Added eval; site now shows clean dataset missing message instead of server error...
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller / AJAX /
2 package SGN::Controller::AJAX::User;
4 use Moose;
5 use IO::File;
6 use Data::Dumper;
7 use HTML::Entities;
8 use CXGN::People::Roles;
9 use CXGN::BreedingProgram;
11 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::REST' };
13 __PACKAGE__->config(
14 default => 'application/json',
15 stash_key => 'rest',
16 map => { 'application/json' => 'JSON' },
20 sub login : Path('/ajax/user/login') Args(0) {
21 my $self = shift;
22 my $c = shift;
24 my $username = $c->req->param("username");
25 my $password = $c->req->param("password");
26 my $goto_url = $c->req->param("goto_url");
28 $goto_url = $c->req->referer if $goto_url eq '/';
29 print STDERR "Goto URL = $goto_url\n";
31 my $login = CXGN::Login->new($c->dbc->dbh());
32 my $login_info = $login->login_user($username, $password);
34 if (exists($login_info->{incorrect_password}) && $login_info->{incorrect_password} == 1) {
35 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Login credentials are incorrect. Please try again." };
36 return;
38 elsif (exists($login_info->{account_disabled}) && $login_info->{account_disabled}) {
39 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "This account has been disabled due to $login_info->{account_disabled}. Please contact the database to fix this problem." };
40 return;
42 else {
43 $c->stash->{rest} = {
44 message => "Login successful",
45 goto_url => $goto_url
50 sub logout :Path('/ajax/user/logout') Args(0) {
51 my $self = shift;
52 my $c = shift;
54 my $login = CXGN::Login->new($c->dbc->dbh());
55 $login->logout_user();
57 $c->stash->{rest} = { message => "User successfully logged out." };
60 sub new_account :Path('/ajax/user/new') Args(0) {
61 my $self = shift;
62 my $c = shift;
63 my $sp_person_id = $c->user() ? $c->user->get_object()->get_sp_person_id() : undef;
64 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", undef, $sp_person_id);
66 print STDERR "Adding new account...\n";
67 if ($c->config->{is_mirror}) {
68 $c->stash->{template} = '/system_message.mas';
69 $c->stash->{message} = "This site is a mirror site and does not support adding users. Please go to the main site to create an account.";
70 return;
74 my ($first_name, $last_name, $username, $password, $confirm_password, $email_address, $organization, $breeding_program_ids)
75 = map { $c->req->params->{$_} } (qw|first_name last_name username password confirm_password email_address organization breeding_programs|);
77 # Set organization from breeding programs, if provided
78 if ($breeding_program_ids && ref($breeding_program_ids) ne 'ARRAY') {
79 $breeding_program_ids = [$breeding_program_ids];
81 my @breeding_program_names;
82 if ( !$organization && $breeding_program_ids ) {
83 foreach my $breeding_program_id (@$breeding_program_ids) {
84 my $breeding_program = CXGN::BreedingProgram->new({ schema=> $schema , program_id => $breeding_program_id });
85 push(@breeding_program_names, $breeding_program->get_name());
87 $organization = join(', ', @breeding_program_names);
90 if ($username) {
92 # check password properties...
94 my @fail = ();
95 if (length($username) < 7) {
96 push @fail, "Username is too short. Username must be 7 or more characters";
97 } elsif ( $username =~ /\s/ ) {
98 push @fail, "Username must not contain spaces";
99 } else {
100 # does user already exist?
102 my $existing_login = CXGN::People::Login -> get_login($c->dbc()->dbh(), $username);
104 if ($existing_login->get_username()) {
105 push @fail, "Username \"$username\" is already in use. Please pick a different username.";
109 if (length($password) < 7) {
110 push @fail, "Password is too short. Password must be 7 or more characters";
112 if ("$password" ne "$confirm_password") {
113 push @fail, "Password and confirm password do not match.";
116 if ($password eq $username) {
117 push @fail, "Password must not be the same as your username.";
119 if ($email_address !~ m/[^\@]+\@[^\@]+/) {
120 push @fail, "Email address is invalid.";
122 if ( $email_address ) {
123 my @person_ids = CXGN::People::Login->get_login_by_email($c->dbc()->dbh(), $email_address);
124 if ( scalar(@person_ids) > 0 ) {
125 push @fail, "Email address is already associated with an account.";
128 unless($first_name) {
129 push @fail,"You must enter a first name or initial.";
131 unless($last_name) {
132 push @fail,"You must enter a last name.";
135 if (@fail) {
136 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Account creation failed for the following reason(s): ".(join ", ", @fail) };
137 return;
141 my $confirm_code = $self->tempname();
142 my $new_user = CXGN::People::Login->new($c->dbc->dbh());
143 $new_user -> set_username($username);
144 $new_user -> set_pending_email($email_address);
145 $new_user -> set_disabled('unconfirmed account');
146 $new_user -> set_organization($organization);
147 $new_user -> store();
149 print STDERR "Generated sp_person_id ".$new_user->get_sp_person_id()."\n";
150 print STDERR "Update password and confirm code...\n";
151 $new_user->update_password($password);
152 $new_user->update_confirm_code($confirm_code);
154 print STDERR "Store Person object...\n";
155 #this is being added because the person object still uses two different objects, despite the fact that we've merged the tables
156 my $person_id=$new_user->get_sp_person_id();
157 my $new_person=CXGN::People::Person->new($c->dbc->dbh(),$person_id);
158 $new_person->set_first_name($first_name);
159 $new_person->set_last_name($last_name);
160 $new_person->store();
162 # Add user to breeding programs
163 if ( $c->config->{user_registration_join_breeding_programs} ) {
164 my $person_roles = CXGN::People::Roles->new({ bcs_schema => $schema });
165 my $sp_roles = $person_roles->get_sp_roles();
166 my %roles = map {$_->[0] => $_->[1]} @$sp_roles;
167 foreach my $breeding_program_name (@breeding_program_names) {
168 my $role_id = $roles{$breeding_program_name};
169 if ( !$role_id ) {
170 my $error = $person_roles->add_sp_role($breeding_program_name);
171 if ( $error ) {
172 print STDERR "ERROR: Could not create role $breeding_program_name [$error]\n";
174 else {
175 my $new_sp_roles = $person_roles->get_sp_roles();
176 my %new_roles = map {$_->[0] => $_->[1]} @$new_sp_roles;
177 $role_id = $new_roles{$breeding_program_name};
180 if ( $role_id ) {
181 my $add_role = $person_roles->add_sp_person_role($person_id, $role_id);
186 # Add additional user details for admin confirmation
187 my $user_details = '';
188 if ( $c->config->{user_registration_admin_confirmation} && $c->config->{user_registration_admin_confirmation_email} ) {
189 $user_details .= "Name: $first_name $last_name\n";
190 $user_details .= "Email: $email_address\n";
191 $user_details .= "Organization(s): $organization\n";
194 my $host = $c->config->{main_production_site_url};
195 my $project_name = $c->config->{project_name};
196 my $subject="[$project_name] Email Address Confirmation Request";
197 my $body=<<END_HEREDOC;
199 This message is sent to confirm the email address for community user
200 \"$username\"
201 $user_details
203 Please click (or cut and paste into your browser) the following link to
204 confirm your account and email address:
206 $host/user/confirm?username=$username&confirm_code=$confirm_code
208 Thank you,
209 $project_name Team
211 Please do *NOT* reply to this message. If you have any trouble confirming your
212 email address or have any other questions, please use the contact form instead:
213 $host/contact/form
217 # Send confirmation email to admin
218 my $message = "";
219 if ( $c->config->{user_registration_admin_confirmation} && $c->config->{user_registration_admin_confirmation_email} ) {
220 CXGN::Contact::send_email($subject,$body,'user_registration_admin_confirmation_email');
221 $message = "Your account has been created but first must be confirmed by the site administrators. You will receive an email once your account has been confirmed.";
224 # Send confirmation email to user
225 else {
226 CXGN::Contact::send_email($subject,$body,$email_address);
227 $message = "To continue, you must confirm that we can reach you via email address \"$email_address\". An email has been sent with a URL to confirm this address. Please check your email for this message and use the link to confirm your email address.";
230 $c->stash->{rest} = {
231 message => "Account was created with username \"$username\".\n\n$message\n\nYou will be able to login once your account has been confirmed."
236 sub change_account_info_action :Path('/ajax/user/update') Args(0) {
237 my $self = shift;
238 my $c = shift;
240 if (! $c->user() ) {
241 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "You must be logged in to use this page." };
242 return;
245 my $person = new CXGN::People::Login($c->dbc->dbh(), $c->user->get_sp_person_id());
247 # my ($current_password, $change_username, $change_password, $change_email) = $c->req->param({qw(current_password change_username change_password change_email)});
249 my $args = $c->req->params();
251 if (!$args->{change_password} && ! $args->{change_username} && !$args->{change_email}) {
252 my $error = "No actions were requested. Please select which fields you would like to update by checking the appropriate checkbox(es) on the form and entering your new information.";
253 print STDERR $error;
254 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $error };
255 return;
258 chomp($args->{current_password});
259 if (! $person->verify_password($args->{current_password})) {
260 my $error = "Your current password does not match SGN records.";
261 print STDERR $error;
262 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "$error" };
263 return;
266 # Check for error conditions in all changes, before making any of them.
267 # Otherwise, we could end up making some changes and then failing on later
268 # ones. The user would then push the back button and their information may
269 # be different now but they will probably assume no changes were made. This
270 # is most troublesome if the current password changes.
272 if ($args->{change_username}) {
273 #unless change_username is set, new_username won't be in the args hash because of the prestore test
274 my $new_username = $args->{new_username};
275 if(length($new_username) < 7) {
276 my $error = "Username must be at least 7 characters long.";
277 print STDERR $error;
278 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $error };
279 return;
282 my $other_user = CXGN::People::Login->get_login($c->dbc->dbh(), $new_username);
283 if (defined $other_user->get_sp_person_id() &&
284 ($person -> get_sp_person_id() != $other_user->get_sp_person_id())) {
285 print STDERR "Username alread in use.\n";
286 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Username \"$new_username\" is already in use. Please select a different username." };
287 return;
290 $person->set_username($new_username);
291 $person->store();
294 if ($args->{change_password}) {
295 #unless change_password is set, new_password won't be in the args hash because of the prestore test
296 my ($new_password, $confirm_password) = ($args->{new_password}, $args->{confirm_password});
297 if(length($args->{new_password}) < 7) {
298 print STDERR "Password too short\n";
299 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Passwords must be at least 7 characters long. Please try again." };
300 return;
302 #format check
303 if($args->{new_password} !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9~!@#$^&*_.=:;<>?]+$/) {
304 print STDERR "Illegal characters in password\n";
305 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "An error occurred. Please use your browser's back button to try again.. The Password can't contain spaces or these symbols: <u><b>` ( ) [ ] { } - + ' \" / \\ , |</b></u>." };
306 return;
308 if($args->{new_password} ne $args->{confirm_password}) {
309 print STDERR "Password don't match.\n";
310 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "New password entries do not match. You must enter your new password twice to verify accuracy." };
311 return;
314 print STDERR "Saving new password to the database\n";
315 $person->update_password($args->{new_password});
318 my $user_private_email = $c->user->get_private_email();
319 if($args->{change_email}) {
320 #unless change_email is set, private_email won't be in the args hash because of the prestore test
321 my ($private_email, $confirm_email) = ($args->{private_email}, $args->{confirm_email});
322 if($private_email !~ m/^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$/) {
323 print STDERR "Invalid email address\n";
324 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "An error occurred. Please use your browser's back button to try again. The E-mail address \"$private_email\" does not appear to be a valid e-mail address." };
325 return;
327 if($private_email ne $confirm_email) {
328 print STDERR "Emails don't match\n";
329 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "An error occurred. Please use your browser's back button to try again. New e-mail address entries do not match. You must enter your new e-mail address twice to verify accuracy." };
330 return;
333 print STDERR "Saving private email '$private_email' to the database\n";
334 $person->set_private_email($private_email);
335 my $confirm_code = $self->tempname();
336 $person->set_confirm_code($confirm_code);
337 $person->store();
339 $user_private_email = $private_email;
341 $self->send_confirmation_email($args->{username}, $user_private_email, $confirm_code, $c->config->{main_production_site_url});
345 $c->stash->{rest} = { message => "Update successful" };
349 sub send_confirmation_email {
350 my ($self, $username, $private_email, $confirm_code, $host) = @_;
351 my $subject = "[SGN] E-mail Address Confirmation Request";
353 my $body = <<END_HEREDOC;
355 You requested an account on the site $host.
357 Please do *NOT* reply to this message. The return address is not valid.
358 Use the contact form at $host/contact/form instead.
360 This message is sent to confirm the private e-mail address for community user
361 \"$username\".
363 Please click (or cut and paste into your browser) the following link to
364 confirm your account and e-mail address:
366 $host/user/confirm?username=$username&confirm=$confirm_code
368 Thank you.
369 Sol Genomics Network
372 CXGN::Contact::send_email($subject, $body, $private_email);
376 sub forgot_username : Path('/ajax/user/forgot_username') Args(0) {
377 my $self = shift;
378 my $c = shift;
380 my $email = $c->req->param('forgot_username_email');
381 my @person_ids = CXGN::People::Login->get_login_by_email($c->dbc->dbh(), $email);
382 $self->send_forgot_username_email_message($c, $email, \@person_ids);
384 $c->stash->{rest} = {
385 message => "Username email sent. Please check your email for a message containing the username(s) of any accounts associated with your email address."
390 sub reset_password :Path('/ajax/user/reset_password') Args(0) {
391 my $self = shift;
392 my $c = shift;
394 my $email = $c->req->param('password_reset_email');
396 my @person_ids = CXGN::People::Login->get_login_by_email($c->dbc->dbh(), $email);
398 if (!@person_ids) {
399 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "The provided email ($email) is not associated with any account." };
400 return;
403 if (@person_ids > 1) {
404 $c->stash->{rest} = { message => "The provided email ($email) is associated with multiple accounts. An email is sent for each account. Please notify the database team using the contact form to consolidate the accounts." };
407 my @reset_links;
408 my @reset_tokens;
409 foreach my $pid (@person_ids) {
410 my $email_reset_token = $self->tempname();
411 my $reset_link = $c->config->{main_production_site_url}."/user/reset_password_form?reset_password_token=$email_reset_token";
412 my $person = CXGN::People::Login->new( $c->dbc->dbh(), $pid);
413 $person->update_confirm_code($email_reset_token);
414 print STDERR "Sending reset link $reset_link\n";
415 $self->send_reset_email_message($c, $pid, $email, $reset_link, $person->{username});
416 push @reset_links, $reset_link;
417 push @reset_tokens, $email_reset_token;
420 $c->stash->{rest} = {
421 message => "Reset link sent. Please check your email and click on the link.",
422 reset_links => \@reset_links,
423 reset_tokens => \@reset_tokens
427 sub process_reset_password_form :Path('/ajax/user/process_reset_password') Args(0) {
428 my $self = shift;
429 my $c = shift;
431 my $token = $c->req->param("token");
432 my $confirm_password = $c->req->param("confirm_password");
433 my $new_password = $c->req->param("new_password");
435 if (length($new_password) < 7) {
436 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Password is too short. Password must be 7 or more characters" };
437 $c->detach();
440 if ($confirm_password ne $new_password){
441 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Please enter the same password in the confirm password field!" };
442 $c->detach();
445 eval {
446 my $q = "SELECT sp_person_id FROM sgn_people.sp_person WHERE confirm_code=?;";
447 my $h = $c->dbc->dbh()->prepare($q);
448 $h->execute($token);
449 my ($person_id) = $h->fetchrow_array();
450 my $login = CXGN::People::Login->new($c->dbc->dbh(), $person_id);
451 $login->update_password($new_password);
452 $login->update_confirm_code("");
454 if ($@) {
455 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $@ };
457 else {
458 $c->stash->{rest} = { message => "The password was successfully updated." };
463 sub send_forgot_username_email_message {
464 my $self = shift;
465 my $c = shift;
466 my $email = shift;
467 my $person_ids = shift;
469 my @usernames;
470 foreach my $pid (@$person_ids) {
471 my $person = CXGN::People::Login->new( $c->dbc->dbh(), $pid);
472 push(@usernames, $person->get_username());
474 my $username_message = @usernames > 0 ? "The following username(s) are associated with your email address: " . join(', ', @usernames)
475 : "There are no accounts associated with your email address.";
477 my $project_name = $c->config->{project_name};
478 my $subject = "[$project_name] Forgot Username Request";
479 my $main_url = $c->config->{main_production_site_url};
481 my $body = <<END_HEREDOC;
485 You have requested the username(s) for accounts associated with this email address on $main_url.
487 $username_message
489 If this request did not come from you, please let us know.
491 To contact us, please do NOT reply to this message; rather, use the contact form ($main_url/contact/form) instead.
493 Thank you.
495 Your friends at $project_name
499 CXGN::Contact::send_email($subject, $body, $email);
502 sub send_reset_email_message {
503 my $self = shift;
504 my $c = shift;
505 my $pid = shift;
506 my $private_email = shift;
507 my $reset_link = shift;
508 my $person = shift;
510 my $project_name = $c->config->{project_name};
511 my $subject = "[$project_name] Password Reset Request";
512 my $main_url = $c->config->{main_production_site_url};
514 my $body = <<END_HEREDOC;
518 The user $person has requested a password reset on $main_url.
520 If this request did not come from you, please let us know.
522 To contact us, please do NOT reply to this message; rather, use the contact form ($main_url/contact/form) instead.
524 Your password can be reset using the following link, which you can either click or cut and paste into your browser:
526 $reset_link
528 Thank you.
530 Your friends at $main_url
534 CXGN::Contact::send_email($subject, $body, $private_email);
537 sub tempname {
538 my $self = shift;
539 my $rand_string = "";
540 my $dev_urandom = new IO::File "</dev/urandom" || print STDERR "Can't open /dev/urandom";
541 $dev_urandom->read( $rand_string, 16 );
542 my @bytes = unpack( "C16", $rand_string );
543 $rand_string = "";
544 foreach (@bytes) {
545 $_ %= 62;
546 if ( $_ < 26 ) {
547 $rand_string .= chr( 65 + $_ );
549 elsif ( $_ < 52 ) {
550 $rand_string .= chr( 97 + ( $_ - 26 ) );
552 else {
553 $rand_string .= chr( 48 + ( $_ - 52 ) );
556 return $rand_string;
559 sub get_login_button_html :Path('/ajax/user/login_button_html') Args(0) {
560 my $self = shift;
561 my $c = shift;
562 eval {
563 my $production_site = $c->config->{main_production_site_url};
564 my $html = "";
565 # if the site is a mirror, gray out the login/logout links
566 if( $c->config->{'is_mirror'} ) {
567 print STDERR "generating login button for mirror site...\n";
568 $html = <<HTML;
569 <a style="line-height: 1.2; text-decoration: underline; background: none" href="$production_site" title="log in on main site">main site</a>
570 } elsif ( $c->config->{disable_login} ) {
571 <li class="dropdown">
572 <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="..." style="height:34px; margin: 1px 0px 0px 0px" >
573 <button class="btn btn-primary disabled" type="button" style="margin: 7px 7px 0px 0px">Login</button>
574 </div>
575 </li>
577 HTML
579 } elsif ( $c->req->uri->path_query =~ "logout=yes") {
580 print STDERR "generating login button for logout...\n";
581 $html = <<HTML;
582 <li class="dropdown">
583 <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="..." style="height:34px; margin: 1px 0px 0px 0px" >
584 <a href="/user/login">
585 <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" style="margin: 7px 7px 0px 0px">Login</button>
586 </a>
587 </div>
588 </li>
589 HTML
591 } elsif ( $c->user_exists ) {
592 print STDERR "Generate login button for logged in user...\n";
593 my $sp_person_id = $c->user() ? $c->user->get_object()->get_sp_person_id() : undef;
594 my $username = $c->user->get_username();
595 $html = <<HTML;
596 <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="..." style="height:34px; margin: 1px 3px 0px 0px">
597 <button id="navbar_profile" class="btn btn-primary" type="button" onclick='location.href="/solpeople/profile/$sp_person_id"' style="margin: 7px 0px 0px 0px" title="My Profile">$username</button>
598 <button id="navbar_lists" name="lists_link" class="btn btn-info" style="margin:7px 0px 0px 0px" type="button" title="Lists" onClick="show_lists();">
599 Lists <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt" ></span></button>
600 <button id="navbar_datasets" name="lists_link" class="btn btn-info" style="margin:7px 0px 0px 0px" type="button" title="Datasets" onClick="window.location='/search/datasets';">
601 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt" ></span>&nbsp;<span class="hidden-sm">Datasets</span></button>
602 <button id="navbar_personal_calendar" name="personal_calendar_link" class="btn btn-primary" style="margin:7px 0px 0px 0px" type="button" title="Your Calendar">Calendar&nbsp;<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar" ></span></button>
603 <button id="navbar_logout" class="btn btn-default glyphicon glyphicon-log-out" style="margin:6px 0px 0px 0px" type="button" onclick="logout();" title="Logout"></button>
604 </div>
605 HTML
607 } else {
608 print STDERR "generating regular login button..\n";
609 $html = qq |
610 <li class="dropdown">
611 <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="..." style="height:34px; margin: 1px 0px 0px 0px" >
612 <button id="site_login_button" name="site_login_button" class="btn btn-primary" type="button" style="margin: 7px 7px 0px 0px; position-absolute: 10,10,100,10">Login</button>
613 </div>
614 </li>
618 if ($@) {
619 print STDERR "ERROR: $@\n";
620 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $@ };
622 return $c->stash->{rest} = { html => $html, logged_in => $c->user_exists };
626 sub quick_create_user :Path('/ajax/user/quick_create_account') Args(0) {
627 my $self = shift;
628 my $c = shift;
630 if (!$c->user()) {
631 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "Need to be logged in to use feature." };
632 return;
635 if (!$c->user()->check_roles("curator")) {
636 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => "You don't have the privileges to use this feature" };
637 return;
639 my $logged_in_person_id = $c->user()->get_sp_person_id();
641 my $logged_in_user=CXGN::People::Person->new($c->dbc->dbh(), $logged_in_person_id);
642 $logged_in_person_id=$logged_in_user->get_sp_person_id();
643 my $logged_in_username=$logged_in_user->get_first_name()." ".$logged_in_user->get_last_name();
644 my $logged_in_user_type=$logged_in_user->get_user_type();
646 my ($username, $password, $confirm_password, $email_address, $new_user_type, $first_name, $last_name) =
647 map { print STDERR $_." ".$c->req->param($_)."\n"; $c->req->param($_) } qw | username password confirm_password confirm_email user_type first_name last_name |;
649 print STDERR "$username, $password, $confirm_password, $email_address, $new_user_type, $first_name, $last_name\n";
651 my $new_user_login=CXGN::People::Login->new($c->dbc->dbh);
653 if ($username) {
654 my @fail=();
656 if(length($username)<7){push @fail,"Username is too short. Username must be 7 or more characters";}
657 my $existing_login=CXGN::People::Login->get_login($c->dbc->dbh, $username);
659 if($existing_login->get_username()){push @fail,"Username \"$username\" is already in use. Please pick a different us
660 ername.";}
662 if(length($password)<7){push @fail,"Password is too short. Password must be 7 or more characters";}
664 if("$password" ne "$confirm_password"){push @fail,"Password and confirm password do not match.";}
666 if($password eq $username){push @fail,"Password must not be the same as your username.";}
668 if($new_user_type ne 'user' and $new_user_type ne 'sequencer' and $new_user_type ne 'submitter'){
669 push @fail,"Sorry, but you cannot create user of type \"$new_user_type\" with web interface.";}
670 if(@fail)
672 my $fail_str="";
673 foreach(@fail)
675 $fail_str .= "<li>$_</li>\n"
677 $c->stash->{rest} = { error => $fail_str };
678 return;
683 eval {
684 $new_user_login->set_username(encode_entities($username));
685 $new_user_login->set_password($password);
686 $new_user_login->set_private_email(encode_entities($email_address));
687 $new_user_login->set_user_type(encode_entities($new_user_type));
688 $new_user_login->store();
689 my $new_user_person_id=$new_user_login->get_sp_person_id();
690 my $new_user_person=CXGN::People::Person->new($c->dbc->dbh, $new_user_person_id);
691 $new_user_person->set_first_name(encode_entities($first_name));
692 $new_user_person->set_last_name(encode_entities($last_name));
693 ##removed. This was causing problems with creating new accounts for people,
694 ##and then not finding it in the people search.
695 #$new_user_person->set_censor(1);#censor by default, since we are creating this account, not the person whose info might be displayed, and they might not want it to be displayed
696 $new_user_person->store();
699 if ($@) {
700 $c->stash->{rest} = { html => "An error occurred. $@" };
702 else {
703 $c->stash->{rest} = { html => "<center><h4>Account successfully created for $first_name $last_name</h4><a href=\"/user/admin/quick_create_account\">Create another account" };