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1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 #
4 # Copyright 2002-2006 Zuza Software Foundation
5 #
6 # This file is part of translate.
8 # translate is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # translate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with translate; if not, write to the Free Software
20 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23 """convert Gettext PO localization files to Java/Mozilla .properties files
25 see: for examples and
26 usage instructions
27 """
29 from translate.misc import quote
30 from import po
32 eol = "\n"
34 class reprop:
35 def __init__(self, templatefile):
36 self.templatefile = templatefile
37 self.inputdict = {}
39 def convertstore(self, inputstore, personality, includefuzzy=False):
40 self.personality = personality
41 self.inmultilinemsgid = 0
42 self.inecho = 0
43 self.makestoredict(inputstore, includefuzzy)
44 outputlines = []
45 for line in self.templatefile.readlines():
46 outputstr = self.convertline(line)
47 outputlines.append(outputstr)
48 return outputlines
50 def makestoredict(self, store, includefuzzy=False):
51 # make a dictionary of the translations
52 for unit in store.units:
53 if includefuzzy or not unit.isfuzzy():
54 # there may be more than one entity due to msguniq merge
55 for entity in unit.getlocations():
56 propstring =
58 # NOTE: triple-space as a string means leave it empty (special signal)
59 if len(propstring.strip()) == 0 and propstring != " ":
60 propstring = unit.source
61 self.inputdict[entity] = propstring
63 def convertline(self, line):
64 returnline = ""
65 # handle multiline msgid if we're in one
66 if self.inmultilinemsgid:
67 msgid = quote.rstripeol(line).strip()
68 # see if there's more
69 self.inmultilinemsgid = (msgid[-1:] == '\\')
70 # if we're echoing...
71 if self.inecho:
72 returnline = line
73 # otherwise, this could be a comment
74 elif line.strip()[:1] == '#':
75 returnline = quote.rstripeol(line)+eol
76 else:
77 line = quote.rstripeol(line)
78 equalspos = line.find('=')
79 # if no equals, just repeat it
80 if equalspos == -1:
81 returnline = quote.rstripeol(line)+eol
82 # otherwise, this is a definition
83 else:
84 # backslash at end means carry string on to next line
85 if quote.rstripeol(line)[-1:] == '\\':
86 self.inmultilinemsgid = 1
87 # now deal with the current string...
88 key = line[:equalspos].strip()
89 # Calculate space around the equal sign
90 prespace = line.lstrip()[line.lstrip().find(' '):equalspos]
91 postspacestart = len(line[equalspos+1:])
92 postspaceend = len(line[equalspos+1:].lstrip())
93 postspace = line[equalspos+1:equalspos+(postspacestart-postspaceend)+1]
94 if self.inputdict.has_key(key):
95 self.inecho = 0
96 value = self.inputdict[key]
97 if isinstance(value, str):
98 value = value.decode('utf8')
99 if self.personality == "mozilla":
100 returnline = key+prespace+"="+postspace+quote.mozillapropertiesencode(value)+eol
101 else:
102 returnline = key+prespace+"="+postspace+quote.javapropertiesencode(value)+eol
103 else:
104 self.inecho = 1
105 returnline = line+eol
106 if isinstance(returnline, unicode):
107 returnline = returnline.encode('utf-8')
108 return returnline
110 def convertmozillaprop(inputfile, outputfile, templatefile, includefuzzy=False):
111 """Mozilla specific convertor function"""
112 return convertprop(inputfile, outputfile, templatefile, personality="mozilla", includefuzzy=includefuzzy)
114 def convertprop(inputfile, outputfile, templatefile, personality, includefuzzy=False):
115 inputstore = po.pofile(inputfile)
116 if templatefile is None:
117 raise ValueError("must have template file for properties files")
118 # convertor = po2prop()
119 else:
120 convertor = reprop(templatefile)
121 outputproplines = convertor.convertstore(inputstore, personality, includefuzzy)
122 outputfile.writelines(outputproplines)
123 return 1
125 def main(argv=None):
126 # handle command line options
127 from translate.convert import convert
128 formats = {("po", "properties"): ("properties", convertprop)}
129 parser = convert.ConvertOptionParser(formats, usetemplates=True, description=__doc__)
130 parser.add_option("", "--personality", dest="personality", default="java", type="choice",
131 choices=["java", "mozilla"],
132 help="set the output behaviour: java (default), mozilla", metavar="TYPE")
133 parser.add_fuzzy_option()
134 parser.passthrough.append("personality")
137 if __name__ == '__main__':
138 main()