fix git support for v1.5.3 (or higher) by setting "--work-tree"
[translate_toolkit.git] / tools / oosetupmerge
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 # Copyright 2003, 2004 Zuza Software Foundation
5 #
6 # This file is part of the translate-toolkit
8 # translate is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # translate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with translate; if not, write to the Free Software
20 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
22 """tool for building multilingual setup files"""
24 try:
25 from translate.misc import sparse
26 except ImportError:
27 import sparse
28 try:
29 from translate import __version__
30 except ImportError:
31 class __version__:
32 ver = "standalone"
33 import sys
34 import operator
35 import os
36 import copy
37 import datetime
39 class SetupParser(sparse.SimpleParser):
40 def __init__(self):
41 sparse.SimpleParser.__init__(self)
42 self.defaulttokenlist.extend(';\n')
43 self.whitespacechars = " \t\r"
44 self.quotechars = ('"', '{')
45 self.endquotechars = {'"':'"', '{':'}'}
46 self.stringescaping = 0
47 self.sectiontypes = ('ConfigurationItem', 'Custom', 'DataCarrier', 'Directory',
48 'File', 'Folder', 'FolderItem', 'Function', 'HelpText', 'Installation', 'Module', 'Procedure',
49 'Profile', 'ProfileItem', 'RegistryItem', 'Shortcut', 'StarRegistry', 'StarRegistryItem')
50 self.definitions = {}
51 self.bytype = {}
52 self.referrals = []
53 # insert after the given tokennums
54 self.insertions = {}
55 for sectiontype in self.sectiontypes:
56 self.bytype[sectiontype] = {}
58 def parse(self, contents):
59 self.tokenize(contents)
60 self.originaltokens = self.tokens[:]
61 tokennum = 0
62 while tokennum < len(self.tokens):
63 tokennum = self.parsesection(tokennum)
65 def parsesection(self, tokennum):
66 sectiontype = self.tokens[tokennum]
67 if sectiontype not in self.sectiontypes:
68 print >>sys.stderr, "unknown sectiontype....", sectiontype
69 if sectiontype not in self.bytype:
70 self.bytype[sectiontype] = {}
71 sectionname = self.tokens[tokennum + 1]
72 section = {}
73 if sectionname in self.definitions:
74 print >>sys.stderr, "duplicate", sectionname
75 self.definitions[sectionname] = section
76 self.bytype[sectiontype][sectionname] = section
77 section['type'] = sectiontype
78 section['tokennums'] = {'start':tokennum}
79 tokennum += 2
80 while self.tokens[tokennum] == '\n':
81 tokennum += 1
82 while self.tokens[tokennum].lower() != 'end':
83 varname = self.tokens[tokennum]
84 if self.tokens[tokennum+1] != '=':
85 print >>sys.stderr, "expected =...", sectiontype, sectionname, varname
86 startvardef = tokennum+2
87 nestlevel = 0
88 while self.tokens[tokennum] != '\n' or nestlevel > 0:
89 varpart = self.tokens[tokennum]
90 if varpart.lower().startswith('gid_'):
91 self.referrals.append((varpart, tokennum))
92 if varpart == '(':
93 nestlevel += 1
94 elif varpart == ')':
95 nestlevel -= 1
96 tokennum += 1
97 value = "".join(self.tokens[startvardef:tokennum])
98 if value.endswith(";"): value = value[:-1]
99 section[varname] = value
100 section['tokennums'][varname] = startvardef - section['tokennums']['start']
101 section['tokennums'][varname+" end"] = tokennum - section['tokennums']['start']
102 tokennum = tokennum + 1
103 section['tokennums']['end'] = tokennum - section['tokennums']['start']
104 tokennum += 1
105 while tokennum < len(self.tokens) and self.tokens[tokennum] == '\n':
106 tokennum += 1
107 return tokennum
109 def rename(self, sectionname, newname):
110 section = self.definitions[sectionname]
111 tokennum = section['tokennums']['start']
112 self.tokens[tokennum+1] = newname
113 for varpart, tokennum in self.referrals:
114 if varpart.lower() == sectionname.lower():
115 self.tokens[tokennum] = newname
117 def insertforeignsection(self, aftersection, sectionname, section, index, tokenrange):
118 tokennum = self.getsectionendtokennum(aftersection)
119 while self.tokens[tokennum+1] == '\n':
120 tokennum += 1
121 self.definitions[sectionname] = copy.deepcopy(section)
122 self.definitions[sectionname]['tokennums']['start'] = tokennum
123 if tokennum in self.insertions:
124 self.insertions[tokennum].append((index, tokenrange))
125 else:
126 self.insertions[tokennum] = [(index, tokenrange)]
128 def insertforeignvalue(self, sectionname, index, tokenrange):
129 tokennum = self.getsectionendtokennum(sectionname) - 1
130 if self.tokens[tokennum] == "\n":
131 tokennum -= 1
132 if tokennum in self.insertions:
133 self.insertions[tokennum].append((index, tokenrange))
134 else:
135 self.insertions[tokennum] = [(index, tokenrange)]
137 def getsource(self, start=None, end=None):
138 sourceparts = []
139 if start is None:
140 start = 0
141 if end is None:
142 end = len(self.tokens)
143 tokenpos = 0
144 for tokennum in range(start+1):
145 tokenpos = self.source.find(self.originaltokens[tokennum], tokenpos)
146 for tokennum in range(start, end):
147 originaltoken = self.originaltokens[tokennum]
148 nexttokenpos = self.source.find(originaltoken, tokenpos)
149 sourceparts.append(self.source[tokenpos:nexttokenpos])
150 sourceparts.append(self.tokens[tokennum])
151 tokenpos = nexttokenpos + len(originaltoken)
152 if tokennum in self.insertions:
153 for index, tokenrange in self.insertions[tokennum]:
154 foreignstart, foreignend = tokenrange
155 foreignsource = index.getsource(foreignstart, foreignend)
156 sourceparts.append(foreignsource)
157 if end == len(self.tokens):
158 sourceparts.append(self.source[tokenpos:end])
159 return "".join(sourceparts)
161 def getfieldvalue(self, sectionname, fieldname, default=None):
162 section = self.definitions[sectionname]
163 return section.get(fieldname, default)
165 def getfieldtokennum(self, sectionname, fieldname):
166 section = self.definitions[sectionname]
167 return section['tokennums'][fieldname] + section['tokennums']['start']
169 def getsectionendtokennum(self, sectionname):
170 section = self.definitions[sectionname]
171 return section['tokennums']['end'] + section['tokennums']['start']
173 def setfieldvalue(self, sectionname, fieldname, fieldvalue):
174 fieldtokennum = self.getfieldtokennum(sectionname, fieldname)
175 self.tokens[fieldtokennum] = fieldvalue
177 def renamefield(self, sectionname, fieldname, newfieldname):
178 fieldtokennum = self.getfieldtokennum(sectionname, fieldname)
179 self.tokens[fieldtokennum - 2] = newfieldname
181 def getsectiontokenrange(self, sectionname):
182 section = self.definitions[sectionname]
183 start, end = section['tokennums']['start'], section['tokennums']['end']+1
184 while self.tokens[start+end] == '\n' and start+end < len(self.tokens)-1:
185 end += 1
186 return (start, start+end)
188 def getfieldtokenrange(self, sectionname, fieldname):
189 section = self.definitions[sectionname]
190 sectionstart = section['tokennums']['start']
191 start, end = section['tokennums'][fieldname]-2, section['tokennums'][fieldname+' end']
192 while self.tokens[sectionstart+end] == '\n' and sectionstart+end < len(self.tokens)-1:
193 end += 1
194 if self.tokens[sectionstart+start-1] == '\n' and start > 0:
195 start -= 1
196 if self.tokens[sectionstart+end-1] == '\n':
197 end -= 1
198 return (sectionstart+start, sectionstart+end)
200 def getmoduleentrytokennum(self, modulename, fileentry):
201 start, end = self.getsectiontokenrange(modulename)
202 for tokennum in range(start, end):
203 if self.originaltokens[tokennum] == fileentry:
204 return tokennum
205 return None
207 class SetupIndex(SetupParser):
208 def __init__(self, filename=None):
209 SetupParser.__init__(self)
210 self.manualfiles = []
211 self.filemodules = {}
212 self.directorychildren = {}
213 self.directoryfiles = {}
214 if filename is not None:
215 self.readfile(filename)
217 def readfile(self, filename):
218 self.filename = filename
219 # f =, 'r', encoding='utf8')
220 f = open(self.filename, 'r')
221 contents =
222 f.close()
223 self.parse(contents)
225 def parse(self, contents):
226 SetupParser.parse(self, contents)
227 self.languagename = sparse.stringeval(self.getfieldvalue('gid_Dir_Config_Language', 'HostName'))
228 self.isocode = sparse.stringeval(self.getfieldvalue('gid_Dir_Share_Registry_Res_Lang', 'HostName'))
229 if self.isocode.find("-") == -1:
230 self.shortisocode = self.isocode
231 else:
232 self.shortisocode = self.isocode[:self.isocode.find("-")]
233 self.dialingcode = sparse.stringeval(self.getfieldvalue('gid_Installation', 'DefaultLanguage'))
235 def keymunge(self, keyname):
236 """munges a keyname and removes invalid entries"""
237 return keyname.replace("-", "_")
239 def islocalizefile(self, filename):
240 """returns whether a file is part of localization"""
241 # handle resource files
242 if filename.endswith("%s.res" % self.dialingcode):
243 return True
244 # handle README and LICENSE files
245 if filename in [(template % self.dialingcode) for template in \
246 ("README%s", "LICENSE%s", "README%s.html", "LICENSE%s.html")]:
247 return True
248 # everything else is normal...
249 return False
251 def merge(self, otherindexes):
252 """merges this with another index... hmmm ...."""
253 indexes = [self] + otherindexes
254 languages = [index.getfieldvalue('gid_Installation', 'Languages') for index in indexes]
255 languages = [sparse.stringeval(languagevalues).split(",") for languagevalues in languages]
256 languages = reduce(operator.add, languages)
257 languages.sort()
258 languages = ",".join(languages)
259 # support for Languages is needed in setup2/source/ui/pages/plang.*
260 self.setfieldvalue('gid_Installation', 'Languages', '"%s"' % languages)
261 directoriestorename = {}
262 for index in indexes:
263 for directory in index.bytype["Directory"]:
264 hostname = index.getfieldvalue(directory, 'HostName')
265 hostname = sparse.stringeval(hostname)
266 if hostname in (index.languagename, index.isocode, index.shortisocode):
267 directoriestorename[directory] = 1
268 parentid = index.getfieldvalue(directory, 'ParentID')
269 if parentid not in index.directorychildren:
270 index.directorychildren[parentid] = [directory]
271 else:
272 index.directorychildren[parentid].append(directory)
273 # make sure that if a directory is renamed, all its child directories are too...
274 recursecount = 1
275 while recursecount:
276 recursecount = 0
277 for directory in directoriestorename.keys():
278 for child in index.directorychildren.get(directory, []):
279 if not child in directoriestorename:
280 directoriestorename[child] = 1
281 recursecount += 1
282 # make an index of which files go in which directory
283 for fileentry in index.bytype["File"]:
284 directory = index.getfieldvalue(fileentry, 'Dir')
285 if directory not in index.directoryfiles:
286 index.directoryfiles[directory] = [fileentry]
287 else:
288 index.directoryfiles[directory].append(fileentry)
289 # make an index of which modules files belong to...
290 for module in index.bytype["Module"]:
291 filelist = index.getfieldvalue(module, 'Files', None)
292 if filelist is None:
293 # not all modules have a file list
294 continue
295 filelist = [fileentry.strip() for fileentry in filelist[1:-1].split(",")]
296 for fileentry in filelist:
297 if fileentry not in index.filemodules:
298 index.filemodules[fileentry] = [module]
299 else:
300 index.filemodules[fileentry].append(module)
301 for index in indexes:
302 suffix = self.keymunge("_" + index.isocode)
303 for directory in directoriestorename:
304 if directory.find('_Language') != -1:
305 newname = directory.replace("_Language", suffix)
306 elif directory.find('_Lang') != -1:
307 newname = directory.replace("_Lang", suffix)
308 elif directory.find('_Isolanguage') != -1:
309 newname = directory.replace("_Isolanguage", suffix)
310 else: newname = directory + suffix
311 index.renamedirectory(directory, newname, suffix)
312 if index != self:
313 directorysection = index.definitions[directory]
314 tokenrange = index.getsectiontokenrange(directory)
315 self.insertforeignsection(directory, newname, directorysection, index, tokenrange)
316 if directory in index.directoryfiles:
317 for fileentry in index.directoryfiles[directory]:
318 self.addforeignfile(index, fileentry, suffix)
319 for fileentry in index.bytype["File"]:
320 filename = sparse.stringeval(index.getfieldvalue(fileentry, 'Name'))
321 if index.islocalizefile(filename):
322 index.rename(fileentry, fileentry + suffix)
323 packedname = sparse.stringeval(index.getfieldvalue(fileentry, "PackedName"))
324 newpackedname = packedname + suffix
325 index.setfieldvalue(fileentry, "PackedName", '"%s"' % newpackedname)
326 if index != self:
327 self.addforeignfile(index, fileentry, suffix)
328 for configitem in index.bytype["ConfigurationItem"]:
329 key = sparse.stringeval(index.getfieldvalue(configitem, 'Key'))
330 # TODO: when <sequence_languages> is working correctly, remove this code - i#33113
331 # if configitem == "gid_Configurationitem_Setup_Office_Locales":
332 # wierdness. the setup program will put in a comma-separated attribute if its all alpha
333 # but if there's a - it won't, so we need to check for this...
334 # isocodes = ",".join([eachindex.isocode for eachindex in indexes if eachindex.isocode.isalpha()])
335 # index.setfieldvalue(configitem, "Value", '"%s"' % isocodes)
336 if key == index.isocode:
337 index.rename(configitem, configitem + suffix)
338 if index != self:
339 self.addforeignconfigitem(index, configitem, suffix)
340 for helpitem in index.bytype["HelpText"]:
341 index.renamefield(helpitem, "Text", "Text(%s)" % index.dialingcode)
342 if index != self:
343 self.addforeignhelptext(index, helpitem)
344 for moduleitem in index.bytype["Module"]:
345 index.renamefield(moduleitem, "Name", "Name(%s)" % index.dialingcode)
346 index.renamefield(moduleitem, "Description", "Description(%s)" % index.dialingcode)
347 if index != self:
348 self.addforeignmoduletext(index, moduleitem)
350 def addmanualshortcut(self, shortcutentry, fileentry, iconid, baseentry):
351 """Inserts a manual shortcut into the build system"""
352 shortcutsectionlines = ["FolderItem %s" % shortcutentry]
353 def addparam(paramname, paramstr):
354 shortcutsectionlines.append(" %s%s = %s;" % (paramname, " "*(16-len(paramname)), paramstr))
355 addparam("ModuleID", self.getfieldvalue(baseentry, "ModuleID"))
356 addparam("Name", '"Change language"')
357 addparam("FolderID", self.getfieldvalue(baseentry, "FolderID"))
358 addparam("FileID", fileentry)
359 addparam("IconFile", fileentry)
360 addparam("IconID", "%d" % iconid)
361 addparam("Styles", self.getfieldvalue(baseentry, "Styles"))
362 shortcutsectionlines.append("End")
363 shortcutsectionlines.extend(["", "", ""])
364 shortcutsectionstr = "\r\n".join(shortcutsectionlines)
365 dummysetup = SetupParser()
366 dummysetup.parse(shortcutsectionstr)
367 shortcutentrysection = dummysetup.definitions[shortcutentry]
368 tokenrange = dummysetup.getsectiontokenrange(shortcutentry)
369 self.insertforeignsection(baseentry, shortcutentry, shortcutentrysection, dummysetup, tokenrange)
371 def addtozipfile(self, destdirectory, zipfileentry, filename, filecontents=None):
372 """adds a filename to a zip file. filecontents=None means read from file, otherwise create with contents and remove after"""
373 packedname = sparse.stringeval(self.getfieldvalue(zipfileentry, "PackedName"))
374 packedpath = os.path.join(destdirectory, packedname)
375 if filecontents is not None:
376 open(filename, 'w').write(filecontents)
377 print "doing zipfile", packedpath, filename
378 os.system('mv %s' % (packedpath, packedpath))
379 os.system('zip %s' % (packedpath, filename))
380 os.system('mv %s' % (packedpath, packedpath))
381 if filecontents is not None:
382 os.remove(filename)
383 fileinfo = os.stat_result(os.stat(packedpath))
384 filedate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(fileinfo.st_mtime)
385 self.setfieldvalue(zipfileentry, "Size", "%d" % fileinfo.st_size)
386 self.setfieldvalue(zipfileentry, "Date", filedate.strftime('"%d%m%Y"'))
387 self.setfieldvalue(zipfileentry, "Time", filedate.strftime('"%H%M"'))
389 def readfromzipfile(self, zipfileentry, filename):
390 """reads contents of a file from a zip file"""
391 packedname = sparse.stringeval(self.getfieldvalue(zipfileentry, "PackedName"))
392 srcdirectory = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
393 packedpath = os.path.join(srcdirectory, packedname)
394 return os.popen('unzip -p %s %s' % (packedpath, filename)).read()
396 def addmanualfile(self, fileentry, filename, packedname, baseentry):
397 """Inserts an external file into the build system"""
398 fileinfo = os.stat_result(os.stat(filename))
399 filedate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(fileinfo.st_mtime)
400 direntry = self.getfieldvalue(baseentry, "Dir")
401 filesectionlines = ["File %s" % fileentry]
402 def addparam(paramname, paramstr):
403 filesectionlines.append(" %s%s = %s;" % (paramname, " "*(16-len(paramname)), paramstr))
404 addparam("Name", '"%s"' % os.path.basename(filename))
405 addparam("PackedName", '"%s"' % packedname)
406 addparam("Size", "%d" % fileinfo.st_size)
407 addparam("Dir", "%s" % direntry)
408 addparam("Carrier", "gid_DataCarrier")
409 addparam("UnixRights", ("%o" % fileinfo.st_mode)[-3:])
410 addparam("Date", filedate.strftime('"%d%m%Y"'))
411 addparam("Time", filedate.strftime('"%H%M"'))
412 addparam("Styles", "(PACKED)")
413 filesectionlines.append("End")
414 filesectionlines.extend(["", "", ""])
415 filesectionstr = "\r\n".join(filesectionlines)
416 dummysetup = SetupParser()
417 dummysetup.parse(filesectionstr)
418 fileentrysection = dummysetup.definitions[fileentry]
419 tokenrange = dummysetup.getsectiontokenrange(fileentry)
420 self.insertforeignsection(baseentry, fileentry, fileentrysection, dummysetup, tokenrange)
421 if baseentry in self.filemodules:
422 for modulename in self.filemodules[baseentry]:
423 self.addfiletomodule(modulename, fileentry, baseentry)
424 self.manualfiles.append((filename, packedname))
426 def addforeignconfigitem(self, index, configitem, suffix):
427 """adds the foreign config item and updates the modules list..."""
428 tokenrange = index.getsectiontokenrange(configitem)
429 configitemsection = index.definitions[configitem]
430 # the config item will already have been renamed by the index.renamedirectory
431 self.insertforeignsection(configitem, configitem + suffix, configitemsection, index, tokenrange)
433 def addforeignhelptext(self, index, helpitem):
434 """adds the foreign helpitem's text to the corresponding item in self"""
435 # see
436 tokenrange = index.getfieldtokenrange(helpitem, "Text")
437 # the help item field will already have been renamed
438 self.insertforeignvalue(helpitem, index, tokenrange)
440 def addforeignmoduletext(self, index, moduleitem):
441 """adds the foreign modules's text to the corresponding item in self"""
442 # the module item fields will already have been renamed, but not in the lookup dicts
443 tokenrange = index.getfieldtokenrange(moduleitem, "Name")
444 self.insertforeignvalue(moduleitem, index, tokenrange)
445 tokenrange = index.getfieldtokenrange(moduleitem, "Description")
446 self.insertforeignvalue(moduleitem, index, tokenrange)
448 def addforeignfile(self, index, fileentry, suffix):
449 """adds the foreign file entry and updates the modules list..."""
450 tokenrange = index.getsectiontokenrange(fileentry)
451 fileentrysection = index.definitions[fileentry]
452 # the file will already have been renamed by the index.renamedirectory
453 self.insertforeignsection(fileentry, fileentry + suffix, fileentrysection, index, tokenrange)
454 if fileentry in self.filemodules:
455 for modulename in self.filemodules[fileentry]:
456 self.addfiletomodule(modulename, fileentry + suffix, fileentry)
458 def addfiletomodule(self, modulename, fileentry, afterfileentry):
459 """adds the given fileentry to module modulename using the definition from the index"""
460 tokennum = self.getmoduleentrytokennum(modulename, afterfileentry)
461 dummysetuplines = ["Module %s" % modulename, " Files = (dummy, %s);" % fileentry, "End", ""]
462 dummyparser = SetupParser()
463 dummyparser.parse("\r\n".join(dummysetuplines))
464 dummytokennum = dummyparser.getmoduleentrytokennum(modulename, fileentry)
465 insertion = (dummyparser, (dummytokennum - 1, dummytokennum + 1))
466 if tokennum not in self.insertions:
467 self.insertions[tokennum] = [insertion]
468 else:
469 self.insertions[tokennum].append(insertion)
471 def renamedirectory(self, directory, newname, suffix):
472 self.rename(directory, newname)
473 if directory in self.directorychildren:
474 for child in self.directorychildren[directory]:
475 self.renamedirectory(child, child + suffix, suffix)
476 if directory in self.directoryfiles:
477 for fileentry in self.directoryfiles[directory]:
478 self.rename(fileentry, fileentry + suffix)
479 packedname = sparse.stringeval(self.getfieldvalue(fileentry, "PackedName", '""'))
480 if packedname:
481 self.setfieldvalue(fileentry, "PackedName", '"%s"' % (packedname+suffix))
483 def makepackedname(self, prefix, offset=1):
484 """finds a new packedname starting with prefix in the sequence"""
485 packednames = [self.getfieldvalue(fileentry, "PackedName", '""') for fileentry in self.bytype['File']]
486 packednames = map(sparse.stringeval, packednames)
487 packednames = [packedname.replace(prefix,"",1) for packedname in packednames if packedname.startswith(prefix)]
488 packednums = [filter(str.isdigit, packedname) for packedname in packednames]
489 formatstring = '%s%0' + str(max(map(len, packednums))) + 'd'
490 packednums = map(int, packednums)
491 return formatstring % (prefix, max(packednums)+offset)
493 def copyfiles(self, srcdirectory, destdirectory, onlychanged=0):
494 """copy all the [changed] files listed in this setup file from srcdirectory to destdirectory"""
495 for fileentry in self.bytype['File']:
496 fileentrysection = self.definitions[fileentry]
497 if 'PackedName' not in fileentrysection: continue
498 packedtokennum = self.getfieldtokennum(fileentry, "PackedName")
499 originalpackedname = sparse.stringeval(self.originaltokens[packedtokennum])
500 packedname = sparse.stringeval(self.tokens[packedtokennum])
501 if not onlychanged or packedname != originalpackedname:
502 srcfile = os.path.join(srcdirectory, originalpackedname)
503 destfile = os.path.join(destdirectory, packedname)
504 if packedname != originalpackedname:
505 print '%s -> %s' % (srcfile, destfile)
506 os.system('cp -p %s %s' % (srcfile, destfile))
507 for filename, packedname in self.manualfiles:
508 packedpath = os.path.join(destdirectory, packedname)
509 os.system('zip -j %s' % (packedpath, filename))
510 os.system('mv %s' % (packedpath, packedpath))
512 def adddesktopentries(self, desktopentries, outputdir):
513 """add desktop (menu) entries and icons for KDE and Gnome"""
514 # add desktop (menu) entries and icons for KDE
515 # icons require file icons/ooo_languageselector.png
516 if "gid_File_Extra_Kdeapplnk" in self.definitions:
517 self.addtozipfile(outputdir, "gid_File_Extra_Kdeapplnk", "languageselector.desktop", desktopentries["kde"])
518 if "gid_File_Extra_Kdeicons" in self.definitions and os.path.exists("icons/ooo_languageselector.png"):
519 os.system("for f in hicolor/{16x16,22x22,32x32,48x48} locolor/{16x16,22x22,32x32} ; do mkdir -p share/icons/$f/apps ; convert icons/ooo_languageselector.png -scale `basename $f` share/icons/$f/apps/ooo_languageselector.xpm ; done")
520 for scale in [16,22,32,48]:
521 xpmfilename = os.path.join("share", "icons", "hicolor", "%dx%d" % (scale, scale), "apps", "ooo_languageselector.xpm")
522 self.addtozipfile(outputdir, "gid_File_Extra_Kdeicons", xpmfilename)
523 for scale in [16,22,32]:
524 xpmfilename = os.path.join("share", "icons", "locolor", "%dx%d" % (scale, scale), "apps", "ooo_languageselector.xpm")
525 self.addtozipfile(outputdir, "gid_File_Extra_Kdeicons", xpmfilename)
526 # add desktop (menu) entries and icons for Gnome and Gnome2
527 if "gid_File_Extra_Gnome_Apps" in self.definitions:
528 ordercontents = self.readfromzipfile("gid_File_Extra_Gnome_Apps", ".order")
529 ordercontents += "languageselector.desktop\n"
530 self.addtozipfile(outputdir, "gid_File_Extra_Gnome_Apps", "languageselector.desktop", desktopentries["gnome"])
531 self.addtozipfile(outputdir, "gid_File_Extra_Gnome_Apps", ".order", ordercontents)
532 if "gid_File_Extra_Gnome_Icons" in self.definitions and os.path.exists("icons/ooo_languageselector.png"):
533 self.addtozipfile(outputdir, "gid_File_Extra_Gnome_Icons", "icons/ooo_languageselector.png")
534 if "gid_File_Extra_Gnome2_Apps" in self.definitions:
535 self.addtozipfile(outputdir, "gid_File_Extra_Gnome2_Apps", "ooo645_languageselector.desktop", desktopentries["gnome2"])
537 setuplaunchscript = """#!/bin/bash
538 # this is a script to launch setup in the appropriate language
539 # name it setup-nn where nn is the ISO code for the language
540 scriptpath=$0
541 setupdir=`dirname $0`
542 scriptname=`basename $0`
543 LANG=${scriptname/setup-/}
547 $setupdir/setup
550 desktopentries = {
551 "kde" :
552 """[Desktop Entry]
553 Version=0.92
554 Encoding=UTF-8
555 MultipleArgs=false
556 Terminal=0
557 Icon=ooo_languageselector.xpm
558 Exec="<progpath_utf8>/program/ooswitchlang"
559 Type=Application
560 Name=<productname> Language Selector
561 Name[en]=<productname> Language Selector
562 """,
563 "gnome" :
564 """[Desktop Entry]
565 Version=0.92
566 Encoding=Legacy-Mixed
567 Name=<singleproductname> Language Selector
568 Name[en]=<singleproductname> Language Selector
569 MultipleArgs=false
570 Terminal=false
571 Icon=<progpath>/share/icons/ooo_languageselector.png
572 Exec=<progpath>/program/ooswitchlang
573 Type=Application
574 """,
575 "gnome2":
576 """[Desktop Entry]
577 Version=1.0
578 Encoding=UTF-8
579 Terminal=false
580 Categories=Application;Office;
581 Icon=<progpath>/share/icons/ooo_languageselector.png
582 Exec=<progpath_utf8>/program/ooswitchlang
583 Type=Application
584 Name=<productname> Language Selector
585 StartupNotify=false
586 Name[en]=<productname> Language Selector
590 if __name__ == '__main__':
591 try:
592 import psyco
593 psyco.full()
594 except:
595 pass
596 import optparse
597 setupfiles = {}
598 optparser = optparse.OptionParser(version="%prog "+__version__.ver, description=__doc__)
599 optparser.set_usage("%prog maindir [--switchlangexe ooswitchlang.exe] [otherdirs] outputdir")
600 optparser.add_option("", "--switchlangexe", dest="switchlangexe", default=None,
601 help="add SWITCHLANGEXE to program", metavar="SWITCHLANGEXE")
602 options, args = optparser.parse_args()
603 if len(args) < 2:
604 optparser.error("need at least one inputdir and an outputdir")
605 maindir = args[0]
606 otherdirs = args[1:-1]
607 outputdir = args[-1]
608 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(maindir, 'setup.ins')):
609 setupname = 'setup.ins'
610 elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(maindir, 'setup.inf')):
611 setupname = 'setup.inf'
612 else:
613 print >>sys.stderr, "could not find setup.ins or setup.inf in main input directory %s" % maindir
614 sys.exit()
615 mainsetupfile = SetupIndex(os.path.join(maindir, setupname))
616 othersetupfiles = []
617 for otherdir in otherdirs:
618 othersetupfiles.append(SetupIndex(os.path.join(otherdir, setupname)))
619 mainsetupfile.merge(othersetupfiles)
620 if options.switchlangexe is not None:
621 packedname = mainsetupfile.makepackedname("f_")
622 mainsetupfile.addmanualfile("gid_File_Bin_Switchlang", options.switchlangexe, packedname, "gid_File_Bin_Setofficelang")
623 if "gid_Folderitem_Opendocument" in mainsetupfile.definitions:
624 mainsetupfile.addmanualshortcut("gid_Folderitem_Switchlang", "gid_File_Bin_Switchlang", 0, "gid_Folderitem_Opendocument")
625 if not os.path.isdir(outputdir):
626 os.mkdir(outputdir)
627 mainsetupfile.copyfiles(maindir, outputdir)
628 if options.switchlangexe is not None:
629 mainsetupfile.adddesktopentries(desktopentries, outputdir)
630 open(os.path.join(outputdir, setupname), 'w').write(mainsetupfile.getsource())
631 for dirnum in range(len(otherdirs)):
632 otherdir = otherdirs[dirnum]
633 othersetupfile = othersetupfiles[dirnum]
634 othersetupfile.copyfiles(otherdir, outputdir, 1)
635 # copy other unmodified files
636 for filename in os.listdir(maindir):
637 checkname = filename.lower()
638 if checkname.startswith('f') or checkname == setupname:
639 continue
640 srcfile = os.path.join(maindir, filename)
641 destfile = os.path.join(outputdir, filename)
642 print '%s -> %s' % (srcfile, destfile)
643 os.system('cp -p %s %s' % (srcfile, destfile))
644 # also copy the following files to language-specific names
645 if checkname.startswith("readme") or checkname.startswith("license") or checkname.endswith("html"):
646 extpos = filename.rfind(os.extsep)
647 if extpos == -1:
648 destname = filename + "-" + mainsetupfile.isocode
649 else:
650 destname = filename[:extpos] + "-" + mainsetupfile.isocode + filename[extpos:]
651 destfile = os.path.join(outputdir, destname)
652 print '%s -> %s' % (srcfile, destfile)
653 os.system('cp -p %s %s' % (srcfile, destfile))
654 for dirnum in range(len(otherdirs)):
655 otherdir = otherdirs[dirnum]
656 setupfile = othersetupfiles[dirnum]
657 for filename in os.listdir(otherdir):
658 checkname = filename.lower()
659 if checkname.startswith('f') or checkname == setupname:
660 continue
661 # we want readmes in every language...
662 if checkname.startswith("readme") or checkname.startswith("license") or checkname.endswith("html"):
663 srcfile = os.path.join(otherdir, filename)
664 extpos = filename.rfind(os.extsep)
665 if extpos == -1:
666 destname = filename + "-" + setupfile.isocode
667 else:
668 destname = filename[:extpos] + "-" + setupfile.isocode + filename[extpos:]
669 destfile = os.path.join(outputdir, destname)
670 print '%s -> %s' % (srcfile, destfile)
671 os.system('cp -p %s %s' % (srcfile, destfile))
672 # on posix, create setup-lang scripts
673 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(outputdir, "setup")):
674 for setupfile in [mainsetupfile] + othersetupfiles:
675 destfile = os.path.join(outputdir, "setup-%s" % setupfile.isocode)
676 open(destfile, 'w').write(setuplaunchscript)
677 os.system('chmod a+x %s' % destfile)