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1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 from translate.convert import po2dtd
4 from translate.convert import dtd2po
5 from translate.convert import test_convert
6 from translate.misc import wStringIO
7 from import po
8 from import dtd
9 from py import test
10 import warnings
12 class TestPO2DTD:
13 def setup_method(self, method):
14 warnings.resetwarnings()
16 def teardown_method(self, method):
17 warnings.resetwarnings()
19 def po2dtd(self, posource):
20 """helper that converts po source to dtd source without requiring files"""
21 inputfile = wStringIO.StringIO(posource)
22 inputpo = po.pofile(inputfile)
23 convertor = po2dtd.po2dtd()
24 outputdtd = convertor.convertstore(inputpo)
25 return outputdtd
27 def merge2dtd(self, dtdsource, posource):
28 """helper that merges po translations to dtd source without requiring files"""
29 inputfile = wStringIO.StringIO(posource)
30 inputpo = po.pofile(inputfile)
31 templatefile = wStringIO.StringIO(dtdsource)
32 templatedtd = dtd.dtdfile(templatefile)
33 convertor = po2dtd.redtd(templatedtd)
34 outputdtd = convertor.convertstore(inputpo)
35 return outputdtd
37 def convertdtd(self, posource, dtdtemplate):
38 """helper to exercise the command line function"""
39 inputfile = wStringIO.StringIO(posource)
40 outputfile = wStringIO.StringIO()
41 templatefile = wStringIO.StringIO(dtdtemplate)
42 assert po2dtd.convertdtd(inputfile, outputfile, templatefile)
43 return outputfile.getvalue()
45 def roundtripsource(self, dtdsource):
46 """converts dtd source to po and back again, returning the resulting source"""
47 dtdinputfile = wStringIO.StringIO(dtdsource)
48 dtdinputfile2 = wStringIO.StringIO(dtdsource)
49 pooutputfile = wStringIO.StringIO()
50 dtd2po.convertdtd(dtdinputfile, pooutputfile, dtdinputfile2)
51 posource = pooutputfile.getvalue()
52 poinputfile = wStringIO.StringIO(posource)
53 dtdtemplatefile = wStringIO.StringIO(dtdsource)
54 dtdoutputfile = wStringIO.StringIO()
55 po2dtd.convertdtd(poinputfile, dtdoutputfile, dtdtemplatefile)
56 dtdresult = dtdoutputfile.getvalue()
57 print "original dtd:\n", dtdsource, "po version:\n", posource, "output dtd:\n", dtdresult
58 return dtdresult
60 def roundtripstring(self, entitystring):
61 """Just takes the contents of a ENTITY definition (with quotes) and does a roundtrip on that"""
62 dtdintro, dtdoutro = '<!ENTITY Test.RoundTrip ', '>\n'
63 dtdsource = dtdintro + entitystring + dtdoutro
64 dtdresult = self.roundtripsource(dtdsource)
65 assert dtdresult.startswith(dtdintro) and dtdresult.endswith(dtdoutro)
66 return dtdresult[len(dtdintro):-len(dtdoutro)]
68 def check_roundtrip(self, dtdsource):
69 """Checks that the round-tripped string is the same as the original"""
70 assert self.roundtripstring(dtdsource) == dtdsource
72 def test_joinlines(self):
73 """tests that po lines are joined seamlessly (bug 16)"""
74 multilinepo = '''#: pref.menuPath\nmsgid ""\n"<span>Tools &gt; Options</"\n"span>"\nmsgstr ""\n'''
75 dtdfile = self.po2dtd(multilinepo)
76 dtdsource = str(dtdfile)
77 assert "</span>" in dtdsource
79 def test_escapedstr(self):
80 """tests that \n in msgstr is escaped correctly in dtd"""
81 multilinepo = '''#: pref.menuPath\nmsgid "Hello\\nEveryone"\nmsgstr "Good day\\nAll"\n'''
82 dtdfile = self.po2dtd(multilinepo)
83 dtdsource = str(dtdfile)
84 assert "Good day\nAll" in dtdsource
86 def test_ampersandwarning(self):
87 """tests that proper warnings are given if invalid ampersands occur"""
88 simplestring = '''#: simple.warningtest\nmsgid "Simple String"\nmsgstr "Dimpled &Ring"\n'''
89 warnings.simplefilter("error")
90 assert test.raises(Warning, po2dtd.removeinvalidamps, "simple.warningtest", "Dimpled &Ring")
92 def test_missingaccesskey(self):
93 """tests that proper warnings are given if access key is missing"""
94 simplepo = '''#: simple.label\n#: simple.accesskey\nmsgid "Simple &String"\nmsgstr "Dimpled Ring"\n'''
95 simpledtd = '''<!ENTITY simple.label "Simple String">\n<!ENTITY simple.accesskey "S">'''
96 warnings.simplefilter("error")
97 assert test.raises(Warning, self.merge2dtd, simpledtd, simplepo)
99 def test_accesskeycase(self):
100 """tests that access keys come out with the same case as the original, regardless"""
101 simplepo_template = '''#: simple.label\n#: simple.accesskey\nmsgid "Simple &%s"\nmsgstr "Dimpled &%s"\n'''
102 simpledtd_template = '''<!ENTITY simple.label "Simple %s">\n<!ENTITY simple.accesskey "%s">'''
103 # we test each combination of label case and accelerator case
104 for srcword in ("String", "string"):
105 for destword in ("Ring", "ring"):
106 for srcaccel, destaccel in ("SR", "sr"):
107 simplepo = simplepo_template % (srcword, destword)
108 simpledtd = simpledtd_template % (srcword, srcaccel)
109 dtdfile = self.merge2dtd(simpledtd, simplepo)
110 dtdfile.makeindex()
111 accel = dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtdfile.index["simple.accesskey"].definition)
112 assert accel == destaccel
114 def test_accesskey_types(self):
115 """tests that we can detect the various styles of accesskey"""
116 simplepo_template = '''#: simple.%s\n#: simple.%s\nmsgid "&File"\nmsgstr "F&aele"\n'''
117 simpledtd_template = '''<!ENTITY simple.%s "File">\n<!ENTITY simple.%s "a">'''
118 for label in ("label", "title"):
119 for accesskey in ("accesskey", "accessKey", "akey"):
120 simplepo = simplepo_template % (label, accesskey)
121 simpledtd = simpledtd_template % (label, accesskey)
122 dtdfile = self.merge2dtd(simpledtd, simplepo)
123 dtdfile.makeindex()
124 assert dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtdfile.index["simple.%s" % accesskey].definition) == "a"
126 def test_ampersandfix(self):
127 """tests that invalid ampersands are fixed in the dtd"""
128 simplestring = '''#: simple.string\nmsgid "Simple String"\nmsgstr "Dimpled &Ring"\n'''
129 dtdfile = self.po2dtd(simplestring)
130 dtdsource = str(dtdfile)
131 assert "Dimpled Ring" in dtdsource
133 def test_entities_two(self):
134 """test the error ouput when we find two entities"""
135 simplestring = '''#: simple.string second.string\nmsgid "Simple String"\nmsgstr "Dimpled Ring"\n'''
136 dtdfile = self.po2dtd(simplestring)
137 dtdsource = str(dtdfile)
138 assert "CONVERSION NOTE - multiple entities" in dtdsource
140 def test_entities(self):
141 """tests that entities are correctly idnetified in the dtd"""
142 simplestring = '''#: simple.string\nmsgid "Simple String"\nmsgstr "Dimpled Ring"\n'''
143 dtdfile = self.po2dtd(simplestring)
144 dtdsource = str(dtdfile)
145 assert dtdsource.startswith("<!ENTITY simple.string")
147 def test_comments_translator(self):
148 """tests for translator comments"""
149 simplestring = '''# Comment1\n# Comment2\n#: simple.string\nmsgid "Simple String"\nmsgstr "Dimpled Ring"\n'''
150 dtdfile = self.po2dtd(simplestring)
151 dtdsource = str(dtdfile)
152 assert dtdsource.startswith("<!-- Comment1 -->")
154 def test_retains_hashprefix(self):
155 """tests that hash prefixes in the dtd are retained"""
156 hashpo = '''#: lang.version\nmsgid "__MOZILLA_LOCALE_VERSION__"\nmsgstr "__MOZILLA_LOCALE_VERSION__"\n'''
157 hashdtd = '#expand <!ENTITY lang.version "__MOZILLA_LOCALE_VERSION__">\n'
158 dtdfile = self.merge2dtd(hashdtd, hashpo)
159 regendtd = str(dtdfile)
160 assert regendtd == hashdtd
162 def test_convertdtd(self):
163 """checks that the convertdtd function is working"""
164 posource = '''#: simple.label\n#: simple.accesskey\nmsgid "Simple &String"\nmsgstr "Dimpled &Ring"\n'''
165 dtdtemplate = '''<!ENTITY simple.label "Simple String">\n<!ENTITY simple.accesskey "S">\n'''
166 dtdexpected = '''<!ENTITY simple.label "Dimpled Ring">\n<!ENTITY simple.accesskey "R">\n'''
167 newdtd = self.convertdtd(posource, dtdtemplate)
168 print newdtd
169 assert newdtd == dtdexpected
171 def test_newlines_escapes(self):
172 """check that we can handle a \n in the PO file"""
173 posource = '''#: simple.label\n#: simple.accesskey\nmsgid "A hard coded newline.\\n"\nmsgstr "Hart gekoeerde nuwe lyne\\n"\n'''
174 dtdtemplate = '<!ENTITY simple.label "A hard coded newline.\n">\n'
175 dtdexpected = '''<!ENTITY simple.label "Hart gekoeerde nuwe lyne\n">\n'''
176 dtdfile = self.merge2dtd(dtdtemplate, posource)
177 print dtdfile
178 assert str(dtdfile) == dtdexpected
180 def test_roundtrip_simple(self):
181 """checks that simple strings make it through a dtd->po->dtd roundtrip"""
182 self.check_roundtrip('"Hello"')
183 self.check_roundtrip('"Hello Everybody"')
185 def test_roundtrip_escape(self):
186 """checks that escapes in strings make it through a dtd->po->dtd roundtrip"""
187 self.check_roundtrip(r'"Simple Escape \ \n \\ \: \t \r "')
188 self.check_roundtrip(r'"End Line Escape \"')
190 def test_roundtrip_quotes(self):
191 """checks that (escaped) quotes in strings make it through a dtd->po->dtd roundtrip"""
192 self.check_roundtrip(r"""'Quote Escape "" '""")
193 self.check_roundtrip(r'''"Single-Quote ' "''')
194 self.check_roundtrip(r'''"Single-Quote Escape \' "''')
195 # NOTE: if both quote marks are present, than ' is converted to &apos;
196 self.check_roundtrip(r"""'Both Quotes "" &apos;&apos; '""")
198 def test_merging_entries_with_spaces_removed(self):
199 """dtd2po removes pretty printed spaces, this tests that we can merge this back into the pretty printed dtd"""
200 posource = '''#: simple.label\nmsgid "First line then "\n"next lines."\nmsgstr "Eerste lyne en dan volgende lyne."\n'''
201 dtdtemplate = '<!ENTITY simple.label "First line then\n' + \
202 ' next lines.">\n'
203 dtdexpected = '<!ENTITY simple.label "Eerste lyne en dan volgende lyne.">\n'
204 dtdfile = self.merge2dtd(dtdtemplate, posource)
205 print dtdfile
206 assert str(dtdfile) == dtdexpected
208 def test_comments(self):
209 """test that we preserve comments, bug 351"""
210 posource = '''#: name\nmsgid "Text"\nmsgstr "Teks"'''
211 dtdtemplate = '''<!ENTITY name "%s">\n<!-- \n\nexample -->\n'''
212 dtdfile = self.merge2dtd(dtdtemplate % "Text", posource)
213 print dtdfile
214 assert str(dtdfile) == dtdtemplate % "Teks"
216 class TestPO2DTDCommand(test_convert.TestConvertCommand, TestPO2DTD):
217 """Tests running actual po2dtd commands on files"""
218 convertmodule = po2dtd
219 defaultoptions = {"progress": "none"}
220 # TODO: because of having 2 base classes, we need to call all their setup and teardown methods
221 # (otherwise we won't reset the warnings etc)
222 def setup_method(self, method):
223 """call both base classes setup_methods"""
224 test_convert.TestConvertCommand.setup_method(self, method)
225 TestPO2DTD.setup_method(self, method)
226 def teardown_method(self, method):
227 """call both base classes teardown_methods"""
228 test_convert.TestConvertCommand.teardown_method(self, method)
229 TestPO2DTD.teardown_method(self, method)
231 def test_help(self):
232 """tests getting help"""
233 options = test_convert.TestConvertCommand.test_help(self)
234 options = self.help_check(options, "-t TEMPLATE, --template=TEMPLATE")
235 options = self.help_check(options, "--fuzzy")
236 options = self.help_check(options, "--nofuzzy", last=True)