Added eval; site now shows clean dataset missing message instead of server error...
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller /
1 =head1 NAME
3 SGN::Controller::Marker - controller for marker-related stuff
5 =cut
7 package SGN::Controller::Marker;
8 use Moose;
9 use namespace::autoclean;
10 use CXGN::Marker::Search;
11 use CXGN::Marker::SearchMatView;
12 use strict;
14 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
16 use File::Spec::Functions;
21 =head2 view_rflp_image
23 Public path: /marker/<marker_id>/rflp_image/view
25 =cut
27 sub view_rflp_image: Chained('get_marker') PathPart('rflp_image/view') :Args(0) {
28 my ( $self, $c, ) = @_;
30 my $image_size = $c->req->query_parameters->{size};
32 my $image_location = $self->rflp_image_link( $c, $c->stash->{marker} )
33 or $c->throw_404( "RFLP image not found for SGN-M".$c->stash->{marker}->marker_id );
35 $c->stash(
36 template => '/markers/view_rflp.mas',
38 image_location => $image_location,
39 image_size => $image_size
44 =head2 marker_details
46 Public path: /marker/SGN-M23545/details
48 Show the HTML detail page for this marker.
50 =cut
52 sub marker_details: Chained('get_marker') PathPart('details') :Args(0) {
53 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
55 $c->stash(
56 template => '/markers/index.mas',
57 dbh => $c->dbc->dbh,
61 =head2 get_marker
63 Public path: /marker/SGN-M23545
65 Chaining base for fetching the marker indicated by the given marker
66 id. The marker ID is an SGN-M identifier.
68 =cut
70 sub get_marker: Chained('/') PathPart('marker') :CaptureArgs(1) {
71 my ( $self, $c, $marker ) = @_;
73 if ($marker =~/^SGN-M(\d+)*/i) {
74 my ($marker_id) = $marker =~ /^SGN-M(\d+)$/i;
75 $c->stash->{marker} = CXGN::Marker->new( $c->dbc->dbh, $marker_id);
76 $c->stash->{marker_id} = $marker_id;
77 } else {
78 $c->throw_404('No marker found with that ID');
82 =head2 view_by_name
84 Public Path: /marker/view_by_name/$name
86 Path Params:
87 name = marker unique name
89 Search for the marker that matches the provided marker name.
90 If 1 match is found, display the marker detail page. Display an
91 error message if no matches are found.
93 =cut
95 sub view_marker_by_name :Path('/marker/view_by_name') CaptureArgs(1) {
96 my ($self, $c, $marker_query) = @_;
97 $self->search_marker($c, $marker_query);
101 ############ helper methods ########
103 # Returns the stuff that goes in the 'href' attribute of the 'a' tag for
104 # an RFLP image, or undef if there is no image.
106 # =cut
108 sub rflp_image_link {
109 my ( $class, $c, $marker ) = @_;
110 my $marker_name = uc $marker->name_that_marker();
111 my ( $dir ) = $marker_name =~ /^(CD|CT|PC|PG|TG|PCD2)/
112 or return;
114 my $source = catfile( $c->get_conf('image_path'), 'rflp', $dir, "$marker_name.jpg" );
116 return unless -f $source;
118 return catfile( $c->get_conf('static_datasets_url'), 'images','rflp', $dir, "$marker_name.jpg" );
122 sub search_marker : Private {
123 my ( $self, $c, $marker_query ) = @_;
124 my $bcs_schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema');
125 my $dbh = $c->dbc->dbh();
127 # Get mapped markers
128 my $msearch = CXGN::Marker::Search->new($dbh);
129 $msearch->name_like($marker_query);
130 $msearch->perform_search();
131 my @mapped_marker_ids = $msearch->fetch_id_list();
132 my @filtered_mapped_marker_ids = _uniq(@mapped_marker_ids);
133 my $mapped_count = scalar @filtered_mapped_marker_ids;
135 # Get genotyped markers using matview
136 my $mvsearch = CXGN::Marker::SearchMatView->new(bcs_schema => $bcs_schema);
137 my $genotyped_marker_results = $mvsearch->query({
138 name => $marker_query
140 my $genotyped_variants = $genotyped_marker_results->{'variants'};
141 my $genotyped_count = scalar keys(%$genotyped_variants);
145 if ( ($mapped_count == 0) && ($genotyped_count == 0) ) {
146 $c->stash->{template} = "generic_message.mas";
147 $c->stash->{message} = "<strong>No Matching Marker Found</strong> ($marker_query)<br />You can view and search for markers from the <a href='/search/variants'>Marker Search Page</a>";
151 elsif ( ($mapped_count > 1) || ($genotyped_count > 1) || ($mapped_count == 1 && $genotyped_count == 1) ) {
152 my $list = "<table style=\"border-spacing: 10px; border-collapse: separate;\">";
154 # Display mapped markers
155 if ( $mapped_count > 0 ) {
156 $list .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><strong>Mapped Markers:</strong></td></tr>";
157 foreach my $marker_id (@filtered_mapped_marker_ids) {
158 my $marker = CXGN::Marker->new($dbh, $marker_id);
159 my $marker_name = $marker->name_that_marker();
161 # Get map name from marker experiments
162 my $experiments = $marker->current_mapping_experiments();
163 my $map_name = "";
164 if ($experiments && @{$experiments} && grep { $_->{location} } @{$experiments} ) {
165 for my $experiment ( @{$experiments} ) {
166 if ( my $loc = $experiment->{location} ) {
167 my $map_version_id = $loc->map_version_id();
168 if ($map_version_id) {
169 my $map_factory = CXGN::Cview::MapFactory->new($dbh);
170 my $map = $map_factory->create({ map_version_id => $map_version_id } );
171 $map_name = $map->get_short_name();
177 my $url = "/search/markers/$marker_id";
178 $list .= "<tr><td><a href='$url'>$marker_name</a></td><td>$map_name</td></tr>";
182 # Display genotyped markers
183 if ( $genotyped_count > 0 ) {
184 $list .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><strong>Genotyped Markers:</strong></td></tr>";
185 foreach my $variant_name (keys %$genotyped_variants) {
186 my $markers = $genotyped_variants->{$variant_name};
187 foreach my $marker (@$markers) {
188 my $url = "/variant/$variant_name/details";
189 $list .= "<tr><td><a href='$url'>" . $marker->{'marker_name'} . "</a></td>";
190 $list .= "<td>" . $marker->{'species_name'} . " (" . $marker->{'nd_protocol_name'} . ")</td></tr>";
195 $list .= "</table>";
196 $c->stash->{template} = "generic_message.mas";
197 $c->stash->{message} = "<strong>Markers Results</strong><br />" . $list;
201 else {
202 if ($mapped_count > 0) {
203 my $marker_id = $filtered_mapped_marker_ids[0];
204 $c->res->redirect('/search/markers/' . $marker_id, 301);
206 elsif ($genotyped_count > 0) {
207 my $variant_name = (keys %$genotyped_variants)[0];
208 $c->res->redirect('/variant/' . $variant_name . '/details', 301);
210 else {
211 $c->stash->{template} = "generic_message.mas";
212 $c->stash->{message} = "<strong>No Matching Marker Found</strong> ($marker_query)<br />You can view and search for markers from the <a href='/search/variants'>Marker Search Page</a>";
217 sub _uniq : Private {
218 my %seen;
219 grep !$seen{$_}++, @_;