Added eval; site now shows clean dataset missing message instead of server error...
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller / solGS /
1 package SGN::Controller::solGS::SelectionIndex;
3 use Moose;
4 use namespace::autoclean;
6 use File::Basename;
7 use File::Path qw / mkpath /;
8 use File::Slurp qw /write_file read_file/;
9 use File::Spec::Functions qw / catfile catdir/;
10 use List::MoreUtils qw /uniq/;
12 use JSON;
15 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::REST' }
19 __PACKAGE__->config(
20 default => 'application/json',
21 stash_key => 'rest',
22 map => { 'application/json' => 'JSON'},
26 sub selection_index_form :Path('/solgs/selection/index/form') Args(0) {
27 my ($self, $c) = @_;
30 my $args = $c->req->param('arguments');
31 $c->controller('solGS::Utils')->stash_json_args($c, $args);
32 my $selection_pop_id = $c->stash->{'selection_pop_id'};
33 my $training_pop_id = $c->stash->{'training_pop_id'};
35 my $traits;
36 if ($selection_pop_id)
38 $c->controller('solGS::Gebvs')->selection_pop_analyzed_traits($c, $training_pop_id, $selection_pop_id);
39 $traits = $c->stash->{selection_pop_analyzed_traits};
41 else
43 $c->controller('solGS::Gebvs')->training_pop_analyzed_traits($c);
44 $traits = $c->stash->{selection_index_traits};
47 my $ret->{status} = 'success';
48 $ret->{traits} = $traits;
50 $c->stash->{rest} = $ret;
55 sub calculate_selection_index :Path('/solgs/calculate/selection/index') Args() {
56 my ($self, $c) = @_;
58 my $args = $c->req->param('arguments');
59 $c->controller('solGS::Utils')->stash_json_args($c, $args);
61 my $values = $self->check_si_form_wts($c);
63 my $ret->{status} = 'Selection index failed.';
64 if ($values->[0])
66 $self->save_rel_weights($c);
67 $self->calc_selection_index($c);
69 $self->prep_download_si_files($c);
70 my $sindex_file = $c->stash->{download_sindex};
71 my $gebvs_sindex_file = $c->stash->{download_gebvs_sindex};
73 my $index_file = $c->stash->{selection_index_only_file};
74 my $si_data = $c->controller("solGS::Utils")->read_file_data($index_file);
76 my $sindex_name = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->create_file_id($c);
78 $ret->{status} = 'No GEBV values to rank.';
80 if (@$si_data)
82 $ret->{status} = 'success';
83 $ret->{indices} = $si_data;
84 $ret->{index_file} = $index_file;
85 $ret->{sindex_name} = $sindex_name;
86 $ret->{sindex_file} = $sindex_file;
87 $ret->{gebvs_sindex_file} = $gebvs_sindex_file;
90 else
92 $ret->{status} = 'No relative weights submitted';
95 $c->stash->{rest} = $ret;
99 sub download_selection_index :Path('/solgs/download/selection/index') Args(1) {
100 my ($self, $c, $sindex_name) = @_;
102 $c->stash->{sindex_name} = $sindex_name;
104 $self->prep_download_si_files($c);
105 my $sindex_file = $c->stash->{download_sindex};
106 my $gebvs_sindex_file = $c->stash->{download_gebvs_sindex};
108 $c->stash->{rest}{sindex_file} = $sindex_file;
109 $c->stash->{rest}{sindex_file} = $gebvs_sindex_file;
113 sub prep_download_si_files {
114 my ($self, $c) = @_;
116 my $tmp_dir = catfile($c->config->{tempfiles_subdir}, 'selectionindex');
117 my $base_tmp_dir = catfile($c->config->{basepath}, $tmp_dir);
119 mkpath ([$base_tmp_dir], 0, 0755);
121 $self->selection_index_file($c);
122 my $sindex_file = $c->stash->{selection_index_only_file};
124 $self->gebvs_selection_index_file($c);
125 my $gebvs_sindex_file = $c->stash->{gebvs_selection_index_file};
127 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->copy_file($sindex_file, $base_tmp_dir);
128 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->copy_file($gebvs_sindex_file, $base_tmp_dir);
130 $sindex_file = fileparse($sindex_file);
131 $sindex_file = catfile($tmp_dir, $sindex_file);
133 $gebvs_sindex_file = fileparse($gebvs_sindex_file);
134 $gebvs_sindex_file = catfile($tmp_dir, $gebvs_sindex_file);
136 $c->stash->{download_sindex} = $sindex_file;
137 $c->stash->{download_gebvs_sindex} = $gebvs_sindex_file;
141 sub check_si_form_wts {
142 my ($self, $c) = @_;
144 my $rel_wts = $self->get_rel_wts_hash($c);
145 my @traits = keys (%$rel_wts);
146 @traits = grep {$_ ne 'rank'} @traits;
148 my @values;
149 foreach my $tr (@traits)
151 push @values, $rel_wts->{$tr};
154 return \@values;
159 sub si_input_files {
160 my ($self, $c) = @_;
162 $c->controller('solGS::Gebvs')->get_gebv_files_of_traits($c);
163 $self->rel_weights_file($c);
165 my $input_files = join("\t",
166 $c->stash->{rel_weights_file},
167 $c->stash->{gebv_files_of_traits}
170 my $file_id = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->create_file_id($c);
171 my $temp_dir = $c->stash->{selection_index_temp_dir};
173 my $in_name = "input_files_selection_index_${file_id}";
174 my $input_file = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->create_tempfile($temp_dir, $in_name);
175 write_file($input_file, {binmode => ':utf8'}, $input_files);
177 return $input_file;
182 sub si_output_files {
183 my ($self, $c) = @_;
185 $self->gebvs_selection_index_file($c);
186 $self->selection_index_file($c);
188 my $output_files = join("\t",
189 $c->stash->{gebvs_selection_index_file},
190 $c->stash->{selection_index_only_file}
193 my $file_id = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->create_file_id($c);
194 my $out_name = "output_files_selection_index_${file_id}";
195 my $temp_dir = $c->stash->{selection_index_temp_dir};
196 my $output_file = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->create_tempfile($temp_dir, $out_name);
197 write_file($output_file, {binmode => ':utf8'}, $output_files);
199 return $output_file;
204 sub calc_selection_index {
205 my ($self, $c) = @_;
207 my $file_id = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->create_file_id($c);
208 $c->stash->{analysis_tempfiles_dir} = $c->stash->{selection_index_temp_dir};
209 $c->stash->{output_files} = $self->si_output_files($c);
210 $c->stash->{input_files} = $self->si_input_files($c);
211 $c->stash->{r_temp_file} = "selection_index_${file_id}";
212 $c->stash->{r_script} = 'R/solGS/selection_index.r';
214 $c->controller('solGS::AsyncJob')->run_r_script($c);
219 sub get_top_10_selection_indices {
220 my ($self, $c) = @_;
222 my $si_file = $c->stash->{selection_index_only_file};
223 my $top_10 = $c->controller('solGS::Utils')->top_10($si_file);
225 $c->stash->{top_10_selection_indices} = $top_10;
229 sub download_sindex_url {
230 my ($self, $c) = @_;
233 my $sindex_name = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->create_file_id($c);
234 my $url = qq | <a href="/solgs/download/selection/index/$sindex_name">Download selection indices</a> |;
236 $c->stash->{selection_index_download_url} = $url;
241 sub get_rel_wts_hash {
242 my ($self, $c) = @_;
244 my $traits_wts = $c->stash->{rel_wts};
245 my $json = JSON->new();
246 my $rel_wts = $json->decode($traits_wts);
248 return $rel_wts;
252 sub save_rel_weights {
253 my ($self, $c) = @_;
255 my $rel_wts = $self->get_rel_wts_hash($c);
257 my @si_wts;
258 my $rel_wts_txt = "trait" . "\t" . 'relative_weight' . "\n";
260 foreach my $tr (sort keys %$rel_wts)
262 my $wt = $rel_wts->{$tr};
263 unless ($tr eq 'rank')
265 $rel_wts_txt .= $tr . "\t" . $wt;
266 $rel_wts_txt .= "\n";
267 push @si_wts, $tr, $wt;
271 my $si_wts = join('-', @si_wts);
272 $c->stash->{sindex_weigths} = $si_wts;
274 $self->rel_weights_file($c);
275 my $file = $c->stash->{rel_weights_file};
276 write_file($file, {binmode => ':utf8'}, $rel_wts_txt);
281 sub gebvs_selection_index_file {
282 my ($self, $c) = @_;
284 my $file_id = $c->stash->{sindex_name};
285 if (!$file_id)
287 $file_id = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->create_file_id($c);
290 my $name = "gebvs_selection_index_${file_id}";
291 my $dir = $c->stash->{selection_index_cache_dir};
293 my $cache_data = { key => $name,
294 file => $name,
295 stash_key => 'gebvs_selection_index_file',
296 cache_dir => $dir
299 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->cache_file($c, $cache_data);
304 sub selection_index_file {
305 my ($self, $c) = @_;
307 my $file_id = $c->stash->{sindex_name};
308 if (!$file_id)
310 $file_id = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->create_file_id($c);
313 my $name = "selection_index_only_${file_id}";
314 my $dir = $c->stash->{selection_index_cache_dir};
316 my $cache_data = { key => $name,
317 file => $name,
318 stash_key => 'selection_index_only_file',
319 cache_dir => $dir
322 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->cache_file($c, $cache_data);
327 sub rel_weights_file {
328 my ($self, $c) = @_;
330 my $file_id = $c->controller('solGS::Files')->create_file_id($c);
332 my $dir = $c->stash->{selection_index_cache_dir};
333 my $name = "rel_weights_${file_id}";
335 my $cache_data = { key => $name,
336 file => $name,
337 stash_key => 'rel_weights_file',
338 cache_dir => $dir
341 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->cache_file($c, $cache_data);
345 sub begin : Private {
346 my ($self, $c) = @_;
348 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->get_solgs_dirs($c);
354 ####