 $trait->get_column("value"),
1665 $c->stash->{rest} = { data => \@stock_data,
1666 #has_members_genotypes => $has_members_genotypes
1671 sub _stock_project_phenotypes {
1672 my ($self, $schema, $bcs_stock) = @_;
1674 return {} unless $bcs_stock;
1675 my $rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->stock_phenotypes_rs($bcs_stock);
1676 my %project_hashref;
1677 while ( my $r = $rs->next) {
1678 my $project_desc = $r->get_column('project_description');
1679 push @{ $project_hashref{ $project_desc }}, $r;
1681 return \%project_hashref;
1684 =head2 action get_stock_trials()
1686 Usage: /stock/<stock_id>/datatables/trials
1687 Desc: retrieves trials associated with the stock
1688 Ret: a table in json suitable for datatables
1689 Args:
1690 Side Effects:
1691 Example:
1693 =cut
1695 sub get_stock_trials :Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/trials') Args(0) {
1696 my $self = shift;
1697 my $c = shift;
1699 my @trials = $c->stash->{stock}->get_trials();
1701 my @formatted_trials;
1702 foreach my $t (@trials) {
1703 push @formatted_trials, [ '<a href="/breeders/trial/'.$t->[0].'">'.$t->[1].'</a>', $t->[3], '<a href="javascript:show_stock_trial_detail('.$c->stash->{stock}->get_stock_id().', \''.$c->stash->{stock}->get_name().'\' ,'.$t->[0].',\''.$t->[1].'\')">Details</a>' ];
1705 $c->stash->{rest} = { data => \@formatted_trials };
1709 =head2 action get_shared_trials()
1711 Usage: /datatables/sharedtrials
1712 Desc: retrieves trials associated with multiple stocks
1713 Ret: a table in json suitable for datatables
1714 Args: array of stock uniquenames
1715 Side Effects:
1716 Example:
1718 =cut
1720 sub get_shared_trials :Path('/stock/get_shared_trials') : ActionClass('REST'){
1722 sub get_shared_trials_POST :Args(1) {
1723 my ($self, $c) = @_;
1724 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Nothing here, it's a POST.." } ;
1726 sub get_shared_trials_GET :Args(1) {
1728 my $self = shift;
1729 my $c = shift;
1730 my @stock_ids = $c->request->param( 'stock_ids[]' );
1731 my $stock_string = join ",", map { "'$_'" } (@stock_ids);
1732 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
1733 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh();
1734 my $bs = CXGN::BreederSearch->new( { dbh=>$dbh } );
1736 my $criteria_list = [
1737 'accessions',
1738 'trials'
1741 my $dataref = {
1742 'trials' => {
1743 'accessions' => $stock_string
1747 my $queryref = {
1748 'trials' => {
1749 'accessions' => 1
1753 my $status = $bs->test_matviews($c->config->{dbhost}, $c->config->{dbname}, $c->config->{dbuser}, $c->config->{dbpass});
1754 if ($status->{'error'}) {
1755 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $status->{'error'}};
1756 return;
1758 my $trial_query = $bs->metadata_query($criteria_list, $dataref, $queryref);
1759 my @shared_trials = @{$trial_query->{results}};
1761 my @formatted_rows = ();
1763 foreach my $stock_id (@stock_ids) {
1764 my $trials_string ='';
1765 my $stock = CXGN::Stock->new(schema => $schema, stock_id => $stock_id);
1766 my $uniquename = $stock->uniquename;
1767 $dataref = {
1768 'trials' => {
1769 'accessions' => $stock_id
1772 $trial_query = $bs->metadata_query($criteria_list, $dataref, $queryref);
1773 my @current_trials = @{$trial_query->{results}};
1774 my $num_trials = scalar @current_trials;
1776 foreach my $t (@current_trials) {
1777 print STDERR "t = " . Dumper($t);
1778 $trials_string = $trials_string . '<a href="/breeders/trial/'.$t->[0].'">'.$t->[1].'</a>, ';
1780 $trials_string =~ s/,\s+$//;
1781 push @formatted_rows, ['<a href="/stock/'.$stock_id.'/view">'.$uniquename.'</a>', $num_trials, $trials_string ];
1784 my $num_trials = scalar @shared_trials;
1785 if ($num_trials > 0) {
1786 my $trials_string = '';
1787 foreach my $t (@shared_trials) {
1788 $trials_string = $trials_string . '<a href="/breeders/trial/'.$t->[0].'">'.$t->[1].'</a>, ';
1790 $trials_string =~ s/,\s+$//;
1791 push @formatted_rows, [ "Trials in Common", $num_trials, $trials_string];
1792 } else {
1793 push @formatted_rows, [ "Trials in Common", $num_trials, "No shared trials found."];
1796 $c->stash->{rest} = { data => \@formatted_rows, shared_trials => \@shared_trials };
1800 =head2 action get_stock_trait_list()
1802 Usage: /stock/<stock_id>/datatables/traitlist
1803 Desc: retrieves the list of traits assayed on the stock
1804 Ret: json in a table format, suitable for datatables
1805 Args:
1806 Side Effects:
1807 Example:
1809 =cut
1811 sub get_stock_trait_list :Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/traitlist') Args(0) {
1812 my $self = shift;
1813 my $c = shift;
1815 my @trait_list = $c->stash->{stock}->get_trait_list();
1817 my @formatted_list;
1818 foreach my $t (@trait_list) {
1819 print STDERR Dumper($t);
1820 push @formatted_list, [ '<a href="/cvterm/'.$t->[0].'/view">'.$t->[1].'</a>', $t->[2], sprintf("%3.1f", $t->[3]), sprintf("%3.1f", $t->[4]), sprintf("%.0f", $t->[5])];
1822 print STDERR Dumper(\@formatted_list);
1824 $c->stash->{rest} = { data => \@formatted_list };
1827 sub get_phenotypes_by_stock_and_trial :Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/trial') Args(1) {
1828 my $self = shift;
1829 my $c = shift;
1830 my $trial_id = shift;
1831 my $stock_type = $c->stash->{stock}->get_type()->name();
1833 my $q;
1834 if ($stock_type eq 'accession'){
1835 $q = "SELECT stock.stock_id, stock.uniquename, cvterm_id,, avg(phenotype.value::REAL), stddev(phenotype.value::REAL), count(phenotype.value::REAL) FROM stock JOIN stock_relationship ON (stock.stock_id=stock_relationship.object_id) JOIN nd_experiment_stock ON (nd_experiment_stock.stock_id=stock_relationship.subject_id) JOIN nd_experiment_project ON (nd_experiment_stock.nd_experiment_id=nd_experiment_project.nd_experiment_id) JOIN nd_experiment_phenotype ON (nd_experiment_phenotype.nd_experiment_id=nd_experiment_project.nd_experiment_id) JOIN phenotype USING(phenotype_id) JOIN cvterm ON (phenotype.cvalue_id=cvterm.cvterm_id) WHERE project_id=? AND stock.stock_id=? GROUP BY stock.stock_id, stock.uniquename, cvterm_id,";
1836 } else {
1837 $q = "SELECT stock.stock_id, stock.uniquename, cvterm_id,, avg(phenotype.value::REAL), stddev(phenotype.value::REAL), count(phenotype.value::REAL) FROM stock JOIN nd_experiment_stock USING(stock_id) JOIN nd_experiment_project ON (nd_experiment_stock.nd_experiment_id=nd_experiment_project.nd_experiment_id) JOIN nd_experiment_phenotype ON (nd_experiment_phenotype.nd_experiment_id=nd_experiment_project.nd_experiment_id) JOIN phenotype USING(phenotype_id) JOIN cvterm ON (phenotype.cvalue_id=cvterm.cvterm_id) WHERE project_id=? AND stock.stock_id=? GROUP BY stock.stock_id, stock.uniquename, cvterm_id,";
1840 my $h = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
1841 $h->execute($trial_id, $c->stash->{stock}->get_stock_id());
1843 my @phenotypes;
1844 while (my ($stock_id, $stock_name, $cvterm_id, $cvterm_name, $avg, $stddev, $count) = $h->fetchrow_array()) {
1845 push @phenotypes, [ "<a href=\"/cvterm/$cvterm_id/view\">$cvterm_name</a>", sprintf("%.2f", $avg), sprintf("%.2f", $stddev), $count ];
1847 $c->stash->{rest} = { data => \@phenotypes };
1850 sub get_phenotypes {
1851 my $self = shift;
1852 my $c = shift;
1853 shift;
1854 my $trait_id = shift;
1856 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
1858 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
1859 my $bcs_stock_rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->search( { stock_id => $stock_id });
1861 if (! $bcs_stock_rs) { die "The stock $stock_id does not exist in the database"; }
1863 my $bcs_stock = $bcs_stock_rs->first();
1866 # now we have rs of stock_relationship objects. We need to find
1867 # the phenotypes of their related subjects
1869 my $subjects = $bcs_stock->search_related('stock_relationship_objects')
1870 ->search_related('subject');
1871 my $subject_phenotypes = $self->_stock_project_phenotypes($schema, $subjects );
1873 return $subject_phenotypes;
1876 sub get_pedigree_string :Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('pedigree') Args(0) {
1877 my $self = shift;
1878 my $c = shift;
1879 my $level = $c->req->param("level");
1881 my $stock = CXGN::Stock->new(
1882 schema => $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema"),
1883 stock_id => $c->stash->{stock}->get_stock_id()
1885 my $parents = $stock->get_pedigree_string($level);
1886 print STDERR "Parents are: ".Dumper($parents)."\n";
1888 $c->stash->{rest} = { pedigree_string => $parents };
1892 sub get_pedigree_string_ :Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('pedigreestring') Args(0) {
1893 my $self = shift;
1894 my $c = shift;
1895 my $level = $c->req->param("level");
1896 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock}->get_stock_id();
1897 my $stock_name = $c->stash->{stock}->get_uniquename();
1899 my $pedigree_string;
1901 my %pedigree = _get_pedigree_hash($c,[$stock_id]);
1903 if ($level eq "Parents") {
1904 my $mother = $pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'mother'} || 'NA';
1905 my $father = $pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'father'} || 'NA';
1906 $pedigree_string = "$mother/$father" ;
1908 elsif ($level eq "Grandparents") {
1909 my $maternal_mother = $pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'mother'}}{'2'}{'mother'} || 'NA';
1910 my $maternal_father = $pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'mother'}}{'2'}{'father'} || 'NA';
1911 my $paternal_mother = $pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'father'}}{'2'}{'mother'} || 'NA';
1912 my $paternal_father = $pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'father'}}{'2'}{'father'} || 'NA';
1913 my $maternal_parent_string = "$maternal_mother/$maternal_father";
1914 my $paternal_parent_string = "$paternal_mother/$paternal_father";
1915 $pedigree_string = "$maternal_parent_string//$paternal_parent_string";
1917 elsif ($level eq "Great-Grandparents") {
1918 my $m_maternal_mother = $pedigree{$pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'mother'}}{'2'}{'mother'}}{'3'}{'mother'} || 'NA';
1919 my $m_maternal_father = $pedigree{$pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'mother'}}{'2'}{'mother'}}{'3'}{'father'} || 'NA';
1920 my $p_maternal_mother = $pedigree{$pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'mother'}}{'2'}{'father'}}{'3'}{'mother'} || 'NA';
1921 my $p_maternal_father = $pedigree{$pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'mother'}}{'2'}{'father'}}{'3'}{'father'} || 'NA';
1922 my $m_paternal_mother = $pedigree{$pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'father'}}{'2'}{'mother'}}{'3'}{'mother'} || 'NA';
1923 my $m_paternal_father = $pedigree{$pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'father'}}{'2'}{'mother'}}{'3'}{'father'} || 'NA';
1924 my $p_paternal_mother = $pedigree{$pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'father'}}{'2'}{'father'}}{'3'}{'mother'} || 'NA';
1925 my $p_paternal_father = $pedigree{$pedigree{$pedigree{$stock_name}{'1'}{'father'}}{'2'}{'father'}}{'3'}{'father'} || 'NA';
1926 my $mm_parent_string = "$m_maternal_mother/$m_maternal_father";
1927 my $mf_parent_string = "$p_maternal_mother/$p_maternal_father";
1928 my $pm_parent_string = "$m_paternal_mother/$m_paternal_father";
1929 my $pf_parent_string = "$p_paternal_mother/$p_paternal_father";
1930 $pedigree_string = "$mm_parent_string//$mf_parent_string///$pm_parent_string//$pf_parent_string";
1932 $c->stash->{rest} = { pedigree_string => $pedigree_string };
1935 sub _get_pedigree_hash {
1936 my ($c, $accession_ids, $format) = @_;
1938 my $placeholders = join ( ',', ('?') x @$accession_ids );
1939 my $query = "
1940 WITH RECURSIVE included_rows(child, child_id, mother, mother_id, father, father_id, type, depth, path, cycle) AS (
1941 SELECT c.uniquename AS child,
1942 c.stock_id AS child_id,
1943 m.uniquename AS mother,
1944 m.stock_id AS mother_id,
1945 f.uniquename AS father,
1946 f.stock_id AS father_id,
1947 m_rel.value AS type,
1949 ARRAY[c.stock_id],
1950 false
1951 FROM stock c
1952 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship m_rel ON(c.stock_id = m_rel.object_id and m_rel.type_id = (SELECT cvterm_id FROM cvterm WHERE name = 'female_parent'))
1953 LEFT JOIN stock m ON(m_rel.subject_id = m.stock_id)
1954 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship f_rel ON(c.stock_id = f_rel.object_id and f_rel.type_id = (SELECT cvterm_id FROM cvterm WHERE name = 'male_parent'))
1955 LEFT JOIN stock f ON(f_rel.subject_id = f.stock_id)
1956 WHERE c.stock_id IN ($placeholders)
1957 GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
1958 UNION
1959 SELECT c.uniquename AS child,
1960 c.stock_id AS child_id,
1961 m.uniquename AS mother,
1962 m.stock_id AS mother_id,
1963 f.uniquename AS father,
1964 f.stock_id AS father_id,
1965 m_rel.value AS type,
1966 included_rows.depth + 1,
1967 path || c.stock_id,
1968 c.stock_id = ANY(path)
1969 FROM included_rows, stock c
1970 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship m_rel ON(c.stock_id = m_rel.object_id and m_rel.type_id = (SELECT cvterm_id FROM cvterm WHERE name = 'female_parent'))
1971 LEFT JOIN stock m ON(m_rel.subject_id = m.stock_id)
1972 LEFT JOIN stock_relationship f_rel ON(c.stock_id = f_rel.object_id and f_rel.type_id = (SELECT cvterm_id FROM cvterm WHERE name = 'male_parent'))
1973 LEFT JOIN stock f ON(f_rel.subject_id = f.stock_id)
1974 WHERE c.stock_id IN (included_rows.mother_id, included_rows.father_id) AND NOT cycle
1975 GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
1977 SELECT child, mother, father, type, depth
1978 FROM included_rows
1979 GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5
1980 ORDER BY 5,1;";
1982 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($query);
1983 $sth->execute(@$accession_ids);
1985 my %pedigree;
1986 no warnings 'uninitialized';
1987 while (my ($name, $mother, $father, $cross_type, $depth) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
1988 $pedigree{$name}{$depth}{'mother'} = $mother;
1989 $pedigree{$name}{$depth}{'father'} = $father;
1991 return %pedigree;
1994 sub stock_lookup : Path('/stock_lookup/') Args(2) ActionClass('REST') { }
1996 sub stock_lookup_POST {
1997 my $self = shift;
1998 my $c = shift;
1999 my $lookup_from_field = shift;
2000 my $lookup_field = shift;
2001 my $value_to_lookup = $c->req->param($lookup_from_field);
2003 #print STDERR $lookup_from_field;
2004 #print STDERR $lookup_field;
2005 #print STDERR $value_to_lookup;
2007 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
2008 my $s = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->find( { $lookup_from_field => $value_to_lookup } );
2009 my $value;
2010 if ($s && $lookup_field eq 'stock_id') {
2011 $value = $s->stock_id();
2013 $c->stash->{rest} = { $lookup_from_field => $value_to_lookup, $lookup_field => $value };
2016 sub get_trial_related_stock:Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/trial_related_stock') Args(0){
2017 my $self = shift;
2018 my $c = shift;
2019 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2021 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
2023 my $trial_related_stock = CXGN::Stock::RelatedStocks->new({dbic_schema => $schema, stock_id =>$stock_id});
2024 my $result = $trial_related_stock->get_trial_related_stock();
2025 my @stocks;
2026 my @accessions;
2027 my @crosses;
2028 my @family_names;
2029 my @plots;
2030 my @subplots;
2031 my @plants;
2032 my @tissue_samples;
2033 my @seedlots;
2034 my @others;
2035 foreach my $r (@$result){
2036 my ($stock_id, $stock_name, $cvterm_name) = @$r;
2037 my $url;
2039 if ($cvterm_name eq 'cross') {
2040 $url = qq{<a href = "/cross/$stock_id">$stock_name</a>};
2041 } elsif ($cvterm_name eq 'family_name') {
2042 $url = qq{<a href = "/family/$stock_id/">$stock_name</a>};
2043 } else {
2044 $url = qq{<a href = "/stock/$stock_id/view">$stock_name</a>};
2047 if ($cvterm_name eq 'accession') {
2048 push @accessions, [$cvterm_name, $url, $stock_name];
2049 } elsif ($cvterm_name eq 'cross') {
2050 push @crosses, [$cvterm_name, $url, $stock_name];
2051 } elsif ($cvterm_name eq 'family_name') {
2052 push @family_names, [$cvterm_name, $url, $stock_name];
2053 } elsif ($cvterm_name eq 'plot') {
2054 push @plots, [$cvterm_name, $url, $stock_name];
2055 } elsif ($cvterm_name eq 'subplot') {
2056 push @subplots, [$cvterm_name, $url, $stock_name];
2057 } elsif ($cvterm_name eq 'plant') {
2058 push @plants, [$cvterm_name, $url, $stock_name];
2062 if (scalar(@accessions) > 0) {
2063 push @stocks, @accessions;
2065 if (scalar(@crosses) > 0) {
2066 push @stocks, @crosses;
2068 if (scalar(@family_names) > 0) {
2069 push @stocks, @family_names;
2071 if (scalar(@plots) > 0) {
2072 push @stocks, @plots;
2074 if (scalar(@subplots) > 0) {
2075 push @stocks, @subplots;
2077 if (scalar(@plants) > 0) {
2078 push @stocks, @plants;
2080 if (scalar(@seedlots) > 0) {
2081 push @stocks, @seedlots;
2083 if (scalar(@others) > 0) {
2084 push @stocks, @others;
2087 $c->stash->{rest}={data=>\@stocks};
2090 sub get_progenies:Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/progenies') Args(0){
2091 my $self = shift;
2092 my $c = shift;
2093 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2095 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
2096 my $progenies = CXGN::Stock::RelatedStocks->new({dbic_schema => $schema, stock_id =>$stock_id});
2097 my $result = $progenies->get_progenies();
2098 my @stocks;
2099 foreach my $r (@$result){
2100 my ($cvterm_name, $stock_id, $stock_name, $cross_type) = @$r;
2102 if (! $cross_type) { $cross_type = 'unspecified'; }
2104 push @stocks, [$cvterm_name, $cross_type, qq{<a href = "/stock/$stock_id/view">$stock_name</a>}, $stock_name ];
2107 $c->stash->{rest}={data=>\@stocks};
2110 sub get_siblings:Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/siblings') Args(0){
2111 my $self = shift;
2112 my $c = shift;
2113 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2115 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
2116 my $stock = CXGN::Stock->new({schema => $schema, stock_id=>$stock_id});
2117 my $parents = $stock->get_parents();
2118 my $female_parent = $parents->{'mother'};
2119 my $male_parent = $parents->{'father'};
2121 my @siblings;
2122 if ($female_parent) {
2123 my $family = CXGN::Cross->get_progeny_info($schema, $female_parent, $male_parent);
2124 foreach my $sib(@$family){
2125 my ($female_parent_id, $female_parent_name, $male_parent_id, $male_parent_name, $sibling_id, $sibling_name, $cross_type) = @$sib;
2126 if ($sibling_id != $stock_id) {
2127 push @siblings, [
2128 qq{<a href="/stock/$sibling_id/view">$sibling_name</a>},
2129 qq{<a href="/stock/$female_parent_id/view">$female_parent_name</a>},
2130 qq{<a href="/stock/$male_parent_id/view">$male_parent_name</a>},
2131 $cross_type,
2132 $sibling_name ];
2136 $c->stash->{rest}={data=>\@siblings};
2139 sub get_parents :Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/parents') Args(0) {
2140 my $self = shift;
2141 my $c = shift;
2142 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2144 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
2145 my $stock = CXGN::Stock->new({schema => $schema, stock_id=>$stock_id});
2146 my $parents = $stock->get_parents();
2147 my $female_parent = $parents->{'mother'};
2148 my $female_parent_id = $parents->{'mother_id'};
2149 my $male_parent = $parents->{'father'};
2150 my $male_parent_id = $parents->{'father_id'};
2152 my $female_parent_link = qq { <a href="/stock/$female_parent_id/view">$female_parent</a> };
2154 my $male_parent_link = qq { <a href="/stock/$male_parent_id/view">$male_parent</a> };
2156 my $cross_type = $parents->{'cross_type'};
2158 print STDERR "PARENTS: ".Dumper($parents);
2159 $c->stash->{rest}= { data => [ [ $female_parent_link, $male_parent_link, $cross_type ] ] };
2164 sub get_group_and_member:Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/group_and_member') Args(0){
2165 my $self = shift;
2166 my $c = shift;
2167 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2169 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
2171 my $related_groups = CXGN::Stock::RelatedStocks->new({dbic_schema => $schema, stock_id =>$stock_id});
2172 my $result = $related_groups->get_group_and_member();
2173 my @group;
2175 foreach my $r (@$result){
2176 my ($stock_id, $stock_name, $cvterm_name) = @$r;
2177 if ($cvterm_name eq "cross"){
2178 push @group, [qq{<a href=\"/cross/$stock_id\">$stock_name</a>}, $cvterm_name, $stock_name];
2179 } else {
2180 push @group, [qq{<a href = "/stock/$stock_id/view">$stock_name</a>}, $cvterm_name, $stock_name];
2184 $c->stash->{rest}={data=>\@group};
2188 sub get_stock_for_tissue:Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/stock_for_tissue') Args(0){
2189 my $self = shift;
2190 my $c = shift;
2191 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2193 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
2195 my $tissue_stocks = CXGN::Stock::RelatedStocks->new({dbic_schema => $schema, stock_id =>$stock_id});
2196 my $result = $tissue_stocks->get_stock_for_tissue();
2197 my @stocks;
2198 foreach my $r (@$result){
2200 my ($stock_id, $stock_name, $cvterm_name) = @$r;
2202 push @stocks, [$cvterm_name, qq{<a href = "/stock/$stock_id/view">$stock_name</a>}, $stock_name];
2205 $c->stash->{rest}={data=>\@stocks};
2210 sub get_plot_plant_related_seedlots:Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/plot_plant_related_seedlots') Args(0){
2211 my $self = shift;
2212 my $c = shift;
2213 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2215 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
2216 my $progenies = CXGN::Stock::RelatedStocks->new({dbic_schema => $schema, stock_id =>$stock_id});
2217 my $result = $progenies->get_plot_plant_related_seedlots();
2218 my @stocks;
2219 foreach my $r (@$result){
2220 my ($transaction_type, $stock_type, $stock_id, $stock_name) = @$r;
2221 push @stocks, [$transaction_type, $stock_type, qq{<a href = "/breeders/seedlot/$stock_id">$stock_name</a>}, $stock_name];
2224 $c->stash->{rest}={data=>\@stocks};
2228 sub get_stock_datatables_genotype_data : Chained('/stock/get_stock') :PathPart('datatables/genotype_data') : ActionClass('REST') { }
2230 sub get_stock_datatables_genotype_data_GET {
2231 my $self = shift;
2232 my $c = shift;
2233 my $limit = $c->req->param('length') || 1000;
2234 my $offset = $c->req->param('start') || 0;
2235 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2237 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado');
2238 my $people_schema = $c->dbic_schema("CXGN::People::Schema");
2239 my $stock = CXGN::Stock->new({schema => $schema, stock_id => $stock_id});
2240 my $stock_type = $stock->type();
2242 my %genotype_search_params = (
2243 bcs_schema=>$schema,
2244 people_schema=>$people_schema,
2245 cache_root=>$c->config->{cache_file_path},
2246 genotypeprop_hash_select=>[],
2247 protocolprop_top_key_select=>[],
2248 protocolprop_marker_hash_select=>[]
2250 if ($stock_type eq 'accession') {
2251 $genotype_search_params{accession_list} = [$stock_id];
2252 } elsif ($stock_type eq 'tissue_sample') {
2253 $genotype_search_params{tissue_sample_list} = [$stock_id];
2255 my $genotypes_search = CXGN::Genotype::Search->new(\%genotype_search_params);
2256 my $file_handle = $genotypes_search->get_cached_file_search_json($c->config->{cluster_shared_tempdir}, 1); #only gets metadata and not all genotype data!
2258 my @result;
2259 my $counter = 0;
2261 open my $fh, "<& :encoding(UTF-8)", $file_handle or die "Can't open output file: $!";
2262 my $header_line = <$fh>;
2263 if ($header_line) {
2264 my $marker_objects = decode_json $header_line;
2266 my $start_index = $offset;
2267 my $end_index = $offset + $limit;
2268 # print STDERR Dumper [$start_index, $end_index];
2270 while (my $gt_line = <$fh>) {
2271 if ($counter >= $start_index && $counter < $end_index) {
2272 my $g = decode_json $gt_line;
2274 push @result, [
2275 '<a href = "/breeders_toolbox/trial/'.$g->{genotypingDataProjectDbId}.'">'.$g->{genotypingDataProjectName}.'</a>',
2276 $g->{genotypingDataProjectDescription},
2277 $g->{analysisMethod},
2278 $g->{genotypeDescription},
2279 '<a href="/stock/'.$stock_id.'/genotypes?genotype_id='.$g->{genotypeDbId}.'">Download</a>'
2282 $counter++;
2286 my $draw = $c->req->param('draw');
2287 if ($draw){
2288 $draw =~ s/\D//g; # cast to int
2291 $c->stash->{rest} = { data => \@result, draw => $draw, recordsTotal => $counter, recordsFiltered => $counter };
2294 =head2 make_stock_obsolete
2296 L<Catalyst::Action::REST> action.
2298 Makes a stock entry obsolete in the database
2300 =cut
2302 sub stock_obsolete : Path('/stock/obsolete') : ActionClass('REST') { }
2304 sub stock_obsolete_GET {
2305 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
2306 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
2307 if (!$c->user()) {
2308 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Log in required for making stock obsolete." }; return;
2311 if ( !any { $_ eq 'curator' || $_ eq 'submitter' || $_ eq 'sequencer' } $c->user->roles() ) {
2312 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => 'user does not have a curator/sequencer/submitter account' };
2313 $c->detach();
2316 my $stock_id = $c->req->param('stock_id');
2317 my $is_obsolete = $c->req->param('is_obsolete');
2319 my $stock = $schema->resultset("Stock::Stock")->find( { stock_id => $stock_id } );
2321 if ($stock) {
2323 try {
2324 my $stock = CXGN::Stock->new({
2325 schema=>$schema,
2326 stock_id=>$stock_id,
2327 is_saving=>1,
2328 sp_person_id => $c->user()->get_object()->get_sp_person_id(),
2329 user_name => $c->user()->get_object()->get_username(),
2330 modification_note => "Obsolete at ".localtime,
2331 is_obsolete => $is_obsolete
2333 my $saved_stock_id = $stock->store();
2335 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh();
2336 my $bs = CXGN::BreederSearch->new( { dbh=>$dbh, dbname=>$c->config->{dbname}, } );
2337 my $refresh = $bs->refresh_matviews($c->config->{dbhost}, $c->config->{dbname}, $c->config->{dbuser}, $c->config->{dbpass}, 'stockprop', 'concurrent', $c->config->{basepath});
2339 $c->stash->{rest} = { message => "Stock obsoleted" };
2340 } catch {
2341 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Failed: $_" }
2343 } else {
2344 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Not a valid stock $stock_id " };
2347 #$c->stash->{rest} = { message => 'success' };
2351 sub get_accessions_with_pedigree : Path('/ajax/stock/accessions_with_pedigree') : ActionClass('REST') { }
2353 sub get_accessions_with_pedigree_GET {
2354 my $self = shift;
2355 my $c = shift;
2356 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
2358 my $result = CXGN::Cross->get_progeny_info($schema);
2360 my @accessions_with_pedigree;
2361 foreach my $accession_info (@$result){
2362 my ($female_id, $female_name, $male_id, $male_name, $accession_id, $accession_name, $cross_type) =@$accession_info;
2363 push @accessions_with_pedigree, [ qq{<a href="/stock/$accession_id/view">$accession_name</a>},
2364 qq{<a href="/stock/$female_id/view">$female_name</a>},
2365 qq{<a href="/stock/$male_id/view">$male_name</a>}, $cross_type, $accession_name ];
2367 print STDERR "ACCESSIONS =".Dumper(\@accessions_with_pedigree)."\n";
2368 $c->stash->{rest} = { data => \@accessions_with_pedigree };
2372 sub get_accessions_missing_pedigree : Path('/ajax/stock/accessions_missing_pedigree') : ActionClass('REST') { }
2374 sub get_accessions_missing_pedigree_GET {
2375 my $self = shift;
2376 my $c = shift;
2377 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
2378 my $phenome_schema = $c->dbic_schema("CXGN::Phenome::Schema");
2379 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh();
2381 my $result = CXGN::Cross->get_accessions_missing_pedigree($schema);
2383 my $stock_lookup = CXGN::Stock::StockLookup->new({ schema => $schema} );
2384 my $owners_hash = $stock_lookup->get_owner_hash_lookup();
2386 my @accessions_missing_pedigree;
2387 foreach my $accession_info (@$result){
2388 my @owners = ();
2389 my $owner_link;
2390 my ($accession_id, $accession_name) =@$accession_info;
2391 my $owner_info = $owners_hash->{$accession_id};
2392 print STDERR "OWNER INFO =".Dumper($owner_info)."\n";
2393 if (defined $owner_info){
2394 my @list_of_owners = @$owner_info;
2395 foreach my $each_owner (@list_of_owners) {
2396 my $owner_id = $each_owner->[0];
2397 my $first_name = $each_owner->[2];
2398 my $last_name = $each_owner->[3];
2399 my $name = $first_name." ".$last_name;
2400 my $each_owner_link = qq{<a href="/solpeople/$owner_id">$name</a>};
2401 push @owners, $each_owner_link,
2403 $owner_link = join(",",@owners);
2404 print STDERR "OWNER LINK =".Dumper($owner_link)."\n";
2407 push @accessions_missing_pedigree, [ qq{<a href="/stock/$accession_id/view">$accession_name</a>}, $owner_link, $accession_name],
2410 $c->stash->{rest} = {data => \@accessions_missing_pedigree};
2414 sub stock_additional_file_upload :Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('upload_additional_file') Args(0) {
2416 my $self = shift;
2417 my $c = shift;
2418 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2420 my $user_id;
2421 my $user_name;
2422 my $user_role;
2423 my $session_id = $c->req->param("sgn_session_id");
2424 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
2426 if ($session_id){
2427 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh;
2428 my @user_info = CXGN::Login->new($dbh)->query_from_cookie($session_id);
2429 if (!$user_info[0]){
2430 $c->stash->{rest} = {error=>'You must be logged in to upload additional trials to a file!'};
2431 $c->detach();
2433 $user_id = $user_info[0];
2434 $user_role = $user_info[1];
2435 my $p = CXGN::People::Person->new($dbh, $user_id);
2436 $user_name = $p->get_username;
2437 } else{
2438 if (!$c->user){
2439 $c->stash->{rest} = {error=>'You must be logged in to upload additional files to a trial!'};
2440 $c->detach();
2442 $user_id = $c->user()->get_object()->get_sp_person_id();
2443 $user_name = $c->user()->get_object()->get_username();
2444 $user_role = $c->user->get_object->get_user_type();
2447 my $upload = $c->req->upload('accession_upload_additional_file');
2448 my $subdirectory = "accession_additional_file_upload";
2449 my $upload_original_name = $upload->filename();
2450 my $upload_tempfile = $upload->tempname;
2451 my $time = DateTime->now();
2452 my $timestamp = $time->ymd()."_".$time->hms();
2454 ## Store uploaded temporary file in archive
2455 my $uploader = CXGN::UploadFile->new({
2456 tempfile => $upload_tempfile,
2457 subdirectory => $subdirectory,
2458 archive_path => $c->config->{archive_path},
2459 archive_filename => $upload_original_name,
2460 timestamp => $timestamp,
2461 user_id => $user_id,
2462 user_role => $user_role
2464 my $archived_filename_with_path = $uploader->archive();
2465 my $md5 = $uploader->get_md5($archived_filename_with_path);
2466 if (!$archived_filename_with_path) {
2467 $c->stash->{rest} = {error => "Could not save file $upload_original_name in archive",};
2468 $c->detach();
2470 unlink $upload_tempfile;
2471 my $md5checksum = $md5->hexdigest();
2473 my $stock = CXGN::Stock->new({schema=>$schema,stock_id=>$stock_id});
2474 my $result = $stock->associate_uploaded_file($user_id, $archived_filename_with_path, $md5checksum, $stock_id );
2475 if ($result->{error}){
2476 $c->stash->{rest} = {error=>$result->{error}};
2477 $c->detach();
2480 $c->stash->{rest} = { success => 1, file_id => $result->{file_id} };
2483 sub get_accession_additional_file_uploaded :Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('get_uploaded_additional_file') Args(0) {
2484 my $self = shift;
2485 my $c = shift;
2487 if (!$c->user){
2488 $c->stash->{rest} = {error=>'You must be logged in to see uploaded additional files!'};
2489 $c->detach();
2492 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2493 my @file_array;
2494 my %file_info;
2496 my $q = "SELECT file_id, m.create_date, p.sp_person_id, p.username, basename, dirname, filetype
2497 FROM phenome.stock_file
2498 JOIN metadata.md_files using(file_id)
2499 LEFT JOIN metadata.md_metadata as m using(metadata_id)
2500 LEFT JOIN sgn_people.sp_person as p ON (p.sp_person_id=m.create_person_id)
2501 WHERE stock_id=? and m.obsolete = 0 and metadata.md_files.filetype='accession_additional_file_upload' ORDER BY file_id ASC";
2503 my $h = $c->dbc->dbh()->prepare($q);
2504 $h->execute($stock_id);
2506 while (my ($file_id, $create_date, $person_id, $username, $basename, $dirname, $filetype) = $h->fetchrow_array()) {
2507 $file_info{$file_id} = [$file_id, $create_date, $person_id, $username, $basename, $dirname, $filetype];
2509 foreach (keys %file_info){
2510 push @file_array, $file_info{$_};
2512 print STDERR "files: " . Dumper \@file_array;
2514 $c->stash->{rest} = {success=>1, files=>\@file_array};
2515 return;
2518 sub obsolete_trial_additional_file_uploaded :Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('obsolete_uploaded_additional_file') Args(1) {
2519 my $self = shift;
2520 my $c = shift;
2521 my $file_id = shift;
2522 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2524 if (!$c->user) {
2525 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "You must be logged in to obsolete additional files!" };
2526 $c->detach();
2529 my $user_id = $c->user->get_object()->get_sp_person_id();
2531 my @roles = $c->user->roles();
2532 my $result = $c->stash->{trial}->obsolete_uploaded_file($file_id, $stock_id, $user_id, $roles[0]);
2534 if (exists($result->{errors})) {
2535 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $result->{errors} };
2537 else {
2538 $c->stash->{rest} = { success => 1 };
2543 =head2 accession_or_seedlot_or_population_or_vector_construct_autocomplete
2545 Usage:
2546 Desc:
2547 Ret:
2548 Args:
2549 Side Effects:
2550 Example:
2552 =cut
2554 sub accession_or_seedlot_or_population_or_vector_construct_autocomplete : Local : ActionClass('REST') { }
2556 sub accession_or_seedlot_or_population_or_vector_construct_autocomplete_GET :Args(0) {
2557 my ($self, $c) = @_;
2559 my $term = $c->req->param('term');
2561 $term =~ s/(^\s+|\s+)$//g;
2562 $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
2564 my @response_list;
2565 my $q = "select distinct(stock.uniquename) from stock join cvterm on(type_id=cvterm_id) where stock.uniquename ilike ? and ('accession' or'seedlot' or'population' or'vector_construct') ORDER BY stock.uniquename LIMIT 20";
2566 my $sth = $c->dbc->dbh->prepare($q);
2567 $sth->execute('%'.$term.'%');
2568 while (my ($stock_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
2569 push @response_list, $stock_name;
2572 #print STDERR Dumper @response_list;
2574 $c->stash->{rest} = \@response_list;
2578 sub get_vector_related_stocks:Chained('/stock/get_stock') PathPart('datatables/vector_related_stocks') Args(0){
2579 my $self = shift;
2580 my $c = shift;
2581 my $stock_id = $c->stash->{stock_row}->stock_id();
2583 my $sp_person_id = $c->user() ? $c->user->get_object()->get_sp_person_id() : undef;
2584 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado', $sp_person_id);
2585 my $progenies = CXGN::Stock::RelatedStocks->new({dbic_schema => $schema, stock_id =>$stock_id});
2586 my $result = $progenies->get_vector_related_stocks();
2587 my @related_stocks;
2589 foreach my $r (@$result){
2590 my ($transformant_id, $transformant_name, $vector_id, $vector_name, $plant_id, $plant_name, $transformation_id, $transformation_name) = @$r;
2591 push @related_stocks, [qq{<a href="/stock/$transformant_id/view">$transformant_name</a>}, $vector_name, qq{<a href="/stock/$plant_id/view">$plant_name</a>}, qq{<a href="/transformation/$transformation_id">$transformation_name</a>}, $transformant_name];
2594 $c->stash->{rest}={data=>\@related_stocks};