2 package SGN
7 BEGIN { extends
"Catalyst::Controller"; }
11 sub status
: Path
('/status') Args
(0) {
15 my $sp_person_id = $c->user() ?
$c->user->get_object()->get_sp_person_id() : undef;
16 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema", 'sgn_chado', $sp_person_id);
17 my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh();
21 $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(accession_id) AS count FROM accessions;");
23 my ($accession_count) = $h->fetchrow_array() and $h->finish();
25 # Get Breeding Program Count
26 $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(breeding_program_id) AS count FROM breeding_programs;");
28 my ($breeding_program_count) = $h->fetchrow_array() and $h->finish();
30 # Get Count of Lines with Pheno Data
31 $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT accession_id) AS count FROM accessionsxplots;");
33 my ($accession_count_pheno) = $h->fetchrow_array() and $h->finish();
35 # Get Count of Lines with Geno Data
36 $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT accession_id) AS count FROM accessionsxgenotyping_protocols WHERE genotyping_protocol_id IS NOT NULL;");
38 my ($accession_count_geno) = $h->fetchrow_array() and $h->finish();
41 $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT observable_id) AS count FROM phenotype;");
43 my ($trait_count) = $h->fetchrow_array() and $h->finish();
45 # Get Pheno Trial Count
46 $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(trial_id) AS count FROM trials;");
48 my ($pheno_trial_count) = $h->fetchrow_array() and $h->finish();
50 # Get Count of Total Pheno Observations
51 $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT phenotype_id) FROM materialized_phenoview WHERE phenotype_id IS NOT NULL;");
53 my ($pheno_observations) = $h->fetchrow_array() and $h->finish();
55 # Get last pheno addition date
56 $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT MAX(create_date) FROM phenotype;");
58 my ($pheno_last_addition) = $h->fetchrow_array() and $h->finish();
60 # Get genotype protocol count
61 $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(genotyping_protocol_id) FROM genotyping_protocols;");
63 my ($geno_protocol_count) = $h->fetchrow_array() and $h->finish();
66 $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(marker_id) FROM sgn.marker;");
68 my ($marker_count) = $h->fetchrow_array() and $h->finish();
70 # Get last geno addition date
71 $h = $dbh->prepare("SELECT MAX(create_date) FROM genotype;");
73 my ($geno_last_addition) = $h->fetchrow_array() and $h->finish();
75 # Pass query results to template
76 $c->stash->{accession_count
} = $accession_count;
77 $c->stash->{breeding_program_count
} = $breeding_program_count;
78 $c->stash->{accession_count_pheno
} = $accession_count_pheno;
79 $c->stash->{accession_count_geno
} = $accession_count_geno;
80 $c->stash->{trait_count
} = $trait_count;
81 $c->stash->{pheno_trial_count
} = $pheno_trial_count;
82 $c->stash->{pheno_observations
} = $pheno_observations;
83 $c->stash->{pheno_last_addition
} = $pheno_last_addition;
84 $c->stash->{geno_protocol_count
} = $geno_protocol_count;
85 $c->stash->{marker_count
} = $marker_count;
86 $c->stash->{geno_last_addition
} = $geno_last_addition;
87 $c->stash->{template
} = '/about/sgn/status.mas';