2 summary:: Moog VCF implementation, designed by Federico Fontana
3 categories:: UGens>Filters
4 related:: Classes/RLPF, Classes/LPF
7 A digital implementation of the Moog VCF (filter). footnote::
8 The design of this filter is described in the conference paper Fontana, F. (2007) emphasis::Preserving the Digital Structure of the Moog VCF::. In Proc. ICMC07, Copenhagen, 25-31 August 2007.
11 Original Java code created by F. Fontana - August 2007 - federico.fontana@univr.it
12 Ported to C++ for SuperCollider by Dan Stowell
23 the filter resonance gain, between zero and 4.
25 when greater than zero, this will reset the state of the digital filters at the beginning of a computational block.
30 // Play it with the mouse...
31 x = { MoogFF.ar(WhiteNoise.ar(01.1), MouseY.kr(100, 10000, 1), MouseX.kr(0, 4)) }.play(s);
38 Pulse.ar([40,121], [0.3,0.7]),
39 SinOsc.kr(LFNoise0.kr(0.42).range(0.001, 2.2)).range(30, 4200),